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Topics - Frostbyte

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Off Topic / CIA using gta5 to recruit kids UWOTM8
« on: September 20, 2014, 05:50:16 PM »

Modification Help / Cube Command (New Direction! Page 16)
« on: June 26, 2014, 09:47:34 PM »

drawn by tommy 631



So if any of you guys remember a long long time ago I wanted to sort of do a spiritual successor to DarkStar's Army Men Mod ( because it was cancelled, possibly to the models being too high poly and causing lag. I however had alot of fun with this back when the mod was still public and was sad that it got cancelled so I tried to start my own, and for the most part it seemed like it was going to work out well, but then I gave up on the project because of stress and that people were trying to turn it into "Tacticool of Doody 7" and locked the topic never to work again.

But I said I may work on it again and that day is today! :D

With school being over for me (and I mean all of highschool) I have alot of free time to work on this and if anything this sorta helps out my portfolio for post secondary stuff, so a  win-win situation.

This time however some things are going to be changed around, some models may need some tune ups, some ideas have been completley scrapped and in a way im sort of starting from a clean slate with this. I'll most likley be working on this in spare time so I dont overwork myself, and for the time being it will be on my own until say... we reach scripting.


Can I help?

Certainly, but as of now I don't want a team to depend on me until this really kicks off.

Any ideas for a release date?

For the full thing, no idea, for testing in say the alpha stage, possibly soon.

Will there be a public beta?

Yes and feel free to join (if it ever) pops up!

Can I suggest something?

Of course but I do sort of have a few rules here:

1. No custom class ideas, im sorry but it got out of hand in the old topic

2. Weapon or appearance ideas are fine, just try to keep them unique. Try to follow the theme too (listed below)

3. Ideas or improvements for a current class is fine but don't make it "tacticool"

How would one become part of the "dev team"

Currently not accepting anyone but if you can show me you're good with modding with the game I'll accept.

Why do you need to "revamp" the models and such?

I didn't really know how rigging worked with models so I'll have to fix some stuff before I can continue, also some ideas popped into my head you guys might like.


I suggest listening to some of these songs for a feel for what Im going for:

The theme I'm going for here is sort of a mix of military junk from the 60s-80s (aka Veitnam and Gulf War things) with some other things thrown in, even some more modern stuff if it fits aswell. I'm also looking for weapons that aren't very popular in the video game spotlight, stuff we don't see much of or shoot with get some things from all over the world if you're gonna suggest some stuff guys.

(How will this work?)
The models themselves will have custom built in commands that will equip the weapon like the old army men mod, and can be key binded so you dont need to type /primary everytime.


A bit of a repost from the old topic but heres what some of the stuff I designed go, these will be updated as work goes on.






Most of these are rough ideas so feel free to give feedback.


uses some sort of an assault rifle and runs faster than other classes, perhaps captures points twice as fast?

Grenadier uses a grenade launcher or rocket launcher and maybe set down landmines or chuck dynamite?

Medic uses a sub machine gun and can heal people, possibly within a radius runs pretty quick, maybe bring people back to life or buff health?

Gunner uses a big weapon like a LMG or even an AA-12 would be slow but have alot of health and be mostly for defending. No other ideas for him yet.

Firebug uses a flamethrower and chucks molotovs at people, mostly for chipping away at health and making people run away. Could use some ideas here too.


uses a bolt action rifle, only class that can headshot and doing so will instant kill, scoping also slows him down and firing from the hip is weaker.

Mechanic uses a shotgun or pistol and a wrench Builds stuff like mounted guns and sentries for defense and can place some blocks down for building bunkers and junk. Maybe he could disable landmines I guess. He's essentially gonna be like a fortwars sort of guy and building will cost something.

As for melee it will most likely be a gun butt sort of thing for now.

Ideas for weapons

I was thinking I'd change up the weapons too and here's some ideas for them.

I'll do polls if we can't decide on which ones to use. (Will be removed once models are done)

Grenade Launcher:


Sub Machine Gun:

FAMAE SAF (Without Stock)

Heavy Weapons:


AA-12 (But it's a shotgun! Pfft this thing will wreck anything)


something portable, hoses are a pain for me.


Believe it or not this mod had it's own fanart, cudos to the artists! You can submit your own aswell if you want, I'll even accept concept art too.







Red: No work

Orange: WIP

Yellow: Halfway done

Green: Finished

"I'd love to see this completed, give me a reason to play blockland again" ~tommy631

Off Topic / Frostbyte made a video
« on: May 30, 2014, 01:53:01 AM »

My first try at adobe premiere, I did something simple however, I'm sure some of you wont like it but eh I tried my best.

Off Topic / Probably the most cringeworthy video I've ever seen.
« on: April 07, 2014, 12:15:16 AM »

I think I'm gonna need atleast 10 jugs of all kinds of bleach for this one.

General Discussion / Resource TDM Idea
« on: March 18, 2014, 08:24:36 PM »
How does this work?

Two teams are tasked with capturing control points.
Capture all of them to win.

For each point captured your team will unlock something like a vehicle or some sentry guns to help defend.

However, if a point is lost so is the thing you just unlocked.

Ex: Team A is bombarding Team B with Artillery, luckily, a group of sneaky Team B members capture a point and Team A can't use their Artillery, giving Team B a chance to strike back. Team B would also gain something to aid them such as a tank or perhaps their own artillery cannons.

As you can see this would give players alot more to worry about than just someone killing them and would keep the pressure on objective rather than frags.

Players would also be equipped with the same weapons to ensure that they want something more powerful, ala a tank.

I chose to use CnS Firearms for this (


The weapons in this pack have a special ammo system and don't let you hold alot in your reserve (about 3-4 mags) making every bullet count and gives another idea to this mode, Ammo Depots.

To refill ammo with these weapons you need to find some ammo box or something which will give you a complete refill of both your guns and a grenade.

Ammo Depots will be small buildings or areas on the map where players will go to refill ammo of course, however this means that both teams will be rushing to these in battle giving a sort of mini capture point.

Though Ammo Depots can't technically be captured, cutting them off from the enemy would be a great way to reduce them from expanding the battlefield.

I've though about using Gravity cat's fuel mod for vehicles so Ammo Depots will also serve as a "checkpoint" for travelling tanks and such.

Capturing points will also give players the ability to teleport to any captured area, although these will be great for storming the enemy and keeping pressure, control points will not have vehcile spawns, you'll have to get some backup.

What are the units?

Infantry Bulk of the game and unlucky plebs who are going to take alot of the punishment in this, they tend to do well in numbers, and can handle their own against vehicles if they work together. Infantry should try to use teamwork as much as they can to coordinate counter attacks and flanking maneuvers, squads or groups can easily out number any vehicle or lone enemy troopers.

VehiclesRanging from tiny humvees, to deadly tanks and bomber planes, they can wreak havoc on the battlefield. Vehicles are very useful in combat giving fast transport, firepower, bombing runs, shielding from bullets, and taking down pesky bombers. Although vehicles are going to make the fight alot easier they need fuel to keep going and can be taken down by a group of troops.

ArtilleryRaining death from above to everything Artillery is a very deadly presence among the battlefield bringing powerful long range attacks to any enemy. A well placed shell can take down the toughest of vehicles in one shot and with Napalm or Toxic shells they can serve as stopping troops or smoking them out of hiding places.
Despite being powerful artillery is very slow and needs to be very accurate to be effective, also when in close combat it's almost impossible to do anything. I recommended getting two or three people to use artillery cannons, one to reload shells, one to shoot and another to guard or lookout for intruders.

If someone does have a good idea for a Unit I'd love to add it if I can :D

What do players unlock?

I'm still having issues deciding on this and I hope you guys can help me out, if you are please suggest them in this sort of format:

Name of Unit (Infantry, Vehicle, Artillery, Etc.)

Level 1:(What you start with)

Level 2:(Something better but not too good)

Level 3:(Something to really work for)

So far I've made 3 different "units" and the upgrades or unlocks I've thought about giving them.

Infantry: "I didn't sign up for this stuff!"

Level 1: Assault Rifle, Pistol, Frag Grenade, Melee (Might be something thats not in your inventory)

Level 2: Armor (Added Health), Frag Changed to an HE grenade (Wider radius, effective against vehicles)

Level 3: Sentry Guns (Perhaps Rifle, not sure about a Welder to upgrade)

Vehicle: "Heavy armor coming through!"

Level 1: Armed Humvee, Light Tank (Default one?)

Level 2: Anti Air Humvee Added, Bomber Plane

Level 3: Heavy Tank (T-90?)

Artillery: "Scorched Earth"

Level 1: HE Shell

Level 2: Cluster Shell, Laser Guided Shell

Level 3: Napalm Shell (Good for stopping enemy tracks), Toxic Shell (Not sure about this but I'll keep it in mind)

Just as an added note, higher level stuff takes longer to respawn (Excluding infantry)

So far I have two unlock path ideas.


(Gain all levels of one unit to advance to the next)

Infantry 1, Vehicle 1, Artillery 1 > Infantry 2, Vehicle 2, Artillery 2 > Infantry 3, Vehicle 3, Artillery 3

(All units are leveled up at the same time)

So tell me what you guys think, I've had this idea for a very long time but figured since Im off school for two weeks I'd have some time to work on this.

Games / Dishonored 2?
« on: March 06, 2014, 11:02:37 PM »

[Drunken Whalering Intensifies]

Off Topic / Well guys Im 18 today
« on: February 20, 2014, 09:05:59 PM »
Well it's pretty great so far.

Atleast now I don't need to lie about my age anymore on 18+ sites though.


My friend just bought me Stalker:SoC :D

General Discussion / Blockland has been DDoS'D again...
« on: January 01, 2014, 10:03:37 PM »

Time to get to the bunkers.

Off Topic / I just had a thought about our community.
« on: December 17, 2013, 02:05:24 AM »
With the release of Steam I was discussing with one of my friends about how it feels as if we are going to have a new generation of Blocklanders swarming in.

Then I began thinking.

When i was young, and i joined the community, as well with many others, I sorta learned from the older members and I bet some of you guys have as well.

They taught us how to fit in, how to build, how to modify the game and all kinds of good stuff (and even some bad stuff too)

But now that the older members have moved on to other things, (most of them anyways) and we have gotten older, that we are now the ones who are going to be shaping and forming these newcomers to our community, in fact maybe even better than before.

Before we were the students and we learned from our mentors, now we are the mentors and we teach the students and they will do the same.

Cheers to the new wave of Blockland users, may your time here be a great one and I wish the best of luck to what you will bring to this game and the community!

Off Topic / Russian US Tank Biathlon
« on: August 11, 2013, 02:53:51 AM »
Russian and American tanks racing and shooting stuff with all their weapons.

Dis gun be good.

Also we need more of these, like a sport.

Off Topic / L4D3 Leaked, Valve can count to 3
« on: August 06, 2013, 07:21:30 PM »
My friend sent me this btw.

Whelp guys.

General Discussion / Block land cannot run offline?
« on: August 06, 2013, 06:06:32 PM »
Yesterday my Internet for my PC which is wired died out for some reason and while I was taking a break from trying to fix it I decided to play Blockland and noticed that the launcher did not seem to load and just stayed at a black screen. My Internet connection is working but program suh as Steam, Skype and even connection to the Internet itself do not work which made me think that Blockland requires that I be online to play.

Off Topic / Ghost from True Capitalist Radio might come back.
« on: July 17, 2013, 04:07:23 AM »
Ghost the Hambone may be making a fruity return if we give him enough demand.

My friend sent me this:

Get those cans ready boys.

For those who don't know or don't remember, Ghost is a Texan radio host that has a segment called Radio Graffiti after his show TCR where people cause shenanigans and cans are rattled.

Heres an example:

Off Topic / Some celebrity died in my hometown at 10:30pm today
« on: July 14, 2013, 01:47:22 AM »
Some guy named Corey Monteith died of an overdose today, apperantly he was a well known actor and was in Glee (don't care about that though)

It's been confirmed it's not a hoax though, and all the girls on my FB are crying.

Last thing this guy tweeted was soemthign about a shark tornado :I

Not sure if it's relevant to alot of you guys out there but it feels weird having some famous dude die like an hour away and only a few minutes ago.

Off Topic / Pronounciation Book Mystery? September 24th?
« on: July 13, 2013, 04:00:26 AM »
There's a youtube channel called pronoucniationbook where someone takes some words and tells you how to pronounce them properly but a recent video named 77 following up to 74 currently has had some strange mystery surrounding them.

He says that for the past 1,183 days in his 77 video (the anniversary of when he started his youtube account) he's been trying to tell us something.

This has been getting a bit creepy if you ask me though.

Countdown by Renekar:







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