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Creativity / some of my Lego stuff
« on: October 27, 2011, 11:58:07 PM »
just some random Lego stuff I've built I might add more later if y'all like them

this one I actually entered in a contest 

another pic of the Rusty Clank

A wagon mounted Scorpion (old siege weapon)


so what do you think?

Off Topic / I got a kitteh :D what do I name it?
« on: October 25, 2011, 10:01:56 PM »
So I got a cat and the people we got him from didn't name him I dont know for sure but I think he's about six months old and I don't have any idea what to name him??

I know the pic sucks and is way to big

taken with my phone because im to lazy to go find my Kodak :/

Off Topic / The musical thread: Darkish DnB
« on: October 23, 2011, 04:15:48 PM »
not the darkest I've heard but one of my favorite
Pendulum - Blood Sugar
 I wouldn't have used this video except for 2:47 - middle eastern ninja owns kids face  :cookieMonster:

Pendulum - Slam
 just for lols

Ayron - Lycan Blood
 yes I like vampire stuff

on a difrent note I need to find a song for the Awesome face which is the best...or if you have a better one
Balla Da Li

A Remix
Balla Da Li (Remix)

Emo Emo
 yea I don't really like emo stuff  but this song is awesome

Dragostea Din Tei (Numa Numa)
 all of your bass-is belonging to O-Zone


Drama / The Cookie Klan
« on: October 13, 2011, 05:25:33 AM »
The C :cookie: :cookie: kie klan le SpĂ”ōn Ă  ła fetĂźsh
please do be a good egg and join our nice little clan baceuse...anywon who join in the next 300  sekondz getz 2 bi a Demigawd

dis is fore reelz :cookieMonster:

The application to this clan requires:

1: that you be well versed in the English language witch means:
   A: you provide proof that you can spell beter than a 4th grader and
   B: you don't use spell check and lastly
   C: you use near perfect punctuation or almost none at all like me

2: that you know how to cook most importantly:
   A: cookies
   B: smĂ„kakor
   C: skit tĂ„rta and
   D: cookies

3: that you apply within 15 minutes of the original post.

  • Godess:

  • Demigawds:
The  :cookie:

  • Monsters:
My cat
The :cookieMonster:

  • Loyel subjecters:

Off Topic / What happened nightbeforelast?
« on: October 10, 2011, 04:01:23 PM »
What happened while I was asleep did meet the furry get banned? because some of my posts are missing

Off Topic / Texas State Fair
« on: October 09, 2011, 05:06:49 AM »
So I went there today stayed all day I hadn't been in like five years it was pretty much a blast :D
so tell about your state fair or whatever experiences

like what are fairs and such like in other country's?
I've been to Sweden, Denmark, and a little bit of England but only stayed a few days in each so I didnt
See much :/

Go  :cookieMonster: 

Off Topic / The stupidest thing you've ever done
« on: October 05, 2011, 04:59:45 PM »
so the title says it all post the stupidest things you've ever done

I'll start

I OD on sleep aid yesterday went to sleep at 4:00 pm and got up at 2:00 pm today Gah

no really if you want to hallucinate feel like your floating and in general feel trippy take like a dozen Sleep aid gell capsul thingys

Off Topic / I'm sick :( (game)
« on: September 30, 2011, 07:29:53 PM »
so I just had an idea for a game idk if its been done before but anyway

so the first person says something that's wrong with them i.e. sick, mentally or otherwise, injured, addicted to something, or just in a bad situation. just about anything

and the next person says how they'll help you and makes up something wrong with them. it can be serious-ish or not


person 1- I burned my hand :(

person 2- pour gasoline on it  

so that's it ill start :D

I broke my toenail and its bleeding

Off Topic / HTML. and Techno.
« on: September 28, 2011, 01:50:05 AM »
So I'm learning HTML and it might as well be greek just wondered if anyone can give me some websites or anything


I need some new music something Techno:
I like stuff with lyrics

Off Topic / All Purpose Thread
« on: September 27, 2011, 03:51:50 AM »
so maybe you want to say something but it's not worth starting a thread for or its to off topic for another well here's the Thread for that I don't care where it goes from here...just try to stay on topic  :cookieMonster: Jk

first off:

I'll think of something later


VODKA IS GOOD FOR YOU. It just tastes like rubbing alcohol

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