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Messages - Deoxys And One Noob

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 163
Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: February 02, 2017, 06:39:02 PM »
Graf heads over to the ready room.

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: January 31, 2017, 04:26:41 PM »
Cualli looks somewhat reassured by Elu's signal.

"Sorry," she says, turning to Gaffe. "I got completely sidetracked there. I'm Cualli, one of the lucky people who gets to fix whatever you guys break out there."

"Good to meet you. Hilbert Graf, the newbie around here."

"Hey, Hilbert."

Gus beckons towards Graf.

"Can you read this? Not sure what to make of it."

Graf reads the pad, but it's nearly unrecognizable to his ears

"Gadrauhts Bi Makhana... this doesn't sound like anything I know. It's probably Old Gothic or something like that - you'd have to consult someone nerdy enough to know it. Or whoever gave you this."

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: January 29, 2017, 05:52:28 PM »
Graf translates Tippy's words into Gothic for the cadet, and turns to meet Cualli.

"Yeah, as Gus said, I'm kind of new here. Good to meet you, ma'am. What's your name?"

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: January 29, 2017, 03:41:12 PM »
The pilot doesn't understand your signal.

Graf decides to use his Gothic knowledge to brief the pilot.

[Take off your helmet.]

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: January 29, 2017, 09:48:52 AM »
Graf notices the new face on board
"...who's this guy?"

He takes a closer look at notices his rank of Cadet, as well as the Imperial flight suit.

"Where'd you get this kid from?"

The U.S. holds the First International Conference of American States, or the Pan-American Conference, as a way of pushing diplomacy between American states, as well as discussing trade deals, lower tariffs, and defensive pacts. The U.S. vows to protect American states from European powers, looking to open South American markets to the United States and promote US leadership.

All countries in the Americas are invited.

Argentina attends, wanting to mend relations with the US.

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: January 28, 2017, 09:59:42 AM »
Graf communicates to the squad over radio.

"This is Hilbert Graf, I hear the VTOL from here. On my way."

He runs towards the VTOL, zig-zagging around and ducking his head to avoid any sniper that might want to take a shot of him as he runs.

i finally have time from school

Argentina looks anxiously at Mexico and request alliances with Venezuela, Bolivia, Chile, and Ecuador in the interest of common South American defense.

Argentina requests an alliance with the Spanish Empire, Bolivia, and Chile.

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: January 22, 2017, 12:39:36 PM »
Graf hears the shooting and tries to judge the direction it's coming from. He decides to try the buildings to see if they are unlocked.

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: January 21, 2017, 03:51:46 PM »
Graf hits the ground and checks his surroundings.

Argentina requests an alliance with the Spanish Empire, Bolivia, and Chile.

Argentina now tries to smuggle arms through the Caribbean to try and supply the Confederates and outmaneuver the blockade. A new domestic rifle begins to enter production and is equipped in some army units.

Argentina decides to improve relationships with Bolivia, Chile, Venezuela, and the Spanish Empire by setting up embassies in their capitals.

Argentina decides to send arms to the CSA, hoping to get some arms to the rebels before the US completely establishes a naval blockade.

A call for loyal patriots willing to volunteer to fight for the Confederates begins in all major cities.

(Jairo, do I determine the number of volunteers or do you?)

The government decides to improve relations with Bolivia and Chile, and wishes for trade of resources.

osht i thought the csa brushed the offer aside


jokes on you, usa???

forget i actually have to think about what i did

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