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Messages - Pengie

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 264
are people actually worried about this

Nah, I've been personally threatened several times and nothing's happened. I'm so disappointed :(

Is stuff going down again?

I'll give you the benefit of a doubt that you haven't read the topic past the OP. This guy is impersonating Pengie. She's already kinda dealt with him so

Apparently most people either don't realise that he's impersonating me or don't care and will continue to indirectly insult me anyway even though I have literally done nothing.


To clear things up KelBlock had my permission to pretend to be me here.

Also this fake Nalenthi Velia guy is really starting to creep me out. Being serious, he's harassing a 15 year old girl on the internet.

niff is talking with the guy right now


Everybody, fake Nalenthi Velia is online! Please mess with the bastard.

If you're going to threaten someone, choose a better name than Nalenthi Velia ffs

Well I don't use it to threaten people so that's okay.

Nalenthi Velia, what a stupid name.

such a threatening and scary name

Why's errbody bashin on the name he stole from me? :(

has no one noticed

Dear god read the first god damn page. I'm Nalenthi, this person is impersonating me as Nalenthi Velia. My steam profile is Nalenthi.

Imposter Nalenthi has been offline for a while.

Impostor Nalenthi said "I'm going to my main now" then went to the DeLiGiT account. Pretty sure they're the same person.



>implying that not accusing anyone will get us somewhere

I said not accusing people with no basis, you got some ideas, go ahead and accuse them.

Hidden motives?
We can't just rule out those who seem innocent.

You also can't accuse them with no real basis. Well you can, but it won't get you anywhere.

Would someone be kind enough to send me the IRC details?

He sounded so desperate. I think he realises no one's scared of him.

Any of the people who were told the channel location is fair game for being a big enough loser to impersonate a loser. My money's on Shy, because yeah.

Well I'm eliminated as a suspect since I wasn't told. Hooray.

"Hello, police? Someone on the internet is being rowdy, go to their house and shove your nightstick up their ass!"

They're sending pizzas to his house and stuff. It's not just being rowdy.

forget it, I'm taking legal action

Do it!

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