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Messages - Scriode

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You have no right and it is wrong.
Unless I live in a communist country, I have the right to freedom of speech.

...and we're saying it's not right. You're defending your actions by saying you have the right to do it.
It's wrong to say someones name on the internet? It's not ethical, I get that. But you still don't get the point of using someones name to get the point across do you? It's just a name. A way to identify you. Like your id. It's not like I'm giving out anything personal. Unless you honestly think your name is personal to you... That would be a loving nightmare

You think something is right just because you can do it?

What a loving stupid thing to say.
I said I have the rights to say it. Not that it was right. Read

This is the internet. You don't call a kid by their real name on the internet. How do you not get this?
The internet is open and I have the rights to say your name. How do you not get this?

Why is this even necessary?

Are you trying to sound creepy? Because you do.
Way to show up to the part on time. No, we discussed that earlier.

Also, you clearly don't understand the point of using someone's name. It's to come across with a point. What you're saying that if I call someone by their name, I'm creepy as hell, huh? Wow, everyone in the entire universe has addressed someone by their name. Great argument point there, sir.

They're right. Being an starfish doesn't justify his or your actions. Being an starfish back makes you just as bad.

I know I have had my screw ups, but so have you.
Wait... You're trying to tell me that everyone screws up?? Thanks captain obvious. I've screwed up, I still screw up. Everyone will continue to screw up for the rest of their lives.

You're creepy
Also, you clearly don't understand the point of using someone's name. It's to come across with a point. What you're saying that if I call someone by their name, I'm creepy as hell, huh? Wow, everyone in the entire universe has addressed someone by their name. Great argument point there, sir.

you're over bearing on Zapk and his age and you need to just shut up.
I get it, I'll quit being immature about his age.

Did you really have to address him by his real name?
Seems to bring the attention huh ;)

Not to mention creepy as stuff sounding.

Wow, Bobby ,calm down right now
Yes captain

User was banned for this post

Yeah, I'd leave this idiot to himself, Zapk.
You understand his name is Mike Sampson right?

Not when you confuse "allowed" with "aloud."

It seems to me like you're using my age as a factor for my intelligence. Stop being ridiculous.
Mike, I'm not challenging your intelligence. I have seen a lot of things you have created. I know you're intelligent. But I've seen stages the past year of how age can depend on maturity. I'm not saying you are always immature, but you've had your moments.

You got it.

Why does my age matter at all in this situation? Why do you constantly bring it up?
Am I not aloud to bring it up?

Oh you graduated to 14! Congrats. So far off

Drama / Re: Zapk, Pass, TwenteFreak and Furdle: group attack
« on: June 26, 2014, 05:46:35 PM »
Uhh.... I didn't do this. You clearly faked this.
How can we trust an alt forums account? Could be someone else!

Suggestions & Requests / Update suggestion for Badspot
« on: June 26, 2014, 03:58:14 PM »
This is just a suggestion to help clear out the "Blockhead######" names. I would suggest to make it if they still have their default blockhead name or first time start up it pops up with the name changing GUI after the set up is done.

Add-Ons / Re: Client_IDSearch V2
« on: June 26, 2014, 12:49:09 AM »
Stop bullstuffting.

If you deleted everything in main.cs, how did this happen?

And if you copy/pasted my entire add-on and had no intentions to steal, why wouldn't you give credit?
You're acting like you've never stolen code... When you first started I remember very clearly you copying code. So stop the bullstuff. It happens, that's how you learn. If you want to act like a bitch, go ahead. But when you bring in loving hypocritical stuff that's when it gets serious. Go bug Roblox. They love bullstuff.

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