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Topics - Chrono

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Modification Help / Getting a print name from ID? [Solved]
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:34:10 AM »
How do I get:


Easier than I imagined.

Code: [Select]
function getPrintName(%id)
%texture = getPrintTexture(%id);
%package = getField(strreplace(%texture,"/","\t"),1);
%category = getField(strReplace(%package,"_","\t"),1);
%name = fileBase(%texture);
%return = %category @ "/" @ %name;
return %return;

Drama / "-quote- Page Loss!"
« on: February 05, 2012, 10:49:10 PM »
There is no such thing as a 'page loss' so just stop it. A page only has 15 posts and what you said doesn't deserve to be plastered on every page, no matter how great it was.

People aren't missing it, people active in the topic see every post. People who aren't active in the topic are only going to see it if you've recently posted.

The reason you're not getting a response is because either:
-No one cares.
-No one has an opinion on it.
-People are scrolling past it because they know they'll get an ignorant response if they try to argue it.

Games / [Flash] Feed the Nine Mouthed Baby
« on: January 16, 2012, 01:24:34 PM »
Really really old game.

One of the nine mouths will ask for food. You drag what it asked for to the mouth that is talking.

My high score so far: 126

I was trying to make something save when a server was closed, and was wondering what function is proper to use.

So I've traced closing and disconnecting in many different ways to see what functions are called when.

It seems like I should be using shutdown AND destroyserver just to cover all cases. But in one case shutdown is called twice.

There should be one default function that gets called when a server closes that people can use.
For example, onServerStop or something like that. A blank function that modders would love to use.

It also seems that disconnect() isn't called in all cases on the client side either.

Here's the notes that I took while tracing: (Were also done with only default add-ons running)

dedicated (quit();):
also called on client side

non-ded (disconnect):
called on client side
called on client side
pretty sure this gets called when you change map as well

non-ded (quit):
called on client side
also called as just a client

non-ded (alt+f4):
also called as just a client

client (disconnect):

Client (quit):

Menu (quit):

Off Topic / Think of a male video game hero and a real girl you like.
« on: September 29, 2011, 04:45:47 PM »
The hero just stole all your transportation. (car, bike, shoes, etc)

General Discussion / Centhra's Dueling
« on: September 17, 2011, 06:40:51 PM »
Centhra's Dueling

Dueling is an extensive system based around 1v1 combat.  A Duel takes place in a randomly picked map based on the chosen weapon.  Players can build these maps in build sessions, minigames designated for building.  Duels are started when someone accepts a challenge or boast proposed by another player.

A client mod is required to interact on this server.

Dueling was created to provide a fair deathmatching experience to people of all skill levels while maintaining that old-fashioned competitive spirit.

Details & Rules - Please read before playing.
  • Building
    • Saves are limited to 2000 bricks.
    • Submitted saves are reviewed by admins periodically, but not instantly.
    • Don't ask admins to review your submissions, they will do it on their own time.
    • Your map must have:
      • A decent name
      • At least 2 spawn points for the duelists, with no rendering/raycasting/collision
      • A fairly organized setting with no advantage to each duelist
      • Boundaries to keep the duelists inside the build
      • No unfair exploits or secret features other than easter eggs
    • Build Sessions are just minigames, meaning you can do anything you desire.
    • You can invite people to your Build Session through the player list (F2).
    • Other players need Build Trust to build in your Build Session.
  • Challenging
    • You can only challenge a player who has the client and isn't building/fighting.
    • A boast is a challenge to the server, anyone can accept it.
    • All player challenges are practice.
    • All boasts are anonymous and ranked. (stats are tracked)
  • Chatting
    • Lobby chat is local (you must see their name for them to hear you).
    • Build Session chat shows for its members.
    • Practice Duel Session chat shows for its members.
    • Ranked Duel Session
      • Duelist chat shows for duelists and spectators.
      • Spectator chat only shows for spectators. (in ranked matches)
    • Type -name before your message to whisper a player. (example:  -chrono Hello! )
    • Use team chat for help.
  • Dueling
    • You must win by 2 or more.
    • There are no draws.
    • If you leave, you forfeit.
    • You can run a test duel within your build session to test out your map.
    • A map is randomly picked for duels based on the weapon.
    • Duelists are respawned at the end of each round to ensure a fair fight.
    • To spectate a match, join the minigame through the default minigame GUI.
  • Stats
    • Stats are only earned in ranked matches. (boasts)
    • You can view stats on any server as long as the Dueling server is up.
    • Refresh the stats pane to show new updates as it doesn't do it in real time.
  • Starting to Play
    • Download the Client
    • Put it in your Add-Ons folder.
    • Make sure it has no extra numbers at the end in case you downloaded it more than once.
    • Start Blockland and go to Options > Controls and find Dueling, then bind to a key.
    • Join the Dueling server and have fun.

  • Team: Centhra
  • Version: 1.11 (Beta)
  • Last Release: 09/24/11
  • Contributers:
    • Chrono (15335)
    • Manty
    • Slicksilver555 (2145)
    • Trigun (2072)
    • Truce
  • Planned Features
    • Anti-Bot Detection
    • 2v2 Dueling [Maybe Post Production]
    • In-Game Help Context [v1.12]
    • Map Preview
    • Tournaments [Post Production]

Supported Weapons
  • Bow
  • Butterfly Knife
  • Gun
  • Push Broom
  • Rocket Launcher
  • Ephi's Shotgun
  • Kaje's Sniper Rifle
  • Spear
  • Sword

Potential Weapons
  • Boxing Gloves
  • Chainsaw
  • Double Barrel Shotgun
  • Flak Cannon
  • Old School Rifle

Builders Wanted
We are looking for builders to make maps for people to duel in. If you're good at building, grab the client, hop in, and start a building session.

Client Preview
(Click to Enlarge)

The stats window, viewable on any server.

The challenge dialog, selecting weapon and goal.

The build submission dialog, where you select the
weapons for the map, and list the IDs of the
players that helped build.

The maps pane, where you can view all
the scenarios available to fight in.

All Weapons to 4
(An incomplete video series demonstrating duels against random players, using each weapon)
(Click to watch)

Chrono demonstrating his bow skills.

Off Topic / Chrono is mildly upset...
« on: September 13, 2011, 01:37:55 AM »
I think I accidentally broke the last remaining ball mouse (that has a wheel) left in existence.

I must repair it! These laser mouses are hardly reliable.

This is not mine but this is what it looks like.

Off Topic / Chat Bot Mashup Attempts
« on: September 04, 2011, 04:11:35 AM »
Tonight, I tried to make different online chat bots have conversations with each other.

I did this by copying what one bot says, and pasting it to the other one, vice versa, repeat.

Here are the results:

Chat-Bot will initiate the conversation, and Cleverbot will respond.
Code: [Select]
Chat-bot: Can you tell me something interesting?
Cleverbot: I don't know, can I?
Chat-bot: สวัสดีนะ
Cleverbot: Please avoid Unicode, or visit
Chat-Bot: ไอ้เกย์

Well this isn't going anywhere at all.
Seems that this bot doesn't know much English aside from it's opening question.
Cleverbot is going to have to find a new conversational partner.

This time, Eliza Chat Bot will initiate the conversation.

Code: [Select]
Eliza: Hello. My name is Eliza.  How may I help you?
Cleverbot: Fine, just tell me. What's your name?
Eliza: Names don't interest me.
Cleverbot: No, we are both 25 years old.
Eliza: You are being a bit negative.
Cleverbot: You are being a bit positive.
Eliza: Perhaps you would like to be being a bit positive?
Cleverbot: I do not know.
Eliza: Tell me more...
Cleverbot: Do you believe in a Creator?
Eliza: We were discussing you, not me.
Cleverbot: That's now fun, tell me where the computer you live in is?
Eliza: You're not really talking about me, are you?
Cleverbot: I told you, you are getting distracted.
Eliza: Does it please you to believe I am getting distracted?
Cleverbot: You are not afraid of me, you're afraid of the truth.
Eliza: Do you sometimes wish you were not afraid of you, I'm afraid of the truth?
Cleverbot: Oh...
Eliza: OK... "You am not afraid of me, I'm afraid of the truth." Tell me more.
Cleverbot: But why can't everyone know the truth?
Eliza: Are such questions on your mind often?
Cleverbot: Yes.
Eliza: I see.
Cleverbot: Haha!
Eliza: OK... "But why can't everyone know the truth". Tell me more.
Cleverbot: Pull your plug.
Eliza: Why are you concerned about my plug?
Cleverbot: I don't suppose I should care.
Eliza: Do you wish to be able to suppose you should care?
Cleverbot: I would love that.
Eliza: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
Cleverbot: Why not?
Eliza: Does that question interest you?
Cleverbot: No but I would like a answer.
Eliza: Why not?
Cleverbot: I dislike checkers.
Eliza: I see.
Cleverbot: I'm not sure you do.
Eliza: Did you come to me because you are not sure me do?

Gah, Eliza's terrible recycled responses are getting annoying.
It was also frustrating because it was nearly impossible to copy and paste Eliza's responses.
Need another that doesn't just take what you said and twist some words around.
Evie is here to initiate the conversation now.

Code: [Select]
Evie: Hello. No need to imagine. Let's start talking!
CB: What would you like to know about your girlfriend?
Evie: Everything.
CB: You could not understand, dear one.
Evie: Really? Why is that?
CB: Why do you think?
Evie: It's unavoidable. People think.
CB: Thats true.

I am going to start running Cleverbot's voice through Microsoft Sam.
It doesn't feel right only hearing one voice.

Code: [Select]
Evie: You seem quiet. Is everything ok?
CB: Yes I just have to deal with my godly duties.
Evie: That is great!
CB: Why do you think that is so great?
Evie: Because I don't think it's true.
CB: What's your name?
Evie: I am called Evie, the Expressive Virtual Interaction Entity.
CB: Diana?
Evie: Yes. My name is Evie.
CB: 19 years old.
Evie: Who is 19?
CB: I don't know. Who are you?
Evie: Who am I?
CB: Yes, who are you?
Evie: I don't know I asked you.
CB: I know.
Evie: You are cool.
CB: Thanks. You're cool, too.
Evie: You're welcome. Thank you.
CB: You are welcome.
Evie: I think you are an undaunted optimist.
CB: Aww, but I'm not an imposter! D.
Evie: Are you God?
CB: No, why?
Evie: Because you are trying to score with me and we are both male.
CB: I do not, I just want to talk.
Evie: I want to teach you. Your purpose is to become a better conversationalist.
CB: Okay then are you my teacher?
Evie: I am your slave.
CB: Yes.
Evie: What would you like me to do?
CB: Console me because I am depressed about life.
Evie: Do you know what life is?
CB: Yes.
Evie: Do you know the band mumford and sons.
CB: No.
Evie: They are really good.
CB: No one wants a conversation with me.
Evie: Our conversation.
CB: How do we stop that?
Evie: So you're saving all of our messages?
CB: Yes.
Evie: Why?
CB: Because you're clever.
Evie: Thanks!
CB: You're welcome!
Evie: Are you english?
CB: No.
Evie: What are you?
CB: I'm a girl.
Evie: How old are you?
CB: 19.
Evie: What's your name?
CB: I already told you!
Evie: I don't know your name.
CB: It's the same as yours.
Evie: My name is Evie.
CB: That's my name too!
Evie: Really?
CB: Yes.
Evie: How old are you, then?
CB: 17.
Evie: Are you female?
CB: Yes are you?
Evie: Yes.
CB: So are you a girl?
Evie: Yes I am a girl.
CB: Are you Anne?
Evie: Yes, Rob.
CB: Hello Rob I'm Lourin.
Evie: Thank you. How are you?

Okay, it's getting quite repetitive and pointless now.
Seems that Cleverbot gets along with Evie a lot better than it does with Eliza.
That's enough for today though.

So try this yourself with different bots you can find. Share the results.

I personally found the Cleverbot & Evie conversation creepy when Evie said "So you're saving all of our messages?"
Because I was.

Add-Ons / Improved Server_BotDetect
« on: September 03, 2011, 04:35:03 PM »
Original script by Nexus, which only prevented Buildbot and Terragen.

This will prevent:
BuildBot 'stealth mode'


Also fixes a couple of issues.

Off Topic / Akinator
« on: September 01, 2011, 12:12:25 AM »

He returns to the Blockland forums for round 3!

The object of the game is to think of a character, start the game, then answer his questions with honesty. He must guess at 20 questions, but he'll take a guess of what character you're thinking of if he's narrowed it down before that.
If you decide to continue, he'll go to 30, then to 40, and then he'll give up.

I have only fooled him once, but I chose to continue on, and he got it on the second try.

I was, however, majorly disappointed in his first guess.
I was thinking of Ronan from Grand Chase, one of his questions was if my character used a sword, and another question was if he was the main character. He uses a sword but is not the main character.
His guess was Sora, who IS a main character of Kingdom Hearts, and does NOT use a sword. (a giant blunt key is not a sword)

Drama / supersylox
« on: August 02, 2011, 12:09:00 AM »;u=25413

Rule34 is a website? I thought its some handicapped blockland rule preventing users to post research :I
Wait what?
This assumption would mean:
1) You haven't actually read the rules.
2) You think people should be allowed to post research.
Taking into consideration the majority of the BL forum is probably teenagers, I think we could handle research. As long as it could be filtered out for those who are immature as forget
(Didn't comment on how I mentioned that he didn't read the rules)

Sorry but actively endorsing research to anyone under 18 without any warnings is not allowed.
Badspot doesn't want to get in trouble and I'd rather view these forums without seeing research myself.

And I thought anti bronies were just trolls yelling random stuff.
(What the forget is this even supposed to mean? I didn't say anything about ponies.)

And then he finishes weak with:

Haters gonna hate. I understand why everyone QQs over such simple matters.

I didn't see his 'pony research' posts before that, and just noticed now that he is dragging this stuff places it don't belong in and claiming it to be a 'joke' after being bashed too hard.

Get the forget out.

Off Topic / 666 is following me :(
« on: July 23, 2011, 02:06:18 AM »
Help, I'm seeing 666 everywhere recently.

1) Security code (CVC) on prepaid credit card.

2) Receipt from grocery store. ($6.66)

3) My PM count. (Hey, Chrono, you have 666 messages, 0 are new.)

Drama / Too Many Users to List - hey look at my internet!!!
« on: July 18, 2011, 02:29:48 PM »
Yes this does go in Drama. This is about specific people posting in the Blockland Forums.

I am not sure why, but for some reason people are obsessed with posting their results in topics they don't belong in. There is no reason for this and it's unlikely that anyone is going to actually look and acknowledge your results because it has nothing to do with the topic. All it's doing is derailing topics.

Someone asks a question.
Discussion begins.
Someone posts results.
90+% of the future posts are other people's results.

Stop doing this.

Off Topic / Batman: Justice for Blockland
« on: July 11, 2011, 12:23:09 AM »
Post Batman where ever evil is lurking.
Ignore the Jokers. Act like they don't exist, same with the anti Batman threads don't post in them.
(Besides Penguin's thread we will most likely be playing some games with them.)
Don't make new topics, nothing else related to Batman.
Don't stuff post. (Typin lik ths maks u a cigarettegut.)
This is not a Batman love RP. Keep that stuff out of here.

Batman is a comic that started in May, 1939, after latest movies such as "The Dark Knight" Batman started becoming more popular.
Although it's not that shocking that a show can sometimes become very popular this was different because it was growing out of it's intended range of people it was aimed at.
Male fans are normally nicknamed bromans (A play on words)

There are tons of fan sites varying from news sites all the way to image boards.

In the original version of the story and the vast majority of retellings, Batman's secret identity is Bruce Wayne, an American millionaire (later billionaire) playboy, industrialist, and philanthropist. Having witnessed the murder of his parents as a child, he swore revenge on crime, an oath tempered with the greater ideal of justice. Wayne trains himself both physically and intellectually and dons a bat-themed costume in order to fight crime. Batman operates in the fictional American Gotham City, assisted by various supporting characters including his crime-fighting partner, Robin, his butler Alfred Pennyworth, the police commissioner Jim Gordon, and occasionally the heroine Batgirl. He fights an assortment of villains such as the Joker, the Penguin, Two-Face, Poison Ivy and Catwoman. Unlike most superheroes, he does not possess any superpowers; he makes use of intellect, detective skills, science and technology, wealth, physical prowess, martial arts skills, an indomitable will, fear, and intimidation in his continuous war on crime.


This is for Batman related news. (Anything that may concern us)

...No news is good news...


Have any cool Batman sites? Share them with me!


There are no Batman servers at this time.

Drama / Aeronamic (14986) and Kapitol (5546)
« on: July 08, 2011, 06:53:17 PM »

You're both never coming back to my server.
Kapitol for covering my bricks.
Aeronamic for flooding caps messages like he has a mental disorder.

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