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Games / The Steam Greenlight Thread - Stop making individual threads
« on: August 31, 2012, 01:50:46 PM »

Turns out Steam gets flooded with new games that want in on the fun, but Gaben doesn't have the time to sort through all of them, so Gaben had an idea: I'll have my monkeys users do the work for me!  And so Steam Greenlight is born.  Now, we use the power of Democracy to give Gaben more money.

Why a thread?

We love to mock terrible games and, sometimes, we even like to recommend some good ones.  However, it doesn't make sense to flood the main Steam thread with posts about stuff that isn't even on Steam yet.

Current Highlights

Octodad - a sequel to the very bizarre game where an octupus wants to be a family guy.  Watch the trailer.
Project Giana - a sequel to the ancient Giana Sisters platformer.  Got funded on Kickstarter and their playable demo looks neat
Gnomoria - showed up after the lukewarm reception of Towns and promises to be an accessible Dwarf Fortress
Project Zomboid - isometric Fallout-style survival horror.  Pretty neat.
The Real Texas - some Minecraft graphics crazy Ultima IV meets Zelda mashup.  Goons like it
Kinetic Void - something about spaceships and Kinect(?).  Never heard of it :rolleyes:
Immortal Defense - a great tower defense game, the kind recommended in the same breath as Defense Grid
Battle for Presidency - :stare:
Bleed - a really fast but really ugly Contra-like game; if looks don't bother you and you like shooting things, this is the game for you
Inquisitor - Diablo meets Darklands.  Made in Czech Republic
Towns - a settlement management sim which got alpha funded through Indie Royale.  Tries to be a simpler Dwarf Fortress
DLC Quest - straight from the X360
LA-MULANA - this former Wiiware exclusive game has been trying to get on Steam for a while.  Check it out
Escape Goat - featured in one of the Indie Royales, quite a few people liked it
Oil Blue - in the same exact situation as Escape Goat.  An interesting mix between strategy and arcade simulation
Routine - imagine Amnesia IN SPACE.  Has potential
Gimbal - similar to SPAZ and Starfarer but distinctive enough to shine on its own, plus multiplayer
Fly'n - this looks like a pretty cool platformer with puzzles
Unepic - cool Metroidvania with so-so graphics.  Also featured on Indie Royale
NEO Scavenger - turn-based, isometric survival RPG with no hand holding.  Developed by a former Bioware guy
Steam Marines - squad based roguelike in no way related to 40k Space Marines and Space Hulk, we swear
Silent Storm - a 2004 pseudo-sequel to Jagged Alliance 2, already available on GOG.  'Tis a good game
McPixel - a humoristic game in which you have 15 seconds to disable a bomb in various situations.  Watch the Giant Bomb QL

  • Seorin detected that submitters have complete control on the comments people post and some are even removing any negative feedback.
  • One of these is NEStalgia, whose author is so stuffty he imploded his own game thread under a bunch of drama.  Do not vote for this project.
  • Gnomoria is being targeted by a massive campaign of Dwarf Fortress fanboys who are downvoting it non-stop.  Its chances of getting on Steam ended up null
Everyone who ever wanted to make a game, used RPG Maker, or thinks he's a comedian is smearing their stuff all over Greenlight.  It isn't pretty, but you can count on goons to find the good projects at least.  Also, ever heard of Slenderman?  Unique, original concept exclusive to Greenlight.
credit to Saoshyant of SA for creating this original post that i stole

Suggestions & Requests / new bot events
« on: August 22, 2012, 11:41:26 PM »

the current ones are crapon and barely worked anyway, please remake[/s]

oop nevermind being worked on already

my ID is 16621, i take the 1 and put it at the back, 66211
i search it here
and whoever that is, those are my previous names
if you don't exist yet, take the number from the front of your new id and add it to the back
if you still don't exist, you have no previous names because youre a brand new person

Suggestions & Requests / Noir/black and white/sephiatone vignette
« on: August 13, 2012, 08:55:49 PM »
the title explains it all, nobody has made these yet for some odd reason

Games / is it possible to play hotseat multiplayer over the internet?
« on: August 13, 2012, 11:27:33 AM »
if everyone has to be at the same comp with controllers plugged in, is there some sort of program/app to play over the internet?
i already googled it too

Suggestions & Requests / enviroment changing events
« on: August 11, 2012, 01:47:43 AM »
onactivate > enviroment > setsunposition
onactivate > enviroment > setskycolor

events like that would be a big help to a lot of people

Forum Games / super adventures
« on: August 09, 2012, 08:19:20 AM »

youre unnamed and trapped in a room with
a camrea
a tik tack toe board
a tiny spear
a table
a bowl of cereasl
a spoon
a sword
a lever
a vent
black stuff dripping out of vent

name yourself

Off Topic / Things people probably don't know about you
« on: August 04, 2012, 11:35:10 PM »
i'm actually 4 midgets and a banana in costume

Games / tekkit server stress test
« on: July 31, 2012, 11:13:57 AM »

Games / 1 offensive combat beta key
« on: July 13, 2012, 08:39:51 PM »

this game is really bad

Off Topic / rehost your images
« on: July 02, 2012, 06:48:56 PM »
every image you post on another site without rehosting it is more traffic that the site youre hotlinking it from gets, so the person who owns the site youre hotlinking it from has to pay more because the owner hasnt accounted for the sudden increase in traffic, and some sites like 4chan and funnyjunk make hotlinking break, so if you post an image from one of those sites you look like a handicap because your image doesnt work
all of the emotes in the those two links arent rehosted

nobody should have to pay more so you can post your dumb pictures

Games / -snip-
« on: July 02, 2012, 06:45:55 PM »

Games / Minecraft Clay Soldiers Matches v2
« on: June 23, 2012, 07:41:01 PM »
What is this?

What arena will be used?

It's basic, I know.
Feel free to suggest one.

When will matches be held?
As soon as possible. All of the colors need to be taken and then I have to start the match.

Where can I watch the matches?
I'll post a video and the match results.

Can I join the server?
There is no server. The mod is SSP only.

Colors taken:
Red: Not Taken.
Yellow: Not taken.
Green: Not Taken.
Blue: Not Taken.

Entrance Form

Team Name:
Team Color:
Items wanted:

1) Each army has 64 soldiers.
2) All soldiers are automatically given a stick and piece of armour.
3) Each army can have one King, but this is optional.
4) Upgrades cost points. You have up to 64 points to spend on upgrades.
The costs and descriptions are listed here

Match one results: The Coons win!

Games / Minecraft Clay Soldiers Matches
« on: June 22, 2012, 08:26:48 PM »
What is this?

What arena will be used?
Either a randomly downloaded one or one I build myself.

When will the first match start?

Colors taken:

How to enter:

Team Name:
Team Color:
Items wanted:

List of items and prices(Copy-pasted). You can only pick items on this list.

1) Each army has 64 soldiers.
2) All soldiers are automatically given a stick and piece of armour.
3) Each army can have one King, but this is optional.
4) Upgrades cost points. You have up to 64 points to spend on upgrades. The costs are:
-) Flint: 16 pts. (max 1)
-) Cloth: 16 pts. (max 1)
-) Horse: 4 pts. each
-) Pegasus: 4 pts. each
-) Turtle: 4 pts. each
-) Gold Nugget: 0 pts.
-) Glass: 4 pts. (max 1)
-) Gunpowder: 4 pts. (max 1)
-) Porkchop: 4 pts. each
-) Clay: 4 pts. each
-) Ghast Tear: 1 pt. each
-) Diamond: BANNED
-) Blaze Rod: 2 pts. each
-) Blaze Powder: 4 pts. each
-) Bowl: 1 pt. each
-) Iron Ingot: 2 pts. each
-) Gravel Block: 4 pts. each
-) Snowball: 1 pt. each
-) Fire Charge: 2 pts. each
-) Sugar Cane: 1 pt. each
-) Iron Block: 4 pts. each
-) Bone: 1 pt.
-) Coal: 2 pts. each
-) Glistering Melon: 2 pts. each
-) Magma Cream: 4 pts. each
-) Lily Pad: 1 pt. per 16 pads (max 64)
-) Slime: 1 pt. each
-) Redstone: 4 pts. each
-) Sugar: 1 pt. each
-) Feather: 1 pt. per 16 feathers (max 64)
-) Glowstone: 0 pts. each
-) Paper: 0 pts. each
-) Ender Pearl: BANNED

5) Item Descriptions
-) Flint: Your soldiers craft sharper sticks for increased melee damage.
-) Cloth: Allows your men to use wool padding, giving them better armor.
-) Horse: A trusty steed who grants increased speed and armor to his rider.
-) Pegasus: A special mount who offers slightly reduced speed, but increased armor and the ability to fly!
-) Turtle: An amphibious friend who reflects back half of any taken damage to the attacker.
-) Gold Nugget: Use this to crown a king! Your soldiers will follow him.
-) Glass: Gives your entire army an increased vision range of 5 blocks.
-) Gunpowder: Plant an explosive charge in one soldier, which activates on death.
-) Porkchop: Recovers health. Each porkchop has 4 uses.
-) Clay: Can be used to revive your soldiers or horses. (Note: Soldiers will not often use this during a fierce battle.)
-) Ghast Tear: Can revive a Brick Doll to fight for your team. (Note: See Blaze Rod and Blaze Powder. Soldiers will not often use this during a fierce battle.)
-) Diamond: Transforms one soldier into a superhero! He moves faster, has 20x normal HP and always deals critical hits. This item is currently banned.
-) Blaze Rod: Arms one soldier with a fiery melee weapon, setting alight anyone he strikes! Soldiers KOed by fire will be turned into a lifeless Brick Doll. (See Ghast Tear.)
-) Blaze Powder: A mighty, single-use charge which grants one soldier the power to one-hit KO any foe, turning them into a lifeless Brick Doll. (See Ghast Tear.)
-) Bowl: Equips one soldier with a wooden shield! It reduces damage from both ranged and melee attacks.
-) Iron Ingot: Turns one soldier into an armored knight. Knights can't ride horses.
-) Gravel Block: Grants your soldiers a ranged attack - throwing rocks! 15 shots per block.
-) Snowball: Your soldiers can throw these at their foes to knock them back! (No damage.)
-) Fire Charge: Gives one soldier a powerful ranged fireball attack, burning its targets for damage over time.
-) Sugar Cane: Improves the accuracy of one soldier's ranged weapon (gravel, snowball or fireball).
-) Iron Block: Reinforces your army's bowl shields with metal studs for added defense, including a chance to block Blaze Powder.
-) Bone: A melee weapon for your army's King which lasts twice as long and has a slightly larger attack range than a sharpened Stick.
-) Coal: Stokes one Blaze Rod and/or Fire Charge so that they burn twice as long!
-) Glistering Melon: Turns one soldier into a Medic, who can heal his allies up to four times. (Note: He cannot attack until he runs out of melon uses.)
-) Magma Cream: A special charge which gives one soldier the chance of critical hits, as well as transferring a Gunpowder time bomb to his attacker when he's knocked out!
-) Lily Pad: Dapper trousers for your soldiers which allow them to float!
-) Slime: Sticks the feet of your opponents to the ground!
-) Redstone: Powerful blinding dust which leaves opponents temporarily unable to attack.
-) Sugar: Grants a super speed boost to the user. It lasts for one minute.
-) Feather: Allows your troops to float to a safe landing if they fall a long distance.
-) Glowstone: Makes your troops glow in the dark!
-) Paper: Gives soldiers an aesthetic cape.
-) Ender Pearl: Turns clay soldiers into zombie soldiers. This item is currently banned.

if its true, all you have to do is add pony to the topic title, so if tony is known to start stuff about a subject you can block him from the thread

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