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Topics - Eon

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Off Topic / Should I change my Blockland name?
« on: September 11, 2016, 03:57:26 AM »
I've been getting bored of the name Eon and want to change my name to something else, should I or should I not and also recommend some new names.

Drama / SilverBunnie - Spam, General Nuisance
« on: September 10, 2016, 10:26:36 PM »

NO! I just never did this before...and I want to figure it an EASY way...

does anybody know how to post saves?  :panda: :cookie:

\why do you want to know?
jeez ....didn't have to use bad lang. jeez

:I he ded...  :cookieMonster:
would be cool if there was a FNAF Item thing like...or hats...(sry if I'm requesting to much....)

Bonnie Ears
Chica Cupcake (item you can hold)
Tablet brick

 :panda: :cookie:
ya ya ya...I just started today! I'm not that much!stop expecting me to know all this stuff! :panda:
idk why I did this...
plus I just started today ;-;
if I was one of you Fellows I would pick Blockland! blockland is fun...but I aint telling you to pick it ....
 :cookieMonster:   anyways...all of you girlsand boysbe picking ya favorite game!

REMEMBER only 10days!;u=149656;sa=showPosts

Silver has only been on here for less than a day and all his/her posts are stuffposts. Ripping other peoples' work and making stuffty "add-on packs" without the permission of the authors, spamming topics, and being just generally annoying.

Off Topic / evening discussion topic i guess [evening forever]
« on: September 10, 2016, 09:24:25 PM »
It's not the night, it's not the day, and it's not the morning. Evenings are from 5pm to 10pm central time The evening is the only important time, it'll be open forever.

Have a good evening.

Off Topic / petition to remove forum emoticons
« on: September 10, 2016, 06:48:34 PM »
they look like utter ass who's with me
once we get enough signatures i'll mail it to badspot we can make a change

Forum Games / Rainy Days - Captured
« on: September 09, 2016, 11:20:54 PM »

Welcome to Rainy Days
Rainy Days is a G-Mod forum game about the protagonist, alcoholic, and full-time bum Ali Weber, a 26 year old man who has recently been sent a package. He doesn't know is can of worms that can never be shut is about to open up. Will you find out what happens next?

Combat will have a rolling system similar to many other forum games, there will be 6 tiers of damage and items will have a description to label how much damage they do on roll.

  • 1: Failure
    You tried your best, but clearly your best wasn't enough. Usually a 1 results in completely missing, or with some weapons, hurting yourself.
  • 2: Mediocre
    You hit your target, but you didn't manage to do too much. It isn't good but it isn't terrible.
  • 3: Okay
    The exact middle, average and nothing special to it.
  • 4: Decent
    You've done a good amount of damage above average, but you can do better than that.
  • 5: Great
    A step below the best but better than most, your aim was almost on point and you did quite well.
  • 6: Amazing
    Perfect accuracy and a complete wipe out to your enemies, this is the highest you can go.

As mentioned earlier, items will have descriptions to tell you how much damage they do on roll. They always do an exact amount determined by your roll number and do not change. Here is an example.

   Standard Pistol
Ammo: 10/12 Rounds
Weapon Type: Ranged
Size: 2 Units
Status Effects: None
  • 1: -0 HP on hit
  • 2: -2 HP on hit
  • 3: -6 HP on hit
  • 4: -8 HP on hit
  • 5: -12 HP on hit
  • 6: -18 HP on hit

Your character has needs to survive that need to be fulfilled. These include HP as seen earlier as well as Hunger and Thirst. If any of these drop to 0, you will die (excluding sleep, you'll just fall asleep). HP is depleted by being damaged while Hunger, Thirst, and Sleep deplete over time.

To increase your HP (also known as healing) you can use medical items, to increase your Hunger and Thirst, you will have to consume items related to those stats such as Bread or Bottled Water.

Status Effects are from doing certain actions, for example, breaking a leg will have you walk slower. There will be more info on these once the forum game progresses.

Here is what your stats look like.

HP: 97/100
Hunger: 65/100
Thirst: 86/100
Sleep: 96/100
Status Effects: None

You've probably noticed earlier that the Standard Pistol item has a size, listed as 2 Units. This is for storage reasons as you can keep only a certain amount of items on hand or in a container such as a backpack or crate.

To measure max capacity, we use Units. So if you had 8 Units of items on you and your max Units in your inventory was 9, you couldn't pick up the Standard Pistol without equipping something such as a backpack first.

Here is an example of your inventory.

Inventory (5.00001/10 Units):
  • Standard Pistol (2 Units)
  • Water Bottle (1 Unit) (+10 Thirst)
  • Briefcase (2 Units) (2/6 Units) (Carries: Water Bottle (1 Unit) (+10 Thirst), Notebook (1 Unit)
  • ¢1 (0.00001 Units)

Money makes the world go round, and in Rainy Days it's no different. You can earn money by doing jobs or favors as well as mugging people or looting it off their dead corpses. Money can be used to buy things from shops or dealers, bribe other people, or just to show off how rich you are. There is a gas station right by your house, that might be a good place to shop from.

Here is an example of a store.

  • Water Bottle ($1) (1 Unit) (+10 Thirst)
  • Bread ($2) (2 Units) (+20 Hunger)
  • Nothing

End of Basics
Now that you know pretty much everything you need to know about Rainy Days, you can play. If you feel like I left something important out or you want a feature added, please message me and I will consider it.

Beginning post will be made shortly, just hold on.

welcome to some important life questions these are important thank you

poll answers:
left or right handed

would you rather get bubonic plague or ebola

Clan Discussion / Brick4Brick
« on: September 03, 2016, 01:31:36 AM »

What is Brick4Brick?
Brick4Brick (B4B) is a clan for Blockland dedicated to creativity and productivity united under teamwork. Formed to breathe life into the community and the clan scene, we strive to bring new ideas to the table. If you are interested in this type of clan, keep reading to learn how to join.

How do I join Brick4Brick?
(Accepting new members right now)

Joining is simple, PM me when we are accepting new members with some examples of your work and why you would like to join. There is no specific application nor format, just show us what you can do. We won't accept everybody, but you can always try again next time when we are accepting new members again, just don't spam us with requests to get in.

Requirements to join:
  • Blockland Forums and Blockland account (unbanned/unrevoked, PM banned counts as banned)
  • Certain level of skill and experience (examples of work in the PM application have to be decent, so make sure they're your very best)
  • Method of contact outside BLF (Steam, Skype, etc) (Note: Discord is a must)

Requirements can be updated at any time, so please make sure you are up to date with them before submitting your request to join. If you are accepted you will be informed via PM and/or the method of contact outside the BLF.

How do I get accepted?
To be accepted into the clan, you must meet all requirements and describe why you want to join. You also need to show some of your past work (extremely important, your request to join will be instantly denied if you do not provide examples of work) that are of quality. All of the current members of the clan will look at your request and vote on if you should or should not be accepted.

Members as of November 5, 2016
  • Eon (co-founder)
  • Ipquarx (co-founder)
  • Conan (co-founder)
  • Hawt
  • RaIder915
  • SphericalCube
  • Kidalex90
  • rggbnnnnn


Placeholder category, no screenshots yet.

Off Topic / Blockland Forums Room on
« on: August 16, 2016, 05:24:12 PM »
I've decided to create a room on dedicated to people on the BLF.
What is yourworldoftext?
Yourworldoftext is a site where people can make things such as ASCII art on an infinite blank slate.
1. No spam
2. Don't go over anyone else's creations unless given permission to do so or if it's spam.
More rules will be added whenever.
You can become a member instead of a guest on the room and be able to use the light gray members only areas, designated for you guessed it members only.

If you are a member you can also request for your creation to be protected so only members can modify it or no one but the owner, yours truly, can modify it (note if you are doing the latter, you won't be able to modify it either so make sure it's finished if you want to do this. You can always unlock it by asking me).

To become a member or to get your creation protected, just PM me on the forums with your username on the site, you must have an account registered to do so.
Triforce (by Zack) (-1,-2)
Hell.exe (by MrQueeba) (2,1)
Eiffel Tower (by Eon) (-3,0)

Forum Games / Put Your Avatar on Map (US nerds only)
« on: July 28, 2016, 08:50:43 PM »
Place your avatar on the map according to where you live ex: if I lived in Vancouver, I would place my avatar near there.
Overlapping other avatars is fine as long as you don't fully cover them.
Resize your avatar so it doesn't take up a lot of space but is still recognizable.
United States only.
Don't recolor anything on the map.
You cannot place your avatar over an entire state or such, see rule 3.

Current Map

Tried to do a world map and ran into many complications so we're doing the United States, if you live in another country then you're forgeted.

Clan Discussion / COOL FORUMERS CLAN© (be cool©)
« on: May 30, 2016, 07:05:28 PM »
note: only for the coolest©

The COOL FORUMERS CLAN© is a clan for the greatest forumers who have ascended to godlike status, only the greatest can become a COOL FORUMER©, and if you aren't cool (aka furries, weebs), please do not attempt to ascend if you are not cool. If you do, you will burn up and die. We pride on being the COOLEST© clan on the BLF and if anyone says otherwise, they are wrong and a heretic and should be permanently banned. This is not a stuffpost clan either, we are only the best (we also make some building stuff on the side but that's another story okay).

How to become a member of the COOL FORUMERS CLAN©?
To become a member, you must be cool. We take our status as a forum clan VERY seriously and only accept the best of the best and the coolest of the coolest. Please ask to be a member and we will judge if you are COOL© or HOMOloveUAL FURRY©.

Eon (stuffhead)
Whackin (cool Kid)
McJob/McJobless (king of australia)
?Sir Info? 2 (my son)
Toxicology (ascension)
randomtroll39/hulkhogan (wrestler pro)

what the heck is this some kind of furry CIA film



Current Map
How to Play
Basics and Turns
WW3 is a forum game where you fight other players until one person is left standing. You start off in a single country and expand your empire across the map until you win or lose. Each turn you submit your orders for your empire in 2 phases.
Phase 1 (pick 2)
+25 food (increases +5 by how many countries you control)
+25 materials (increases +5 by how many countries you control)
+25 funds (increases +5 every other country you control)
Phase 2 (Optional)
+ X soldiers (x = amount of food and funds you pay)
+ Attack (country) with (X) amount of troops (X being how much troops you pay, notice that to attack a country it must be next to the one you control, the grey lines on the map mark passage along sea aka what countries you can attack across the sea)
+ Add X HP to target country (X being the amount of materials and cash you pay, max HP for countries is 1000)

For example:

"I will add +50 food for Phase 1 and will create 10 soldiers for Phase 2, I will be attacking France via Germany with 100 troops and increasing Germany's HP to 150 with 50 materials."

 You can format this however you want as long as what your doing is understandable and does not break rules, once everyone has submitted their orders, the next turn will begin. The first to submit their orders will have their orders carried out first. However, there are some guidelines to turns.
You can only attack countries right next to a country you control (the grey lines on the map indicate that you can attack that country via sea travel)
You can't increase a country's HP over 1000, this is the max.
You can't increase a country's HP if it's not in your possession.
You can't attack a country if you don't have enough troops, can't increase a countries HP if you don't have enough materials, etc.
To take control of a country, attack it and set its hp under 0
Now that you know how turns work, we'll discuss the beginning of the game.
Before the game begins, we need players. People interested in the game will submit an application to join before all slots are taken. They will name their empire and select 1 and only 1 country to begin in as well as a color. The format is as follows, with an example.

Forum username:
Name of your empire:
Starting location:
Empire color:

Forum username: Eon
Name of your empire: Eon's Empire
Starting location: Germany
Empire color: Red

There are 8 colors: Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue, Pink, Purple, and Black, you can only pick from this list and if a color is taken, you cannot use it. Once all players submit their application, the first turn will begin, and since turns have been explained already, you know what to do.
The goal of World War 3 is to eliminate all other players. You can form alliances but in the end only 1 empire can win. Once you win World War 3 the game is reset and the cycle repeats.

NOTE: all HP levels for neutral countries (aka countries not claimed by a color) are 25
Burkina Faso
Cabo Verde (not included)
Central African Republic
Comoros (not included)
Congo, Republic of the
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Cote d'Ivoire
Equatorial Guinea
Mauritius (not included)
Sao Tome and Principe (not included)
Seychelles (not included)
Sierra Leone
South Africa
South Sudan
West Sahara

Forum username: Whackin
Name of your empire: /v/
Starting location: Algeria
Empire color: Green

Forum username: Eon
Name of your empire: /b/
Starting location: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Empire color: Red

Leave suggestions below and I'll improve on the forum game! I appreciate feedback considering this idea is still very new and has not been tested.

Off Topic / might possibly have a lower gi bleed
« on: May 27, 2016, 10:27:22 PM »
Went to take a stuff today and found blood (bright red) on the stool and when I went to wipe, blood there as well. Though there is always the possibility it was from something like beets, it didn't seem so as I hadn't ate anything known to color feces red without any blood. Hopefully it isn't anything serious as there wasn't a huge amount but enough to make me concerned, rn I'm feeling dizzy (felt like this yesterday as well) and pretty shaken, going to the doctor tomorrow.

time to get cucked (guess you could say it's a red alert)

quick edit: i've also seen small amount of blood in my stool about 2-3 times (extremely tiny dots, none on the stool) somewhat 1-2 years before and since then but i thought that was normal like the friend i am

Off Topic / Explosm Comic Generator
« on: May 26, 2016, 05:04:21 PM »
post the funniest goofs you get from it

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