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Topics - YourBuddyBill

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Modification Help / Switches and cases
« on: August 11, 2012, 03:26:46 PM »
Is this the proper format for a switch based on the datablock of the brick being checked?
Code: [Select]
function fxDTSbrick::exceptionValueCheck(%brick)
%Datablock = %brick.getDatablock
case "bricknonTreasureChestData":
%result = "TreasureChest;
case "brickTreasureChestData":
%result = "TreasureChest;
case "brickTreasureChestOpenData":
%result = "TreasureChest;
case "brick1x1MugData":
%result = "Ceramics";
case "brick2x2fPlateData":
%result = "Ceramics";
case "brick1x2fKeyboardData":
%result = "Electronics";
case "brick1x2fKnifeNForkData":
%result = "Silver";
case "brick2x3x2Computer1Data":
%result = "Electronics";
case "brick2x3x2Computer2Data":
%result = "Electronics";
%result = "NothingSpecial";
return %result

Also, is there a way to simplify it so, for instance, all cases with the same result can be grouped together?

Modification Help / Getting a brick's color in the colorset and more
« on: August 11, 2012, 12:55:42 PM »
I'm working on a salvaging-based gamemode, somewhere between Salvage Mod and Honor Mining (carried variables/valuables) but I'm having some trouble. Issues are:
1. Is there an fxdts function to get the paint color of an existing brick (as in, the number of the brick's color in the "paint can" table)? If so, what is it, and if not, how do I make one?

2. Do the same functions exist with Color FX and Shape FX?

3. What do I use to call a function on a brick when said brick is painted/fillcanned/has it's color changed by an event? (I know onPlant and onLoadPlant, but not the "on painted")

4. What is the ratio of brick mass (in plates) to brick health, and how does it differ when transparency is involved?

5. How do I make a "materials list" for bricks based on above color, color fx, and shape fx? Remember, I want to get the material from the brick, not the other way around. Should I use the color, color fx, and shape fx functions in a switch and have the default case centerprint the client "This brick cannot be salvaged"? Or should I use some sort of script object? If I have to use a script object, how do I apply it's effects to an existing brick?

6. Is there a sethealth function for bricks?Never mind this, I think Salvage Mod has one.

7. Is there a way to load one "base" save and then afterwards load in certain locations one randomly generated save? I ask because I want the area (it's an enormous underwater pit) to be somewhat randomized, with sunken wrecks in different places every round.

Keep in mind that I'm a real noob at scripting, and I can only learn from stuff that works (and even then I have trouble).

Help / Broken saving and loading
« on: August 08, 2012, 08:54:33 PM »
For some reason, I just started hosting in singleplayer again, and now whenever I try to load, no image displays, and whenever I try to save, Blockland crashes. I think something is wrong with the screenshot aspect... Does anyone know what to do here?

Help / Brick maker with ramps
« on: July 14, 2012, 12:52:47 PM »
I know someone, somewhere, said they'd done a brick-maker that could do ramps, and I need this brick maker to fix up my build. Does anyone know what happened to it?

Help / C++ runtime error when too many bricks are ghosted
« on: June 22, 2012, 10:53:19 AM »
I get a C++ Runtime Error when I view too many bricks at once on my own server. I loaded up and old save of Badspot's Block Party once, for instance, and crashed upon ghosting the entire thing. What's causing this? The console didn't tell me anything whatsoever.

I've got a bunch of custom playertypes whose stats get changed around a lot on my server, I want to be able to make up to five "boosted" players and each one using a different datablock. How do I make it determine whether a specific player datablock is already being used?

Help / Client-sided de-rendering of weapons on bricks
« on: June 18, 2012, 04:15:06 PM »
Is there a way to make it so that on any server, I and only I do not see the weapons that are on bricks? I ask because that dang insanely-high-poly BF3 pack is lagging me to death on every server that uses it.

Help / Images in clan tags
« on: June 17, 2012, 06:00:19 PM »
I've seen people using images in their clan tags before, things like skulls and whatnot. I know that clan tags normally only allow for four characters, I bypassed this by editing the prefs file. However, even afterwards, I cannot get images to show up in my clan tags, nor can I get them to show up in chat. I'm using the Skull CI for testing purposes. Can anyone help me out here?

Help / Random C++ errors
« on: May 13, 2012, 05:00:31 PM »
When I'm on a single-pllayer server, every now and then I randomly crash with one of those C++ runtime errors. It is vastly inconsistent, and the console never reveals anything upon the crash. This last time it just crashed when I selected a save file I wanted to overwrite. Is there a particular reason for this?

Help / Bot Events issues
« on: May 06, 2012, 12:39:04 PM »
For some reason, I just hosted a LAN server and Bot events seemed to break. All onBotSpawn events (including those made by applying avatar prefs) simplywould not work. Anyone else having this problem?

Help / What is DDOS
« on: April 10, 2012, 06:13:39 PM »
I see DDoS being used to explain server crashes left and right (generally dedicated servers), however nowhere have I seen an explaination of what it does, what it means, why it happens, or even what the acronym stands for. Can someone help?

Modification Help / Any tutorials for a server-sided chatbot?
« on: March 27, 2012, 11:50:17 AM »
Specifically, I need:
The standard response
A way to turn responses on and off
A way to check if something someone typed would give more than one response, so that if it did this chatbot would only give the first response in the list of responses, so people couldn't spam his responses.
A way to kill the player with a custom CI deathmessage, akin to forcekilling but with any damage type.
A way to kick the player with a reason
A way to slap the player as in Munk's Server Pack, but only when the future victim said something specific

Does anyone have a tutorial or something to help me with this?
I'm trying to make a chatbot called Ted.
Among his features, if someone said "Ted" ("is my" or "'s my" or "s my") "bitch", they would be slapped with the message Ted has slapped (playername)!

Suggestions & Requests / Show BL_IDs in chat
« on: March 27, 2012, 11:43:37 AM »
Similar to the timestamps in chat, this mod would show the BLID of the talking player in chat next to their name.
This would be useful if you're going back through your chatlogs and you find someone who is a real idiot and want to ban him, (or if he's blatantly breaking the rules and you missed his ID) now it would record his ID too so he couldn't change his name and beat the rap.

Does this already exist? If so, link please.

Modification Help / Player variables
« on: March 22, 2012, 02:52:01 PM »
Can someone tell me all the player 'variables' such as Health, Energy, etc.?
I'm trying to figure out what other depletable variables to add to a 'refresh' item.

Suggestions & Requests / A big pile of requests
« on: February 22, 2012, 09:02:00 AM »
Item_Shoe, a two use thrown weapon, models the same as the players feet, each deals 10 damage and bounces once or twice when it hits.

Weapon_FartGun, based on the Fart Gun from Despicable Me, creates a cloud of green-brown gas that either kills or stuns every player within range. Also include a clothespin item, that mounts to the player's nose and makes them immune to the damage and stun.

Weapon_Smoker, a repackaged item version of the ZAPT smoker tongue attack, because it's generally badass and that. And I want to use it for a tendril attack for a Renderman Playertype I'm working on.

Weapon_LightningBolt (called Bolt ingame, renamed because there is already a weapon called Weapon_Bolt, I believe it was a rifle) which would be fired at a player or the ground. It would actually be a raycast, once it hit something, a dark cloud would appear a little ways above that spot and strike it with lightning. 100 damage for a direct hit, though there would be a radius.

Weapon_ChainLightning, a lot like bolt except the lightning fires from the player's hand and once it hits the first target, it will then try to find another player in range (besides the one who originally fired it) and then strike them too, and so on until it has hit the maximum five people. It won't strike the same person twice in one Chain Lightning.

Brick_OddPrints, which would contain a 1x4x5 print brick, a 1x4x5 two-sided print brick, 16x print cube, 32x print cube THESE TWO HAVE BEEN MADE BY GSF GHOST, 64x print cube (useful for a build to mimick terrain),

Print_Map<mapnamehere>, consisting of most/all textures for said mapname. May be useful for V21?

Print_Castlewalls, a print made out of brick textures which when scaled to a 1x4x5 print brick would line up perfectly with a wall made of 1x4s in alternating layers, i.e.


Brick_EvenMoreWater, to be used with that one diagonal river and rapids brickpack, this one would contain straight up river/rapids, straight down river/rapids, sideways up river/rapids, sideways down river/rapids, diagonal up river/rapids, and diagonal down river/rapids. These would have no emitters scripted on, and would sync up with the normal water brick heights. Fixes to the 16x and 64x water so that they would sync up (if you look closely, they're a little bit taller than standard water brix because standard water bricks are just a teense smaller than an 8x cube). (in case you havent noticed, Brick_Newwater's waterfalls just aren't doing it for me), some sort of side rendered down/up water bricks as well, or even possibly just a new system for handling visible water edges (might need a new blb file for that though)

Weapon_GrappleKnife, which would have the standard butterfly knife in the player's right hand and the grapple gun in the left; the grapple gun would be triggered using the jet key. This would be useful in Grapple Knife servers to bring down those annoying hangers. I tried making my own, but hit my biggest roadblock when I couldn't find how to make it active when the jet is holding.

Brick_WedgeRamps, because it's been requested for who-knows-how-long and nobody ever made it

JVS_DiagonalDoors, pretty self-explanitory, specifically that one futuristic sliding door.

Brick_DiagonalWindows, also self-explanitory. Probably kinda difficult though.

Brick_1x1Fences, which would blend into the default fences so you wouldn't have to fake it using pole bricks.

Item_Dr.Prepper, a retextured soda can with the Prepper face and a lame joke.

Vehicle_BillBlaster, a bill blaster based on those of Mario fame. Would be able to turn 360 and aim up or down, and could fire Bullet Bills once every 4 seconds or so.

More on the way, because I have a lot of stuff bouncing around in my head.

Also, the junk I'm working on:
Brick_SingleChestScripted, which would contain a version of Siba/Soba's SingleChest brick

Brick_TreasureChestFake, which would be a treasure chest that acted like the current SingleChest (doesn't count toward treasure chest numbers, can be opened any number of times). (My idea for this is event a few and scatter them around a treasure hunt. One might even damage the player when they open it, with a message "You've been attacked by a treasure pest!")

Player_Creepy, whose teleporting ability in place of the light key makes him one big Renderman joke.

Weapon_BHandgunAkimbo, the guy who modeled the Blocko Handgun sent me the model in a PM (by request) so that I could make a mirrored version for use in this weapon. This would also be funny for a generic finger-pointing "You da man!" emote.

Server_Ted, an ornery server-sided Chatbot named Ted, based off of Tomtom/Gambsy's BoB server chatbot.

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