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Messages - Major Construction

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Working on it, but Air Combat X.X  I might change it to Blazing Skies when I get it refined...  The 'X.X' is a version number.  I keep making tweaks to improve it, so I'll finalize it when I'm done.

The minigun used in Jorgur's "Dogfight" server is quite effective as an anti-air weapon and as a "balanced" machine gun:
- Scatter effect (Hits a wide area which can usually hit a plane)
- Relatively fast rounds
- Players move slower while using it - making the weapon best effective in Air to Air or Ground to Air fire rather than player on player combat.

That sounds perfect!  Where can I get one of those?! :)  He definitely shoud post it.  I didn't even think about slowing the player down.

You can probably easily edit the Minigun script to make it hurt planes more and have bullets go faster.

The only catch there is that I don't know how to do that.  I don't have much time to learn, either, or else I would.  Maybe once I get a little more free time....

It doesn't have to be overpowered to take down airplanes, by the way. You can double the damage done for vehicles without making it overpowered vs players.

Overpowered or not, it needs to travel fast.  Otherwise it will be very hard to hit with.  But that is good that we can have vehicle damage be different than person damage.  It'll probably have to be that way to keep noobs from abusing it.  Thanks for the input.

Thanks for considering.  And it's supposed to be overpowered; It's for airplanes.  Like a tank cannon is for vehicles... etc..

Suggestions & Requests / Re: REQUEST: World War I mini-game
« on: July 22, 2008, 09:35:35 PM »
*stabs warriorboy for being a loving idiot* pardon my french

Hey burger, next time use this.

Dang!  If only it worked.... :)

Suggestions & Requests / Help! DESPERATELY need anti-air weapon tech!
« on: July 22, 2008, 09:25:22 PM »
So here's the deal:  I host air combat games with the bi-planes and primarily the minigun.  Miniguns and sniper-rifles are the most effective at shooting down planes, except by 'most effective', I mean the best that our crappy weapon selection has.  Admit it, every weapon we make is tailored for anti-infanty roles: slow, powerful, and bad accuracy (on the more balanced guns).  Granted, we don't need insta-hit weapons for soldiers, even at long range; they're slow.  But if we want to shoot down aircraft, we need bullets that travel faster than an airsoft round.  Don't believe me?  Use wrench  events to set a brick to fire scatter bullets at an angle at five rounds a second and fly past it in a plane.  The plane is going faster than the bullets.  AT LEAST the game implements relative physics so bullets shot forward from a plane WILL fly faster than the plane, but with the crappy controls ( dogfighting is not easy with slow bullets.

So, what do I need?
1. An anit-air minigun.  At the worst (easiest) we just speed up the bullets.  Something about 7 or 8 / 10ths the speed of a sniper round (Sniff's sniper weapon, for example).  At the best (hardest) we add a scatter effect (like the better assault rifles - Sniff's G36) of about 5 degrees and re-vamp the model to look more intimidating.  What's important with this weapon is it's powerful fire rate.  It makes it easy to hit a target, but doesn't do massive damage.  MAYBE double the damage rate, but maybe not.  Oh, and cut down the rev-up time by a bit.  Not completely.  An how about a better sound effect?

2. Anti-air Cannons.  Something around the size of the minigun, but a bit faster travel rate, like one more tenth of the sniper rifle speed than the minigun.  It should resemble a device that looks like it's dual-weilding Sniff's Barret rifles.  It's fire rate should be about 4 rounds per second, and it should sound powerful.  About 4-5 hits should take out a bi-plane and no rev-up time.  Should cause moderate brick damage, like Sniff's G36.  (I like his weapons, he does great work.  Thanks)

So obviously these will be rediculously powerful against soldiers, but they are not intended for that, now are they?

So how 'bout it?  Sniff? Peaceful War? Space Guy? Kaje? Anyone?

Suggestions & Requests / Re: REQUEST: World War I mini-game
« on: July 22, 2008, 08:52:12 PM »
Dude! you should keep your eyes open for my air combat games that I host in the mornings sometimes.  As soon as I get it balanced, I'll post the build.

It seems to me, that you need a custom build and not neccesarily a new gametype.  Due to the half-lazy yet half-inspired mentality of the average mod community, I suggest you build this map yourself and post it.  If you never get your hosting abilities, then al least other can run it for you.  If you DO need a custom minigame type, then build the map to get everyone salivating.  Otherwise, this awesome-yet-not-mainstream idea will fall away like the rest.

General Discussion / Re: Portal Build
« on: July 21, 2008, 05:48:19 PM »
Doesn't this go in gallery
No.  It's not done yet.

moar pics
The best I've got so far.  Will add more.

There have been tons and tons of portal challenges. I've made a few myself.
If so, no one posts them.  I've only found two, and they were... uh... less than super-awesome.  I'd like to find more of them.  If anyone has some links, add them please!

General Discussion / Portal Build
« on: July 20, 2008, 11:55:39 PM »
Is it just me, or are there precious few portal maps out there, despite Space Guy's hard work?  Well I'm working on one and I'd like to know if people think I should continue.  Picture below.  It is on Slate Exodus, so the ambient light is minimal.  I think the light fixtures look cooler than any ambient light.  This is only the beginning, and NO, there is no spikey crusher, I don't know how to do it.  Currently, I've got 'tests' that involve using portals to reach where you can't, momentum based puzzles using clearly-marked black anti-portal bricks, switches to open doors, the weighted cube to use to open switches and disable turrets. And the turrets?  Well, I have the laser tripped long-range version, and the proximity-tripped auto-aiming short-range version.  They are made with blocks, so I can't move them, but they can be detonated by touching the buttons on the back or dropping the cube on them.  They will of course, then respawn.

BTW, If you have your own Portal build, post it here.  I'd love to accept your challenges and take your ideas :).

BBTW,  If someone thinks this is the wrong topic section, let me know.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Better Tumble
« on: July 20, 2008, 11:15:06 PM »
I don't really understand what you are saying.  Can you re-phrase it in a step-by-step descriptions of what is going on?

How about, quite literally, an orbital cannon?  An object or vehicle thing that gets placed up high and the fires a death-ray at a target painted by a laser tagger.
Perhaps this would be even simpler to have this ability as a property of a brick, like Space Guy's Wrench Events.  Build an invisible (or slightly visible) structure to the sky with a cool looking satelite on it, and make one of it's peices the designated death-ray piece.  In theory, this could be placed any where, and destroyed!

Suggestions & Requests / Re: i have a request and a good one
« on: July 20, 2008, 08:54:35 PM »
Has everybody just skipped over my post of it being an Item that can be deployed?

Not quite, but remember that this is not something we have a template for.  We can't just assimilate another object's code and tweak it; it must be build from scratch.
This is not easy.  A great idea, but no easy task.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: new bots
« on: July 20, 2008, 08:51:31 PM »
How about gunner bots? Seriuosly this shouldn't be too hard...  They sit idle until a player-controlled vehicle gets within int so_many; feet and then approach.  When the get close enough, they jump to get in.  Maybe they should be immune to vehicle collision damage.  Once in, the use weapons as a gunner to shoot other players.  Something close to that might be possible, and I think useful.

So how about it, Space Guy?

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Crouching
« on: July 20, 2008, 08:43:12 PM »
I don't think Leg... er, Blocko guys can crouch. Don't you need knees?

Lego guys can't,... But Blocko guys don't actually have legs, so they could just shorten the length of their tele-kinetic feet.  It would be possible to mae a crouch animation look good, but still...  Why?  Doesn't going prone work just as well of not better?  In Blockland it's not like it takes longer.  The only thing I can think of would be using it in machinema.  (if you don't know what that means, you probably wouldn't care)

Suggestions & Requests / Re: i have a request and a good one
« on: July 15, 2008, 04:58:00 PM »
its not, my intention was that each gun locked on to an enemy (the bullets would not be homing missiles) but i want it to aim at them from a distance of at least 64 bricks away. wrench events only works in certian directions, this one is an all around fireing gun

You're only half right.  Wrench events can auto target bullets at a target, but it's range is short, and again, no IFF (no way to keep it targeting him and not you).  It would be a good guard unit for areas, but, as shown, it is no replacement.  Oh, well.

Qwertyuiopas made the TF2 turret. It just points at the target directly and shoots. it dosent rotate to the targets posistion tho.

Can I get this somewhere?  I've used the search function with no luck.  Can you post a link?

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