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Messages - Psych36

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Drama / Re: ThickDiggerNick (blid: 20201) using aimbot
« on: June 25, 2018, 11:55:31 AM »
Yep, witnessed this bullstuff first hand through spectator mode. He amassed a total of 2 million paperbags and won pretty much every tournament because he was locking on people and prefiring before they even peeked.

its offputting that you're coming at me over a joke

"it was just a prank bro XD"

once again half of those images are me betting on someone who ends up winning. the other half is the same accusation that i was seriously throwing against my fight against nul (i wasnt) and anyone spectating can see i was battering him to almost the last loving health bar

entity basically bet on someone who had beaten me almost 10 times in a row before with the same loadout and lo and behold i lost again and this time he shared the funds with me. i gave him 75% of the funds back and i can give him the unusuals too if that will dispel your ill thoughts that i was somehow willingly collaborating with him

stop trying to start all this loving unnecessary drama. its obvious i wasnt throwing

I was going to let this go, but the fact that you're doubling down and being an unapologetic starfish instead of just confessing your guilt and apologizing is off putting.

You're gonna sit here and tell me that after this and you losing the round that you were "obviously" not throwing. At the very least you are highly suspicious, your lack of guilt is not obvious at all.

And if the admins wanna corroborate this story they can go ahead and check the chat logs, both of them profitted off the act and were openly discussing throwing.

Not surprised, but regardless it is obvious Phanto is throwing. I've taken the liberty of compiling the images of him and entity throwing.

Phanto is not some unwilling accomplice like he claims, he was in on it.

Just let Gy and Charles read through the chatlogs and all this will be sorted out. Both of you have nothing to lose, right?

Games / Re: RuneScape Megathread ~ blockland discord
« on: August 28, 2016, 02:06:49 PM »
whats the best f2p way to gain $$$$$$?
i spent 3 hours making chocolate dust but that was so boring egdniszuofbn lazk

lol i used to telegrab so many jugs of zamorakian wine then i bought a bond. Once u get that bond it will all be worth it it's quite easy to make money

Off Topic / Re: Christianity Megathread
« on: August 27, 2016, 10:13:11 PM »
religion on the internet in 2016? LUL

Drama / Re: Bisjac and his borderline bestiality gif
« on: August 09, 2016, 11:07:55 AM »
we all know that by now, dipstuff. that fact doesn't make this drama any less justified

User was banned for this post

oh noes ;(

Drama / Re: Bisjac and his borderline bestiality gif
« on: August 08, 2016, 11:30:10 PM »
Uh, no it wasn't.  That isn't what ad hominem is, either.  You implied that what that girl was doing wasn't all that bad, like it's normal, which it isn't.  Once again, you're a handicap.

Once again putting words into my mouth cause you can't make a valid point. Not Beastiality =/ me saying it was normal.

Also, calling someone a handicap instead of focusing on the argument is the textbook definition of Ad hominem.

Drama / Re: Bisjac and his borderline bestiality gif
« on: August 08, 2016, 08:36:37 PM »
I never used my insult as an argument.  I made my argument, then insulted you. 

What are you talking about exactly?  I never said or even implied that GIF is bestiality, and I certainly never acted overly-sensitive about it in this thread.  If you check my other posts in this thread I said that Bisjac needed a drama but not for that GIF that he posted, and I also said that comparing a cat licking your hand to a chick licking a dogs tongue is stupid. 

Just a tip of advice for you 'buddy' if you're trying to win a debate you should probably know what you're talking about.

Your argument was deliberately misrepresenting what I said and then followed up by an ad hominem. And if you're agreeing that it isn't beastiality which is what I clearly stated in my post why do you feel the need to misrepresent what I said by suggesting it was normal.

Come back later when you actually understand what a debate looks like.

Drama / Re: Keemstar
« on: August 08, 2016, 08:08:18 PM »
Keemstar is an starfish but he's more entertaining than Scarce IMO.

Drama / Re: Bisjac and his borderline bestiality gif
« on: August 08, 2016, 05:58:48 PM »
why do you even bother posting here if you think this is another 'pointless drama'

So what you're saying is that people can't disagree with you and the only posts on your topics should conform to your standards?

Drama / Re: Bisjac and his borderline bestiality gif
« on: August 08, 2016, 04:57:07 PM »
we all know that by now, dipstuff. that fact doesn't make this drama any less justified

You're welcome to believe as you like but you have a history of creating pointless dramas.

Drama / Re: Bisjac and his borderline bestiality gif
« on: August 08, 2016, 04:44:33 PM »
who gives a stuff whether its bannable or not? I've seen you harp on users doing nothing as worse as this and now you decide to white knight for bisjac and tony, two of the most douchiest trolls on the forum? Do you want to lay down a decree that says all non-bannable offenses shant be drama'd or some stuff?

The gif is disgusting. At least 20-30 people have agreed with this compared to the 2-5 users who apparently defend it (crust included). I'm not here to say what you can and can't enjoy but you shouldn't be here to say who can and can't be offended either.

Also seriously, stop with the 'its not bestiality!!!' bullstuff. it could be a rare art piece in a museum and we wouldn't give a stuff. its still disgusting, and bisjac posted it three times. This is all that matters

yep calling you and jitank out for your racism is obviously worse than stating that a gif isn't bestiality. I don't know where you're getting your 20-30 numbers from since a good number of the posters here have stated that nothing wrong was done.

A dog kissed a girl in the mouth that's not beastiality.

Drama / Re: Bisjac and his borderline bestiality gif
« on: August 08, 2016, 04:13:36 PM »
What, are you suggesting it's normal and not loveual at all to french kiss an animal?  You're a handicap.

Just a tip of advice for you buddy if you're trying to win a debate calling someone a handicap doesn't help.

You've pretty much nothing to contribute to the conversation. Maybe the GIF made overly sensitive people like you uncomfortable but the fact of the matter is Bisjac did nothing bannable and that was not beastiality.

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