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Messages - Eepos2

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Off Topic / Re: If anyone knows where that rogue laser beam went...
« on: March 06, 2013, 01:07:56 AM »
Eepos... I have a confession...
I played Fallout 2 before i played Fallout 1.

Drama / Re: freek
« on: March 06, 2013, 01:06:47 AM »
stop bickering

this drama was necessary, yes.
What bickering, this is exactly what the drama board is for, bickering, I only posted that because he told someone to stop doing something they enjoyed doing, so to combat his stupid statement I posted that he himself should stop doing something he enjoyed, since I don't know much about the user I just went off his forum avatar and posted that he should stop watching My Little Pony, I also want to make sure I don't come off as that guy who disagrees with people who watch the show because I don't really mind the people who do at all.

Off Topic / Re: If anyone knows where that rogue laser beam went...
« on: March 06, 2013, 01:02:54 AM »
I do enjoy Fallout 1 but i find Fallout 2 is better.
Oh very much indeed, had he had only played fallout 1 I would have glady recommended that game for him, the trouble is if you don't play fallout 1 before the sequel the story will be harder to understand. It's always a good idea to play the first game in a series.

Off Topic / Re: I'm looking for a spriter
« on: March 06, 2013, 01:00:04 AM »
Hey, Game Maker isn't bad. It's just the people who use it...

I mean, take "Risk of Rain" for instance.
Yeah, I don't like the people who have no experience with game/software development that rip on tools like game maker, chances are they would wind up in the same place yoyo is at right now if given the circumstance, bottom line is if you're going to put down software you should at least have basic training in it / the use it was designed for and it this case, game development.

I think you should stick with a simplistic art style(just use because I know you're a beginner to software like this, and you're just getting too far ahead of yourself.

Modification Help / Re: New Weapon Opinions [POLL]
« on: March 06, 2013, 12:50:55 AM »
Don't use T+T as a base, you should instead use Rykuta's advanced weapon scripts(I say this because they are easier to implement).

Off Topic / Re: If anyone knows where that rogue laser beam went...
« on: March 06, 2013, 12:45:39 AM »
From the wiki it also says you can team upp with him or just go blow him up with a nuclear weapon.
Haha indeed you can, when I played I don't recall that ever being an option for me, however I did talk him out of his plans my second playthrough. the first time around I just shot him to death.

Off Topic / Re: If anyone knows where that rogue laser beam went...
« on: March 06, 2013, 12:38:27 AM »
Oh..., Oh God. (Where is that from anyway?)
It's the last boss from fallout 1, you can either shoot him up or reason with him an tell him that his plan is flawed because mutants aren't potent therefore they can't reproduce.

Either way, I seriously recommend you pick up a copy of fallout 1 before technology advances(it's 14 years old) it was one of my first PC games and it is still to this day, one of my all time favorites. there is also a great community of older fallout fans who would love to here your opinion on their favorite RPG.

You should also use a DOS emulator and play Wasteland because that's the game that inspired the genre of Post Apoc RPG's. It's cool because the second game is comining out really soon(It's been in devolpment for a year or two).

Aw come on, how come I was banned, I didn't do anything wrong, I never released anything I extracted from the cache either, It was just mere test to see if I could write tools to do that task.

Drama / Re: freek
« on: March 06, 2013, 12:31:23 AM »
Stop using your stupid loving avatar as a reaction image, it's useless.
Stop watching my little pony.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: March 06, 2013, 12:09:16 AM »
it's a stain from cooking oil,I helped out at a school fundraiser and never bothered to wash it
By the way that's a metaphor for sucking richard to support his heavy drug habbit, you see Tango is a poetic genius.

Drama / Re: freek
« on: March 06, 2013, 12:06:36 AM »
I support this drama.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: March 05, 2013, 11:55:01 PM »
I didn't say you did, but you were clearly trying to insult him
and that wasn't an actual question; typically people don't begin honest questions with "lmao wtf"
Fine we can play the politically correct game here, I'm a typical person, I start my questions with "lmao wtf".

DorkdotDan has got the right idea, he probably thinks what I'm thinking, "Why does this person have nut stains on his shirt", it would seem like a logical question since tango is a chronic masturbater and practices loveual intercourse on the same gender.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: March 05, 2013, 11:41:04 PM »
>implying either of those things are inherently bad
and that isn't even a shirt
I'll call it a shirt thank you very much, and where  did I say I disagreed with homoloveuality or procrastination. I was just asking a question.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: March 05, 2013, 11:33:12 PM »

lmao wtf is up with that stain on your shirt, did you just finish masturbating or did you just finish sucking a richard?

User was banned for this post

Modification Help / Re: How Do I modify / add sound on blockland?
« on: March 05, 2013, 11:02:21 PM »

Say I wanted to replace the hurt sound (The sound that's played whenever your character takes damage) How would I go about that?

Or what If I wanted to put in my own sound into blockland to use in something like eventing, how would I do that?

You can either(A. Write a script(If you want to know more about this I'll be more then happy to help you)), Or (B. Navigate from Blocklands root to "Base/Data/Sounds" and copying your sound(Make sure it's name matches the file you wish to replace) into the desired folder and setting it's read / write permissions to read only so it's not replaced by the launcher).

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