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Messages - Chabo

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 9
Off Topic / Re: Good games that my computer can run?
« on: April 10, 2010, 09:46:27 AM »
I would class running a game as anything above 1024 ress and doesn't give you 5fps.

L4D/2 is not one of those games you could possibly. "run"

Off Topic / Re: New computer
« on: April 03, 2010, 08:57:38 PM »
You should also think about what games you regularly play that make use of graphics ect.

With new games now, it's becomming more focused on good cpus now.

Off Topic / Re: My snake is bleeding!
« on: February 18, 2010, 11:25:47 PM »
This must be a troll. What type of person tells a whole internet community that he stuck his snake in a "tuna jar" and made a deep cut. Seriously... :s

Off Topic / Re: Post your C&C pics.
« on: January 08, 2010, 06:14:38 PM »
My friend friendly nuked my angry mob :(

Off Topic / Re: New computer.
« on: January 08, 2010, 12:35:45 PM »
No what i'm saying is that you used to be able to use an ATI card for graphic renders then use a Nvidia card to handle PhysX. But the new geforce drivers for it disables the feature if it detects a card that's not made by the company.


Off Topic / Re: New computer.
« on: January 08, 2010, 12:16:24 PM »
GTX295 is pointless.

Who remembers that the new geforce drivers disable physx if you have a card that's not made by nvid. Eg that nice ati card over there.

Off Topic / Re: who do you think has the best avatar picture
« on: December 31, 2009, 02:58:02 PM »
Oh hi my profile was linked, thanks. I don't even know where I found this avatar. <_<;;

Off Topic / Re: Building PC
« on: December 10, 2009, 02:26:34 AM »
Once Nvidia release their gt300 lineup the ati cards should go down in price by the time you buy your pc.

On source engine when it's parsing game info it takes a while because it's loading the map resources. It takes even longer on tf2 because there are loads of it.

And don't worry I don't need a guest pass. I have two myself and an extra 3 tf2 acounts. I'm sure there is someone here with a bigger use for it than me.

"Right click TF2 and go to Properties > Launch Option"
-windowed - w 800 -h 600

try that, maybe your full screen is weird.

Off Topic / Re: My dad must be really loving desperate
« on: November 20, 2009, 08:45:06 PM »
If you look at research, why can't your dad. I'm pretty sure if any of you guys were in a relationship, you would still look at research. :o

Off Topic / Re: Computer broken
« on: November 20, 2009, 08:42:58 PM »
I don't understand why people post  "Omg pc broke, posting from xxx" threads.

Try loading in window mode and see what happens.

Off Topic / Re: Look at my Windows 7 clone! :3
« on: October 23, 2009, 03:34:30 PM »

This could suck. 16 year olds are superior to 14 year olds? Since when...?

And does chaos actually HAVE w7? or is he just COMPLAINING?

Haha what? I never said I was superior, don't get that idea, i'm simply doubtful that someone that age would have a copy of W7.

I like how you are comparing the post counts. I hope you are not the type of person that respects people based on the post count..

Off Topic / Re: Look at my Windows 7 clone! :3
« on: October 23, 2009, 12:20:57 PM »
I got W7 Ultimate.
Yay me.

You're profile says you are 14 and you are on Ultimate?

What are the chances that you diddn't buy it yourself and that you are on a naughty copy.

Also "lookalike" mods are a waste of time, they are made to look like the next OS but probably use more resources. You are just better off buying the next OS it is worth getting compared to vista.

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