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Topics - carolcat

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Creativity / Overclocked- Book
« on: October 19, 2010, 09:29:14 PM »
  Ok, so I want to try my hand at writing a book. Constructive criticism welcome.

 The room was very dark. Almost too dark for her liking. She had never liked these missions, too dark. Too dangerous. Anything could come out at any moment.
 Magnus stopped walking and looked around, trying to see. Her eyes had not yet adjusted to the darkness and the strain was giving her a headache.
 Magnus whipped around, trying her best to locate the source of the sound. Without her suit, it was very difficult...
 Now! Magnus pulled out her weapon and began shooting in an upward arc, following the disturbance of air. Above, around... She was running out of ammo. 5, 4, 3...
 Magnus was suddenly knocked over by an incredible force, knocking the breath out of her. She instinctively rolled to get free. The creature sounded puzzle, and Magnus took her chance. She charged up one shot... and fired it.
 The area around the energy bolt was illuminated and the creature was easily seen for a brief moment. It was large and should've killed Magnus. The beast gave a loud screech and fell over, dead.
 Then came the bright lights. The arena was now clearly seen for a few moments. Then it vanished as if it was never there. Same with the "dead creature". They all shimmered and then vanished. Magnus forgot these events, wanting to move on.
 "Well done, Magnus."
 Magnus looked up at an observatory room. It was a large window, but very thick. Magnus already knew that it was virtually unbreakable, she had been slammed into it before. It hurt badly. Inside the room were five people, four of them sitting. The only one standing was focused on Magnus, his arms folded and he was maintaining a static pose. He was wearing a commander's uniform, normal for a ship captain in the Zero Hour fleet. His name was Pryce and he was the commander of the ZHR:E-SERENITY-6725.
 "You can come out now," he said. His voice was clearly hear in the training room, thanks to speakers cleverly hidden in the room.
 Magnus looked down and watched a neatly hidden door reveal itself and open. Magnus took one last glance up and walked out.
 Magnus was now standing in command, watching the view screen and not paying much attention to anything else. She had finished her tasks and didn't have much else to do but walk around, patrol, or sleep. Magnus heard the door open behind her and turned around to see her friend Vectra walking towards her.
 "So I heard you passed the test," she said quietly, not looking at Magnus.
 Magnus looked at her. Vectra was much higher rank than her and was much older. She was also her commanding officer. "It's not really a test. It was just training," Magnus replied, shrugging. She looked back at the view screen.
 "You don't like the dark rooms."
 Magnus blinked and was quiet for a moment. "Well... it's just so much of a strain for me to adjust..." Her voice trailed off as Vectra motioned for silence.
 "Follow me," she said, though it was more than likely and order.
 Magnus followed Vectra to the Science lab on Tier Seven, where she received a small surprise.
 "This," Vectra said, gesturing to an on-screen display of some sort of armor, "Is the KES."
 Magnus looked at it, admiring the complexity of the suit. "What does it do?" she asked.
 Vectra turned to face Magnus. "Kkryonitte Enhancement Suit," she said. "It is based off of the newly discovered mineral, Kkryonitte, because of it's high energy value."
 Magnus blinked and stared at the KES. It was incredible... Then she wondered what this Kkryonitte was. Reflecting on her past, Magnus took a guess. "Kkryonitte is the stuff formed fron the Void, right?"
 Vectra nodded. "Yes. We picked up a few traces of Kkryonitte on you when we recovered you after the crash. It's source is on Zaa Prime," Vectra replied.
 Magnus shuddered at the memory. She didn't want to remember it. "Zaa Prime is in the Zaa system, right?" she asked, wanting to move on.
 Again, Vectra nodded. "In the Aza Galaxy."
 "We're already in that galaxy."
 "But not the system. We're in Zeta-1, remember? Terren."
 Magnus turned to face Vectra. "Then if the Void occured here, then how'd Kkryonitte get to Zaa Prime?" 
 Vectra shook her head and shrugged, turning back to the screen. "We don't know. But take the suit."
 Magnus sighed. She didn't like being the prototype tester, but she was still a low-rank officer. At least it was interesting. Magnus looked back at the screen and nodded. "Allright," she finally agreed.

  Moar coming tomorrow, maybe. Depends on what you guys think of this.

Forum Games / Roll to Dodge: Laser Tag Edition
« on: October 13, 2010, 02:30:04 PM »
Roll to dodge
Original concept and rules by Mouse

Roll to Dodge is a fun game where you play with a group of (6) people. Think Dungeons and Dragons in a sense. You will be placed in a certain scenario, and you (may) be given a certain objective. Now here's the catch, for nearly every action you make, a die will determine the outcome.

The numbers on the six sided die are marked as such...
1) Epic fail
2) Kinda fail
3) Kinda success
4) Success
5) Perfect success
6) Overshot

For example:

Jack wants to jump over a wooden fence.
I roll a die and it lands 4. Since a 4 represents normal success, nothing too bad nor too good happens, you just complete your action.
Thus, Jack jumps over a wooden fence.

Let's say Jack rolled a 1. The outcome would be much different now.
Jack tries to jump the wooden fence, but trips over his shoelace and smashes his face through it, breaking his nose.

Now what if he rolled a 6?
Jack runs as fast as he can to gain the momentum he needs to jump the fence. The momentum is so great that he jumps the fence, but keeps gaining altitude from his jump and doesn't seem to stop. Jack literally jumps across the entire world and lands right back where he started, behind the wooden fence.

I'm sure you can get what the rest of the numbers represent.

Only (6) people may play at a time.
-This is based on a first come first served basis
-If you did not make it in time, I can still add you to the waiting list
-I would like to keep this game moving at a good pace, so you will have 2 days max to take your turn or you will be removed from the game and the first person on the waiting list will take your spot
-If you have a legitimate excuse for an absence, then your spot will be frozen until you come back.

This game will use the declare system. You declare your move, then when everyone's move has been declared, they are all taken, the die is rolled, and results are decided.
-I will not post results of the actions until everyone has taken their turn

I will only count the first action you post. If you post multiple actions (Jump the fence, then punch the guy in the face), then I will only roll on the "Jump the fence" action.
-There will be some exceptions to this rule
-Other minor actions may be used with your major action (look around, talk, ect)
-Observing your surrounding will not be effected by the die
-Talking to NPCs or players will not be effected by the die

You may post almost any action you desire
-If you want to attempt to harness the power to fly or spontaneuosly grow a third arm, you can do so.
-You may not god-mod and ruin the fun for everyone, however.

You may kill or be killed by players or your actions
-Be weary of what you do, if you attempt to kill another player early in the game and fail, the results can have devastating results
-Attempting to do something stupid can lead to a very funny death

Certain events can affect your next roll
-If you do something with perfect success there may be a chance your roll, or everyone's roll, can be increased by +X amount, or be predetermined
-The same can be applied if you have an epic failure, only your roll will have -X amount
-If a certain action has an effectiveness on a body part, then any action requiring that body part will be effected (Jack's arms are broken, -3 to any action used by his arms)
-The same can have positive attributes

 Yeah. Laser tag. I'm new to this so bear with meh. Ok, so you're playing laser tag. You start off with 100 ammo and 10 lives. When you run out of ammo or lives, you must return to your team's base and re-charge. Main objective is to hit the 2 neutral and enemy base. After this, you can receive supercharge and shoot the mega base. 3 human players on one team, 3 human players on the other. One referee. Try not to kill him :/
- LeeroyBlockhead
Waiting List

Forum Games / Overclocked: Episode one[Text adventure]
« on: October 10, 2010, 01:13:33 PM »
 Ok, there are no images on this one because I'm not good at drawing on my computer and I don't want to scan my pictures :/
 You are the companion, or student, of the Zero Hour officer Magnus Neera. You are onboard the ship E-Serenity, a Zero Hour command carrier under the command of Admiral Pryce. You are en route to the Zaa System, part of the Aza Galaxy.
 You are standing on the command deck with Magnus as she gives you the tour of the ship. There are several decks, but somehow you manage to keep track of all of them.

  Location: Tier 6(command), E-Serenity, Trilos System(Aza Galaxy)
  Health: 100%[||||||||||]
  Weapons/items: NONE
   There is nothing much going on in command. You listen to Magnus as she gives you the list of everyone who's working on command and what they do... Blahblahblah. You're more interested in watching the stars pass by the screen in pretty trails of white. They almost look like the laser projectiles from the weapons used onboard. You want some action... And you get exactly that.
  "Red alert" you hear, just like in the movies. "All personnel report to tier 4."
  Magnus glances at you. "Stay here," she orders.

   What do you do?

Off Topic / Ponders
« on: September 20, 2010, 11:59:50 AM »
 Here's the question:
  Why do people pay money to visit tall buildings? When they reach the top, why do they pay more money just to use binoculars and look at the ground?

General Discussion / Saved!: Best rescues you made or had on BL!
« on: September 17, 2010, 05:25:26 PM »
 Whether you've seen them, did them, or expirienced them, post them here! It doesn't matter if they were accidental, by the way.

  For me, it was on Clone Trooper's Duck Hunt server. I was playing as a duck and was at 1-hit-KO health. I was on the run from a hunter when another player, I don't know who, slammed into me and took the hit. The slam managed to knock me out of the way, by the way(lol rhyme)

  Another one was on Jaeden 7060's zombie server when I was on the run from a Tank. Another player, I don't remember who, stepped in the way of the Tank right as it was about to attack me. He took the hit, and right as he landed, another person was about to use a medkit and healed him. Someone else distracted the tank while Jae and I killed it.
  Epic teamwork and save ;)

Forum Games / The Name Game
« on: August 31, 2010, 05:18:00 PM »
 Ok, for this game, all you have to do is merge the above person's name with yours. OPTIONAL: Enter what the person's avatar is thinking. Easy, right?
 1. No using letters that aren't in your or the other person's name.
 2. -No rule-
 3. -No rule-

 Ex.: Carolcat+Jaeden 7060= Jaecat 7060
 Have fun, everyone!

Off Topic / Best Screenshots
« on: August 31, 2010, 03:47:10 PM »
 Post them here... Doesn't matter what game, but preferably Blockland.

Creativity / The Book I am Trying to Write
« on: May 17, 2010, 04:35:51 PM »
this was a dumb story

Off Topic / What to do on Weekends....
« on: September 08, 2009, 09:00:44 AM »
What do you like to do on weekends?

Drama / players that ban you for no reason
« on: September 02, 2009, 12:41:31 PM »
Yes,my name in the game is (or will be soon....)Evanescence. :panda:

Off Topic / When to try again
« on: March 03, 2009, 07:53:10 PM »
When is the time to try again?

Drama / players that ban you for no reason
« on: March 03, 2009, 07:14:56 PM »
  People ban me(Alex Rider) for no absolute reason.Has this ever happened to you?Explain.

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