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Topics - Littledude

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My loving internet has dropped to ridiculously low speeds all week because of this loving storm.
I don't get why it loving affects my internet when its not like I have some kind of satellite internet.

It literally takes me 15 minutes to connect to my steam account and I don't have the option of going offline before that. It takes at least a full minute to load a forum page and its impossible to load a youtube page, let alone buffer the video.
It just pisses me off so much that I pay for loving high soeed internet and I get what seems to be x bytes per second down speeds.

Games / What game are you really looking forward to?
« on: June 22, 2012, 08:33:16 AM »
FOr me it would have to be dragon age 3.
I've just started my 100th playthrough of origins and based on what limited info we have dragon age 3 looks like they aren't going to forget it all up like they did in 2.

Games / Blinx: The Time Sweeper - reminiscing
« on: June 20, 2012, 06:50:19 PM »
I can't remember the name of this game nor if it was actually ever fun.

It was a fairly old game; I think I had it for the original xbox. You played as a cat or something with a gun that allowed you to manipulate time and stuff.

That's pretty much it.

Off Topic / loving blink 182 man
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:29:50 PM »
I had the urge to go listen to some blink and I started rocking out

I hate pretty much all of the punk bands out there right now but Blink was my favorite band through elementary school

I liked them back in the old days before they like broke up and rejoined or whatever has happened, so I don't really know what they sound like nowadays

but i am having a great loving time blasting my old favorite songs

Off Topic / Why is there a lack of a Game of Thrones topic?
« on: May 23, 2012, 03:31:46 PM »
Seriously if you aren't watching/reading this stuff you should be.
I honestly just started watching it like a week ago and am now almost done watching through season 1. I'm hoping to pound out the remaining episodes so I can catch up and watch the new one on sunday.
I can already say that this is the best television series ever, I like 10x more than I loved Lost, and I loved Lost.

So yeah, I don't feel like making a proper topic about this right now, if you want to know about it look it up real quick.

Discuss this show and stuff.
I would suggest putting any spoiler things in transparent text >like so<

So yeah, this time my question involves friction.
Basically we did a lab where you attach a pulley to the desk with a clamp and then have a friction block (three types: cork, plastic, and felt) attached to a string which is attached to a hanging mass. This basic setup is called an atwood's machine. The purpose of the lab was to identify the coefficient of friction by determining what hanging mass is needed to move the block at a constant speed.
We did multiple trials with each block, adding different weights to the block and then adding weights to the hanging mass in order to pull the block.
The steps I need to take in order to find the coefficient of the friction (we're trying to find the kinetic friction by the way) are, I believe, find the normal force (which I found), then find the frictional force, then the coefficient using those two.
My problem is finding the frictional force, I do not know any formula's which would allow me to find it without the coefficient of friction, which I need the friction force to find.

I vaguely remember somebody saying that the frictional force is equal to the hanging mass, but I'm not sure that makes sense. Could someone confirm that?

If the data is needed to explain this to me just let me know.

Off Topic / The future of gaming?
« on: April 07, 2012, 10:07:46 PM »
What do you guy's foresee in the future of games? What trends to do you predict? Will traditional gaming disappear and make way for some new stuff?

I personally think that everybody who considers themselves gamers or hardcore gamers will be playing on the PC. I've noticed that consoles are starting to really focus on casual gaming and I think that most gamers who really want to game will notice how dumbed down things are getting and move on to computers so that they can mod the games or whatever.
The competitive gaming community has always been more serious on computers than the consoles' communities so I don't think its far off

Off Topic / help with physics, projectile motion
« on: March 21, 2012, 05:35:05 PM »
So I have a lab report to do and I'm working on the equations bit.
The lab was basically shooting a ball out of a projectile launcher (this kind to be exact) and recording the distance it travels.
For the first set of trials we set the angle of the launcher to 0 and recorded that data,  my lab partners calculated the initial velocity of the ball to be 8.9 m/s for this.
Then we set the launcher to an angle of our choosing which was 26. Before we started the trials we were supposed to predict the distance the ball would travel, we didn't do this and now I'm stuck doing it alone, but I have no idea how.
The data I have to work with is the initial velocity: 8.9 at 26 degrees and the height of the launcher's barrel above the ground which is .26 meters.
how can I find the distance the ball would travel, neglecting air resistance with the above parameters?

The store got a shipment of Tago Delicante cake things. They look just like jaffa cakes and I have been wanting to try a jaffa for a long time now.
So I was wondering if what I just ate was in fact pretty much a jaffa.
Mostly a question for the brits on the forums.

Seriously, worst thing ever. I had a stuffty little plastic bottle of it in the house and drank it out of boredom. It was like drinking straight rubbing alcohol. How anyone could possibly enjoy that is beyond me.
If you like tequila please tell me so I can report your tastebuds to a scientist.

All this stuff about Kony and stuff is stupid.
Nothing you do is going to change anything so don't worry about.

Africa is a stuff continent full of stuff and stuffty people who don't want there countries to be any different because they get luxuries while those under them suffer. Sending money to starving children wont help, removing one of the many warlord guys won't help.

Nothing short of an evacuation of the good people of Africa and then a total purge of the continent will fix the place. So stop thinking you are going to change the world just because you saw an awareness video about one of the many unfortunate events in that stuff hole.

I am definitely stuff at playing videogames on hard difficulty but when I loaded up witcher for a second playthrough I decided to try out dark mode. I couldn't get past the one flashback tutorial bit where you use the ballista to take down those doors. The one heavily armored guy guarding the ballista kills me in two seconds.

Off Topic / Favorite Fast Food Restaurant
« on: February 28, 2012, 08:56:41 AM »
Discuss fast food restaurants and stuff, if I miss one in the poll that I'm about to add let me know.

Also, I just looked up a list and there is a stuffton of ones that are very region specific, I'll make sure that I get all of the ones that I've heard about. Things like Carls Jr., which we don't have in the northeast, I have heard of and will include.

Games / Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, worth the buy? i thought so
« on: February 26, 2012, 08:44:46 AM »
I really want a new rpg to play and this seems like the best that I've seen.
I do want something a bit more action-y as I've been looking at the Fable 3 icon on my desktop a lot and deciding that I want to play it, but I don't want to go through the same stuff. I watched Totalbiscuit's videos on KoA:R and he compared it a lot to Fable but some of the things he complained about have turned me away from games before (interface stuff).

Then there's also the fact that I can't play the demo, I get nothing but a black screen unless I pause the game and I see the menu.

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