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Topics - Oasis

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Clan Discussion / [OE] OasisEngineering
« on: June 27, 2010, 09:39:38 PM »

Engineering in the desert of modern technology.

  About Us
Here at OasisEngineering, we strive to innovate and invent new approaches on how to do and create things. Although it may seem we are just "re-inventing the wheel" some will say, we are bettering the technology and ideas of today, to fit today. Our range of work goes from events integrated into our builds, to modifications fit with excellent coding.

As the creation process began on June 27th, 2010, so did the bettering of the technological world of Blockland. The group officially started on that date, yes, but the idea and logo in-fact were created on Yuki's Premium Roleplay  server. I give a special thanks out to Yuki for spurring the idea with his server.


August 20th - Administration Structure is being worked on, and HQ server will be hosted soon.

This is our clan website, where our projects and finished works will be posted.

Hover your mouse over names to see their in-game name and ID. Currently, the planned adminstration hasn't taken effect due to lack of members. The temporary adminstration consists of:

Leader - Oasis
Co-Leader - Gadgethm
Hoster -Jenxas
Scapegoat -

Pi - Modeler
Makanix - Modeler
Cyanian - Modeler
Kohna - Builder
Kyzor - Graphic Designer
lilboarder32 - Eventer/Scripter
zaksar - Builder
We are now accepting applicants.

* Members eligible to be kicked.

How To Join
It's simple really, to apply, post this form filled out and then post a build with an interesting purpose/concept. Must have a few lines of events and it must complete an action of some sort. If you are confused, then message me in-game to come look at your application.

Here's the form:
Level of Eventing Knowledge-
Reason - Explaining some concepts or ideas you have.

Also, if you are a reasonable coder/modeler, we need you. Just apply instead of with a build, but with a finished code or model that you have.

Killer2 - Forum Idiot
Narko555 - Obviously an immature idiot
Illidian - Hates me anyways
blackferm - Idiot

This page is always a work in progress. If you can contribute anything to make it better, I will glady accept it.

Games / Help Me Pick A Game
« on: June 24, 2010, 07:08:57 PM »
So, with Steam's sale today, I decided to get at least one game that I have heard about with you guys, but never bought.

I have narrowed it down to two games, however you can suggest others:

HL2 $9.99


CS:S $6.80

Help me?

Off Topic / ARC's new avatar.
« on: June 24, 2010, 12:50:07 PM »
What the hell is this?

Off Topic / [TCBB]- Attempted Revival?
« on: June 22, 2010, 11:34:25 PM »
The Coalition for a Better Blockland*
Formerly The "Be Nice" Campaigners
"Because life is full of hatred"
*Thank you, Hugums, for the epic name.
A coalition is an alliance among individuals or groups, during which they cooperate in joint action, each in his own self-interest, joining forces together for a common cause. This alliance may be temporary or a matter of convenience. A coalition thus differs from a more formal covenant.
The Coalition for a Better Blockland is currently undergoing an experiment. We are letting this topic fall into the lower pages of Clan Discussion to see if people still act nicely when they think the clan may be gone. We are not gone, the topic is simply going dormant. Member list is being considered for deletion. New members are welcomed with open arms.
Please see page 10 for a list of Q's & A's.
Clan avatars are now being removed. Do so or I will message you personally.
The movement of this topic to Community Projects is being considered.

People who refuse to remove avatars

On June 9th, 2009, a topic was made about the Blockland forums. Inside described the problems with this forum; everyone here is hateful. Whenever someone new comes in, and they aren't the most intelligent person in the world, they get attacked, and often leave. Now, a lot of people may say, "Hey, they're idiots, they don't deserve to be here", and they're wrong. Haven't you noticed that some people have come here, acted like morons, and then changed into intelligent people? The forums need to be kinder, not a flaming cesspool where hatred flows out like hot, new-member seeking lava missiles.

This topic may be found here. Thanks to Dr Bling for taking the time to type all that out.

On June 13th, after a series of flame attacks on TCBB, we have changed our mission statement. Rather than protecting all players from unkindness, our main focus is now newbies. Thanks for being jerks, guys.

On June 15th, after encouragement and complaints about the new Mission Statement, TCBB has changed back to a revised version of the original.


Mission Statement
As members of this group, we promise to do our best to make this forums a better place, but nothing is perfect.


What we do
We stop the mistreatment of all members who have made a mistake and need some backup. Considering this place is a cesspool full of hatred, like the kind revealed when the first two Mission Statements were put into effect, it's obvious that people need some help. Now, I'm not trying to make the forum 100% hate-free, and I want you to know that. I'm just looking at the unnecessary stuff. I know that even when it comes time that I'm no longer a member of this forum and this group falls into the lower pages, it will still not be perfect, but that's alright. All I want to do is have us show a little bit of kindness and compassion. Is that so wrong? No, because that was a rhetorical question. You can still be mean here, sure, but just don't let it get out of hand. Things that I don't mind seeing:

1: "Ur mean"
2: "Get over it idiot."

Things I would rather not see:

1: "Why wood you do that?"
2: "YOU SPELLED "WOULD" WRONG YOU loving rooster-SUCKER OF A richard stuff"

Now, we're not going to be "The Emotion Police", like some people seem to think we are, where you can't be angry. Do what you want, just don't go ape-stuff on people. If anyone who is a known member of this group is doing that and getting worked up over something small and trivial, please just either refer them to this or tell them as kindly as possible that they are "doin' it rong".


How to join
Actually, you don't need to do anything. If you want to, you can just simply say that you're joining the cause. As long as you're trying to make the forum a little better, that's god enough. An avatar is FORBIDDEN. It's bugging the hell out of people, and that's contributing to the flame war.


Why I made this clan/group
Now, you may be thinking, "Regulith, what 'da hell is wrong whit-choo?". My answer is simply that my eyes have been opened to what's been going on here. People are being major pricks, and there's no excuse. You may say, "But Regulith, it's only the internet!" Another misconception. You see, maybe unlike you, I am a real, living, breathing, feeling person, not a heartless robot. Insults hurt, even if people don't show it. Just try to lay it on light. One last thing you might say, "Regulith, you're mean too!" I won't lie, I've been an ass before, and I'm doing my best not to do it again. You can look at Dr Bling's "The Blockland Forum" topic for more about what's going on around here.


This section is up for deletion.

Me, Regulith.

In order of join time:
Block Builder
Big Brother
Dr Bling
Grand Architect

Big Brother
Block Builder
Dr Bling
Grand Architect

That's all for now.
Remember guys, keep it cool, keep it nice.

I think I'm running dry on brown townogies.
I quoted the original clan topic to show all you new members the people who tried and failed at this very project.

Today, suprisingly in the Drama section, I was reminded of this experimental clan, started back in '09, and with everyone's suprising hatred on the forum, as with my own, I think it is time to try again. I know there will be the haters, and I respect them for who they are. But I think the time has officially came to attempt the "Be Nice" experiment again.

I am going to ask you all, and I put this in the Off-Topic even though it relates to our forum, our little subsection of the internet, to expose it to the main sources of the hostility. I ask of you not for your acceptance, not for your liking, but for your respect of the great minds who brought this experiment here in the first place.

If this goes down well enough, I would like to try to re-think some of the experiments ideas, and to innovate on it's concepts. To re-create it's revolutionary standards, and to revive their campaign. The Coalition for a Better Blockland had some of the right ideas going, but to try to "shield" newer members was their immediate downfall. It was the sharpened blade of the guillotine, the knot of the noose. I propose, if the revival of TCBB ever happens, to simply respect others.

I recognize I have been a jerk, and a rather moronic one at that. I respect my fellow forum members beliefs in a deity, and I will no longer force my opinions onto them. I am sorry to Kevdude, JD, and many others for rudely expressing my opinions on the range of honor and respect the dead should have, but I will stand by my beliefs. This is not me changing my fought for opinions, this is me stepping away from the ring, so to speak, of religion wars and death topics. Please forgive me for all I have done, and I hope one day, when others make the same mistake, you will forgive them too.

To recount on that last statement:
I'm still holding onto my beliefs, but merely not expressing them as loudly as I did before.

So, it is your choice, "citizens" of the Blockland forums, revive Reguliths experiment once more? Or just toss it aside and go on with your lives with constant new enemies?

I have chosen my method, what is yours?

Off Topic / Oasis's: Weird Thought Process and Music Choice
« on: June 21, 2010, 12:31:20 AM »

Well as the most of you know, I am atheistic and a logistical thinker. I don't exactly find it in myself to use emotions and the like, but I very recently drew the connection between my thought process and my music likes.

Thought Process
No God
No Afterlife
Human Life Means Nothing
Most Modern Civilization is Incorrect

Music Likes
Arlington- Trace Adkins
I Pray for You- Jaron Wood
Most other Country music, which by stereotypes of my own is about:

Also, I would like to bring this up, if this topic does happen to turn into a religion war, which I would rather it not surprisingly, I'll just lock it.

Off Topic / Flyin' To D.C.
« on: June 12, 2010, 11:04:05 AM »
I am heading off to D.C. so I just wanted to announce I may not be hosting mai server from the hotel at all during the next week. Otherwise, discuss if you have been to America's capital.

Off Topic / Sleep Pattern
« on: June 08, 2010, 08:39:54 AM »
Well, as summer comes around and most of us are out of school, our sleep patterns are adjusting to late nights and late mornings, right?

That's how I thought'd it'd be, and that's how it was during school, except when I got up at 6 am I'd be tired as hell. It seems now though, that my sleep pattern is fluctuating. On Friday night, I didn't go to bed till around 3 in the morning, then later I got up around 10-ish. Saturday night, I stayed up till about 1 watching SNL and playing Blockland, miraculously woke up at 8:30 later that morning. Sunday night rolls by, I stay up till around 1 again, but wake up at 11 in the morning. Now as Monday rolls by, I stayed up till 2ish, and I have now woken up without coffee at 5:45 AM.


Gallery / The City with No Name: Future Projections
« on: May 22, 2010, 01:52:20 AM »
So basically on my server, I am hosting a CityRPG, the better city roleplay. It doesn't focus on killing or arresting, it focuses on building, government, and inventions. So basically I have decided to create an exaggerated model, (Not to scale completely), to create a projection of what I want the city to begin to look like. The server will be open hopefully soon, but as I said, this is only a projection.

Current city. Very bare.

Projection, missing a bit, but you get the point.

Drama / Darkwarrior: More Christian then all of You.
« on: May 11, 2010, 08:35:09 PM »
Seriously, I think he is on his religious period. He bumped two, yeah that's right, two religion war topics. If you look at his last posts, they are all mostly about how "Jesus" is talking to him. I think he is trolling but you all can be the judge of that.


Last Post's:;u=14077;sa=showPosts

Discuss his common misconception of Christianity and just what it is, or just talk about his overall handicapation.

Games / Fallout 3
« on: April 30, 2010, 12:12:25 AM »
So, just this Wednesday, I got Fallout 3, and I think I have an addiction.

Seriously, when a game molds around what you do, I can't stop playing. I shot some poor guy at the gate of Megaton, and his head flew off. Then I did a few things, in addition to sleeping with Nova. After hacking into the Stahl's terminal, getting the pass right on the first try, (wasn't my first time trying to hack a terminal), I unlocked their floor safe, stole 300 caps, and bought a ton of ammo/weapons.

By the way, before I left the Vault, I went on rampage, killing Officer Gomez + some other officers, then I killed Butch, soon after a civilian or two, then it resulted in killing the Overseer, and leaving directly afterward.

It wasn't all killing though, I socialize and learn some stuff from the folks in Megaton.

Discuss your fun on Fallout, and tell me a little about how D.C. turned out, with the ghoul city.

Off Topic / Reaction to: Communism
« on: April 27, 2010, 12:13:12 AM »
I just wanted a public reaction to communism. Intelligent posts please on why you do, or don't like communism. Also discuss the perks and burdens of communism.

Suggestions & Requests / Realistic Playertype
« on: April 14, 2010, 11:43:24 PM »

This "equation" is what brought me to think up of some ideas for a realistic player type in Blockland that could be used in RP/RPG or even DM/TDM's. A player, that can't be hit 35 times before killed with a frying pan.

Slots Section:
In reality, you have how many hands? 2?

And then you have to factor in belts or pockets. After all this, I'd say at least 5 slots, 2 for guns, 2 for grenade/melee, and 1 for health objects.

Speed Section:
How fast can you run? Less then 10 miles and hour doubtless.
How fast can you walk? Less then 3 miles and hour most likely.

So let's set a reasonable speed, not any fast crap that the "Realistic Army Playertype" had.

Damage Section:
Could you script something, so that when the player is hit in a limb, they are downed an "bleed to death", then if they are hit in the chest or the head instant death, to make it more realistic?

Basically, what I am saying, a realistic person, regular amount of slots, normal speed, and realistic anatomy.

Games / Black and White
« on: April 10, 2010, 02:00:55 PM »
I recently ran into this 9 year old game, and suddenly I hated myself for not finding it sooner. I have been looking around for a game where I could play "god", and Spore just didn't cut it for me.

When I found the pictures and then watched the video. I started to get slightly less impressed, then I found Black and White 2. I have decided to buy it, and I just wanted two things:

First, you tell me this doesn't look cool:

Secondly, does anyone know any American websites that are selling it?
The official site is only for the UK...

Off Topic / Conscious Intervention: The Awakening of Mankind
« on: April 08, 2010, 09:53:45 PM »
Well, since the other thread was locked in less then 5 minutes of it being created, I just wanted to bring this up to some people, and maybe see if they shared an interest in it. This is not about religion as much as awakening mankind to a new conscious.

Yes it does contain "anti-religion" articles in it and I welcome you to comment on them as you wish. I know for a fact this will become a debate over atheism and religion, but I felt that this needs to be seen.

Also, Inv3rted is welcome and will disappoint me if he doesn't reply at some point. :D

Off Topic / 1st Year Look-Back
« on: March 29, 2010, 11:58:55 PM »
So, I guess it passed, but I have officially been here for one year. This is not an attention thread, I just wanted to have some fun showing everyone this thread I found a while ago, to commemorate how much I have grown.

By the way, I <3 you Pandan. :D

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