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Topics - VerticalHorizon

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Off Topic / My forum account anniversary
« on: April 16, 2015, 11:07:39 PM »
Well it bums me out to say that I totally forgot- amidst the mess of everything going on in my life lately- that March 29th was the 10th year anniversary of my time here.
Now I remember, so I just wanted to make a small thread to thank all of you for being my family for the past 10 years, and basically my only family for 4 of them.
Memories of playing this game are the absolute fondest of my teen years. Playing Skizot's Mod, BLM, AIO, AIO-R, RTB, TBM, all the way up to Retail, crouch racing, playing BLOODBATH's challenges, exchanging .per files, making maps, joining and creating clans, playing around with crazy scripts... it all comprises some of the greatest times I've ever had in my life up to this point.

Even though most of the people I used to play with aren't here anymore, I want to thank the community in general and especially Badspot for allowing me to have such a wonderful time even during the darkest years of my life.

Yours in bed,

- VH.

P.S: If you're an oldcigarette too, feel free to post your fond memories/screenshots/etc. cause I'd absolutely love that.

Modification Help / Twin stick shooter playertype
« on: April 10, 2015, 11:59:15 PM »
I'm trying to get back into scripting for Blockland again, and my first project is a twin stick shooter playertype. Top down camera (already done), WASD will move like normal (done, duh), but I need it so when you press the arrow keys the minifigure shoots/swings in the direction you pressed. (combine up+left, down+right, etc. to fire diagonally)

Also need to keep the minifigure from walking in the direction it's shooting, W should always move up, A should always move left, etc.
The ability to move the camera with the mouse should be disabled, too.

If all of this is actually possible, might I enlist the help of a coder or two who is already experience with TorqueScript?


I guess I should have been more specific: I know richard all about Torque script, I have no idea how to use it and finding resources is really difficult. I need more guidance.

Suggestions & Requests / Wrong sub forum
« on: April 10, 2015, 09:15:57 PM »
Now that I think about it, this would probably be more suited for Coding Help. Locking.

Nobody gives a stuff soooooo forget 'em
I just received a call; My hormone prescriptions are being sent to the pharmacy today! If I wasn't at work right now I'd host a server- maybe when I get home. :)

Original post:

Dear Forums,

Well now, we certainly have seen quite a lot of each other over the years, haven't we?
There are quite a few faces I don't recognize very well, many people have come and gone in my time here.
I've had some pretty incredible friends here, and my time playing Blockland has been some of my most cherished memories of my entire life.
I grew up with this community, its seen me through many phases of my life, and provided me a safe place when I felt I didn't have one.
My time spent here has been very, very important to me. You are all- old and new alike- very important to me, whether you know me or not.
Saying that, of course I feel it's important to let you all know- whether you care or not- that I have finally made a big decision.

You see, I know at least a number of you are aware that I have become rather feminine over time; the "Post real life pictures of yourself"
thread is basically a timeline detailing that change over the years.
Ever since I was a little kid I've felt strange about myself, like I wasn't supposed to be me. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin.
I was in a very Christian household at the time, though, and feeling that way felt wrong. I also knew I felt attracted to boys too, and that terrified me.
I was certain God hated me, I was certain that if I told my parents how I felt they would disown me- so I became very homophobic and I tried
to be as masculine as I could possibly be to try to make up for it.

It wasn't until I was 16 that I finally said forget all of this, I am miserable and I just want to be myself for once. I started dressing feminine
just to see how it felt and it felt wonderful. Not in a loveual way, but in a, "This is good, this looks good and it feels right." sort of way.
Eventually I started looking more feminine and acting more feminine until I finally came out to my family when I was 17.

Now, if you've managed to read this far, you've finished all the back story. Onto the present:

I'm 22 years old now and I've spent the past 6 years of my life thinking, weighing things out, contemplating, living in the ever-present shadow
of dysphoria and depression.
The decision has finally been made, and that is: I have decided to begin transitioning via hormone replacement therapy.
No plans have been made as of yet to work on the plumbing downstairs, but this is the first step and it'll be a doozy.
I'm calling my doctor tomorrow to set up an appointment, the process will be short:
The doctor sends me to the therapist, the therapist finds that I'm not a raging sociopath, the therapist says "Ok go." to the doctor, the doctor
writes up my prescriptions.

I'm extremely excited to get started on the path towards being the person I've always wished I was, and I just wanted to share it with all of you.
Feel free to call me a friend, mentally ill, confused, whatever you want. I've heard it all enough by now, you'll just be wasting your time,
so why not just click the back button at the top of the page instead?
Also, I only brought up religion because it was an important part of the story, I am not bashing religion or religious people; please don't argue
about religion here, that's not what this is about.

I hope at least some of you will be happy for me, but mostly I just wanted to throw it up here because I love you guys I want to keep you
updated on my life. Blogland Forums, yeah yeah yeah, whatever.

TL;DR: I am starting HRT, and I would appreciate it if you read the whole thing.

- Sincerely, your biggest fan, VH.

Creativity / VH's Music
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:39:44 PM »
Its been a while since I've posted my own music, so here's a bunch of stuff I'm working on right now:

The mixing is all over the place, and if you download any of them, the ID3 info will be a bit varied.
Some of this is for Codex Obscura, some of it is for fun, some of it is for Wraiths (name change pending).
Not exactly looking for criticism or anything, just wanted to share my work with you guys.

Off Topic / It Only Gets Worse Podcast
« on: January 09, 2015, 10:45:50 AM »
Me and my friends started a podcast called It Only Gets Worse where we sit around in a room and shoot the stuff.
We try to think of as many embarrassing stories as we can, but the structure usually devolves into richard jokes and getting annoyed with each other.
We're trying to give it a bit more of a format, currently there's a news segment and that's about it, then it's just us talking for an hour.
We want to add a segment where we find weird stuff you can buy on the internet, I want to adapt my old blog CAPSLOCK AND PROFANITY (Which I recently started posting in again!) into a segment, we want to play more games, etc.

If you start at the pilot or episode 1, please be aware that the quality of the recording as well as the content improves greatly after the first handful of episodes.
We'd love to hear your feedback, sorry the episodes are longer than life has existed on the planet.

We're also on iTunes and Stitcher if you'd prefer to listen there.

As I said in the title, if you don't like screaming music, this won't appeal to you at all; turn back now before you waste any more of your time.

That aside, in the realm of screaming music itself, this isn't very good... but we have fun with it though!
We don't take ourselves seriously at all whatsoever, we just like making really loud music with lots of screaming and yelling cause I guess we're still mentally 15 years old. (And prone to temper tantrums set to music(?))

We just released our first EP and it's not very good but man it was a blast to record. A lot of older material was (badly) remixed for this so the quality and levels keep changing. I am also aware that the vocals nearly disappear in a couple of places but I've taken note of that for our first full length album.

I played all the music, did backup vocals (all the vocals in the case of Droves), recorded, and mixed the EP while my friend takes over lead vocals. My other guitarist friend has joined us for the full length and we may have a bassist joining in the near-ish future.

If you just want to stream it instead of wasting HDD space, or even give us a dollar (or more) cause you're a nice person, our Bandcamp is:

If you just want to grab a free copy, you're in luck, as I am also hosting it on Mediafire for free!

Criticism is welcome, but again, we aren't taking this seriously at all- we just like making noise.

Dear Forums,

Well now, we certainly have seen quite a lot of each other over the years, haven't we?
There are quite a few faces I don't recognize very well, many people have come and gone in my time here.
I've had some pretty incredible friends here, and my time playing Blockland has been some of my most cherished memories of my entire life.
I grew up with this community, its seen me through many phases of my life, and provided me a safe place when I felt I didn't have one.
My time spent here has been very, very important to me. You are all- old and new alike- very important to me, whether you know me or not.
Saying that, of course I feel it's important to let you all know- whether you care or not- that I have finally made a big decision.

You see, I know at least a number of you are aware that I have become rather feminine over time; the "Post real life pictures of yourself"
thread is basically a timeline detailing that change over the years.
Ever since I was a little kid I've felt strange about myself, like I wasn't supposed to be me. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin.
I was in a very Christian household at the time, though, and feeling that way felt wrong. I also knew I felt attracted to boys too, and that terrified me.
I was certain God hated me, I was certain that if I told my parents how I felt they would disown me- so I became very homophobic and I tried
to be as masculine as I could possibly be to try to make up for it.

It wasn't until I was 16 that I finally said forget all of this, I am miserable and I just want to be myself for once. I started dressing feminine
just to see how it felt and it felt wonderful. Not in a loveual way, but in a, "This is good, this looks good and it feels right." sort of way.
Eventually I started looking more feminine and acting more feminine until I finally came out to my family when I was 17.

Now, if you've managed to read this far, you've finished all the back story. Onto the present:

I'm 22 years old now and I've spent the past 6 years of my life thinking, weighing things out, contemplating, living in the ever-present shadow
of dysphoria and depression.
The decision has finally been made, and that is: I have decided to begin transitioning via hormone replacement therapy.
No plans have been made as of yet to work on the plumbing downstairs, but this is the first step and it'll be a doozy.
I'm calling my doctor tomorrow to set up an appointment, the process will be short:
The doctor sends me to the therapist, the therapist finds that I'm not a raging sociopath, the therapist says "Ok go." to the doctor, the doctor
writes up my prescriptions.

I'm extremely excited to get started on the path towards being the person I've always wished I was, and I just wanted to share it with all of you.
Feel free to call me a friend, mentally ill, confused, whatever you want. I've heard it all enough by now, you'll just be wasting your time,
so why not just click the back button at the top of the page instead?
Also, I only brought up religion because it was an important part of the story, I am not bashing religion or religious people; please don't argue
about religion here, that's not what this is about.

I hope at least some of you will be happy for me, but mostly I just wanted to throw it up here because I love you guys I want to keep you
updated on my life. Blogland Forums, yeah yeah yeah, whatever.

TL;DR: I am starting HRT, and I would appreciate it if you read the whole thing.

- Sincerely, your biggest fan, VH.

Off Topic / Hey, You Got a Sec? - Tell someone who cares
« on: December 26, 2013, 09:04:17 PM »
Feeling depressed? Lonely? Excited about something? In love? Just want to tell someone how your day went?

Well there's someone waiting to hear from you...

You are never alone, nothing you say is unimportant, remember that there's always someone who wants to listen to what you have to say, there will always be someone who won't judge you.

Off Topic / VBScript/WIM problem: Updating a WinPE flash drive
« on: September 18, 2013, 07:55:33 AM »
Anyone here familiar with VBScript? WIM files?
I've got a program I've made that runs in WinPE for work and I want to be able to push updates to the flash drives it's stored on so I'm not repeatedly having to copy over a new boot.wim to all 20 of them every time I make a change.
Right now it's downloading the updated software files from the server every time it boots up through an updater (everything in the software is made with VBScript wrapped in .HTAs), since changes made to x:\ don't stay after reboot.
I need to figure out a way to inject the new files into the boot.wim file and then reload it, depending on files that aren't even on the flash drive seems dodgy to me.
Anyone have any ideas?

I ended up hosting the updated boot.wim on our domain along with a version.txt that gets compared to the one located on the flash drive.
The a .bat is run when the updater is opened that finds the volume number of the flash drive and assigns it to a variable, which is saved to a .txt file.
The text file is then referenced for the drive path for the update.
The new boot file is loaded and the computer is restarted.

I doubt any of you care though. Locked.

Off Topic / winpeshl.ini files? HTA files? WinPE? Help
« on: August 12, 2013, 10:52:16 PM »
Anyone know anything about winpeshl.ini files? The Windows Pre-Boot Environment? HTAs? I need this flash drive to boot WinPE straight into an .hta file. Either that or booting to a MINIMIZED batch file that runs the .hta file. I need something to boot into that will run in the background the entire time while other .hta files are opening and closing on top of it, if that initial file closes at any time the computer reboots. Right now I'm booting into a minimized .hta that starts an invisible batch file that starts the main menu, which just feels convoluted and unnecessary.


Today where going to be taking a look at the newest device from everybodys favorite intelligent-phone company Motorola. Join me today as we unbox this new peace of brilliant technology running the newest version of Droid. Very exciting stuff.

If you liked my movie please rate commant and subscribe today!

Suggestions & Requests / Top down view, auto see through roofs
« on: June 26, 2013, 08:36:18 PM »
Not sure if this is possible, but:
It would be awesome to have a top down player type where, upon entering a building, the roof and any floors above the player can be seen through.
If the player goes up a flight of stairs, the floor becomes visible as their head emerges above it.
I'm guessing that this is impossible, but I did a search and it appears no one has asked, so I am asking now.
Please tell me this can be done. QQ

Off Topic / Magic Breakdancing Gun Dies of Breakdance Exhaustion
« on: June 24, 2013, 02:48:45 AM »
So I was playing Bulletstorm today and, well, this happened...

rip in peace magic gun xoxoxo


I've made a topic similar to this before but I'm going to express it again because I feel it's more important to me to convey than just another notch in my age belt.

So it's 1 am here which means it's technically my 21st birthday and blah blah blah whatever.
What I really want to celebrate is 8 years with you guys.
The forums have been a second home for me for a long time now, and for a couple of years, the only place I felt like I truly had a home. Playing Blockland and posting here helped me cope through a lot of dark times in my life; the death of my father, the subsequent loss of all of our money, our house and our direction in life, living with my abusive stepfather, discovering my self-identity, etc.
I honestly think that without you guys I wouldn't be here today, I went through a couple of really rough battles with suicidal tendencies and incapacitating depression. You all kept my spirits up and were there for me when I needed you most, and for that I thank you so very much.
Unfortunately, over the years a lot of people have come and gone, so there are quite a few who are no longer here to share this time with me. However I'm glad that those of you who are, are here.
To everyone who gives a stuff, and even to those who hate me, thanks for being being a part of this community. Thanks for sharing your time with the forum, thanks for helping keep it alive. Thanks for all the incredible memories, the friends, the projects, the stories I could tell for the rest of my life.
An incredible amount of my fondest memories in life are of playing Blockland, and here's to hoping for years more to come.

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