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Topics - Space Guy

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Suggestions & Requests / Allow anyone to use any music
« on: September 18, 2009, 11:38:02 AM »
It'd be cool if Music bricks let you use any music you have installed in addition to what the server has enabled. The Music Files menu would control what automatically downloads if you enable the Download Music option, but then if you've got any files you can play them to yourself and others with that file in any other server.

Drama / O_O
« on: September 16, 2009, 05:24:46 PM »
O_O, if you don't stop using "^-^" in every post I'm going to feel like strangling you.

Just about every single one on the first page of recent posts...

Add-Ons / Hats Mod: Equip Command
« on: September 05, 2009, 02:52:04 PM »

Requires the original Hats mod to be installed, should work with any future hats added to it. Basically it allows anyone to use any of the hats in the mod instead of the "unlocking" system which I don't like very much. Simply install as a normal Add-On and enable in the menu, then use /hat or /hats as normal. Enjoy!

Suggestions & Requests / Looking for: Pload's Boxing Gloves
« on: August 14, 2009, 10:42:43 AM »
Does anyone have this mod still? I had it but for some reason I can't find the models any more...

General Discussion / Servers: Please disable 'GreekBots'
« on: August 08, 2009, 12:15:47 PM »
The mod is broken. It completely breaks death messages and any other mod that affects deaths/scoring for people, which is very annoying if I join your completely unrelated Capture the Flag or whatever server and then get killed twenty times by something I cannot see because you installed stupid mods.

I really think it should be added to Badspot's auto-disable list or something, but until then just turn it off.

Suggestions & Requests / Some TF2 Models
« on: July 28, 2009, 12:53:14 PM »
For some of the TF2 weapons I've been recently making, I need some new models for them before I can publicly release them as I've been using generic ones like the Gun or models from other mods.

The Ambassador
A powerful revolver that can fire headshots. It fires very accurately once, and then has to cool down or fire in a spread pattern.
Animations needed: Ready, Firing (trigger down), Reloading

The Force-A-Nature
A double-barrelled shotgun that fires twice very quickly, and then has a long reload. It fires hit-scan shots that knock the shooter and person you hit back very far, and the reloading is fixed so you can reload it around a corner and use it rather than having to reload it every time you take it out...
Animations needed: Ready, Firing (trigger down), Opening, Opened, Shells In + Debris model for one shell

The Huntsman
A chargeable bow that fires arrows that do more damage on headshots. It's got a proper variable charging system so charging for half a second makes it go further than clicking once, but not just "Really far" and "No distance at all". I've currently been using the Compound Bow's model for this and it fits quite well, if the maker gives me permission I could use that one instead.
Animations needed: Ready, Charging, Firing, Reload (string back/arrow in?)

The Blutsauger
A gun that fires lots of low-damage projectiles in an arcing pattern. For every one that hits, the shooter recovers a small amount of health.
Animations needed: Ready, Firing (trigger down) + Syringe/Needle projectile

If anybody can help with these, post here.

Drama / "waah no spawnkiling"
« on: July 27, 2009, 07:50:52 AM »
If you let me get to the enemy base in a teams game, I shall take any opportunity I have to use this time to win. It is your fault, really. If you don't want people going there, then fix your map. I will be on the outside of whichever boundary you place. If you have one single exit from the base, then I will shoot at that. If you then open the door and let me in, I'll start killing people. I'm not going to arbitrarily let myself die because you want me to stay outside of an 8000 feet radius of anywhere you happen to be. (in which case, I'll get a sniper rifle and fire at you) If you leave a hole in the wall, I'll fire through that.

You have a steady supply of team-mates against me, one person. Plan something - press the Y key. This is a private team chat. Use it.

When you spawn, you have 2.5 second of complete invincibility from damage. Use this. Get a gun. Fire at something. Don't just stand there, take it and then complain.

Having anti-spawnkilling rules is stupid because it's basically you, the mini-game owner, at fault for making it wrong in the first place.

Modification Help / Item::setNodeColor
« on: July 25, 2009, 01:49:26 AM »
Why was this function removed in v12? I can no longer use it to recolor certain items when dropped. It was very useful for saving datablocks...

EDIT: It seems it's been changed to only allow you to set the colour to the item's colorShiftColor. It worked in v11, I was just wondering why it's been changed.

Modification Help / Projectile Trail + useEmitterColors
« on: July 23, 2009, 03:49:45 AM »
Is it possible to make a projectile's trail (e.g. Radio Wave, not Gun Bullet) change to a color-shift I can provide instead of the one on the particles? The Radio Wave Trail emitter has "useEmitterColors" set to true - it works on bricks and mounted images but I can't change this on the actual spawned projectiles.

Suggestions & Requests / Allow Scripters To Pick Default Weapon Model
« on: July 18, 2009, 08:48:00 AM »
With several weapons I've tried to make or use, the automatic method of picking weapon models doesn't seem to work well and seems to default to a Printer for almost everything that isn't an "Axe" or "Bronze Sword".

"TF2 Butterfly Knife", a melee weapon, appears as a Printer when a Sword would be more understandable
"The Huntsman", a special type of bow, appears as a Printer when the Bow model would be more useful
SolarFlare's "Revolver" appears as a Printer when a Gun would be more useful, especially for the reload animations
"Invisibility Watch", a tool, appears as a Printer - I'd like to set it to a Gun with downloading off since the "Fire" animation on it is useful to use for the 'cloaking' animation
Things like a "Bomb Defuser" would be handy as a Wand or a Wrench if the model is unavailable since it's easier to see that it's a close-up tool rather than a gun
For the Army Man player type, the alternate models appear off to your side for no reason and in mid-air. Perhaps allowing people to pick different offsets/eyeoffsets for these would work, too.

I'm just suggesting that modders be allowed to pick the default weapon model displayed with Download Item Shapes off. (Empty, Hammer, Wrench, Printer, Wand, Normal/Trans Spray Can, Bow, Sword, Gun, Spear and Rocket Launcher) If not defined or set to something invalid it'd use the normal picking method.

Suggestions & Requests / Scaled Player Sounds (Engine Change)
« on: July 13, 2009, 03:55:18 PM »
Scaled players should make the jump/death/etc. sounds faster or slower depending on their size.

Try dying in timescale 2, that sound would be funny to have for a tiny player running around.

Modification Help / Invisibility Watches Preview
« on: June 23, 2009, 01:10:34 PM »
Invisibility Watches Set
Released. Go get them!


Drama / Impostor; "SpaceGuy"
« on: June 13, 2009, 02:06:42 PM »
Earlier today, in my server, a person called "MasterOfSomethin" joined. He started going on about "will you be my friend" for one reason or another.
Space Guy: "is this the sort of friend where you start begging for admin"
MasterofSomethin: "nope i promise"
MasterofSomethin: "I just always wanted a popular friend!"
I repeatedly tell him 'no' because I've never heard of the guy and hardly believe him. He shuts up a while after that, until:
MasterofSomethin: "whats admin password"
Space Guy: "wait, didn't you just say [quotes from earlier]"
MasterofSomethin: "yeah"
Masterofsomethin has left the game.
Normally I'd ban the person for this sort of thing but he said he was new to the game a while before that so I left him. Until...
SpaceGuy connected.
SpaceGuy: "Hi"
Space Guy: "Hi, MasterOfSomethin"
SpaceGuy: "IM NOT HIM"
Space Guy: "what reason do you want to be banned for?" (I commonly ask this because it's funny)
SpaceGuy: "i wanna be banned for being a fake"

So I did.
Space Guy permanently banned SpaceGuy (ID: 12356) - "i wanna be banned for being a fake"

I don't know whether he's kept the name after that, but I'm just posting it here in case he tries anything...

Short Version: MasterOfSomethin ID 12356 may be going around as "SpaceGuy". Ban or do whatever.

Add-Ons / Server Trust Levels
« on: June 13, 2009, 04:44:44 AM »
Server Trust Levels (v1)
Change the permissions of each trust type.

Allows the host to change what required trust level is needed to do particular things. Each can be set to "NONE", "Build", "Full" or "You" for the owner only.

Build On
Paint Bricks
FX Paint Bricks
Print Bricks
Hammer Bricks
Wand Bricks
View Wrench Bricks
Edit Wrench Collision
Edit Wrench Rendering
Edit Wrench Raycasting
Edit Wrench Events
Undo Bricks
Undo Paint
Undo FX Paint
Undo Print
Ride Vehicle
Push Vehicle



Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

Click Here to view this file on the RTB Downloads System

Modification Help / 2x2F Round Print Brick
« on: June 10, 2009, 12:48:09 PM »
Someone make a Pizza print :cookieMonster:

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