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Topics - Electrk

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Modification Help / y root of x
« on: May 03, 2012, 10:19:16 PM »
How would you do y root of x?
Like square root but any number instead of 2

Off Topic / Steam, Skype, Xfire, MSN Messenger, etc.
« on: May 01, 2012, 12:50:37 AM »
Which do you prefer: Steam, Skype, Xfire, MSN Messenger, or other? And why?

Suggestions & Requests / Default win emote keybind/command
« on: April 24, 2012, 07:27:43 PM »
I think it's about time that the win emote gets its own keybind/command.
I don't know why it doesn't already.

Off Topic / The most inactive forum member ever
« on: April 19, 2012, 12:18:02 AM »
He has been on for a total of one minute and four seconds.

Click the image for the profile link

General Discussion / Is this normal?
« on: April 11, 2012, 08:18:03 PM »

what is going on

Suggestions & Requests / Client-Sided Chat Console Echo
« on: April 11, 2012, 07:45:52 PM »
Can/did someone make a mod for this? It's like the server chat echo but it's for clients.
I remember my friend made something like this before but I lost it long ago.

General Discussion / Blockland randomly takes screenshots?
« on: April 10, 2012, 10:32:53 PM »
Does this happen to anyone else?
Blockland seems to randomly take screenshots while I'm playing.

Music / .
« on: April 09, 2012, 06:02:26 AM »
Never mind

Games / No Luca No - The Greatest Game in History
« on: March 31, 2012, 09:22:58 PM »

This has to be the best game I've ever seen.
It has a very character-driven and touching story.
I think it should win some sort of award or something.

That's just my opinion though, you can judge for yourself:

Modification Help / Changing a brick into another brick?
« on: March 31, 2012, 08:45:44 PM »
Is there a way to change a brick into another brick?

Like changing a 1x4x5 wall into a window?

Suggestions & Requests / Named brick events for other people's bricks?
« on: March 31, 2012, 03:12:45 PM »
I was wondering if there was a mod or a way for someone to make a mod that allows you to use the named brick event for other player's bricks (if you have full trust).

Off Topic / RTB is down?
« on: March 30, 2012, 07:09:53 PM »
Is RTB down for anyone else? The website, RTB connect, etc. are not loading for me.

Add-Ons / Client-Sided Terrain Generator (v1) - Broken as stuff
« on: March 29, 2012, 12:08:28 AM »

By: Club559 and Electrk

Banner by Reinforcements

This is a client-sided mod that makes random chunks based on parameters you specify.
It also has a nifty GUI that you can bind a key to.

How to use

• Plant a ghost of a 4x cube
• Open the GUI
• Fill in the parameters
• Press 'Generate'
• Watch your player build terrain

Do not set the parameters too high or you might crash.
Minimum height must be at least 1.
Also, try not to turn your player at all or it'll mess it up.


As of v1 there are ten default biomes (names are not case-sensitive):

• Grass - Normal biome with grass, trees, flowers, etc.
• Forest - More trees than any other biome and a higher chest rate than the grass biome.
• Snow - Grass, flowers, and chests are white. Trees are mint green if using default colorset.
• Desert - Sand color, no grass or trees, and the higher chest rate than any other biome.
• Cactus Desert - Mostly a test biome. There are cacti and it is perfectly flat no matter what.
• Dirt - No trees, grass, or flowers.
• Plain - Only grass.
• Hell - A special biome. Lava at the first two levels.
• None - Only 4x Cubes. Uses whatever color you have selected. You can also just use "" as the name.
• Error - Only built when you try to use a non-existant biome. It's just blocks and usually colored a transparent black color.


The generator GUI.

The ten default biomes.

Some terrain with the maximum height set to 100.

Smooth terrain versus rough terrain.

A nice DOF screenshot of some terrain.

Add Your Own Biome

The only way right now is through several commands—we plan on making a GUI for this eventually.

First of all, do NOT edit any of the files to add your own.
Make a new add-on or do it in the console or something.
Use these functions in order:

addBiome("biome name", "block color (all colors use decimals)", "grass color", "tree color", "chest color", "flower color 1", "flower color 2","flower color 3");

This adds the basic biome and specifies basic things.

setExtras("biome name", buildGrass, buildTrees, buildChests, buildRocks, buildFlowers);

This is not adding a new biome; this is stating if extras (i.e. flowers, trees, etc.) should be built or not.
They're all booleans (1 or 0) except for the biome name. 1 for build that specific extra, 0 for don't build.

setFrequencies("biome name", treeFrequency, chestFrequency, rockFrequency, flowerFrequency);

This is also not adding a new biome; this is setting the extras' frequencies.
The higher the number, the lower the frequency. Setting something's frequency to 1 will make it be built on every single block.

Congratulations, you're done!
Enjoy your new biome! :)


• Sometimes, albeit farely rarely, the generator will glitch out/not work at all (it doesn't keep happening again and again though).
Does not work on servers with low maximum bricks per second prefs.
• Perlin sometimes makes the terrain have weird lines in it.
• Sometimes you do a little "victory dance" after chunk-building completion (this can be stopped by toggling supershift).

Future Ideas

These are all subject to change:

• An addBiome GUI
• Bug fixes
• Make it work on servers with a lower max bricks per second setting
• Better terrain generation (?)
• More biomes (?)
• Better hell and cactus desert biome (?)

Special Thanks

• Nexus for his findClosestColor function
• Destiny/Zack0Wack0 for his perlin script
• []----[] for helping us integrate the perlin script into our script
• dUMBELLS for support and suggestions


If you are having issues with the terrain generator, please do the following:

• Make sure your or the server's max bricks per second setting is high
• Make sure your or the server's too far distance is not too low
• Make sure everything is set correctly (minimum height is at least 1, all blanks are filled in, etc.)
• Try lower settings. Some sizes are too big for computers. It really depends on the computer though.


Mod is broken, don't use it.

Suggestions & Requests / Health bar above players
« on: March 22, 2012, 03:46:14 PM »
I was wondering if there was a mod or something that put a health bar above all the players' heads.
It would be much like the HUD version but above every player's head.

Is there a way to make strReplace case insensitive? Or is there another command for it?

How would I replace multiple characters at once?

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