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Topics - Ipquarx

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General Discussion / KeyUtils v0.8 - Open-Source Key Recovery!
« on: March 23, 2016, 07:53:21 PM »

Currently V0.8

What is KeyUtils?

KeyUtils is an open-source program to assist in players recovering their lost keys, to help people understand more about the keydat system, and in the future to give players a more secure way to store their key. The program is now in its second release, with some cosmetic and practical improvements to the program.

KeyUtils is written in .NET C#, using the 4.0 framework. That means the program will be compatible with almost every version of windows.
If you don't have have the .NET 4 framework, you can download it here.

What can it do?

So far, it has the following:

  • 3 Decryption Modes:
  • The first (and default) mode allows you to decrypt the keydat from your own blockland installation, assuming you can still play the game normally. You can optionally provide a console.log to make it easier. It can also decrypt your keydat if you have recently changed processors or just don't have a console.log available!
  • The second mode allows you to decrypt multiple keydats made on the same computer, if you have a keydat to which you know the key it contains.
  • The third mode allows you to experiment around with keydat decryption. You input a raw MAC address and a processor name (Case sensitive) and it outputs the raw decrypted result in hexadecimal.

  • Fake key generator (Just to clarify, they don't work. It's theoretically possible for them to work, but the chances are less than 0.0000000000000001%. Sooo... Not that good.)
  • Key to BLID converter
  • Check for updates automatically!
  • More features to come!

How do I use it?
The program is designed to be as easy to use as possible. However if you can't figure out how to use it on your own, you can click here to get a tutorial on the basics. The readme also has some technical information on the (hopefully) upcoming v2 keydat format.

How do I know it's safe?
The program is totally open-source! This means you can be sure what the program does. For the more technically inclined, you can take a look through the complete source code over at and verify that for yourself. (Code's well-commented too!) After you download the zip file with the program in it, you can also verify the hashes of the file to ensure that you've not gotten a faulty download. Finally, on top of all that, you can decompile the exe file provided and ensure that the download itself doesn't contain any source code not in the Github repository. You can do this using one of many tools, like Telerik JustDecompiler, Red-Gate Reflector, and ILSpy.

Where can I download it?
You can download the program right here.

I whole-heartedly encourage you to spread awareness about this program. If you know someone who is having troubles getting their key, try directing them to this program! The solution could be as easy as that.

So basically, what's going on is that Google developed an AI that can supposedly play a game called Go better than any living person. At least, that's what Google's trying to prove. Up until now, computers have only ever been able to play at an amateur level, and now jumping up orders of magnitude in level is something astonishing for AI development.

They've challenged the 10 year reigning champion to a 5 match test to see which is better. The one with the most matches wins.

AlphaGo won against the champion in the first match yesterday, and today's the second, and it's starting very soon!
Here's the link:

So in case you haven't heard the news, a couple days ago a guy in Denmark was arrested for something he said on Facebook. But, what did he post? Well it wasn't terrorist propaganda... It wasn't white supremacy or al-queda support... It was a criticism of Islamic ideals.

The man was fined $240, and will not be sent to prison thankfully, but this isn't the first time people have been arrested for voicing an opinion. Repeat offenders could be sent to prison over this. Not only that but the man has no ability to challenge this harmful decision as the fine is too small to be taken to a higher-level court.

"According to the court decision, pointing out the totalitarian and cruel aspects of Islam itself is now a criminal offense, considered "insulting and demeaning" to Muslims in Denmark and therefore constituting 'racism.'"

This entire situation as a whole is ridiculous enough on its own, like how this criticism is supposedly "tribal." Beyond the fact that that makes absolutely no sense, the decision the court has made has effectively made a blasphemy law, one which will strike down anyone who dares to speak out against Islamic beliefs.

This is a hilariously hypocritical decision as well, as many times Muslims on facebook have said things such as (Not a generalization, this is an extreme example) "All non-muslims are animals" and other loveist and hateful messages without so much as a slap on the wrist.

Games / Streaming Clustertruck Alpha
« on: February 06, 2016, 10:24:54 PM »
Clustertruck is this weird chaotic platformer game that i signed up to be a part of the alpha for
i got it

watch me stream it pls i dont wanna do this experience alone

Off Topic / Rapper B.o.B insists that the earth is flat
« on: January 29, 2016, 12:55:29 AM » Here's his twitter, here are some of his tweets

1.7 thousand favourites

3.8 thousand and 2.8 thousand favourites

2.1 thousand favourites

6.7 thousand favourites

Never go full handicap

TL;DR: Cecil is a troll and purposely abuses admin for stuffs and giggles.
His brother Tristan enables this abuse and actually re-admins Cecil so he can abuse more.
Kalphiter is a disruptive nuisance with stupid excuses.

As a small preamble to the main content, let me explain the circumstances that led up to these events. Earlier today I received a message from a user saying that Kalphiter (6643) was stirring up trouble in Visolator's DM server. They had joined a full half hour before they contacted me and the entire time they were there Kalphiter was continuously sperging about how horrible blockland is, how badspot is evil, etcetera etcetera, in the process being a gigantic nuisance throughout the entire timespan. Not a big surprise considering he formed /r/blocklandishorrible.

So when I joined, I permanently muted Kalphiter. The reason I did this is because he would absolutely not stop talking about it even after a temporary mute. However when I did, one of the Super admins, Cecil (28391) almost immediately unmuted him.

As you can see here, I'm a little peeved off that Cecil unmuted him, despite him having seen the entirety of what Kalphiter was doing. He asks why I muted Kalphiter, and I give an honest answer and in response I get "but we need nuisances."

What? We need nuisances? This makes absolutely no sense unless he's purposefully letting him annoy everyone. He obviously recognizes that Kalphiter is being a nuisance and is not only doing nothing about it, but actively undoing any action done because he's enjoying other people being annoyed and the drama that ensues because of it.

An overwhelming amount of evidence that Cecil is a complete troll. I have no words for how stupid this sounds, there is literally no excuse for this.

If you're wondering why I didn't completely call him out as a troll, I realized that Cecil was an SA and had more power than me in this instance, so I didn't want to say anything to send him over the edge and remove my admin/ban me, as that would just hurt the situation further.

After this I tell him not to unmute him again, as I figured he *might* have just been kidding around and was ready to play serious, so I muted him again.

Cecil claims that muting him is "rude" and "oppressive" and then unmutes him after more extreme immaturity. Kalphiter continues to be mad that he's been muted for causing constant disruptions for over half an hour straight, and Sevi (Didn't get ID) After this, I ask him again why he continues to unmute Kalphiter despite ample indications that he's going to continue being a disruption.

He cites "Free speech" as his reason, despite free speech having absolutely nothing to do with stopping people from being disruptions and nuisances. You can have legitimate criticisms and concerns presented in a constructive way without being disruptive and annoying to nearly everyone, which Kalphiter was not. This is entirely besides the point that the server is absolutely no place to be talking about how horrible blockland is. There is literally no reason other to do what he was doing other than trolling.

Another bullcrap attempt at deflecting the blame onto me by saying "Just ignore it." Ignoring problems unfortunately does not solve them. Spammer in your server? Just ignore it. Admins abusing? Just ignore it. This is not an excuse.

As well, a player here points out that Cecil has literally been cheating at the game the entire time that this has been going on. This is not some empty accusation, there is video proof of this going on. Click here for the video.

Further evidence that Cecil is quite aware that he's trolling. He actually said that it doesn't matter that he's trolling and abusing because there are people on the server. What? After this I tried again to mute Kalphiter and Cecil repeatedly undid any actions I took.

I seriously was not planning on making this drama, and only wanted to make it as a very last resort, but any attempts to notify Visolator of this fell flat.

Forum Games / Post your Xmas jokes here
« on: December 24, 2015, 09:27:24 PM »
I'll get it goin

A wife and husband are walking in the subways. The wife asks the husband "Is it raining?" and the husband replies "It's raining outside, yes." The wife replies "Really? It wasn't when we were out there." They see a communist officer nearby with a nametag. The husband asks him, "Rudolph, is it raining outside?" The officer responds "Why yes, it is!" The husband turns to his wife. "See? Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear."

Modification Help / Round weapon spread?
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:31:09 AM »
So I'm trying to make a weapon have round spread specifically instead of square spread. I've tried several different weapon packs and each one of them seems to have square spread (including Gravity Cat's weapons and several other weapon packs).

I can visualize how this would work, you start out with a unit vector like (1, 0, 0) and then rotate it a bit up, and then a random amount around to get your "spread" vector. Then you take that vector and rotate it as if it was still (1, 0, 0) all the way to the muzzle vector, preserving the angle between it and the spread vector, and you have your final direction vector.

However I have no idea how this would be translated into code and every time I've tried it's gone horribly wrong. Any help would be appreciated!

Modification Help / [PSA] Weapon Creators! You can get a Clients FOV!
« on: December 18, 2015, 12:19:13 PM »
I cannot state how many times I've been so incredibly annoyed that I have to type some /fixFov command just so that my FoV won't be reset every time i switch out weapons or scope in. It's completely unnecessary as there's already a function to get a clients FoV!

The function is:
%client.getControlCameraFov(); and %player.getCameraFov();

If you're trying to author a weapon which changes FOV based on, for example scoping, save this to a variable when you start scoping in and set the fov to that variable when unscoping.

This means no more /fixfov. I'd also love it if existing weapon packs could be fixed so this isn't an issue anymore.

Off Topic / Why the hell are christmas specials so goddamn predictable
« on: December 11, 2015, 02:36:18 PM »
Like seriously, jeez, every single one follows one of two plotlines and it's so shallow it's ridiculous

Person X has no faith in "the christmas spirit"/santa or starts out with faith in it and then has doubt instilled
Person Y/santa works to re-instill faith in person X
Person X has faith again and everybody lives happily ever after


Parents are struggling to get christmas presents and their kids are having doubt instilled about "spirit of christmas"/santa
Parents miraculously get money/presents
Kids have faith restored


Off Topic / Help me get to 666 messages!
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:20:28 AM »

Whoever gets me to 666 messages gets a prize worth $1.50 CAD or less on steam!


It seems as if there's an entire anti-encryption campaign going on after having claimed that the people who attacked France were using encryption. (They were not, as was later found out.)



Not sure how many Canadians are on these forums, but for those who are, the 19th is a big day! It's the time for the federal election. Results will come in the evening in Ottawa time.

With early polling results placing the 3 major parties each in the 30% range, it's the closest election that's been had in decades.

Here's the list of candidates, and their political stances!

Former Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party: Stephen Harper

Stephen Harper has been the Prime Minister of canada for the past 3 elections and 9 years. Having had several scandals in his 9 years running the country some are beginning to wonder if he should be voted for again.

Political Stances
Economics wise, he's conservative and hasn't really changed anything. The economy has been relatively stable, no major hiccups as a direct result of his actions. He supports the Keystone XL pipeline.
Foreign policy wise, he reduced military spending to 1% of GDP. He sees the Israel as an almost heroic nation. Make of that what you will. Has sent troops in the Afghanistan war, Lybian civil war, and attacks against ISIL.
Socially, he's more left-leaning with a few sprinkles of right-wing. Fully supporting same-love marriages, universal healthcare, and the more left-leaning Canadian charter of rights and freedoms. On the right, he's openly supported the trans-pacific partnership, Bill C-51, and has been opposed to the wearing of niqabs during citizenship oaths.
Environmentally, he's very conservative. He's not made any efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

Liberal Party Leader and Current Prime Minister: Justin Trudeau

Being one of the youngest leaders of a party ever, at only 43, some wonder if the son of former prime minister Pierre Trudeau has the political experience necessary to run a country. He's a fresh, relatively young candidate and has been gaining a lot of ground with the younger group in Canada.

Political Stances:
Economically, he's more left-leaning. He supports raising taxes on the rich and lowering taxes on the middle and lower classes. His plans on growing the economy through running a deficit have been brought to question, and even misquoted in Harper ads. He encouraged an increase of Canada's relief efforts after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and sought more accessible immigration procedures for Haitians moving to Canada in the time of crCIA. He's stated support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership but scolded the secrecy surrounding the trade deal. He's also supported the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Foreign policy wise, he hasn't made many statements. I'm not sure what to put here except that he's probably not going to be waging big wars.
Socially, he's left-wing. He's made no statements on same-love marriage but has no plans on opposing it. He's strongly pro-choice, and for the legalization, taxing and regulation of marijuana sales. He's opposed Bill C-51.
Environmental wise, he's also more left leaning. He wants to introduce a carbon tax to help reduce emissions, among other things.

Leader of the New Democratic Party: Thomas Mulcair

With not a single federal election win under their belts, the New Democratic Party (or NDP) have made a surprising comeback in the past 10 years. However, with many questioning their current government of certain provinces, many are questioning their skills.

Political Stances:
Economically, Mulcair is very left-leaning, Supporting a $15/hr minimum wage country-wide and large tax hikes on the rich. He's also supported lowering the small business tax rate from 11% to 9% because they create "80% of all new jobs in this country," to undo tax cuts on corporations and cancel income splitting for two-parent households. He's also opposed to the Keystone XL Pipeline and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Foreign policy wise, he's also very left leaning. Mulcair believes that Canada can be a "positive force for peace, justice and respect for human rights around the world." He's been opposed to sending troops to fight ISIL, and is a firm supporter of Israel.
Socially, he's left-wing. He's adamantly pro-choice, even going as far as to state that if someone is not pro-choice that they will not be welcome to run in their party. Mulcair announced that an "an NDP government would launch a national public enquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women within 100 days of taking office." He's strongly opposed to Bill C-51.
Environmentally, he's very left-wing. With plans to end all fossil fuel subsidiaries and put in place a cap-and-trade system on carbon emissions. He has also promised to reverse cuts to the environmental review processes, and return to "rigorous, science-based environmental impact assessments".

Minor runners for the Federal Election

Leader of the Green Party: Elizabeth May

Founded in 1983, the Green Party's main focus is, you guessed, environmental issues. Having gotten a whole 1 seat in parliament in the 2011 election, the Green Party has extremely little chance to win, given they don't have much recognition and were even barred from debates, although that doesn't stop a small minority for voting for them.

Political Stances:
Economically, left-leaning. A strong opposer of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Economic policies include reduced payroll and income taxes, increased taxes on
polluters, income splitting for families, a national childcare plan, cutting subsidies for industries that pollute, and closing foreign tax loopholes. A strong opposer of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Socially, also very left-wing. One of their core principles is listed as "Social Justice," although what exactly that constitutes is up for debate. Surprisingly, their leader Elizabeth is vague on her stance on abortion. May responded to a nun's question about her position on abortion stating that, "I don't think a woman has a frivolous right to choose." "Nobody in their right mind," she told the nuns, "is for abortions. I've talked women out of having abortions. I would never have an abortion myself, not in a million years. I can't imagine the circumstances that would have ever induced me to it." In almost all other instances their party is decisively left. They've been strong supporters of an open and transparent government, strong opposers of Bill C-51, and for the legalization, taxation and regulation of Marijuana. They're also supporting labeling all GMO products.
Foreign policy wise, they're simply stated as non-violent. I think you get the idea.
Environmentally, you guessed it, they're very vocal about. They want to make many changes that would reduce the amount of carbon put into the atmosphere, some listed before as well as subsidy for public transit and environmentally friendly technology.

Leader of the Rhinoceros Party: Sébastien Corriveau (Yes, this is a real party)

Also known as the Second Rhinoceros party, this party is a satirical one, not meant to actually get elected. If they get elected, I swear to god I'll murder everything in sight. They've promised that, if elected, they will keep none of their promises.

If elected, the Rhinoceros Party of Canada has promised to:
  • Repeal the law of gravity
  • Promote higher education by building taller schools
  • Count the Thousand Islands to make sure the Americans didn’t steal any
  • Reform the retail lottery scheme by replacing cash prizes with Senate appointments
  • Seat the Queen of Canada in Buckingham, Quebec.
  • Nationalize Tim Horton's
  • Move the national capital to Kapuskasing, Ontario
  • Privatize the Canadian Army

Here's a current graph of opinion polls. Will post results of the election when they come out!

Off Topic / Level 19 achieved!
« on: October 11, 2015, 06:03:54 PM »
I am 19 years old in base 10

21 years old in base 9
23 years old in base 8
25 years old in base 7
31 years old in base 6
34 years old in base 5
103 years old in base 4
201 years old in base 3
10011 years old in base 2

10,000 year old man confirmed

So yeah, congratulate me and shower me with gifts (not really I don't like it when people spend money on me but if you must)

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