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Topics - Col. Burton

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Off Topic / IP Problems
« on: July 05, 2012, 03:44:49 PM »
Things i've tried
C:\ netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt
Reset my Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

This is what happens when I type IPCONFIG into the CMD.
Code: [Select]
Ethernet adapter wireless network connection

Connection-specifics DNS Suffix: home
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:

C:\Documents and Settings\Nathen> IPCONFIG/RENEW

Windows IP Configuration

An error occured while renewing Interface Wireless Network Connection: The RPC server is unavailable

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to access the Internet and post this. I've tried downloading Winsock to repair my Internet Connection, but it never seemed to download. If I did seem to download it, it never showed up in my files, and never ran when I selected it to. Please help me, I've been using this slow stuffty operation system for 5 months now.

Off Topic / Cerwin Vega MX 400
« on: July 04, 2012, 05:30:42 PM »
How the hell do I install this thing. I have no idea how to install this big ass speaker.
It's got two switches on the back , one has a + under it, and the other one has a - under it. one is black, and one is red. Any help would be nice, I have no idea how to install this, and I really want to hear the sound quality of it.

Off Topic / Girl Problems
« on: June 18, 2012, 10:00:35 PM »
So, My blond, chubby, 8/10 girlfriend just broke up with me today because I made her feel like a backup. This is how it started. Way back, I had a petite 8/10 Asian girlfriend who had no idea how a relationship worked. me, being a softy, asked her if she wanted to be in a relationship with me. We dated for a solid 2 months until i had a co-ed sleepover at the blond's friend's house, and we were a little tipsy so we made out and had a fun time. I told my Asian girlfriend that our relationship was a "best friend relationship" (she held my hand, cuddled, never kissed though), and we broke up, and I dated the blond for 3.5 weeks until she broke up with me. I've been bouncing between these girls for the past 7 months, and I can't take it anymore. I can't see the Asian girl during the summer, and the blond, who just recently broke up with me, said "we should take a break for three days until I can think things through." This blond is a handful, but she lets me do things I would have never done with the Asian, (third base, making out, feeling up). The blond is sweet, but is a bit bi-polar, and she doesn't let me make her feel better when she's feeling down. the Asian let's me hold her when she's crying, lets me hold her hand, and we had a pretty stable relationship.
So who do you think I should date?
>Asian: stable, sweet, considerate,
>Blond: unstable, bi-polar, sometimes just mean.
>Asian: was in love with me before I broke her heart like an starfish, but she said she still has a place in her heart for me
>Blond: broke up with me after things were starting to look better.

Off Topic / Power outage where I live
« on: June 17, 2012, 01:58:16 PM »
So there's a power outage where I live, im posting from my dads phone so that's how I have internet. It was supposed to turn on 30 minutes ago, and im really bored. What do I do.

Off Topic / Ubuntu OS Internet Problems
« on: June 02, 2012, 04:10:02 PM »
Can someone explain to me why my Ubuntu Internet is running slow as stuff? Here are some things you should know.
  • Just got it today
  • Booting from the CD
  • Takes 1 1/2 minutes to load each page
  • Wireless is running perfectly with full signal

Help would be appreciated.
please, no "ubuntu is stuff and thats why"

Creativity / Col's Music Megathread
« on: March 17, 2012, 08:49:48 PM »
I plan on making a new song every week for you guys. HOPE U ENJOY <33

- In Progress
Just a WIP I made, probably not gonna get finished.

- Rivers End
So calming, My first song with pads and chords!

- From The Heart
Third and favorite dubstep song I have made.

- Battle Music
Just some Battle music for battles

- Galactic Freak Show
Second dubstep song.

- Death Valley
My first dubstep song!

also my stage name is DJCollux k plz dont juge

Off Topic / MC Patcher Help
« on: March 17, 2012, 02:01:54 PM »
Okay, so, I downloaded the Minecraft HD Texture Patcher, and I extracted it, and all It shows is this.

The readme.txt shows this.

Can someone tell me how to launch this, because my Minecraft textures have fire and Nether portal animations on them.

Off Topic / Sneaking out to a Party
« on: March 15, 2012, 11:59:41 AM »
So, my friend is having a sleepover party at her house this weekend, and i'm grounded. Only problem is that is the only time I can get close to my girlfriend, so someone tell me how to sneak out. I have a 12 y/o sibling, who shares my room.
I planned on them coming to get me tomorrow around 3:00. Someone tell me how to get out of the house.

Creativity / I made more music
« on: February 29, 2012, 04:14:28 PM »
I guess its better than the other horrible stuff i've made.

have a blast.

Drama / R/O doesn't know what i'm talking about
« on: February 07, 2012, 04:26:19 PM »
I got called up to see the R/O (School Cop/Resource Officer) for writing "My name is Skrillex and I want to Kill Everybody" on my binder. He took it as a threat and called y mom about it.

discuss silly school things like this.

Off Topic / No IP Address or Default Gateway
« on: January 19, 2012, 04:50:38 PM »
This is what happens when I type ipconfig in the CMD.

C:\Documents and Settings\MyName>ipconfig

Windows IP Configuration

C:\Documents and Settings\MyName>_

It says om connected to the internet, but this is what my wireless network support box looks like.

Address Type:

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway:

This is what my General looks like.

Status: Connected
Network: 68RR4
Duration: 00:08:41
Speed: 54.0 Mbps
Signal Strength:

Sent - 0
Received - 0

USB Adapter is a Linksys WUSB100V2

My father got a new router yesterday, and it works for my brother, that is how I am using the internet at the moment. Help would be appreciated. If it helps it is a Verizon router and internet connection.
forget megathreads i wouldn't get any help in it

Off Topic / Christmas present help
« on: December 20, 2011, 08:02:01 PM »
Does anyone know where I can get the guitar-shaped remotes for an Xbox360? I would appreciate it.

Somewhere that is a store to I don't mean eBay or Amazon.

Off Topic / Computer upgrades
« on: December 18, 2011, 12:56:26 PM »
Budget is $175 for a new motherboard (dual core processor), video card, 6g of RAM.

Off Topic / Are zombies half dead or fully dead?
« on: December 09, 2011, 09:01:29 PM »
I was arguing with my firends on facebook about if zombies were half dead or fully dead.
Here's some chat.
Me: technically zombies aren't living.
Brandon: they're dead and moving.
Me: they are just animated.
Brandon: they're half dead.
Hailey: half loving dead
Me: im pretty sure chopped off lizard's tails are dead, but they still move, you guys are silly.
Brandon: full dead people can't move, if you're a zombie, you are half dead because you can move.
Me: but if you are not conscious of you being half dead then you aren't alive i the first place
Brandon: zombies
Me: zombies are not conscious, they are sleepwalking animated creatures of dead human flesh.
Hailey: then how do they know where they're going, and what they're eating?
Me: they use their senses. they are unconscious. they use their sen- why the forget are we arguing about if zombies are living or not.
Hailey: cuz we loving are xD
Me: they use their senses in their brain, but the rest is either off or missing.
Hailey: and they are conscious.
So, are zombies half dead or fully dead? Are they conscious of what they are doing? When will I stop asking question?


Off Topic / Why do I feel nervous?
« on: December 04, 2011, 02:12:13 PM »
I have a bad feeling every day that something bad is going to happen to someone close to me, whether it be my girlfriend, my friends, or my family members. My hear starts to pound really slow and heavy, and my stomach gets that butterflies feeling in it. But when I'm around people I can talk to it doesn't happen.

Someone help me ;-;

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