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Topics - grunterdb1951

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Forum Games / Europe - The Rise and Fall of Kingdoms
« on: January 06, 2013, 08:10:28 PM »
1142 A.D.

Full-Size Image
Also, I'm not going to edit the map for you, that's your job.

Empires rise and fall, as do Kings and Emperors. Will you make your mark, before you're laid to waste by those around you?

Empires: (I don't want real kingdoms and empires. We need new ones.)
- Kingdom of Noria
- The Okiyan Empire
- The New Roman Empire
- The Kingdom of Elgart
- New Kaisseraich

[Insert Flag Here]

Nation Name:
Nation Theme: (Not necessarily their Anthem but just slap in some music you'd find fitting.)

Economy Type:


Major Cities:
Map: [Label your nation's name. Major cities are optional to label. *ONLY SHOW YOUR COUNTRY AFTER I ADD*]

Trade Partners:


Mechanisms of War: (Ex. Trebuchets, Catapults.)

Starting Pop Cap. 100,000,000 peeps. Disease should be frequent though...

It's important that you follow the rules, before and after you make a country.

1. Don't be a friend. (Exempt if you're coming on to me, bby.)
2. Don't powergame. (Ex. Automatically deciding by yourself that you win without giving your enemy a chance in the skirmish.)
3. Don't metagame. (Say someone tells you something via SF, your empire wouldn't know that IC.)
4. You can't have assistance from god or aliens, that's loving handicapped and if you try that you're handicapped.
5. You may call Jihads and start Crusades but if you need valid reasons and you cant throw that stuff left in right immediately after you just participated in/started one.
6. You'll have to discover other empires via scouting, unless their extremely large or renown (ex. Largest or Strongest army in Europe or Largest amount of land and so forth, which by the way will be as HARD AS stuff to become.)
7. You can't suddenly create 9000 boats with the snap of your fingers, creating armies takes time.
8. You may not and never will/should be allowed to use Mythological or Real world leaders as your own. (Ex. Caesar, King Arthur, etc.)
9. Ain't no Matchlocks and stuff yet son.
10. Hire local mercenaries, talk to me first.
11. You can  take other empires into Vassalage, contact me and the other empire first.
12. You can begin slavery and stuff.
13. You can ransom POWs
14. You may execute enemy Kings or Emperors, contact me and the other empire first, and you'
ll need to have taken 90% of their territory and been in a conflict for at least 5 IC years.
15. You may attempt to convert enemy settlements to your religion, starting a revolt. But this isn't easy.

If your country does not follow the rules, it will be wiped from existence.

Totally not my Moderators
Watcher in the myst (aka map editor)

Off Topic / Blocklanders Steam Chat
« on: January 05, 2013, 09:01:02 PM »

Off Topic / I laughed a little too hard at this
« on: January 03, 2013, 03:09:14 AM »

I'm crying and I don't even find it that funny.


I know more than I ever have before about a Angler Fish.

Off Topic / This guy's amazing.
« on: December 25, 2012, 04:02:05 AM »

Off Topic / Lets make some Video Game Covers.
« on: December 09, 2012, 03:16:45 AM »
Basically what you do is:

1. Go to and choose your favorite one

2. Find the relevant pictures that you'd like to put into the cover

3. Merge the pictures with the any of the following Templates 1, 2 and 3, as well as a rating, for a quick merging website use this.

4. Once done creating your Cover, post it up here. You may also use any other game case templates you find on the internet.

Ex. 1 This was one of my first ones...

Well here we go:

I'm also aware Skatateon or however it's spelt did this as well, but that was like months or so ago and it was cool seeing others people stuff so I'm booting this back up.

Off Topic / The Far Cry Experience - Bambi!
« on: December 02, 2012, 08:33:10 PM »
I'm not aware of any other topics about this, and I don't really care.

A Machinima series based off of Far Cry 3 Starring Christopher Mintz-Plasse.

Vaas is played by Michael Mando.


Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4


Pyrotechnics Torture

Protein Skip to 1:01 for the actual footage.

Red and Black

Snorkeling Skip to 1:37 for footage




And that's all I have so far, so uh yeah do you like this or not?

So this is the computer, she bought this for pictures. Are you loving kidding me, so I went to her house like a hour ago and got on this thing and went onto Can you run it?.com for games and stuff and I hooked up ArmA II, it was 3 centimeters away from being a full green bar.

Grandma, stop playing Planetside 2 behind my back please.

I'm also thinking about getting this in the future.

Off Topic / Wingardium Leviosa - Oneyngs new masterpiece
« on: November 26, 2012, 09:46:17 PM »

I have no idea if someone else made another topic and I don't really care, enjoy this lovey magic.

Suggestions & Requests / I'm looking for some Ambient Deep music pack
« on: November 24, 2012, 08:02:50 PM »
So this pack basically consisted of 3 little tracks,

Ambient deeper, Ambient [Forget its other name], and Ambient Deepest. All 3 basically like Ambient Deep.

Now I've been searching for these for months cause these were absolutely fantastic but never found them and I was wondering if someone had them or had a link to them.

[Rant]So basically, lately the Native Americans have still been doing nothing with their lives and it's pissing me off. If you go near our Bank it smells like loving piss because the Native Americans are literately just whipping out their richards and stuff and peeing wherever possible and they don't get in any trouble. It pisses me off to see that the government has done nothing about this and more yet how their loving supporting the Native Americans doing this. What the actual forget. A few days ago my Grandpa got SHOT at by a Native American because he was "too close to our fishery." then you could see in the distance rednecks drinking beer and stuff behind that Native American. Holy stuff, A indian nearly took my grandfathers life because he actually wasn't even in their fishery and fishing. And it's not like the police will do anything, no they support the Native Americans "standing their ground." I don't want my life run by people who are so stereotypically handicapped and useless, their so stereotypical that you can see them in old western costumes dancing to drums and stuff. Today I saw this Native American guy attempt to grab a child and run with him infront of the police, fortunately the mother stopped him and slapped him. BUT GUESS WHOS IN stuff. The mom got in trouble for slapping the man who nearly abducted her child. Canada, are you loving handicapped.[/rant]

tl;dr, Native Americans are loving up the way this country is suppose to work, and Steven Harper was bad enough.

I thought I'd throw this out here because the canadian government is letting the Native Americans get away with everything possible that breaks the law and when people attempt to bring it to the governments attention they get in stuff.

I heard Cuba is now around this year.

Off Topic / I found this cool little website.
« on: November 21, 2012, 04:38:57 PM »
Basically it's a Black Ops Playercard creator, it's pretty cool cause you can make your own emblem too.

I made this with it, pretty cool.

Forum Games / Don't Tread On The Bear! - Mission 01: Caesar Salad
« on: November 20, 2012, 08:28:20 PM »

Don't Tread On The Bear!

After the battle of Hoover Dam, the Legion forces were yet again pushed back with the help of the Courier. Yet, the NCR hadn't control of the Vegas region. Legion and NCR forces continue to fight, this time the Legion fighting much more furiously. The Fiends have taken a foothold and are expanding viciously, the Brotherhood of Steel and the NCR still have Hostile Relations as they do with the Great Khans, but the Boomers are supportive of the NCR as well as Enclave Remnants. A Supermutant force representing The Masters Army has attacked and destroyed Bitter Springs due to the lack of reinforcements and supplies. These Supermutants are mostly of Generation 2, but most notable officers and commanders are Generation 1. Now, have you ever loved a celebrity? Come on, don't be shy... I feel it between us too... Sometimes you can't help but be... Mad about the boy...


Character Name:
Physical Description:
Division:(Troopers, 1st Recon, Rangers, Heavy Infantry, Mechanized Division.)
Rank:(Available starting ranks: Private, Private First Class, Specialist, Corporal. For now.)
** = Optional

Divisional Loadouts:
From lowest rank to highest,

Rangers: (Corporal:Scoped Hunting Rifle + Sergeant:9mm Pistol, Staff sergeant:Scoped Custom Action Hunting Rifle + 9mm Pistol, Major sergeant+:Anti-Material Rifle + 9mm Pistol Extended Mag.)

Troopers: (Private:Varmint Rifle + 9mm Pistol, Private First Class+:Varmint Rifle Extended Mag + 9mm Pistol, Corporal:Service Rifle + 9mm Pistol, Sergeant: Service Rifle Upgraded Springs + 9mm Pistol, Staff Sergeant+: Cowboy Repeater Custom Action + 9mm Pistol Extended Mag, Major: Assault Carbine + 10mm Pistol.)

1st Recon: (Corporal: Hunting Rifle with or without Scope + 9mm Pistol, Sergeant+: Cowboy Repeater Custom Action + 9mm Pistol Extended Mag, Staff Sargeant: Assault Carbine + 10mm pistol.)

Heavy Troopers: (Private+: Light Machine Gun + 9mm Pistol, Corporal: Heavy Incinerator + 9mm Pistol has option of Light Machine Gun still, Sergeant+: Minigun + 9mm Pistol has option of Heavy Incinerator, Major: Missile Launcher + 9mm Pistol has option of Minigun and Heavy Incinerator.)

Mechanized: (Corporal: Hunting Shotgun + 9mm Pistol, Sergeant+: 10mm Submachine gun + 10mm Pistol.)

All reinstated troops are dropped off by bus at Camp Kirklin and are greeted by Sergeant Major Harn

Off Topic / If you were a game character
« on: November 11, 2012, 12:51:10 AM »
Yeah so, if you were any game character who'd you be?

Yeah well, I'd be Garrus Vakarian.

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