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Messages - Car Selling Pyro

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General Discussion / Re: Should you release your private addons??
« on: May 18, 2021, 01:57:35 AM »
That menu stuff would honestly be helpful

heavily wip and only meant for 1920x1080. i cheesed it the position and extent without regard for resolution scaling. i think $pref::video:resolution is how you pull up the client resolution, and then some ratio work from there if you want to scale it

some old guide or looking at the default guis in mission editor would give you a better understanding on how to do things proper

you telling me a car sold that pyro?

General Discussion / Re: Should you release your private addons??
« on: May 17, 2021, 04:08:06 AM »
i feel incredibly guilty for not at least sharing abandoned projects i thought had potential despite having a resentment toward private add-ons

here's really the only "finished" add-on i made for whatever this was

be warned, the code is horrendously ambitious, i wouldn't try it outside of a singleplayer gamemode

Games / Re: is EDF 5 coming to PC?
« on: March 16, 2019, 02:25:08 PM »

Games / Re: is EDF 5 coming to PC?
« on: March 16, 2019, 02:16:18 PM »

nothing has been said yet, but edf 4.1 dropped on steam with like a week's notice

if it doesn't drop by august we should be concerned, which is a shame since it sold very well on PC

Suggestions & Requests / Re: event that changes skyboxes?
« on: December 24, 2018, 02:20:19 AM »
I'm pretty sure that version of Event_EnvControl is broken, and doesn't work anymore. Headcrab Zombie released a fixed version in 2016, but that dropbox link gives a 404 as well. Does anyone have a copy of the latest working version from this thread?

General Discussion / Re: cool blockland videos: a series about video-making
« on: September 20, 2018, 04:04:32 PM »
good videos, thanks for the shoutout to my add-on

the baseball bat? the one from this?

i never noticed it lets you double jump when you have it out

you can just rip out the player_doublejump.cs file from it, you need pushbroom on the server for it to work

Add-Ons / Re: New PathCam + Events
« on: August 07, 2018, 11:30:19 PM »
If the control object is a player you could use "%player.getEyePoint();" to get a more accurate reading for the position.
%player.getEyeVector(); gets the direction the player's camera is facing, but I don't know how to turn that vector into axis-angle rotation, so I'm not sure how helpful that one is.
the /whereami thing is just a quick tool for helping find what to put in the newknot field, you shouldn't need to use it unless you have orb privileges

my main priority is figuring how to make players move while in pathcamera, SetCameraBrick's trick doesn't do it

also figuring out the marker system in the quick reference would be nice

Add-Ons / New PathCam + Events
« on: August 06, 2018, 07:07:08 PM »
New PathCam + Events

Example Video

My take on the PathCam script from Lilboarder, I borrowed some (a lot of) code but the fundamentals are different
Recommended for gamemodes and filming, I have no clue how this will run on a public freebuild
Incompatible with the old PathCam Script and Events, enabling any of those will break everything

Includes events (Self / Minigame)

   Creates a knot with respect to position, speed, type, and path
   *Engine limitation of 20 knots, I didn't add a way to count them

   Resets or clears all knot in the path

   Puts your camera on the starting node
   The first time this is used from a created pathcam, there will be a delay of 2-4 seconds and may break your camera if you use PathCamEnd too fast
   In the case it does, use /fixpathcam

   Starts PathCam movement from node to node

   Stops PathCam movement

   Ends Pathcam and puts your camera back on the player

New features

   Package to create the PathCam object upon your first spawn
   Instantaneous Pathcam movement (No 3 second countdown)
   Simultaneous path switching (Cutting from one shot to the other)
   /whereami to find the exact position of your camera (Use the orb)
   *Players cannot move or walk while in PathCamera, I will try to update this in the future


I will try to have a video up on Wednesday, but if someone else beats me to it I'll put their video on the OP

Anyway, here's a written explanation

   1. PathCam_Reset to reset all nodes (the first thing you want to do)
   2. Add nodes with PathCam_NewKnot
   Format: [Position/Direction] [Speed] [Smoothing Type] [Type]
   Example: [15 15 15 0 0 1 1] [2] [Normal] [Linear]
   Use /whereami to find the exact position, use admin orb for better results
   Each time it is called, a new node will be made

   3. PathCam_Start to start up the camera

   4. PathCam_Go to begin the camera movement

   5. Delay PathCam_End to put the camera on your player
       If you forget to and the camera gets stuck, use /fixpathcam

   For simultaneous cut shots

      1. End
      2. Reset
      3. Add knot
      4. Start
      5. Go
   All in that order, on the same delay (e.g. 10000ms)
   May not work as intended on complex paths

Here's an example .bls save file if you want to see the events work hands-on

I never had the chance to stress test it, the most I've gotten on the test server was 3 players, so use it wisely

Report any bugs or suggestions

Download Here

Change log:

v0.0.2 - Changed from Node to Knot (correct terminology), used the fourth output slot for separating smoothing types from path types
v0.0.1 - Release

Credit to Lilboarder and Space Guy

the golden wrench campaign from kobble has changearea and loadingfreeze events that do this, use the gamemode.cs file

you might want to play the campaign first and learn how it works in custom

it uses zones instead of clickable activation which can feel erratic, i would recommend using them one build at a time instead of hallway transitions

also loadingfreeze doesn't literally stop the game, it just holds the last frame of your screen for 5 seconds, meaning anything can happen to your character during those 5 seconds

Off Topic / Re: slayer or pantera
« on: June 09, 2018, 05:47:46 PM »
i'll pick thrash over groove anyday but pantera is still really good

metallica > slayer > anthrax > megadeth

General Discussion / Re: Servers You Miss
« on: June 04, 2018, 03:18:40 AM »
My own.
its been 3 years since my survive the disasters game lmao

General Discussion / Re: cursed blockland screenshots
« on: May 27, 2018, 06:14:24 AM »
[im g][/img]

Suggestions & Requests / an updated pathcamera mod
« on: May 27, 2018, 06:03:46 AM »
this is modification discussion tier discourse, but it's overall a request.

i and a few others have been trying to tame this long-forgotten piece of stuff for over a year straight, with no avail. it's old, clunky, and returns errors frequently. hopefully this mod isn't the extent of how far pathcamera can go.

running paths usually takes a long while to load for the first time unless the math is short (slayer's spectator camera), which is understandable for what engine we're on. a nice trick i've found is that after that first pathcamera run though, it runs instantly as long as you're running the path that has already been loaded. i'm relatively sure only the latest path is instantly loaded, meaning you can't have multiple paths "saved" at one time, at least not with this mod.

what i would like is this trick to simulate, generate, or preload the first runthrough of the path while the control object is still on the player. this way, the camera will run synchronously with other events/occasions on the server when it is used the second time. 

the "current" pathcam has a scheduled 3 second delay for loading the path, but that still sets the control object to the pathcam object instantly. if you try to work around this and use setcontrolobject at the same time as setstate (or just try to cheat it in general), the camera will still load in and snap to the pathcamera object after a few seconds, but the pathcamera has already been moving to the node for a varied amount of time.

i've been on-and-off trying to get this to work for well over a year now. the paths will not fully load for me unless the client control object is on the pathcam object. even if you set it onto the object and back on yourself, the object doesn't do a run-through by itself.

if anyone can get this "preloading" concept working, it would be a lifesaver for campaigns and gamemodes in general. this could potentially mean multiple pathcam objects in tandem with each other for some really cool camera effects. even the ts reference says it's used for cutscenes and in-game movies, which shouldn't have these limits.

Add-Ons / Re: Event_SetBotName
« on: May 20, 2018, 06:02:18 PM »
Pretty sure this work around involved constantly updating the position of the shape-name on a schedule loop, which looked really choppy and ugly

OP's add-on uses the default (but protected) functionality that gives players their names
christ i never saw that schedule loop line until now

all the more reason to use it then

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