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Messages - Titanium

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 77
General Discussion / Re: New Years 2021? What happenin'?
« on: January 01, 2021, 11:29:30 PM »
For those unfamiliar since I don't really post anymore, I am Nooblet 2.0.  Image dump inbound.  They are large images for the sake of recognizing player names.  Sorry for page stretch.

Don't let the emptiness of the first few images fool you - there were ~120 players at the server's height.  It's a huge build so it was difficult to capture players at times.  I know some of you have 'em!

A big thanks to Pecon and Conan for hosting this again (one last time?).  I am honored to have been in the final group photo despite somehow missing it in previous years.  I have been here for over 11 years.  That's enough Blockland for one life time - most of my friends are long gone, the player count is dwindling, and it's time to move on.  I will never forget all of you or this place and have had so much fun in the time spent.  I have made memories I will always cherish and will carry with me until the end of my days.  Good luck to each of you.  Maybe I will see you next NYE.  At the risk of sounding cliche, "See you space cowboy."

General Discussion / Re: New Years 2021? What happenin'?
« on: January 01, 2021, 01:20:07 AM »
I will upload what screenshots I have in the morning.

General Discussion / Re: New Years 2021? What happenin'?
« on: December 28, 2020, 11:30:18 PM »
who said I was hosting this year? I'm hosting for my group, didn't think there'd be harm doing that.

Probably for the best.

We really need it this year, more than ever. We need to show that there are lots of people that still play this game.

Agree.  But let's be honest this will be the last New Years BL sees.  At its current rate of player base attrition BL will have something on the order of 5-10 total active players leading into 2022. 

From now on, if not already, it will be a niche/extremely-selective-playerbase piece of software.  Come January 1st, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Badspot shutdown the master server entirely.  At this point I would almost welcome the notion...give BL a defined, semi-dignified death instead of a slow, embarrassing bleed out.

General Discussion / Re: New Years 2021? What happenin'?
« on: December 26, 2020, 11:20:27 PM »
we’re rehosting last years new years with some build modifications and stuff. we probably wont hit 124-126 players again due to steam only, but we’ll see

Any relation to the passworded thing Gautier's been hosing on/off these past few days?

Development / Re: 2020/05/20 - Blockland r2023-r2024
« on: May 21, 2020, 06:46:09 AM »
Steam linking worked as advertised.  Logged on via standalone version with Steam open in background, no problems.

Pecon pls host Technic FW.  I've been dying to see it.

Development / Re: 2020/05/03 - Blockland r2005-r2012
« on: May 18, 2020, 09:44:42 AM »
So redeeming a steam copy from an original key is still indefinitely disabled?

It would seem so.  I'm waiting for the same thing.  Haven't been able to use BL in weeks now since I never linked it with Steam.

This is definitely not supposed to happen. I can restore a backup of your profile if you would like.

That would actually be wonderful.  Anytime before 6:00 AM EST, Sunday, 01 December should do it.

I appreciate the understanding.

I was gonna put instructions on fixing that here but cloudflare blocks me from posting any sql statements. See discord.

edit in case anyone else really wants this fix but you need to note this is custom tailored to this specific file


No such luck, I'm afraid.

Thanks anyways.

Edit: I deleted cache.db, logged onto the server, and all of my items were deleted as a result of the crash.  Every single one, not just all but my 2nd most valuable item.  Why are items deleted as a form of punishment for disconnecting from the server outside of town?  To prevent players fleecing out of PvP?  Imo, that is so uncommon it doesn't even merit such a mechanic - most of the time it's players crashing anyways.

I love the server, but that mechanic discourages players from leaving the town for fear of a (Mis) or datablock error forcing a crash and losing everything.  I've heard them say as much.

Please help.  Spontaneous critical error which forced a crash outside of town.

I am now unable to join either server due to this error.  How can I prevent it?

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Six years...
« on: November 09, 2017, 11:34:37 AM »
Someone please post pictures of the last few rounds.

I'm unable to connect to the master server because foreign country.  I will truly miss this server.

Modification Help / Re: T+T1/2/skins/whatever Negative Ammo Quantity
« on: December 23, 2016, 01:36:22 PM »

I've narrowed it down.  After searching through old threads, I now have "weapon_gun," "emote_critical," and RTB enabled.  The ammo is now in positive territory.

Now the problem which exists is that some guns have limited ammo, accompanied by the text, and some have infinite ammo with no text and no need to reload.  Example: "weapon_magnum," "weapon_lightMG," etc.  It has the ability to fire indefinitely while others do not.  I know at this point most folks are saying "geeze dude just be happy with what you've got."  It just looks kinda sloppy, sorry.

I re-downloaded all of T+T from DAPRog's RTB, but I've gathered those versions might be incomplete or outdated.  Bushido's mega-thread leads to a download link for .rar's which are dead links.  I can't find any other download sites for T+T.  Anyone know of a location for a good download?

Modification Help / T+T1/2/skins/whatever Negative Ammo Quantity
« on: December 22, 2016, 10:29:41 PM »
My version of Tier Tactical appears to have malfunctioned recently. 

Whenever I host a server and fire a weapon which uses Bushido's ammo system (Frog's Weapons included), the quantity appears to start at 0 and count into negative integers, effectively making my ammo supply last forever.    I don't want this.  My ammo preferences in the Admin Menu have not been edited and are still default.

Anyone else experience this?  Any fixes?

Add-Ons / Re: Procedural Terrain Generator (Features Tutorial Added!)
« on: December 21, 2016, 11:53:20 PM »
Bump to keep alive!

Thanks for all your hard work on this Ghost.

General Discussion / Re: Tezuni's City RPG
« on: August 25, 2015, 10:47:30 PM »
Nooblet 2.0's drug raid

not my drugs how will i feed my famly now

General Discussion / Re: Tezuni's City RPG
« on: August 09, 2015, 01:54:39 AM »
Great going Tezuni!

I get banned for this reason!

also its permanent!

You joined the server and immediately fired off with "Great.  Another Tezuni server with his gay admins."

You were promptly banned.  You got what you wanted.  Great job.

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