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Topics - Camel

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Off Topic / guy and friends ruin confederate facebook group
« on: August 04, 2015, 10:17:01 PM »

im linking this article not cus of some political statement, but because this seems like the kinda stuff BL users would do at the drop of a hat. god speed, you magnificent bastards.

Off Topic / the one reborn: the real battle
« on: July 08, 2015, 12:43:50 AM »

more proof that souls games are some of the hardest on the planet

« on: June 29, 2015, 04:26:20 PM »

Off Topic / Who here dislikes Camels?
« on: June 25, 2015, 06:32:53 PM »
I too am not making this thread to bitch anyone out or try to educate anyone, I just want a consolidated list of people to avoid in the future.

Yesterday, i received a number of hate-filled messages from my detractors saying mean things about my species - yes i am a Dromedary, and if you have any problems with that, fine, but don't try to talk to me like i'm some Bactrian forget.
I understand a lot of you think it's funny to make fun of who i am, but put yourselves in my hooves - this really cuts deep.

I just want anyone and everyone who dislikes my ilk to come forward with their personal information so that i can do my best to sever all contact from you. i know i could probably just ignore it, but if i did that i wouldn't get the pleasure of silencing my detractors. yes, i know, asking people to come forward so i can rescind makes no forgetin sense, and isn't a productive way to deal with the situation, but i just need it, alright?

i need to create a safer space for myself emotionally, and i can only achieve that by publicly shaming people. if you don't like me, please email me at PS: if you do e-mail me, forget you.


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MAITRO - Kid Goku

Now that i've got some free time, i thought it would be cool to start up an independent music thread. Basically, this is a place where you can post independent music of any genre, whether it be EDM, Hip-Hop, Alt-Rock, IDM, Metalcore, Witchhouse, Seapunk, Yung Bae - anything!

By independent, i mean music that isn't going to be on a top 40's list - less known, more underground music. Independent doesn't have to mean solo too - lesser known smaller labels, bands, groups, etc. are completely viable.

Post the artists here, discuss independent music and genres in general, give criticism, promote your independent music, etc.

Quote from: Bio
Aaron “KuroiOto” Armstrong’s stage name is the Japanese translation of “Black Noise,” but his melodic backdrops are always pleasant to the ears. The Southfield, Michigan producer’s signature sound – marked by obscure sample flips, multi-layered harmonies and contagious energy – has already garnered fans with his five instrumental albums: Black & Brown, The May 3rd EP, M.A.X.Wellness, Iro Iro and 7 Days Of The Breaks. In 2012, KuroiOto’s production served as the soundscape for James Gardin’s ”A Little Light For You” E.P. and will do the same for Gardin’s next solo project, as well as future BLAT!
KuroiOto's beats are really cool, mixing hip hop and r&b with some real cool experimental stuff. If you like R&B, and classic stuff like Sam and Dave, definitely give KuroiOto a listen.
Shag is a young producer who's doing a whole bunch of stuff with his beats. Some are contemporary hip-hop, some are experimental videogame homages, some are more orchestral, etc. He's got a huge body of work so far, and it's pretty hard to pin him down to one genre, but he's very talented so give him a listen.
Tikal Shine
Tikal Shine is a very indie LA producer, who's music can only be described as "Speed Disco". He's pretty amateur: a lot of his stuff is hit-and-miss. Despite his shortcomings, he really nails the music in certain songs, and just for those he's still worth listening too
OHD is a trip-hop, chill producer who infuses a lot of classical styles, lighter on the sampling than some others. Very good chill out music, the kinda stuff you might hear on Self DeleteSheep's channel. If you want some well composed, lemonade on the front porch on a summer day music, check OHD out.
Marquinch Mogule
Marquinch is one of the more interesting Vaporwave/Hip-Hop artists in my opinion. A lot of vaporwave artists sorta copy guys like macintosh plus and macross, but Marquinch has a very distinct 80's, kinda creepy style. If you like vaporwave, definitely give Marquinch a listen, and if you despise it, still give him a listen.
Carpenter Brut
Quote from: hodot
Carpenter Brut is an indie electronic/synthwave/darkwave artist who began making music in 2012. This artist's incredible talent for knowing when to pick up the pace and simmer it down have earned him a top spot on my list of artists, and I believe he may be one of the most intelligent and talented musicians of our time. Featuring two of his songs in the Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number soundtrack really gave the game its peak moments an even deeper nirvana, when you're so immersed in a scene because of the music that you just can't focus on anything else. All in all, Carpenter Brut's music will always bring a smile to my face.

Compilation Channels:
There are also lots of Youtube channels that compile indie music, some making music videos to certain songs. If you guys know of any others, please post em. Some of my favorites are :ElFamosoDemon,IEatBeatz, Self Delete Sheep.

NOTE: I know i posted beats and more hip-hop related music, but that doesn't mean that other stuff is not viable to post- any genre of music is appreciated, it just can't be katy perry, ya dig?
Also feel free to copy the bbcode if you want to make your own artist bios in the same format:

[td][img width=250]http://IMAGE HERE[/img][/td]
Soundcloud/Bancamp/Youtube/Etc. Link
[u]CHOICE SONGS[/u]:[list]
[li][url=http://link]SONG NAME[/url][/li]

Off Topic / Virgil Runnels AKA Dusty Rhodes dies at 69
« on: June 11, 2015, 06:25:38 PM »

RIP, one of the greatest pro wrestlers, the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. one of the guys that's made the WWE what it is today. he had some of the best damn charisma out there, and from what everyone says he was the hardest worker. really must suck for gold dust and cody, hopefully they continue dusty's legend in the ring.

it seems that death doesn't like charismatic dudes, what with dusty and lee in the same day.

Off Topic / Appropriate Insults. Camel isnt an insult
« on: May 24, 2015, 01:07:39 AM »
Plain and simple. I see people calling eachother camels and it just doesn't make sence. If you want to call them intelligent and wise, just call em that! Using our i mean a species nomenclature just isnt right

Also, i see people using "llama" and "alpaca" as an insult which isnt a problem because lets be honest, they're just inferior. I have alot of friends (Of all species) who say "jammer lammy" and i don't have an issue with it because they would be prepared to stand up to something or some one. Now if the word llama, idk if its right or wrong for any of us to use, i use it sometimes.

The over all theme of this is know when an name is appropriate to use. Don't use camel as a negative insult to others.

Creativity / TV bumpers for Mega64
« on: March 26, 2015, 11:11:57 PM »
thought this would be a cool place to post some lil bumpers i've been working on for the boys over at Mega64 and their new, ambitious 24/7 streaming idea. anything that gives me an excuse to make videos

1. Transmission
3. Deep Space
4. Brainclouds

i've been basing the aesthetics of them off of their beautifully designed merch, tho i dunno how many of you guys actually know mega64 so that might be lost on you.

Off Topic / Unofficial Introduction to Mega64
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:03:21 AM »
it seems a lot of you clowns aren't aware of the comedy genius that is Mega64 and it's affiliates! that's why, to save you bronze millenials time and effort, i have graciously created a video that perfectly sums up Mega64 in 30 or so seconds.

might wanna turn your volume down a bit

Creativity / BADASS OUTBREAK (PAGE 3) - need character designs
« on: January 29, 2015, 01:10:00 AM »
yo creativity, i started this crazy lil' comic about a monster high-school overrun by zombies. It stars these two badasses-

here's the first page:

However, im not really that good at designing crazy looking characters, so im lookin to you talented mofos. Design an awesome teen monster and if it's cool enough i'll include it. go nuts! make the design as unconventional as possible, if you have to. and it doesn't matter how skilled you are at art, as long as your design is interesting it can be added.

hope you contribute!


Games / steam mac error?
« on: January 20, 2015, 04:14:33 PM »
yo, i just got a macbook pro, and i turned it on and my steam icon looks like this:

and it refuses to open...

anybody know what's goin on?

2014 Thread
OG thread

Quote from: Ethan the Great
So, the time has come, once again. That first day of January marks the beginning of the International Camel Appreciation Week.
Some say camels are mans best friend. They are super intelligent and can survive for 20 years on one drop of water. Show your love this week.

These brilliant animals need you!
That's right you saucy door hinges, it's time once again for Camel Appreciation week 2016!

This year we have a miscommunication - this is not a week to celebrate me (though when isn't it), rather, this is a week to celebrate my species as a whole! So get crackin! Break some windows! Spit on a thespian! Eat some sand.

Enjoy some complimentary camel themed avatars to celebrate this wondrous occasion. Make your own! Or maybe  steal one from a richardensian street urchin!

credit to Ethan for the OG avatars, Char, and others.

Off Topic / There be a storm a 'brewin
« on: December 10, 2014, 11:46:33 PM »
nothin says christmas like a bastard storm with 4-5 inches of rain, i mean you know it's bad when the rainfall measurements outmeasure your manhood.
i know some of you perpetually moist motherforgeters up north are scoffing at our storm but keep in mind this is sunny, beautiful california! well more precisely foggy, lukewarm east bay.
the good news is that i'll be doing absolutely no learning since school's close down, but then again it's my senior year so i wasn't doing much learning in the first place.

in my area, it's supposed to be at it's climax afternoon-ish, so if i don't post then, i've been struck by a flying willow tree.

any other east-bayers or people effected by this? this is the official bunker thread!

Off Topic / BLCast SPECIAL BONUS - t-tucking...
« on: December 08, 2014, 05:27:43 PM »




Blockland's a weird forgetin' place, but it's also a unique place. This virtual microcosm is full of things you see nowhere else and some stuff you see all the time. That's why we decided to talk about it for 26 minutes.

This is the first episode of the first attempt at making a Blockland-centric podcast, featuring two veritable veterans of the Blockland community; we've seen it all! (Not really) And we thought we would talk about what's goin' on right now on BL, and what our thoughts are, all while cracking lame jokes.

Maybe two dudes talkin about BL ain't your scene, but if it is, give it a listen. We're still very, very rusty. We're still getting stuff sorted out, we can still improve a ton, so if you got any suggestions, or any vivid depictions of us getting our larynges torn out by a livid Siberian husky, feel free to post.

And if people like this podcast, get ready for more of em, including special guests and much more!

Off Topic / Bl Reaction Gifs
« on: November 23, 2014, 09:33:00 PM »
i've seen a couple of these threads over the years, but i thought it would be cool to make a thread to compile some Bl specific "reaction gifs". I made a couple today that i thought express some of my feelings towards certain topics
"Game Over"

"that feel when you eight"

"transient humor"

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