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Topics - Sunny

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General Discussion / Jasa's Giant Brickpack
« on: December 12, 2012, 01:20:34 AM »
I tried PMing Jasa but he hasn't responded. He gave it to me before on the last thread, but the download link is too old and is broken. Does anyone have this add-on I can't live without it. Thanks in advance :3

Help / Events not saving
« on: November 13, 2012, 08:24:46 PM »
I tried disabling all the add-ons that i recently enabled, but it doesn't solve anything. Whenever I save in the events menu, reopening it will show nothing there, and nothing happens when you try to interact with the brick i tried to event.

Off Topic / Redit down for matinence and imgur over capacity O.O
« on: November 13, 2012, 06:47:35 PM »
Is china attacking us?

Reddit is back.

Off Topic / The Dawn - (Blockland Roleplay)
« on: November 13, 2012, 05:03:08 PM »
Edit: Oops, since I frequent off-topic so much I didn't realize that I posted this in the wrong forums. Please move this, mods.

It has been the age of stone tools for as long as anyone could remember, an age of nomads, an age where the ice is far away and melting. Our tribe has wandered the land, even in the oldest stories the elders tell. We follow the food, and our lives depend on the wildlife. Troubles have emerged. Every year it is becoming harder and harder to find food. Our people tell the children about when they were their age, that they used to have to wear thicker clothing. Changes are upon us fast, elders remember a far different time than we live now, at least than they are used to. People talk of doom, but I disagree. Rumors spread of other tribes starting to stay in one spot in the world. How is this possible, you say? I honestly don't know, but I believe that it is the way.

Welcome to The Dawn.

-Signups start now.
-At 5pm Pacific Time, we will all enter the server titled Sun's The Dawn. It will be a flat tundra filled land full of emptiness, full scale, not mini.
-You will play a character, and NOT speak out of character. Every single word typed will be in character. You will change your avatar to be appropriate to your character. Only speech and actions are allowed. Speech will be normal text, actions with a "*" before it. Actions cannot include thoughts or mind reading here.
-If a natural resource is needed, you will build it...but remain silent as you do, not speaking of the act. If while building a natural resource you are to respond to a conversation, you will do so as if not building the natural resource.
-We will all have different ages, and families. We will get older and die...and when we do we become a new baby of a mother and father. You will be named and described by conversation in-game. All players entering the server after 5pm Pacific Time will be babies. All players leaving the server will die on the spot, unexplained until investigation. Even if you leave to rejoin, you will die and be reborn.
-Dying in-game (Self Delete or killing) will be ignored, only if a death is announced through "*" action, will it be taken seriously.
-To sign up post the name of your first character, gender, age, a short description, and ign name. Password to server is civ. We need an even ratio of males to females. Remember, when you are born as a new person, you will be named, assigned a gender by a parent or elder based on necessity, and described through conversation in-game. No descriptions will ever be explained other than through conversation, not even in actions.
-My (ign Sun) Characters (My bloodline) will be regarded as an elder no matter the is our tribe's culture. However, this does not mean you can grow weary of this and have politics ensue...but remember tradition is a current you have to swim against.
-Medieval chat is on. If you see players speaking in Old English, do not attempt to copy them. Speak in normal English and it will be translated for you.

Off Topic / And so it begins again...
« on: November 07, 2012, 08:21:34 PM »

Off Topic / Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - Maria Mena
« on: November 06, 2012, 08:52:04 PM »

Top youtube comment: "Maria Mena has stolen my diary and wrote a song about it! :O"

I can't help but listen to it over and over. I love this song. Her voice is so beautiful, and I've never song that has never struck to the core of human truth so much. It's bold...not beating around the bush. It's like the artist wasn't afraid to tell the blunt truth about life...the life of so many people.

Off Topic / Delayed Ejaculation
« on: November 06, 2012, 06:36:29 PM »
Hey everyone, last night while on Skype with the girl I like, I found out I have a problem. I thought it would help me overcome my embarrassment of it if I reveal it to everyone. You don't need to be nice, as I'm trying to pull up my big boy pants and solve this. The nature of it has been a pattern with calls to girls on Skype, I'm afraid of what they'll think and I want to please them. I'm able to interject while watching research, and I think it's because the girl I'm watching can't possibly judge me or react to me... but when it comes to actual intercourse (Skype is the closest I've been), I have psychological problems just like the article says. Even though the article says the issue is widely misunderstood, I feel that it's spot on with its predictions.


The psychological definition of delayed ejaculation refers to the inability to have an ejaculation during loveual intercourse. Interestingly enough, ejaculatory issues are rarely defined as a dysfunction if they occur only during procrastination. As a result, an important diagnostic question for love therapists is the context in which the problem occurs. Does this difficulty occur with self-stimulation, with all partners or with specific partners? This question will ultimately be important as a treatment program is designed and implemented.

Problems of delayed ejaculation tend to be somewhat rare and not well understood by psychologists and love therapists. In addition, they are not well understood by most medical doctors and urologists. It is not unusual for doctors to minimize the dysfunction and to dismiss it. For many men, finding the right professional, who has experience and realizes the seriousness of the problem may be one of the most difficult aspects in the treatment process.

In many cases, the man himself may tend to delay treatment or to minimize the distress of the situation. At other times, there is the hope that ejaculatory problems will disappear without proper treatment. Unfortunately however, problems such as delayed ejaculation seldom disappear without professional intervention. For many men, feelings of shame prevent them from seeking medical and professional help.

In spite of the lack of information regarding delayed ejaculation, the most successful approach, for love therapists, is to engage both members of the couple into addressing the problem. Thus, ejaculatory dysfunction is always perceived as a couple’s issue. Resolving the problem is most successful when both partners can work together as a team toward a successful solution. If the man is in a relationship, he needs the support and understanding of his partner. This helps to insure a successful treatment. Otherwise, the partner’s frustration and distress may contribute to the continuation of the problem. Overcoming an ejaculation problem when under stress and pressure from a partner is extremely difficult for any man.

Ejaculatory problems can have a devastating affect on self-esteem. Men with ejaculation problems undoubtedly have feelings of inadequacy, feelings of failure and a negative view of themselves. They feel that they have little to offer in a relationship and to tend to avoid emotional and physical intimacy. Over time, partners become frustrated and communication becomes strained. Thus, resentments, anger and feelings of rejection often accompany an ejaculation problem. In couples where ejaculation is an issue, the partner often internalizes this dysfunction as their mistake; the partner feels responsible ultimately intensifying the man’s stress and performance anxiety.

Ejaculation problems may also contribute to a low libido and lack of interest in loveual activity. Without ejaculation, love can become a source of frustration and devoid of satisfaction. As a result, loveual activity can be perceived as more work than pleasure. In some cases, the woman may not be interested in loveual intimacy because of her frustration and anger at the situation. Ultimately in such cases, couples agree to avoid loveual contact rather than face the emotional pain of another loveual failure.

For some men, there may be additional psychological issues that underlie an ejaculatory dysfunction. For example, there may be issues of performance anxiety related to infertility, fears of rejection or the desire to please a partner. Early psychological trauma can also be a significant factor. If loveual abuse of the man has occurred, these can have a direct correlation to the loveual dysfunction itself. love can serve as a trigger to bring back painful emotional feelings and memories from the past. Ignoring these important emotional issues can lead to difficulties resolving the problem or to a future re-occurrence of the loveual dysfunction.

Traditional behavioral love therapy for delayed ejaculation is as follows: the man begins by masturbating, then starts intercourse when he is almost ready to interject; the procedure continues with the man beginning intercourse earlier and earlier. The partner may assist the man to masturbate and maintains a supportive and encouraging attitude. Sensitivity may be improved with the use of androgens such as testosterone or by using a vibrator.

Edit: Thank you guys, you have been really helpful; Disregarding advice, just putting it out there has helped me.

Off Topic / Weekend Box Office Resultys
« on: October 29, 2012, 06:17:00 PM »
1. Argo ($12,300,000)
2. Hotel Transylvania ($9,500,000)
3. Cloud Atlas ($9,400,000)

User was banned for this post

Off Topic / Cloud Atlas
« on: October 27, 2012, 02:29:25 AM »
Critics are split on liking and disliking the movie. I, for one, think that good art isn't one that receives praise, but one that creates controversy. Because what is art if it's not to challenge ourselves and improve the world?

What are your thoughts?

Off Topic / Fear of Writing
« on: October 26, 2012, 05:45:44 PM »
please help.

This is important because I'm writing functional documents for a website that I think will change the world, and it must be as perfect as possible, for humanity.

Suggestions & Requests / Suggestion to Badspot
« on: October 24, 2012, 06:14:50 PM »
When the first player joins a server, it lags because the server is loading the file manifest (I think). There should be a console function to load it ahead of time if the host so desires.

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