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Messages - Ministry

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Why must ppl cap the "S".    -_-

Where are you guys. Nobody has been on the server in days.

Are you my pal Danny?
You disappoint me Danny.

This isn't the first time people know my first name. I'm confused.

Well anyone who is dumb enough to buy a key for $400 is as dumb as the seller.

Sylv has been quiet, I wonder of Baddy took any action yet

Not yet.

Still have no idea who that is.

I will just start this off by pointing out how hilarious it is that you people discussed the Diggy impersonating stuff again. Especially Pass, who was the lead detective to get Sylvanor framed for the stuff haha. Just as Pass said in this post: There is a drama about sylvanor being accused of owning Diggy's key, but the thing Pass forgot to tell in this thread was that he completely lost the drama haha. Both Trinick and Facechild confirmed by contacting Diggy by text and fb that he is back thus proving that sylvanor got no stuff to do with his key, furthermore proving that Ministry got no stuff clue about any keys and obviously make things up for no apparent reason or hallucinate. The only proof of this incident is Pass saying "Ministry and Diggy are friends". Whereas Trinick got solid proof he's been in touch with diggy. Ministry has not.



I'm sure you were in C at one point. Anyway Not sure why I have to repeat this again. 775 belonged to me. As I haven't played this game in years and heard somebody wanted some low ID keys. I thought hey why not. None of the people that use my keys play anymore, to my knowledge.

Not sure what kind of mentally handicapped fruitcake you are. But 775 was mine. I still have the original key.

I have no idea who Trinick is. So not sure what kind of viable proof that is, Never heard of him. And I haven't spoken to Facechild in years. Me and Diggy used to be friends. I haven't been in contact with him for years either.

Before trying to spout absolute stuff about me. Please just try and ask me first rather than sounding like a moron.

If it gets all your drama engines running smoothly. I can post proof about the 775 Key if you wish.

"Yea I think so" is hardly proof. Ministry never had 775. Also, some evidence to back up my claims that it was very likely 165.

Just to get you to stop posting rubbish. 165 was Diggy's original ID, Before I was in USSR. Shortly after I joined USSR something happened with a bunch of keys that were all bought by Wizard. Our USSR Server Host. All of those keys were revoked. As I had built a friendship with the majority of the USSR members, I felt obligated to let him use one of my many keys that I bought. 775 Was one of these keys. I am and have always been the original owner of 775.

Any evidence you think you may have is incorrect.

Not even sure what is going on. But anything Pass has said. I've said, is true.

Games / Re: Let's Derp
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:17:23 PM »

Perhaps i will Skype with you for this.

Games / Re: Terraria - Jaydee's Tinsel Town server
« on: May 25, 2011, 10:11:47 AM »
also extract into the terraria folder

Ah thankyou. what directory?

I got it

The ports on it are still set to 31337.

>Gets bug that causes slow motion ingame
>Doesn't play untill patch

This is fixed by Frame-Skip. Which is now automatically enabled.

Selling cobalt breastplate.

What do you want for it?


Is ministry's server down for anybody else?

Yes it is, sorry. give me a moment. is the new ip, password is the same.

ministry did you see the new base c:?

Not yet mate, ill look when i get a chance, quite busy :c

Oh you. Annoyance.

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