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Topics - carolcat

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Off Topic / i think my cat is sick
« on: June 03, 2015, 05:43:32 PM »
so for the past few days, our oldest cat (he'll be 10 in a few days) has been hiding under my parent's bed. yesterday at dinner he was drooling really badly (soaked 2 pillows and papers) and he's drooling still today. he doesn't appear to be in any pain, he's eating okay, we think he's drinking a lot, and he's being a little more affectionate than usual. i think he's getting sick though

we can't take him to the vet until tomorrow because the vet wasn't open today, but has anyone else had this happen to their cats?

Off Topic / well one of my classmates is dead (update: pg 5)
« on: May 09, 2015, 01:42:26 AM »
so i just learned a few minutes ago that one of the freshmen at my school was shot and died. turns out he was playing with a gun and it went off and hit him right in the chest. i can't imagine how that must be for his family bruh

there's no news article because it just happened like, a half hour ago i think but bruh.

has this stuff ever happened at y'alls school?

Off Topic / issues with connecting to certain websites
« on: April 26, 2015, 05:57:15 PM »
so yesterday i finished building my new gaming rig and had it all set up. everything was fine and dandy, except when i went to bed i noticed my phone was no longer able to use the wifi. i figured the internet was out and that i needed to go to sleep anyways.

so this morning i decide that i want to get steam set up and install some games to play so i can test out my new rig. i connect to the steam site on my browser just fine, but when i go to login on the client, it says "steam is having trouble connecting to the servers" and won't let me log in. so i hunt around, try all the fixes i've seen, restarted my router, updated everything, rebooted my computer. still won't work.

so i decide i might as well go and download firefox because 1) it was what i used on my old computer and i set up a sync for it and 2) i really don't like how much of a memory hog chrome is. but as it turns out, i can't connect to any domain hosted by mozilla unless i'm the only person connected to the router (which i can't do). i managed to download it off of cnet, but that does jack stuff because i can't install any extensions or themes and the update service can't run.

i really have no idea what's going on and it's frustrating because i just built this computer and i can't run games on it because they're all on steam, and i can't install the browser i want so i'm stuck with chrome.

has anyone had this issue before and can offer tips on how to fix it? i can't look on mozilla's support site for help because i can't access any mozilla sites.

EDIT: i can't connect to tumblr and i can't reach the site where i can download hamachi. this is really irritating.

Off Topic / carolcat is finally getting a new computer
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:13:34 PM »
and i'd like a tad of help.

so i've had my current computer for close to 6 years now, but a dual core CPU with DDR2 RAM and >1gb gtx460 just won't cut it anymore. since it's tax month or something, my dad is giving me a budget of $2000 ($1800 from him+$200 from winning that poetry contest) to buy/build a new computer.

honestly, i'd rather just buy a prebuilt gaming rig (i'm leaning towards one from origin because my dad's new computer from them is hella lovey, but i feel it's a bit out of budget even on their lowest intel tech kit). i'm fully capable of building one myself and i'm fully aware that you get more bang for your buck that way, i'd just rather take the computer out of the box, plug stuff up, and get going. basically i'm too lazy for a custom built.

so here's the one i threw together on as a starting point:
MOBO: Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI
CPU: Intel Core i5 4460 Quad-Core 3.2GHz (3.4GHz TurboBoost)
COOLER: ORIGIN FROSTBYTE 120 Sealed Liquid Cooling System for 1150 Socket
GPU:  Single 2GB NVIDIA GTX 960   
RAM: 8GB ORIGIN PC powered by HyperX 1866Mhz (2x4GB) 
SSD: 120GB ORIGIN PC Approved Solid State Drive
HDD: 1TB ORIGIN PC Approved Hard Drive 
PSU: 850 Watt Corsair RM850
OS: Genuine MS Windows 8.1 64-Bit Edition
CASE: millennium mid-size
CD: 12X Blu-ray Reader and DVD Combo
TOTAL: $1,990

i also apparently had one thrown together on pcpartpicker, which is a bit cheaper and looks a bit more powerful (???):
MOBO: Asus X99-DELUXE ATX LGA2011-3 Motherboard
CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K 3.3GHz 6-Core Processor
COOLER: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (i'm clueless with coolers)
GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB SSC ACX 2.0 Video Card
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (4 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory
SSD: Samsung 840 EVO 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
HDD: Seagate 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Hybrid Internal Hard Drive
PSU: Corsair RM 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)
CASE: NZXT Phantom 630 Windowed Edition (White) ATX Full Tower Case
CD: LG UH12NS30 Blu-Ray Reader, DVD/CD Writer
TOTAL: $1840.20

opinions/suggestions? i've never chosen the parts for a computer before so i'm just kind of brainstorming here.

Off Topic / so who here has heard of poetry out loud
« on: March 15, 2015, 06:09:49 PM »
if you havent then here's what it is: a poetry recital competition. you memorize 3 poems and recite them. you start at a local school level, and if you win at your school, then you go to the state level. if you win at state level, you get $200/your school gets $500 and you get an all expenses paid trip to D.C. to compete in the nationals. win the nationals and you get $20k.

my first year at state, i didn't even get into the top 5. this year though, guess loving what. they call me up with the top 5, then they call out 3 girls who placed but won't be advancing. so i'm standing up there on the stage with the dude who won state last year, and the MC is like "and our runner up is..."

and they forgetin call the guy's name. and i'm standing there thinking "holy stuff did i just win?" then the MC showed me my certificate and sure enough, there was my name. state champion. along with like, a huge packet because now i have to organize my hotel reservations and flights for when i go to D.C. next month. i still can't believe it. i didn't even think i was going to place.

i don't know if i left to early or what but they didn't sign my certificate. i guess they forgot because the judges were all packing up when we left. so now i'm just waiting for them to list my name on their website so i can brag even more.

but yeah, has anyone here competed in this before?

Off Topic / well i just had a violent school day (nvm its ok now)
« on: January 30, 2015, 05:12:03 PM »
ok so most of you guys know that i go to the crown jewel of ghetto schools. nearly all of my classmates are gang members, stoners, or people who give 0 forgets about their future or education. back when we had jelly for our biscuits, we didn't even get butter knives. bruh.

anyways this stuff has pretty much been going on since tuesday. tuesday there was a near fight and someone intentionally flooded the 9th grade building, wednesday there were two fights, then thursday we had two fights. so stuff's been tense.

this morning during breakfast, a huge fight broke out in the gym. punches were going everywhere, spectators were getting hit, and one of the main girls wound up with a split lip and was bleeding like mad. so everyone was hyper during 1st period, talking about how supposedly we all get sent home if there are three fights in a day. the cheer coach announced over the intercom that all of the teachers were to monitor the halls inbetween classes.

come second period, we find out that another fight had broken out in the 10th grade english class. a couch's leg was broken and there was blood everywhere. it was still all over the floor and the posters and desks in 3rd period.

during first lunch you could really feel the tension. people crowded into the cafeteria hoping for a fight. there was talk and commotion of another one that was supposed to happen in the gym, but that never came to be.

however, after 5th period, i saw swarms of kids sprinting down the hall, followed by yelling. the teacher caught on and ran out there, followed by more students who saw the huge mob forming in the hall. i heard screaming and kinda just slowly went to my next class (i knew i wouldn't see anything anyways) and passed a bunch of members of the state department coming out of their meeting to see what it was all about.

then, just after 6th period started, a girl in my class started arguing with another girl. the first girl was so pissed that she was crying and the cheer coach held her back while a member of the state department blocked the other girl. the first girl was like "DONT HOLD ME BACK, LET ME FIGHT THIS BITCH JUST THIS ONE TIME" until she was physically dragged out of the room.

after that, the dean announced that we were on lockdown and no one was allowed in the hall. he said that if you were caught in the hall it was an automatic suspension. we stayed on lockdown until school let out. but it turns out that 5 police cars pulled up to the school and there were officers patrolling the halls for those last periods. the basketball coach was pissed because 3 of his players were involved in the fights and were suspended. my sister told me that everyone in the main part of the school was escorted single-file out of class when school dismissed.

stuff was crazy bruh. we've had bad days but i've never seen one get this bad. i really felt that they should have sent everyone home because the tension only made it more likely for fights to break out, especially with how antsy my classmates are. worst of all was that we didn't even get our snacks 8th period.

but yeah there you go. welcome to osceola high steal, home of the criminoles.

off topic but did anyone else get this message from the forum when they tried to post

Off Topic / forums i'm having some usb headset troubles (forums pls)
« on: December 12, 2014, 10:54:49 PM »
so as of the past 3 or 4 days, my headset will randomly stop playing audio. this also causes youtube videos n stuff to crash. i know it's a problem with my computer because my headset has a mode switcher that plays a tone when i press it, and that sound plays just fine. it'll also make my computer freeze when i'm trying to shut it down because the via audiodeck or whatever won't end.

stuff i've done to try to fix it:
•unplug the headset and plugs it back in (it does its usual popping noise but nothing changed)
•change the usb port (usually causes everything on my computer to freeze up)
•reinstall the drivers for my headset
•reboot my computer (it'll work for a while and then randomly stop again)
•try to install a hotfix issued by microsoft (it told me it wasn't applicable when i ran it)
•restarted the audio services through services.msc (it'll sometimes get hung on 'stopping' and i'll have to force kill it in cmd and it still won't work)

i haven't tried plugging it into the back usb ports yet because my desk is a mess and i'm afraid the cord will knock my figures over.

could this be a sign of my usb ports going bad? because i know that sometimes when i'm trying to pull things from my phone using the port right below it, my phone will randomly disconnect but then it'll reconnect itself automatically.

has anyone had this issue before and can offer any other suggestions?

edit: i'm using a plantronics gamecom 780 on windows 7

Creativity / carolcat plays the pipe organ (and sometimes piano)
« on: December 12, 2014, 05:14:37 PM »
whats up guys who here plays the organ because i sure do

finale (organ pleno) - janet correll

say something - a great big world feat. christian arugala

will be updated maybe on a weekly basis or so bc i only get to play that organ in particular once a week

feedback yes

so i appear to be sick and it is not pleasant.

it started on sunday with a dry throat, followed by aches in my back/hips, sensitive skin, chills, fatigue, and a 100+ fever. i barely slept that night due to breaking into a sweat and finally gave up around 6am and laid on the couch.

well the fever is over save for some minor aches, but it's been followed up by a sinus infection/seasonal allergies (stuffy nose, throat hurts when i tilt my head down, etc). this sucks because 1) i have a lock-in tomorrow night and need to be in good shape so i can stay up to 6am (and live off of less than 3hr of sleep before spending time with family and then sleeping on a stuffty hotel bed) and 2) thanksgiving means family visiting.

i'm taking claritin d, nyquil, ibuprofen, took some vitamins, i just used some fluticasone spray, i've had 2 cups of water so far, took a hot shower, and had some hot lemon tea mixed with a forgetload of pure honey and some cinnamon. before i go to bed i'm going to take some generic sleep aids so i can actually get to sleep tonight. but so far all this hasn't put much of a dent on the symptoms. tomorrow i'll probably start a strict diet of water, hot tea, and cough drops. and tonight i'll use some more breatherite strips and some vapor rub or whatever.

so what do you guys do to get over this stuff? i'd like to get over it as soon as possible

Off Topic / so a house blew up in my town this morning (AND ANOTHER)
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:46:33 PM »

the dude who lived there w/ his mom used to be a classmate of mine. my mom said that the explosion woke her and she thought it was an earthquake at first. but yeah my classmates were talking about this just about all day.

pretty freaky tho

Off Topic / forums what is your favorite hot drink
« on: November 01, 2014, 06:04:01 PM »

in light of winter rapidly approaching (if it hasn't hit you already), lets all gather around and talk about our favorite wintry drinks

rn i'm drinking some spiced orange brandy tea mixed with sugar, cinnamon, and milk and its p good

if u want then you can also talk about your other toasty strategies. like all the blankets you use at night.

Off Topic / forums i require phone help stuff
« on: September 03, 2014, 07:15:29 PM »
ok so my ancient galaxy s2 is about to kick the bucket pretty much. the power button has become hyper sensitive and the battery won't read correctly. but as luck would have it, i'm due for a phone upgrade in less than a month, meaning i can get a new phone of the same line for a huge discount.

obviously, i can only get a samsung galaxy smartphone. right now i'm looking at the S3 and S4: the S3 will cost us $50 and both of my parents have had it for around 2 years (i don't really want it that much because the battery life doesn't seem that great, it's not very pretty, and... both my parents have it), whereas the S4 will cost us $100 (i'd prefer this one because it comes in a rly nice purple color and it's newer than the S3)

so basically i need help deciding between the S3 and S4. does anyone here have them/had them and can offer me some reviews, including anything stuff about them? is the extra $50 worth trying to convince my dad to get me an S4? and does anyone know about how much a mint condition S2 will trade in for?

help is appreciated

here's the article

tl;dr: he swatted some people after getting butthurt, got caught, and now he gets to serve 25 years to life in a federal prison under charges of domestic terrorism. serves him right, pretty much.

dunno if any of you guys heard about this but i saw the swatting trend mentioned in a few places so here

so some of you may know that since october 2013, i've been dealing with severe joint pain and no one really knows what exactly is wrong with me other than the fact that i have hypermobile joints. basically i get horrible pain in my hips (sometimes to the point that i'm in tears from trying to walk) as well as my knees, i've felt one of my knees slip out of joint twice just from trying to stand up, and i'm starting to get pains in my finger joints. and to add onto it, i'm pretty much immune to any non prescription painkillers and my dad thinks it's nothing serious and therefore doesn't really want to pay to have it examined more (my last inconclusive visit to a specialist cost us like $218 out of pocket)

so basically, i can't run, walking is a struggle, i can no longer march for jrotc, the pain gets to the point where i'm in tears, but no one knows what's going on and i'm immune to painkillers and my dad thinks everything's fine.

so with that backstory out of the way, this morning i noticed some severe swelling in my hip (which is still hurting like forget even just sitting down) and i wrote a note to my mom about it. she apparently scheduled an MRI for me sometime in the hopefully near future despite the lady at the hospital saying that we wouldn't get anything out of it (to which my mom responded with "do you really want me to go home and tell my 15 year old daughter that she's just going to have to deal with unexplained joint pain possibly for the rest of her life?")

anyways my joint pains aren't really the main point of this thread. i'm just wondering if any of you guys have had to get an MRI done and what it was like. i've been through a CAT scan a few times in 1st grade back when i had appendicitis and i also had an inconclusive x-ray taken of my hip last year. i've just never had an MRI done before so i want to know what to expect.

Off Topic / yo forums i've got a question regarding school lockers
« on: August 15, 2014, 06:15:05 PM »
ok so like it's come to my attention that not all schools make you pay to have a locker and i'm just curious as to how many of you have/had to buy one (and for how much)

here at my school we have to pay like $7 at the start of the school year for a locker and the school doesn't have to warn you if they change your lock

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