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Topics - 300spartan

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On and off, me and Jitank have been working on this build. He's a great builder and did a lot of the building. I did a fair amount, too.
That's beside the point; anyways, we haven't been up for around a month. We're going at it again. This uses the mod Stalkers vs. Humans, which can be found here.

This build makes heavy usage of sounds and music, so remember to turn on the option for downloading those.

Jitank (XxDignityxX) [22189] - A lot of the building
Excalibur (300spartan) [10931] - Idea/Main Helper
Zax [14000] (yes, that's his ID, no joke) - Lots o' Props
Socky [12163] - Helper, hasn't come back
Counter1 [13941] - Eventer
And there may be more, I can't remember... :/

WARNING: Imagedump. Plus abbreviations. c:

If you're a good builder, and you'd like to help, just ask. On this topic, PM me, or asking on the server will do fine.

Suggestions & Requests / Skeleton player parts- Somewhere...
« on: April 23, 2012, 10:22:52 PM »
I remember a topic or post about a skeleton player and parts, like being able to have skeleton hands.
This is NOT fooly's fun cmds.

And don't you loving "" me because I have searched for it and I haven't found it.

I want the topic :c

Off Topic / SENTENCES ==> EQUATIONS thread
« on: April 04, 2012, 11:21:57 AM »
Equations ==> Sentences Thread

So here's a concept: Take a sentence and convert it to an equation.

is, am :: =

of, over :: ÷

and :: +

(none) :: ×

Something I read at the mall on a clothing store:
"The purpose of live is a life of purpose."

So: P/L = L/P

To isolate one variable: Multiply both sides by L.

L2/P = P

Back to sentence: "A lived life of purpose is purpose."

Insert into sentences! "I wonder what my purpose is."

Since P = L2/P, it's: "I wonder what my lived life of purpose is."

Money = √Evil

Time = Money

Girls = Time × Money

So, therefore...

Money2 = Evil

Girls = Money2

So: Girls = Evil.

Anyways, post equations that you've found or made. They can get pretty hilarious.

Games / [QUESTION] Physics-Oriented FPS
« on: April 03, 2012, 12:04:46 AM »
Okay. I want to play a physics-oriented first person shooter. I'm outlawing garrysmod and half live because I know about them and/or have them.

Are there any others out there that are good?

As the title suggests, here's a OneNote for Blockland.
NOTE: Anyone can delete and create ANYTHING here.

Later I'll make one that anyone can see but no one can edit. I'll add stuff like add-on progresses pages by requests and move good stuff from public over to this.


WARNING: Due to recent troubleshooting, it has been deemed that you must have OneNote to EDIT, yet you can still view the page.

Suggestions & Requests / Output Event: BotMountToObject
« on: February 07, 2012, 10:58:08 PM »
Yes. It is needed.

Something like two output events:

onVehicleTouch -> Self -> botMountToObject [Node number here]
onPlayerTouch -> Self -> BotMountToObject [Node number here]
And so on. It would mount the spawn's bot to whatever node on you.

onVehicleTouch -> Self -> objectMountToBot [Node number here]
onPlayerTouch -> Self -> objectMountToBot [Node number here]
This one would mount you on the object.

Yes, I know, this can be abused horribly. But maybe have them two seperate add-ons.

Modification Help / How do I install the .DTS Blender exporter?
« on: January 16, 2012, 02:38:27 PM »
I'd like to know how.


Help / Blockland v20 - I don't know how to copy and paste files
« on: October 15, 2011, 12:54:55 PM »
So, now Blockland doesn't "update", it completely reinstalls with a new, time-wasting and completely confusing re-installer. And by the way, it doesn't carry over anything from pre-v20. Hence the title: Say goodbye for the stuf you've ben doing for 3+ yrs.


I was literally in tears when I first knew about this.

Suggestions & Requests / REEEEEPOOOST: botMountToObject.
« on: August 24, 2011, 04:28:54 PM »
^Old topic^

I don't know why this isn't considered a base necessity for all bot eventers. Why not?
This is designed to be a bot event add-on and I think it would be GREAT for the things that I'm thinking of doing.

Like what I was thinking of was using VCE with this and bot events and making a bot that holds a weapon, mounts to your hand and uses VCE to do var:pl:firing to make the bot fire a projectile.

So why isn't it considered a necessity? IS IT? Then why isn't it made yet?

Please someone make this. PLEEEASE.

Drama / AdventureTime.! - Teleporting people to knife them.
« on: August 13, 2011, 06:50:55 PM »
Actually, it's AdventureTime! and Fireball909.

AdventureTime.!: He teleports people before they can go though the weapon arming process and then knifes them.
And "no swearing or ban" when I expressed my anger.

Fireball909: He doesn't even USE the physics exploit to climb walls, he just teleports up to the top of the invisible wall boundry and M79's people in the face.

Both of them are SA and the server is next to empty. Nuke town TDM. Also stufftily build.
I was kicked for STATING THIS.

Fireball909: 29179
AdventureTime.!: 9561

And it seems that since Adventure has a relatively low ID, it's surprising that he hasn't worked on his social skills.

Help / Duplicator add-on execution failing?
« on: August 07, 2011, 07:07:28 PM »
I checked the box, tool_duplicator in the add-ons list.

When I start a game, no wand. Or menus. No error message happens when I say /loaddup.
^There. I've isolated part of it already. It isn't just the wand.

Suggestions & Requests / Continuation of client-sided dupe saving
« on: January 01, 2011, 05:37:13 PM » -<Original topic, too old.
I'm wondering if this is ever going to be made. In the old topic, Eph said that he might update it, but this would be actually really great because then you can work for hours on end on a project in a single player server for a fort wars server without people spawnkilling and dedstroying it (fake kill bricks) and having people IRC nag you or expect you to do something.

Help / Text glitch
« on: December 21, 2010, 09:32:44 AM »
I can't talk in IRC client, OR on normal server chat. When I press "T" to talk, anything I say after that I can't backspace. It says still that I'm typing. Also, it acts as if I'm not typing, because when I press "ESC" it opens up the escape menu. Or in this case, I went to a fortwars server and instead of opening the esc menu, I left. I got banned for the reason "noob". Also, when I tried to explain the glitch to him on IRC chat, this same problem happened again, it wouldn't let me say it or backspace.


Off Topic / "Draw Fantastic Furries!"
« on: December 20, 2010, 05:34:57 PM »
I was in Barnes&Noble today and I saw a book that had the title "Draw Fantastic Furries!".
I looked through it, and it was interesting - how I would sum it up is "A great book on a bad topic".

Respond and tell me what you think about this strange appearance.

Help / Console Command "mountObject"
« on: December 17, 2010, 10:56:27 PM »
It won't work, it acts as if you typed in findclientbyname().sadfjkasdjashd(); in the console. In other words, this are broken.

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