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Topics - Mr.jacksaunt

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Suggestions & Requests / Parachute event
« on: January 13, 2012, 08:42:41 PM »
With Pandan's parachute, the only way a player can be 'chuted, is by their clicking the item. What I think would be really nice is if there was an output event that let you trigger this on the player, or if not that, then just mount the parachute model to the player.
This would be really good for spawns in the air, that simulate a skydiving effect right after spawning, without the player having to go through and choose the parachute himself.

(FYI this is a repost of an older topic that died)

Off Topic / Two 10 year olds being good at skateboarding
« on: January 10, 2012, 09:47:19 PM »
It's a 6 minute long video of two people being really good at skateboarding
I think they need a sponser, and a lot more views.
!!CATION!! Video is in 240p

General Discussion / Draw your Blockhead in Paint
« on: December 26, 2011, 04:50:37 PM »
Pretty much just open up paint and draw what your blockhead looks like and post it.
You can post what it looks like in game if you want.
(No this is not beg the OP to draw your blockhead for you)



Don't have paint? Download this .app file, it's a clone of MS Paint.

Help / Duplicator prefs not showing up?
« on: December 23, 2011, 11:17:19 AM »

I'm not sure what to do, I'm trying to duplicate a build that is more then 5000 bricks.
Any help?

Off Topic / 4chan in a nutshell
« on: December 07, 2011, 10:56:51 PM »
Also known as /b/

Off Topic / Do you have epilepsy problems?
« on: December 01, 2011, 07:44:24 PM »

Games / How to I install cod4 custom maps?
« on: November 23, 2011, 05:49:07 PM »
All the tutorials online are bad and haven't helped, can someone post a step by step guide?

Off Topic / Any Vermonters here?
« on: November 22, 2011, 08:15:30 PM »
I want to have another Blocklander in this state besides me :C
plz tell me where you live so i can stalk you

Drama / Jorici - Trolling/inducing flame wars/attention whoring
« on: November 13, 2011, 08:51:44 PM »
    Hey guys my name is Tom. I'm a reporter for London Today, writing a report on America. I have gathered all the information I could get on it off of leftist websites on the internet, so I can attempt to force my views on everyone else. I am an edgy yet rebellious youth living in London, England and I drive my Toyota Prius over to the Starbucks to use my Apple Macbook PROFESSIONAL, and I am here to explain why America is not equal to my beautiful England, and it's other European counterparts.

    To start off, we beat you in every war we fought in. The war of 1812 for an example, we even went as far as to burn your silly american's capital. The American Revolution was a lie, King George simply hated the land of America and gave it away to you. Err, hang on, my green tea is ready. Let me ready my 7 pounds for a single glass of tea.

   Speaking of wars, you guys steal oil from those tiny Arabian nations. American's say that they are policing the area, but everyone knows that they killed Saddam Hussein because he refused to give up Iraq's oil. I can understand where he is coming from, not wanting to give hulking fat asses with sweat pouring down their foreheads just to simply move their arm to hang him a cut of his prized possession. You Americans are all just big, fat, hairy bullies with nothing better to do than eat and fart while watching American Football.

    Alright then. Why the hell do you guys have steering wheels on the left side of your car? This has always perplexed my 17 year old mind. It's like someone took all the stupid ideas that man has ever created and gave them to America. I don't think America has ever even invented anything, except maybe crime. Ignoring the differences in population completely, America has 10x more homicides a year than Endland's 1,000.

    Also, look at their literacy rate. 97 percent. England has 98 percent. It just shows that England is that much better than America. If you were to take England's population and give it a reading test, more people would pass than America, also ignoring the massive difference in population again. But population doesn't matter because England is cool.

    Have any of you been to America? I haven't, but I know that is is all slums and cities that are not kept up like my beautiful London, with it's urban sprawl and all that goodness. American cities are all dirty and polluted, with a couple stabbings every night.

   To further prove my point at how cool England is, we are awesome. That is all.

   Thank you for listening to my whiny little heart and it's desires so I can whine all day about wanting socialism in England and how I want to change the world but I do nothing all day long about my dreams.

This was bound to start a stuffstorm and he knew it
And even if this was a joke, it was an unfunny one that many people fell for, making angry posts.
This is undoubtedly an act of attention whoring because of how provocitive he made the post.

I used to think that Jorici was decent, but if this is a legitiment post, then I have lost all respect.

Off Topic / I can't even begin to explain this image
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:06:42 PM »


Gallery / BF based Rush map - NEED HELPERS/BUILDERS
« on: November 03, 2011, 04:42:54 PM »
Battlefield styled Rush map
I started building this map around the BF3 beta because I liked the gamemode. I kinda stopped on it, but today I got a lot of stuff done on it.
The build is on the map Pirate bay.

The attackers spawn on a smaller island from the air, there they can get into 1 T90, 2 MG hummers, 1 standard hummer, and 1 M35 transport. They then would go onto the bridge onto the main island where the fighting begins. The other team gets 1 MG Fighter jet, 1 Apache (they do not respawn) and 2 MG hummers.

They have to set a charge on both of the first mcom stations to get to the second ones. Once they destroy the second base, that becomes their spawn. The defenders have to defend (with no vehicles) the third base on a cramped part of the main island. They will have HMGs though.

One of the first MCOM station buildings

Both first MCOM station buildings

Defender spawn base and second MCOM place

Attacker spawn (the C130 flies on those invisable plates for the effect of players skydiving to the battlefield

How to help
This project is a VERY heavy WIP, I'm not the best builder and making stuff is still challenging for me.

Small building Builders
Eventers (there isn't a Rush gamemode so this would need to be evented)
Base/compound builders (large buildings with fences around it)
General helper (someone that has ideas and ways to improve this)
Hoster(s)      (I have bad internet and I run off a Mac so I can't host)

Weapons, items and classes
Hopefully, when this is done and completed, I can get Gravity Cat to host this build with his weapons
Since this is based off of Battlefield, I think I'd be good to base the classes around that

Assault rifle
Healing method

Rocket Launcher
Repair Wrench

Ammo kit

Sniper Rifle

This is still a work in progress! If you can help with this, please do!

Save and required addons
Heavy Machine gun
Hummer (heed's)
fighter jet
M35 transport
JVS doors pack 1+2
Truenos original colorset
Vehicle events pack
mini game events pack

The save is just for people looking to help out, please don't host a TDM with it

Suggestions & Requests / Parachute event
« on: November 03, 2011, 02:37:10 PM »
With Pandan's parachute, the only way a player can be 'chuted, is by their clicking the item. What I think would be really nice is if there was an output event that let you trigger this on the player, or if not that, then just mount the parachute model to the player.
This would be really good for spawns in the air, that simulate a skydiving effect right after spawning, without the player having to go through and choose the parachute himself.

Off Topic / Why is Iban still Lurking
« on: October 30, 2011, 08:04:16 PM »;u=36038

He is online, I don't understand why he'd want to be here after being banned more then twice.

Maybe he is mentally ill like plaz

Off Topic / Apestuff girls
« on: October 24, 2011, 07:48:48 PM »
My first uploaded video (done on an alt account to avoid issues even though I forgot to use a proxy)

I got this from facebook :cookieMonster:

Games / Steam not uninstalling things properly?
« on: October 22, 2011, 05:55:01 PM »

After uninstalling L4D2, there is still 10(!) gigabytes of game files on my computer.
I don't understand why Steam doesn't just delete those or use those files already on my computer for downloading the rest of L4D2.

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