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Topics - TheBlackParrot

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I'm trying to work on an add-on, and noticed that writing to a file in the folder does not work. I double checked permissions on the add-ons folder and behold, it's read-only.

I attempt to turn it off, find out that it still does not write, and see that read-only is on again. I have administrator permissions and everything.

Help / Can't start loading datablocks on a headless Linux server
« on: December 15, 2013, 06:32:01 PM »
headless meaning without a desktop.

The server runs fine, other than that it never seems to actually "establish" a connection. Netstat is saying there aren't any on Blockland's port, 28001.
I've turned off firewalls to double check and I'm still stuck here.

What's odd though, is that I can still see chat messages fine. Before it was headless, everything ran fine.

It's stuck here.

File ownerships and group ownerships are correct, same thing happens with or without firewalls on, ports are forwarded, space is available, everything is read-write, all of my other stuff accepts connections fine. I don't know what's going on.

Code: [Select]

screen -dmS blockland su blockland -c "wine ~/Blockland/Blockland.exe [launcher bypass code] -dedicated 1 -gamemode $GAMEMODE"
is how it's being started via systemctl on Arch if that's of any use.


Only works after the 2nd time PlayGUI is awoken. On the 1st time it does this stuff.
The X position of 319 is fine, it's that 916 that makes no sense.

getRes(); does the same thing.

Putting this in the position field when the swatch control is being made also results in 916.
10ms after PlayGUI is awoken also results in 916.
Moving the resize command above the parent results in 916.

Echoing the math results gives 628, which is what it should be with a height of 768.

I don't understand.

Code: [Select]
   function PlayGui::onWake(%this,%a,%b,%c)

This worked fine for a while before, but recently I've been getting this error with those that have my trust. Switching the IDs also produce an error and I can't understand why I'm getting an error now, when it worked fine before.

Code: [Select]
function serverCmdTeleport(%client,%target)
if(%client.dirt >= 125)
if(%target !$= "")
%target = findClientByName(%target);

if(getTrustLevel(%target,%client) != 0)
%client.dirt -= 125;
%client.centerPrint("<font:Impact:24>\c6You have teleported to" SPC SPC "for 125 dirt.",2);
%client.centerPrint("<font:Impact:24>\c6" @ SPC "doesn't trust you enough to teleport to them.");
%client.centerPrint("<font:Impact:24>\c6This player doesn't exist!");

It returns the "so and so doesn't trust you enough stuff", but it also returns a 0 along with the error when I echo the value of getTrustLevel().

Any way to fix it?

EDIT: It only works on a dedicated server...?

    (thanks to Alphadin for getting the original OP's code)

    Although it's now recommended you get it.

    Ore Database (SA only and GUI only)

    Heads Up Display

    r1321 - Dec. 6, 2013 [GUI version 5]
    • Game breaking on reset has been fixed.
    • Health in dirt and ores vary more or less depending on their base health
    • Progress bar will not display a value of 0 using 8 pixels anymore
    • Deaths aren't as punishing as they use to be.
    • Heatsuits were dropped from $40 each to $20 each.
    • Those with the GUI will no longer see center prints when mining blocks.
    • The HUD is no longer sent data regardless every 100ms, it will only update if you're looking at a different brick now. Delay dropped to 50ms because of it.
    • The brick you're looking at now glows if you have your light on.
    • A "feed" has been added to the HUD displaying what was previously mined.
    • The HUD is now visible on the first connection to a server.

    r1248 - Dec. 4, 2013 [GUI version 4]
    • Fixed trust issues that occur after a client leaves involving builds.
    • HUD has been remodeled, see OP for the new screenshot.
    • GUI version 3.1.6 and under are no longer supported. You will have issues if you do not upgrade to version 4 as of now.

    r1212 - Dec. 2, 2013
    • Explosion radius on the ultimate pick was decreased back to its normal level.
    • Radsuits are now required in the core layers.
    • Highscores are no longer reset when the server resets
    • Hotfix from r1112 - all bricks are now cleared on a server reset
    • Build area marker is now part of /buildingtools
    • Commas now show for health in the HUD
    • The HUD is no longer showing your current health for both health values.
    • Your health is now remembered if you respawn without dying.
    • Adding a checkpoint no longer mentions that you need 125 dirt, as it now varies, and the list will tell you anyway.
    • Checkpoint lists are no longer duplicated after rejoining a server
    • GUI HUD commands are now sent when killing zombies, my bad.
    • Decimals are now working 100% (thanks Ipquarx, again lol)
    • You have to pay the brick's volume divided by 10 to plant bricks when building.
    • Ores' values will now depend on how long it has been there. Radiated ores will have their price fall over time, and regular ones will have theirs increase over time (max of 12 hours)
    • Age is no longer shown on bricks without a value.
    • The transition from light to dark and vice versa for Sunlight blocks has been smoothed out.
    • The HUD now updates when using /upgrademaxhealth

    r1105 - Dec. 1, 2013
    • Lava's health revised to 5 so you all stop immediately going for the big red shiny things.
    • Spawn area's radius is now randomized slightly
    • Score on the GUI now has initial text
    • If your max health was over 4 digits, it's no longer red.
    • Critical health levels now depend on your maximum health in the GUI
    • New checkpoint system - you can now have multiple checkpoints, all persistent after resets and after you leave.
    • Added a command to manually save.
    • Highscore system added
    • Age now displays when mining blocks; that will be a factor in ore value at a later date.
    • The cost to go to a checkpoint or teleport to a player is now dynamic depending on the distance from your current location to the other location.
    • Zombies will drop some stuff now.
    • Dynamite explosion radii's base was increased by 5. Dormant bombs remain at their current radius.

    r1061 - Nov. 30, 2013 (PM) [GUI version 3]
    • Math updated to allow for decimals, will come into play at a later date. (Thanks again Iquarx)
    • Commas now separate numbers as expected.
    • HUD API on the gamemode was simplified.
    • Donating dirt was added to the /donate command.
    • The server's and client's GUI API version is now mentioned, so you can now see who in particular is outdated.
    • Explosion delays were increased some (level 20 dynamite for example went from 200ms to 500ms).
    • Building area detection was dramatically improved. You can no longer place 1 marker down for a 64x baseplate, for example.
    • Shop's custom ore icon was fixed.
    • You can now toggle whether you want your pick level automatically upgraded, at no extra cost.
    • Certain on-fail shop messages were reworded to be more descriptive.
    • Fixed healing giving the wrong message in the shop.

    r977 - Nov. 30, 2013 (AM)
    • Cooldown period added to buying dynamite again
    • Ore icon fixed in the ore settings GUI (minor update, remaining on GUI version 2)
    • Brick place sound moved to a better spot in the code
    • Faster pickaxes can no longer set off bombs more than once accidentally
    • Numbers can now go above 7 digits correctly (thanks Ipquarx)
    • Radiated zombies added, can be found where raditaion in dirt and ores start.
    • /selldirt added to /help

    r937 - Nov. 29, 2013 [GUI version 2]
    • Line counts in code were reduced
    • Explosions are dynamically slowed depending on explosion radius and the amount of explosions in progress. Should help with dynamite lag significantly.
    • Switching from building tools to mining tools with no water spray or dirt placer no longer keeps the wrench and printer.
    • All Endless Mining functions stop when switching gamemodes.
    • Switching to another gamemode and back to Endless Mining no longer bugs out and spawns you on the floor.
    • Score system, dirt is 1 point, ores are their original value without buffs/radiation.

    Download the latest git commit here
    You'll find it here on the page, if you can't find it

    Known Issues

    In case you have no idea what you're doing:

    (original topic was too old to post in)

    Off Topic / Streaming some Audiosurf [Online]
    « on: October 19, 2013, 05:51:30 PM »
    I have a better computer now so the stream quality isn't stuff and it's not boring to look at anymore.

    I may take requests depending on what song you're asking me to play.

    Off Topic / my laptop sucks but i still want to see about streaming
    « on: August 05, 2013, 01:10:54 AM »

    minus that it's like, 400x300 and 20fps

    EDIT: game is audiosurf, but not the typical modes
    EDIT 2: done for now, just seeing if it worked ok

    The code is in the screenshot, and here

    It looks fine here, with buildTerrain(32,32,1,"brick32xCubeData");


    Holes start appearing inbetween blocks when there's a major height difference, with buildTerrain(32,32,2,"brick32xCubeData");

    How can I go about fixing this correctly, because I've spent probably 2 hours already trying to figure it out.

    Game Modes / Chase Game
    « on: August 01, 2013, 06:03:54 PM »
    Chase Game

    Can't call it "Hide and Seek" because everyone complained.
    Can't call it "Pac-Block" because everyone complained.
    Can't call it "Hide and Seek Tag" because everyone complained.

    So I gave this a stupid ridiculous name so everyone would shut up.


    The basic gist of the game is avoid the Seekers if you're a Hider, and go after the Hiders if you're a Seeker. It's essentially Hide and Seek but lots have told me it's not like Hide and Seek at all for some, odd reason.

    It uses builds that are in .zip folders, much like the Speedkart gamemode. You must have the following in the .zip files (examples are listed below):
    • save.bls - The build itself
    • info.txt - Information file; contains the build name, those who built it, and the time extension for rounds in seconds
    You can also have an environment.txt file that will change the environment for each build, obviously. A default one is provided in the .zip in case one is not found in the map .zip file.

    The layout of the info.txt file must be like this:
    • Build name
    • Build author(s)
    • Time extension in seconds, or 0, can also be negative
    The base for round time is 5 minutes. It does not scale with the playercount, as there will be more seekers instead.

    The following commands are available to use:
    • /listmaps - Lists the maps, obviously
    • /checkplayers - Lists every player in the minigame, if they're alive or dead, and if they're a seeker or hider.
    • /checktime - Shows the elapsed round time, and the current round.
    • /changemap [number or blank] - Switches to the next map if blank, or switches to a specified map number (admin only)

    In the RTB version, the modified Beta City map will be included with the gamemode in case it may be failed without one. This one however, won't.
    You can get the ones I used in my server here:

    If you want to build your own map, please remember to place spawns or else your map will not work! Use any bricks you'd like to, but remember to name them either "PlayerSpawn" or "EnemySpawn". You can have as many of either as you'd like to.

    This does not use Slayer. You do not need it for this.

    How would one go about doing that, I can't figure it out or find any node lists.

    Check the player's ping.
    If they're frozen yet their ping is changing and is remaining stable at around say 50 - 150ms, then it's pretty much safe to say they're using the script. If it's the same number multiple times or if it's a high number, then they're actually lagging.

    You can enter this into your console if you want a /ping command to check:

    function serverCmdPing(%client,%target) { %target = findClientByName(%target); messageClient(%client,'', @ " - " @ %target.getPing() @ "ms"); }

    And a shorter version if you're using an eval script:

    function serverCmdPing(%c,%t) { %t = findClientByName(%t); messageClient(%c,'', SPC %t.getPing() @ "ms"); }

    Theres also an odd, rare glitch where after a lag spike, you are unable to move. Like, you can still chat and stuff, but you can't move or see players moving. It's very strange and can be fixed by hitting the person with a d-wand
    Try this as well first if a lag spike does occur.

    Game Modes / Crumbling Arena
    « on: July 22, 2013, 09:19:26 PM »
    Crumbling Arena

    This is essentially a simple, last man standing gamemode that revolves around a degenerating, floating stage. Players have to jump constantly and avoid holes caused by other players degenerating the stage in order to win.

    Round modifiers are chosen at random:
    • Pushbrooms
    • Giant players (x1.75 player scale)
    • Stage will start degenerating itself at the start rather than in the middle of the round
    • Small players (x0.6 player scale)
    • Darkness
    • Horses
    • Swords

    The stage size will get bigger as more players join the server.

    The stage can be the following bricks:
    • 4x Cubes
    • 4x4 Bricks
    • 4x8 Bricks
    • 4x4 Plates
    • 2x4 Bricks
    • 8x8 Bricks
    • 8x8 Plates
    • 2x4x3 Bricks
    • 2x2 Bricks
    • 2x Cubes (included in the gamemode)

    As for music, it will use your musicList.cs rather than the gamemode file. Simply go into your Custom gamemode settings, or manually edit the file. If you're on RTB's service, its music list on the Dashboard will work.

    The only commands for this gamemode are /toggleHud and /toggleMusic. Music is enabled by default.


    Help / Blockland is using an old version of a gamemode.txt file
    « on: July 22, 2013, 04:03:22 AM »
    I'm trying to add some features to my Crumbling Arena gamemode, and Blockland is using some older version of the gamemode.txt that doesn't even exist.

    I've tried using a new cache.db and doing setModPaths(getModPaths()); to no avail. It still uses the old gamemode file.
    What gives?

    Suggestions & Requests / Execute addons upon entering a key
    « on: July 19, 2013, 02:08:53 PM »
    I'm having to deal with entering my key on each time I restart, and it's a bit annoying having to quit blockland and restart it just so my client addons execute.

    Music / Bye Bye Bye
    « on: July 06, 2013, 09:30:30 PM »

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