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Messages - Manotor

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Drama / Re: Mr. 007-What the hell?
« on: September 12, 2013, 10:12:18 PM »
This is exactly why I stopped playing Blockland a while ago. People are going full handicap, the community is basically stuff, and the servers aren't as unique as they were back then.

User was banned for this post

Okay, can we please stop this. It's getting nowhere. Hopefully, Badspot and Ephi don't ban us for doing this.

That was mine. Big's right, it was mine. You're not wrenching the right one. It wasn't in your house either.

Here you go, sirs.
Still don't see where I say "I'm building richards on your house!" Instead, I said "Why not make little ones." That shows no proof that I said that I built one on your house or near one.

You're acting like it was 2 goddamn 16x16 blocks high. It was only about 3-4 plates high, not even enough to block the entrance to your dome. Brad's the one who should be getting most of this stuff.

Big and me didn't do stuff. We simply built something that was outside of his gigantic lord of domes. It was not outside of his house. Now the one who actually blocked his door was Brad. Me and Big deleted are bricks shortly after it was going too far.

The vote's results are in! Which means, we're restarting everyone's builds! Server should be up right now!

Help / Re: Stuck on Key Authenticating?
« on: August 07, 2013, 03:05:54 AM »
Are you behind a proxy server? Use this website to check, and give us the results.

It said I'm not.

Help / Re: Stuck on Key Authenticating?
« on: August 06, 2013, 06:33:58 PM »
Alright, here's the console.log.

Help / Lost my key and don't have access to email
« on: August 06, 2013, 06:32:13 PM »
Hello! Well, this happened like a year ago and I'm questioning about it now, but who cares. Anyways, what happened first was my laptop which originally had the key on it got a virus and when some people fixed it, all my memory was soon lost. I tried recovering my key from my email but I couldn't access my email. I called Yahoo and they told me to pay like 100$ or some stuff to get access to it. I'm not paying 100$ just to get my email back. Soo..I don't know what to do. I don't think I have the credit card which I bought the key on considering I closed most of my credit cards. Anything I could do? The keys ID was 7101. Yes, I am Xanner, who gives a stuff.

That was a great game, until Revol refused to play. Revoltech and Cromedome were better than I thought, they could actually make shots. The finals is going to be great! See you there Pablo and Dwyane!

Good game, WALDO. I apologize for being a complete dumbass last time. And sorry to you too, Ravencroft.

Help / Stuck on Key Authenticating?
« on: August 05, 2013, 12:45:26 AM »
Hello! Here's the problem. Whenever I enter ANY key, and I mean ANY, it gets stuck on authenticating key.  This happened before summer and it's been like this forever. I tried re-installing Blockland and it didn't work. I used my friends key and the same problem. I did everything I could but nothing worked. Any help, please?

General Discussion / Re: What considers someone a "famous blocklander"?
« on: August 05, 2013, 12:32:50 AM »
Honestly, you've got to have no life if you try and be famous on a kids game where you build bricks. I mean, come one, seriously?

Drama / Re: arbys (BL_ID 35487) - Using Computermix's hacks.
« on: August 01, 2013, 08:23:37 PM »
You'll have to define what a "mod" is, because a "hack" is basically doing exactly that, modifying the game

how is a ddos attack a hack
His words not mine, just helping you guys clarify stuff best I can.

Drama / Re: arbys (BL_ID 35487) - Using Computermix's hacks.
« on: August 01, 2013, 08:13:16 PM »
ontopic: I saw him saying something about dox and ddos.
He said that doxing and ddos are hacking and computermixes hacks weren't really hacks instead mods.

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