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Topics - Wynd_Fox

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Off Topic / Is there a way to automatically cycle through avatars?
« on: September 02, 2012, 12:51:11 AM »
Because I have seven chosen, and it would be really cool if I could use some sort of magic to get it to automatically use a different avatar for each day of the the week.

General Discussion / Blockland pinned to taskbar?
« on: August 31, 2012, 11:46:20 PM »
Is there a way to pin Blockland to the taskbar on Windows 7? And by that I mean, clicking it will run the launcher, and that same item will be used to access Blockland itself. Currently, I have the launcher pinned, but then I still have the game itself as a separate item, making it so that if I click the launcher again, it starts the launcher. That's really annoying, and I'd like to know if there's a work around.

Off Topic / How old do you want to live to be?
« on: August 27, 2012, 10:19:59 PM »
I'd like to die before I lose my mental faculties, personally. Or when I'm physically incapable of independence. Life just sounds lame after that.
I don't have a specific number, or even range, because I have no idea what medical advances will come between now and then, that could potentially prolong my worthwhile life.

What about you? What age do you want to see?

Off Topic / How do you pronounce extensions?
« on: August 21, 2012, 09:49:52 PM »
I say "gee eye eff" and "pee enn gee," but "jay peg."

what about you?

Off Topic / Skype Window Question
« on: August 17, 2012, 01:48:28 AM »
Is there a way to make it so that Skype doesn't always have a window open on Windows 7? It's really annoying to alt tab out of Blockland to Skype instead of the forums.

Off Topic / Post all of your desktop wallpapers.
« on: August 15, 2012, 10:27:28 PM »
If you have a bunch, it would probably be best to link to an album or wh'ever.

First one to notice the theme with all of mine wins.
Here they are.

But only theirs? It would be useful for stalking someone and you wanted to see them in the Real LIfe pictures thread.

General Discussion / Wynd's Zatoichi Deathmatch
« on: August 14, 2012, 07:20:20 PM »
I noticed a distinct lack of death matches based on blind swordsmen, and that was terrible. So I made one. Everything is completely black, you're in a maze, and a quake player. There are a few hidden items, but the only thing you start with is a sword. Much better than it sounds, trust me. Works best with a lot of people. And there are twenty chests to find. I suggest you use your sword for meager amounts of light.

Off Topic / How tall are you?
« on: August 14, 2012, 02:39:24 PM »
I'm 6' 3" or 6' 4". Possibly not done growing, lol.

Off Topic / Are you more mentally or physically adept?
« on: August 13, 2012, 10:32:19 PM »
Mentally all the way, here. I'm pretty weak, underweight and not super-attractive. But hey, I'm smart.

Off Topic / Which matters more in judgement?
« on: August 13, 2012, 01:25:23 AM »
What do you personally believe in most important when deciding if some thing is, to put it in overly general terms, good or bad?

To clarify, if you shoot an orphan in the face because you thought it would save the world (let's say you're not nuts, and this is a totally legitimate belief), but the world wouldn't have been destroyed anyway, is that good or bad? And if you try to stop the orphan from being shot, in order to destroy the world, but in the end just save an orphan's life because the world wouldn't have been destroyed anyway, is that good or bad?

Nothing against orphans...

I'm wondering because I want to clear out the people I don't talk to, but I don't really want to offend them. If it does, I'll just remove the people I don't like.

Games / Sonic Adventure (DX Director's Cut)
« on: July 31, 2012, 01:47:00 AM »
Used to adore this game on my Gamecube. Just bought on Steam for about 10 bucks. It plays on the computer pretty poorly, with awkward controls, ugliness abound, and a low max resolution. Best buy in a while.

Drama / Mr. NoBody and Jerkface - Partners in stupid.
« on: July 31, 2012, 12:58:27 AM »
So earlier I accidentally locked myself out of my own server, don't ask how, and so Mr. NoBody (the real one) and Jerkface had some fun. Quite a lot of fun. Over fifteen thousand bricks of fun, in fact.

Yes, those are snakees.

And here's some fire. And pooping men, because, hey, why not.

Someone apparently broke the way trust works on my server, so it was possible to build on anyone's bricks. I suppose it doesn't matter now, since they've been cleared and both are enjoying a permanent ban, but I thought many of you would like to know.

General Discussion / Post-Apocalyptic Community Build
« on: July 28, 2012, 02:18:38 AM »

Your Community Build!

Play - Rules - News  - Staff


This isn't my server. After all, I'm hardly a community; I'm hardly even the host, Kalphiter does that for me. This is a server for the people, people who can build well, or...not so well. The current theme is obviously Japanese, but if enough people want it to change, just say so and I'd be happy to do so. After all, this is a server for you.


The server only has a couple of rules:
  • Be decent to people. The admins won't be able to tell if you're just teasing or messing around, however, so try not to falsely report someone.
  • All skill levels are appreciated. Whether or not someone wants criticism, constructive or not, is up to them. If they tell you to stop ragging on their build, STOP.
  • Do what the admins say, unless it's something that is just plain stupid. If that's the case, report that admin to me.
  • Super Admins overrule what Admins say. Make sure you know who they are.
  • This server is totally public. Anyone can teleport, spy, warp, and look at events. Don't like it? Leave.
    Rules for the admins:
  • No ban can exceed 14 days, and most things just warrant a kick. If it's really necessary that someone be banned longer, Human Reaper or I will handle it.
  • Make sure you save often. I don't expect a crash, but that doesn't mean it won't happen.
  • Spam is only spam if it A) uses too many emitters or lights, B) doesn't fit the theme, C) uses tons of small bricks when big ones would look better. A) warrants a kick and a clearing of the build, B) a warning, a chance to save it, then a clearing, and C) tell them how to make it look better, and lag less. Don't clear until after they're gone, if they refuse to fix it.
News and Updates
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Server News

Whew. Just got my server. Currently, it's medieval themed. Not much else to report.

Grew a few admins.

Started a poll. Made it so you have to align your build with the others. Note that this is a rule, not something enforced by scripts.

Added Zou as an Admin. Mr. NoBody and Jerkface were permanently banned. Let's hope no else needs to be.

I thought this would be my first newsless day, but luckily, Nobody's brother, Mute dropped by and made another giant snake. He too has been permanently banned.

Hit the first milestone. 10,000 bricks, no spam, so it's stable.

Japanese theme.

No more Japanese theme. No one but Nienhaus1 (now an Admin, hooray!) built anything, and I didn't save it before V21 rolled around.

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There is only one real contest right now. If they're popular, expect more in the future.

Most Creative Build
This will be decided by the players, of course. The reward is getting a big vote in the next theme, so better start thinking of something new and exciting.

Find all the Treasure Chests!
Currently, this should be a piece of cake, as there are only two chests on the server. I also encourage about 1-2 chests per build, depending on how big it is.

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Super Administrators
Wynd - Human Reaper
Railyx - Makanix - Neinhaus1 - Zou
How to Apply For Moderation
Make a post or PM or wh'ever like this, but fill in your info.
In-game name:
Reason for wanting to be an Moderator (be honest):
Level of expected activity:
Past experience:
Quotes of people saying you'll be a good Moderator (may be easiest to edit these in later):
Drama section search of your name:

If you're a good mod long enough, I'll make you an Admin.

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Send me a private message on the forums.
Send me an instant message on Steam. If I act confused, that's because it's actually Human Reaper answering not me, but I use the account more than he does.

Special thanks to Wedge, from whom I shamelessly copied the OP.

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