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Messages - LewScapeOwner

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Drama / Re: free
« on: June 09, 2008, 10:57:11 PM »

I don't even play mmos and I bet I can name quite a few not-free ones.  Lets see... EverQuest 2, Guild Wars, Ragnarok Online, Starwars Galaxies, Age of Conan, Lineage II.  Note that these are all modern 3D games with AAA budgets and good content.  Basically, any mmo that is worth anything you have to pay for. 

But anyway, if there are so many great free MMOs out there, why don't you just go play them?  Oh wait, it's because they are either NOT FREE or stuff.  What you really want is Blockland, so quit stalling and give me your goddamn money.  Cough up the 20 bucks one time and you never have to pay again.  No monthly fee, no required expansion packs, just buy it and play.  A better deal you will not find anywhere. 

lol don't give hiiim the money give meee the moneyXD

@badspot Guildwars is has the same purchase system as Blockland you buy it, install, it play with no monthly fee :P

You moron rofl is laughing it wasn't part of the sentence basically.
Proper English you Moron.
No, it means that you're an Abbreviation Abusing Whore.
And what does this make you huh?
You're an AAW, you write PMs laced with fail and AIDS because you can't fight in front of a crowd, you modify quotes, you try to act tough and big in front of others, you turn yourself into a red-faced hypocrite and last of all, you're far too young to be able to provide a good argument, you're only still here because we can get more drama out of you. I suggest you stop, before you dig your own grave any deeper.
In other news Lewscapeowner just got pwned :D

actually I didn't, I choose not to reply because how rediculous this is getting. I'm done with this bull stuff.

« on: June 09, 2008, 10:43:56 PM »
erm thats not possible if he has a official FURDLE avatar.

« on: June 09, 2008, 10:42:25 PM »
you idiot, your just one of those gay furdle brothers that everyone is talking about. get a life FURDLE worshiper.

« on: June 09, 2008, 10:39:36 PM »
This bitch can just suck my balls, Shantal.babe or Maquel Baby OR that other name she had that started with a K. This little period girl doesnt have a life. She changed her name so many times that i cant count. She was so upset that I embarased the crap out of her on one server. Today she called me a cigarette because she was so desperate to have the last word.

Drama / Re: Facepunch forums is truly a national socialist regime
« on: June 09, 2008, 09:49:24 PM »
They ban you for the dumbest of reasons.

Can't even begin to express my anger towards that forum.

Oh...hear we go...


nobody gives a stuff about the other fourms or about what you think reactor,  I cant blame them. Listening to a noob complaining about some random fourms and also I cant blame them if they banned you so fast.

Drama / Re: A petition to have LewScapeOwner banned.
« on: June 09, 2008, 09:43:14 PM »
Actualy I can spell quite nice thank you very much.

I love the amount of irony you post. You spelled "actually" wrong.

I dont care. I spell it like Actualy because its my way of spelling it. if i really wanted to I could spell normal
So then why dont you? It would be better if you did.

Because I'm too lazy to type right. The only thing I care about typing on video games is just to type words correctly.

Drama / Re: A petition to have LewScapeOwner banned.
« on: June 09, 2008, 09:42:00 PM »
Jesus Christ people listen to him! every time I try to make peace with you guys you guys just reject it like starfishs and so that is the thing that keeps the fighting going.
Because you keep asking for "apologies" when you should just take the insults like a man and learn from your mistakes like a real man would.
If you guys would have said sorry to me as I said I was sorry to you in general discussion we could have ended this crap right then right there.
We? Say sorry to you? Welcome to the internet, no, even bigger. Welcome to reality. If someone mugs you on the street do you expect a sorry? No. If someone murders your family do you expect a sorry? No. If we discipline you so you don't act handicapped again, do you expect a sorry? No. Why? Because its life. It's a bitch and you had better get used to it.

"Nobody gives a stuff about petitions - maddox, and a load of other people, including me :3"
Except when it concerns handicaps. I loved that article he wrote about how moms were against Maddox, when they're responsible for their kids when they see stuff.

fine ill be a "man" now. My parrents told me the same thing. For now on its no  "hopeless guy" I'm done with fricking attention whores and perv pussies.

Drama / Re: A petition to have LewScapeOwner banned.
« on: June 09, 2008, 09:28:54 PM »
We don't care about you or your posts. You could be on the god damned news by a murder and we wouldn't care. We'd feel sorry for the murderer wasting his time though, but thats different.

Actually if I told him your name and gave your information to you he would even want to look at you because your so god damned ugly. NOT EVEN MICHAEL JACKSON WOULD LIKE YOU!!!!
Nah. I'm just so lovey, I'm considered ugly by the ugly, you, because your jealous. Also, I don't care what you say about me.

then you must be some friend who is showing of his flabby body to people eveywhere anytime 24/7

Drama / Re: A petition to have LewScapeOwner banned.
« on: June 09, 2008, 09:00:12 PM »
We don't care about you or your posts. You could be on the god damned news by a murder and we wouldn't care. We'd feel sorry for the murderer wasting his time though, but thats different.

Actually if I told him your name and gave your information to you he would even want to look at you because your so god damned ugly. NOT EVEN MICHAEL JACKSON WOULD LIKE YOU!!!!

Drama / Re: A petition to have LewScapeOwner banned.
« on: June 09, 2008, 08:58:16 PM »
Actualy I can spell quite nice thank you very much.

I love the amount of irony you post. You spelled "actually" wrong.

I dont care. I spell it like Actualy because its my way of spelling it. if i really wanted to I could spell normal

Drama / Re: A petition to have LewScapeOwner banned.
« on: June 09, 2008, 08:56:39 PM »
i voted no.

even if he annoys you and you think hes just some big noob. it don't appear hes trying to piss anyone off.
we have had far worse forum members that for some reason many of you accept here...

Jesus Christ people listen to him! every time I try to make peace with you guys you guys just reject it like starfishs and so that is the thing that keeps the fighting going. If you guys would have said sorry to me as I said I was sorry to you in general discussion we could have ended this crap right then right there. SHAME ON YOU PEOPLE!

« on: June 09, 2008, 08:48:04 PM »
Maybe we should petition to have him banned?

badspot wont give a loving stuff.

Drama / Re: A petition to have LewScapeOwner banned.
« on: June 09, 2008, 08:47:11 PM »
I am here to post about the idiot LewScapeOwner, he is just a dumb 11 year old that should leave and never come back. Here are some reasons why:
  • He can't spell and his grammar is horrible.
  • He says pointless lies where we all know they are lies.
  • The little punk says he hates Runescape, but his name and avatar says different.
  • He text spams with big font.
I could go on and on. If you think he should be banned say aye!

Actualy I can spell quite nice thank you very much.

Drama / Re: Good Bye Forever
« on: June 09, 2008, 06:43:18 PM »
okay. im staying.

Drama / Re: Good Bye Forever
« on: June 09, 2008, 06:34:59 PM »
knew it. thx for the info. im sure you all want to die thats why i "accused wedge of lying" Lakitty is coming to kill all of u

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