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Topics - SWAT One

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Forum Games / State of Affairs – Deadlocked in War.
« on: July 08, 2014, 04:18:11 AM »
S t a t e   O f   A f f a i r s

Summer 1911
Timescale:  1 day = 3 months

(Click any map to enlarge it)
Political (Cities)
Political (Regions of Aderland)

Nations, Regions, and Cities

Welcome to Aderland

Welcome to Aderland, citizen.  You have been born into a nation that offers many possibilities.  You are the people that shall inherit this nation, and shall control its destiny.  Will you help to create wonderful Aderland to make it one that earns the respect of its neighbors?  Will our nation grow to inspire the nations for years to come?  Will the nations of the world tremble at our might?  Will our economy be the envy of our competitors in the global market?  Or will we be among the first to fly amongst the stars?

Today, we write our history.

What is our role?

Your role is how you define yourself.  You choose how you change the nation.  However, not everyone will agree on things, not everything will go your way.  Not every nation will like you.  Aderland will have its ups and downs, and you will decide how to improve it.

The state of the State

Current Government Type:
Parliamental Republic
Government Efficiency:
Current Ruler:
Kaiser Hapsburg II

Economy Type:
Economic Strength:
Economic Influence (Regional):
Economic Influence (Global):
Major Industries:
Iron, Coal, Livestock

65 Million
Rural-to-Urban Ratio:
Military to Population Rate (MTPR):
1 per 100

How do I join?

It's easy!  Just fill out this application and wait for approval.
Code: [Select]
[b]Represented District:[/b] [Name or Number]
[b]Demographic Description:[/b] [Give us a short description about the people who live here. What are your people's ideologies? etc.]

[b]Special Characters:[/b] [Start with one person.  Assign 10 points to any marked (PA).  Each following person will need the same assignment layout.]
[b]Name:[/b] [Name]
[b]Birth Year:[/b] [Birth Year]
[b]Civilian or Military:[/b] [Choose one]
[b]Education:[/b] (PA)
[b]Charm:[/b] (PA)
[b]Political Ideology:[/b] [Democratic, Fascist, Communist, etc.]
[b]Political Fervor:[/b] (PA)
[b]Current Job:[/b] [Start low, then build up reasonably over time.[/b]
[b]Economic Standing:[/b] (PA)
[b]Languages Known:[/b] [Choose as many as fits; each one is a PA point.  Native (German) does not count.]

Rules and Guides

  • Use special characters to gain influence in some area.  This will define your influence in the region(s) that you represent
  • Be in high office by climbing your way up.
  • Accrue power.  You can be an absolute ruler if you gain the power to do so.
  • Metagame.  Woah, this is odd!  Yes, you may metagame ONLY IF it is treated as an RP action between characters.
  • Be corrupt.
  • Request actions that demand a response.
  • Dispute with moderators over PMs.
  • Gain influence in other regions or nations.
  • If you have the authority, start or request to go to war.
  • Automatically control government actions unless you have the authority to do so.
  • Appoint high officials.
  • Powergame.  You are not invincible by ALL possible means.
  • RP OOC actions or communication.  If any information is spilled that was not sanctioned by either parties as IC, report it to moderators.
  • Claim corruption is not allowed.  It is.  Want something done about it?  Want the people to know?  Tell the press.
  • Auto-hit.  Ex:  "We launch a nuke and it hits your capitol."
  • Dispute with moderators openly, unless it is a public topic problem.
  • Annex regions unless sanctioned by an administrator and the representative to that region.
  • Immediately start wars.  You may, however, raise militia or start a revolt if conditions are favorable.

(These rules are subject to change at any time.)
  • Populus:
    The Populus is the people within an area.  They have certain qualities to them, political alignment.  They require things of their government, it is your role as both the populous and the special characters to make sure that you get what you need.
  • Special Characters:
    Special Characters act as the core influence of your influence  You choose what specialty they have.  You will be promoted by moderators and administrators in your job when you gain influence.


PersonOfficial PostPosition
- - -
Mr. HurricaneMember


Issue 1: Austral Embassy
Passed (Conservative)
Issue 2: Border Control
Passed (Moderate-Conservative)
Issue 5: Draft


Source, Publication Location
Skirmishes in the West,
Labor strikes in Neiderberg,
New Representative elected to Gebeitfurt County Chair
Aderland Daily, AlzbergConservative
Austral Palace Bombed!,
Immigration Laws Passed,
Labor Strikes Intensify in the North
Aderland Daily, AlzbergConservative
Troops Gathering at Endrasian Border!
State Military Sent to Quell Rebellion
Aderland to Approve Celastian Loan
The Metropolitan Informer, GebeitfurtModerate-Conservative

Bane of Utopia

Name:  Michael Dubois
Age:  16
Date:  May 15, 2073

You sit on a dingy plastic crate in a concrete cellar lit by a single flickering bulb and filled with crates.  Many of these crates are empty, though some are filled with rotten or poisoned food, the smell of which assaults your nostrils in a most unpleasant way.  A rat darts from behind one crate to another, where it pokes its head around a corner, staring at you.  It's hungry, just like you.  Just like most of the others in this Godforsaken stuffhole.

It was two years since you've seen your family.  You remember your little brother.  You last remember him helping your dad walk, escaping behind the New World Bank in Victory City from a dangerous lot who call themselves "The Flogging Force".  No one remembers them fondly nowadays.  It's hard to think that there was a time that anyone thought them as human, much less revered them– an opinion reserved for a few.  Now the only thing anyone remembers about them is the destruction of a Utopia, and the murder of nine-tenths of the entire population of Utopia.  Everyone remembers how they gunned down civilians in the streets, rounded them up and killed them by showering them with chemicals to reduce them to nothing, and setting Victory City ablaze.  There was so much blood in the streets that those who managed to see it and escaped saw great pools of blood boiling from the heat of the fires.  It was only a part of their atrocities.

You remember the last image of your dad was that he was being led by your brother behind that building.  He was shot in his right ankle, grazed along his left side, and his left ear was shot off completely.  The last you remember of him was holding onto your brother, soaked in blood, amidst many other people running about, some wounded from various means, others just glad they had two feet to sta—

You stop.  You find yourself breathing heavily and in a cold sweat.  It's too painful to remember.

At the end of the room is a wooden door with a grimy metal handle.

Suggestions & Requests / Weapon Restriction – Water
« on: June 09, 2014, 02:03:15 PM »
Can someone make a support script for allowing weapons to be used exclusively above water or below water?  Such as wanting a gun not to work because the player is underwater?


Suggestions & Requests / Independent /Setname Command
« on: May 04, 2014, 02:17:17 PM »
Not related to this request.

It was related to an old RP Chat mod.  (Link; rehosting since I don't even know where to find this.)

In this mod you can do the normal /setname command, and it will simulate your name as what you put it, but there are a lot of features woven in that are superfluous to what I intend to use with it.

First off, there are a number of problems:

  • It breaks with Slayer.
  • Using with Local Chat mods also breaks it.
  • Any other chat mod breaks it.

What I want removed is everything but:

  • The RTB Pref field for toggling the mod, though it would be nice if it could be renamed to "Allow Aliases".
  • The naming system as it exists now.
  • The system of preserving the first three or four letters of your real BL name, and putting it in clan tags (I don't remember which; perhaps add a pref to control how many are included.)
  • Announcement that says when someone changes their name.
  • /whois command already built in.

In other words, remove all the local area functions, all the emitters for showing someone has heard you, all the alternate chat functions, and the <namehere>"says," line.

Thank you.

Suggestions & Requests / Brick menu adjustments for tabbing.
« on: May 02, 2014, 10:10:48 AM »
Title.  Every time I have to tab to other menus, it's annoying that I can't see the tabs that I have selected and stuff.  Can this be fixed or just be implemented with a scroll feature so you can either drag a scrollbar or use your scroll wheel in a certain area to move sideways?

Thank you.

Off Topic / What is your gaming fuel?
« on: May 01, 2014, 01:01:00 PM »

What is your favorite thing(s) to eat or drink while gaming?

Mine has to be a mug of hot tea.

Clan Discussion / [Æ] Advanced Eventers — Clan HQ/Training Center?
« on: April 26, 2014, 02:58:02 PM »

Who are we?

Advanced Eventers is a clan made for, as the name says, advanced eventers.  Our community is for those who are knowledgeable at eventing.  We may create projects, help others users on their projects, teach users how to event proficiently, and more.

How do I join?

There are two parts to Æ's application process.  First, fill out the following application form.

Code: [Select]
[b]In-Game Name:[/b]
[b]Steam Name:[/b]  (Not required, but appreciated)

[b]What are your event experiences?[/b]

Second, given that we accept your written application here, you may drop in on any of our servers and event something.  You may also submit a save to any of our reviewers with a list of required Add-Ons.  We will evaluate you and rank you according to your skill level.  If you are accepted, the requirement clan tag is [Æ] in the clan prefix.  If you already are in another clan, you may put this in your clan suffix.

Hover over skill level to see ranks.  Stars are sorted 1-5, 5 being the highest, 1 being the lowest.

IGN        BL_ID        Position
Tuevon14257Temporary Administrator
Nuclear Bear33750Member


At this point, all meetings are TBA, and will revolve around user applications.

Suggestions & Requests / Metal Strain Sounds
« on: April 21, 2014, 09:21:00 PM »
Can we please get some metal straining sounds, meaning creaking, screeching, breaking, groaning, etc.

I feel like my builds can really come alive with this.  This has certainly been suggested before, and it's just a really nice SFX sound.

Suggestions & Requests / Event Process Record
« on: April 20, 2014, 03:29:24 PM »
A command similar to /Cancel events, except that it records how many times events were called on every user's bricks within that time before canceling all events and removing event-spawned objects.

Reports results in chat box.  All this for anti-spam purposes.

Suggestions & Requests / More Flexible Command Events
« on: April 20, 2014, 02:09:53 PM »
Anyone remember Prompt events?  Command Events?

I just want something simple so that you don't have to type /word yes or /word no.  Just an event that takes /yes and /no as inputs with onPlayerAccept, onPlayerDecline and onPlayerVote.


Off Topic / Favorite Soda/Pop/Whatever you call fizzy drinks.
« on: April 18, 2014, 03:06:02 AM »
Title.  I know there are plenty more, but if I didn't get them, feel free to suggest them, and I'll add them to the OP.

General Discussion / Tuevon's Floating Islands [WIP Server] (OFFLINE)
« on: April 12, 2014, 01:58:48 AM »
Floating Islands
(Old topic here)

What is this server?

This server, in its end result, is meant to be a cross between an RP and a DM where users can create their own factions and alliances.  Currently, there are (last time I checked) 11 floating islands, though two of these forms a single larger bloc with a planned town to be sandwiched between them.

What does it look like?

(Click for full size, hover for description.)

Is there a backstory?

Sure is!

Over a century ago, the Earth, united as the Terran Empire, has placed multiple colonies across the Sol System.  The Federation of Mars, and the United Satellites of Jupiter led a fight in rebellion from the Terran Empire.  The Terran Empire didn't lose, but found that the war was too costly to continue, and so, the Federation of Mars, the United Satellites of Jupiter, and the Saturn Colonies split from the Terran Empire, however, still relied on trade.

Some years later, domestic conflicts in the FoM were found to be Terran espionage.  This led to diplomatic tension and later to war.  During this war, sleeper agents of the FoM engaged in Operation: Hercules.  This operation was to destroy a device in Terran production, called the Gravel-maker.  The Gravel-maker was an explosive device that would blow up entire planets, but combine the core of the planet along with the Gravel-maker itself to create an unusual field that would keep debris in relatively the same area.  The FoM knew of this device, but suspected it was a weapon to be used against Mars.

In attempt to dismantle it, the agents detonated it, and consequently, it separated the Earth into billions of floating blocs suspended in the air.  The Terran Empire tried to keep order during this chaos, but collapsed.  There were several unforseen consequences.  First, the other planetary empires could no longer support themselves, and died out.  Second, many resources became very precious, including vital resources such as water.  Third, the world has been thrown into a dark ages and is now full of travelers and pirate gangs.

Over a century later, little has changed.

What's happening right now?

The server is still WIP, and currently, there are only two established builders, that being myself and sos339.

How can I help?

We are in need of builders who can build in this style, or in styles very similar to this.  Ideas for more islands are also helpful, as is any support you may give.

If you would like to join the project team, fill out a quick little application here:
Code: [Select]
[b]IGN:  [/b]
[b]BL_ID:  [/b]
[b]Building experience:  [/b]
[b]Recommendations (at least 3):  [/b]

We also have a Steam Dev/Production Group for updates etc.

Off Topic / Could someone make a gif of this?
« on: April 07, 2014, 06:15:26 AM »

If you can get the transition of the expression angry to frustrated cleanly, that would be awesome.  Would make an interesting reaction image, IMO.


Something is wrong with this code I wrote and i don't know what.  Could a more trained eye take a look at it and see if I did something stupid?

Link  Old.

Updated version with console here.

Off Topic / Norwegian Skydiver almost hit by meteor
« on: April 04, 2014, 01:14:30 AM »

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