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Topics - the hacker

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Off Topic / Two rants in one: ChromeCast and Editing software
« on: December 23, 2013, 05:52:59 PM »
Because I was somehow able to make two persuasive arguments in two months, and I don't want to make two topics in the same day, I decided to post these arguments on the forums in one thread.

ChromeCast is Useless (the shorter argument)
I bought ChromeCast at retail for $35. After using it, I saw that the only things I could really use it with were YouTube and Netflix. Then I realized that any modern day Blu Ray player or video game console (Wii U and PS3 in my case) can be used with both. I know people will argue with me that the ChromeCast is cheaper, but it really isn't because you also need a computer or tablet that supports wireless internet. Besides; a modern day Blu Ray player or video game console supports more than just YouTube or Netflix. My PS3 can support Amazon Instant, Hulu Plus, Crunchyroll, and much more! Therefore, purchasing a ChromeCast is pointless and a waste of money.

Editing software isn't expensive (the longer argument)

Last month on these forums, someone asked about a good editing software. At the time, two editing softwares were suggested, and the person who started the thread said he couldn't afford $600. I pointed out that they weren't actually $600 by default, and he bitched at me that I was wrong. So, I wrote this to vent about why I'm right:

The first software suggested was Sony Vegas. I use Vegas, and so do most people on YouTube. When most people think Vegas, they think Vegas Pro, which is between $150 and $800. But do you know what these people don't notice? The word "pro" in the name. That word suggests that there are multiple versions of Vegas with less features and therefore, cost less. I don't use Vegas Pro. I use Vegas Movie Studio HD 11, which I bought in a retail box at Target for $40. Since then, Vegas 11 was discontinued and changed to Vegas 12. Even then, Vegas Movie Studio is $80. Compared to $800, it's a lot cheaper.

The second software suggested was Adobe Premiere. I understand why people would think this, since Adobe products are overall expensive, but much like Vegas, there are cheaper versions of the software. I own a copy of Adobe Premiere Elements, which was $100 at Micro Center. Sure, that's a high price point, but Premiere Pro can cost up to $800, much like Vegas. Unfortunately, Premiere Elements is terrible, but there's a solution. You don't have to buy Adobe Premiere, or any Adobe software, for a ridiculous price. Adobe Creative Suite and all individual Adobe software can be purchased with a monthly subscription of $20 to $50 a month. It gets even better! If you're a student (mainly college, but there's some exceptions), you can get any Adobe software for a much lower cost, or even for free. I have proof that Adobe does this. I own a retail copy of Adobe CS4 Web Standard, and it didn't cost me a single penny. The best part: Adobe isn't the only company that does this! A senior in my advisory got a copy of Maya for free, when the paid software is around $2000.

Now, good sir, tell me: Why can't you afford a good editing software again?

So that was two different rants that I made about two different things. If you agree, that's fine. If you don't, that's also fine. I'm not trying to force anything. However, if you can contradict me, do so! I like having people prove me wrong.

Suggestions & Requests / Hexagon Bricks
« on: December 21, 2013, 01:40:05 AM »
I'm looking for some form of hexagon brick. Specifically a size big enough to hold nine 1x1 bricks on top without overlaying the edges. The main reason is because making hexagon shapes with wedges is damn near impossible to do without them looking wide. The closest I've gotten to a hexagon brick is 1 random brick pack, but those were octagonal. I'd rather they had 6 sides instead of 8. Can anyone do that?

Off Topic / I'm not ready for livestreaming
« on: December 19, 2013, 11:10:25 PM »
Hey, just making a quick post that I'm currently livestreaming Blockland on Twitch for the first time. If anyone wants to drop by, head over to See ya there!

So in my attempt to livestream, I ended up having severe lag, and as such, probably won't stream until I know what I'm doing and/or get better internet.

General Discussion / What's the physical range of BL sales?
« on: December 18, 2013, 04:22:53 PM »
I know the title is confusing, but what I'm asking is how many different countries have Blockland been purchased from? The only countries I'm sure about are the US, Canada, Germany, and New Zealand. Are there any others that I'm missing? I'd like to know.

Suggestions & Requests / Superhot gamemode/playertype
« on: December 06, 2013, 10:57:27 PM »
I got this idea from how multiplayer of the indie game "Superhot" would work. If you don't know what Superhot is, it's essentially a first person shooter where time speeds up or slows down the more you move. Click here for the Superhot website. After coming up with how multiplayer would work, I thought "Someone could make that in Blockland." And here I am now. Here's how it would work: One person is selected as "Superhot" and is the only person who can alter time by moving. It's the goal of everyone else to kill this person. Only problem, everyone who isn't Superhot is influenced by the time effect. Basic preferences that should be added to avoid abuse and/or make the gamemode actually possible on a server side are:

  • Playertype should be restricted to minigames and/or admin only
  • Moving as the player would change the timescale, already built into the game via /timescale

Anything else suggested will be added onto the list, unless I make the same mistake twice and discover that I can't modify this post. This would be really fun and interesting if someone makes it. Lemons out.

Drama / Dumbass Blocklanders we'll never forget
« on: November 21, 2013, 06:39:32 PM »
Ah, the glorious drama section. Filled with all the hatred and stupidity of the community. This is a forum thread to remember those annoying little cunts we all told to GTFO. Kinda like a memorial. Some of them are hilarious to read, others give you headaches. Who were some of your favorite players to bitch at? I'll record the names of whoever you mention. I'll keep note of their name when I meet them on a server. Just try to only mention people who've been banned from the forums. I don't want anyone bitching because their name is on the list.

Dumbass Blocklanders:

Games / Heavy Rain - Holy loving stuff (spoilers)
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:47:51 AM »
 Thanks to relatives being awesome, I was given a copy of Heavy Rain for PS3. I felt the need to talk about it, and these forums + Wii U internet was the lazy option. So I opted for that.

I've played about 10 hours of the game, and so far, I have mixed feelings. The game is fantastic, but it's a Spec Ops: The Line kind of fantastic. I wouldn't call it fun. Actually, It's really shocking. In the 10 hours I've played, my son was killed, my other son was kidnapped, I cut off my pinky, was beaten the stuff out of with a crowbar, stabbed someone with a drill, killed an innocent man, and more. The best way I can describe Heavy Rain is a Saw movie. It's a man who does something he really doesn't want to do just to save his kid. If I was to complain, the walking around controls are kinda clunky. Anyway, I need to lie down. Playing this game gave me a headache. What do you think about this game? I haven't finished it yet, so no spoilers, please.
I've finished the game since writing this, and the ending I got is the most bullstuff ending I've seen. I'll be replaying this game to get a proper ending at some point in the future.

Help / Shaders are locked off
« on: November 08, 2013, 06:58:36 PM »
Assuming you jumped into this topic to say "Intel cards aren't supported" I am NOT using an Intel graphics card. I'm using a laptop with an ATI Radeon graphics card. Yet for some reason, I can't enable shaders. I can turn them to minimal, but that's it. Are shaders auto-disabled for cards that aren't powerful enough, or something? I'd like to now. I'm using an all-AMD 32 bit laptop running Windows Vista.

Help / Black Screen when trying to host/play
« on: October 27, 2013, 06:22:00 PM »
I have no idea why this is happening. I'm running Blockland on a Windows Vista laptop with an AMD processor. When I attempt to start a game, either hosting or singleplayer, the game stops responding and I get a black screen. I have no problems with joining a server. Can someone help me?

Off Topic / deleted
« on: October 26, 2013, 09:03:42 PM »
this has been deleted

Off Topic / Favorite TV shows
« on: June 14, 2013, 05:20:25 PM »

I'd have to say Venture Bros or Naruto.

Games / $20 dollars. Save up or spend all?
« on: June 06, 2013, 02:23:11 PM »
As an 8th grade graduation present, I got $20. I can either save up $10 more and buy XCOM or spend it all on something in my wishlist. Which do you recommend?

Before anyone says "XCOM is $40 dumbass" I'm buying it on this handy little shop that has permanent sales on almost everything.

Games / Couldn't resist making this
« on: May 17, 2013, 07:50:47 PM »
So I did.

General Discussion / What we don't like about Blockland.
« on: March 22, 2013, 04:06:35 PM »
Alright, I'll start by saying this isn't a Blockland hate thread. This is just a post to see what we don't like about the game. What's the purpose of this thread? Well, it's a place to complain about discuss our problems with Blockland, and it also gives Badspot a list of things to change or improve. Not everything can be changed, obviously, but not everything is impossible either. Also, this thread is opinion based, so no being bias.

Suggestions & Requests / Cut and paste tool?
« on: March 03, 2013, 01:39:42 AM »
I was building a Turn-based strategy game in Blockland and I got an idea: What if there was a cut and paste tool? I would think it would work like the duplicator except it destroys the original build before duplicating it. That would make moving out-of-place buildings take slightly less time. I might have a friend make one for me, but I want to see if it's been done before.

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