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Topics - aludane

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Off Topic / Rare internet gem - Kitten livestream
« on: May 12, 2012, 06:52:39 PM »
I received this by email,

a livestream of small kittens. Currently it's for charity/donations and to raise awareness of abandonment.


if there are no kittens currently on just click somewhere on the video timeline however it won't be live when you do that.

Off Topic / New form of Malware; Ransomware
« on: May 07, 2012, 05:36:46 PM »
It's scary how criminals come up with illegal software.

A recent discovery found a new form of malware called Ransomware which "locks" your computer.

Retrieving money from victims is it's primary objective but my main worry is it's completely removing all functionality of the computer. A lot of us on this forum are knowledgeable enough to know that this is not genuine however elderly or disabled people will find this very distressing for them to get.

Know anyone that may have experienced a piece of malware similar to this?

Games / Shores of Hazeron Security Breach
« on: April 28, 2012, 06:19:42 AM »
"Shores of Hazeron Account Holder,

This is an important security notification. You are receiving this message because this e-mail address is associated with a player account in the Shores of Hazeron game. Please reply to this mail if you have received this message in error.

An intruder recently exploited a hole in the security of one of the Shores of Hazeron servers. That security hole has been plugged.

The intruder replaced the Windows version of Shores of Hazeron with a trojan EXE file Friday morning 4/20/2012 at about 7:00am MDT. Both the full download and the patch were infected. DO NOT EXECUTE THOSE FILES!
The Linux downloads were not affected.

Immediately upon discovery of the intrusion, the server was shutdown pending brown townysis of the breach. Unfortunately, this happened while I was out of town with limited network connectivity. A quick shutdown was the only immediate option. I was unable to investigate the extent of the breach until this morning.


The logs do not show exactly which files were accessed by the intruder.
Among the files that could have been accessed was a backup of the player login database from October 28, 2011.

It is possible for a hacker to dissect that file to discover the login account names, passwords and e-mail addresses of all Shores of Hazeron player accounts that existed as of October 28, 2011. All players will receive notification of this incident by e-mail at the address in our database.

For your security, it is recommended that you immediately change the password on your Shores of Hazeron login account.

David H. Hoeft

Software Engineering, Inc.
7000 S. Yosemite St.
Suite 100
Centennial, CO 80112
888-831-9946 Fax"

Damn hackers messing everything up. Anyone else got a Hazeron account? I haven't played the game in a while so if any of you have played it recently do a scan.

Help / Spawn points not working correctly in Minigame
« on: March 28, 2012, 10:16:51 AM »
I've got a minigame with "use spawn bricks" with everyone's bricks included but the spawns are not working.

The spawn points only work for me and everyone else seems to spawn at the default location.

I'm also using Slayer but it wasn't working prior to enabling that addon.

Games / Garry's Mod Ghosthunt v2 Red eyes
« on: February 25, 2012, 07:28:38 PM »
It took a while but I managed to capture the footage of the red eyes ghost in Ghosthunt v2

Ghosthunt v2 is based within a mine. It can be played in singleplayer and multiplayer. The user will encounter random events such as moving objects, things erupting from the ground, noises, smoke, power failures and more.

The point is to survive as long as possible while trying to solve the puzzle.

Below is a quick video of the red eyes demon.

Me and Acid from the forums were in the control room while our guinea pig was Velo wandering the corridors.

It's a great addon/map which was fun. I'm gonna try and find more of these fun maps to explore and survive in.

Off Topic / Annoying Neighbor opposite my House
« on: February 14, 2012, 03:49:30 PM »
So I have this neighbor who has his own small business in gardening and he's the kind of guy who thinks he can do everything with his vans and tools.

Recently he has decided to dig up his front garden and driveway to put in a concrete surface but he doesn't have a clue what he's doing. He's digging way too close to his house and he's digging too deep.

In the last 6 hours he's damaged the electricity mains to his house and has almost put our whole street in darkness. He's had to call some sort of emergency electrical work-crew to repair the damage he's done. The danger of messing with the electricity mains is obvious (fire, death, etc...) but luckily it wasn't raining.

A day ago, the whole pavement around his house was covered in dirt and stones because he was too lazy to clear up his mess. He often parks his vans outside our house and blocks our driveway so my family can't use the car.

Share your experiences with annoying neighbors.

Off Topic / The Demon Printer of Aludane
« on: February 03, 2012, 07:01:40 PM »
I recently got a new printer. It's amazing. It does A3 duplex print and A3 scanning with brilliant quality however I don't understand one feature.

It's printer self cleaning times. It does it randomly during the day.

One time it activated even when it was switched off and started to clean at 6:00 AM causing me to have wake up.

Discuss cursed electronics.

Gallery / An ALC Produced Blockland evented system.
« on: January 29, 2012, 07:44:23 PM »

Type: Blockland based evented input output system

Function: To display server variables across the map using multiple displays as well as provide a basic platform for input output events

Current status:


1x16 Text Display Upper
1x16 Text Display Lower
Central value store for quick modifications.
Dynamic if-value execution supplied by is-in-range stacks (Keeping within the a specified event schedule)
Debugging options including direct from variable value address display (Displays an instruction address it will execute from ROM)
Full instruction address ranging from 10000-20000*

*May go higher depending on user configuration

More Information:

This is an evented system which was used as a test device for the implementation of fast ROM. This current device is slow and requires manual resets on both actives (screen resets, button configurations...etc).

It has debugging options within the containment facility for swift fixing and instruction address testing.

This was considered the first major evented system by ALC due to this certain mechanisms may fail from working if in over use. Spamming the buttons will result in a possible "Error. 0" crash whereby the instruction address receives a too high, or too low number for it to function properly.

This version is not used anymore due to the way the startup sequence was created.

Here's a clip of it in action. Notice when the video was uploaded.

Help / Moving Blockland Folder from User Documents.
« on: January 26, 2012, 02:38:51 PM »
I want to move the Blockland folder (where addons, cache, etc.. are stored) from the documents folder to a custom location.

The way my user documents area is set up means the Documents folder is not the location of My Documents.

The capacity on my Primary SSD is running low so I need to move it to another storage medium.


Off Topic / Both Tinychat and Twitter are down at the same time.
« on: January 22, 2012, 05:35:59 PM »
Is this a coincidence?

Both seem to be giving error messages.

I suspect hackers.

What do you think?

Creativity / Aludane has done some digital art (Image Heavy)
« on: January 11, 2012, 09:09:40 AM »
Hi, I've recently decided to do some art. I would love to see where I've done good, where I can improve, and what's crap.

Off Topic / Skyrim Arrow to the knee joke has become too old
« on: January 02, 2012, 04:55:15 PM »
I found this video on the internet that describes the situation well.
(Warning: Might be slightly loud on your headphones)

I keep seeing this meme everywhere, it's getting annoying. Discuss how this meme should have finished ages ago.

Games / Black and White (PC Game)
« on: November 20, 2011, 06:19:30 AM »
I'm sure you've heard of this game. Its based upon the user having the controls of a god.

I'm trying to find someone on the internet to do an online match through Hamachi (Direct IP connection isn't supported).

Does anyone have Black and White and wishes to do some multiplayer?

Off Topic / Blockland Forum Error on Firefox
« on: July 28, 2011, 01:54:04 PM »

I'm getting this error every 3-5 pages.

Anyone else getting it?

Off Topic / Things That Have Taken Forever On Your PC
« on: July 15, 2011, 01:11:10 PM »

Don't let the remaining time fool you.

What's the longest thing you've had to wait for with your computer?

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