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Topics - LoLBert

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Suggestions & Requests / Cheering crowd Emitter
« on: July 05, 2012, 10:34:54 PM »
Perhaps an emitter that emits colored silhouettes of people cheering to provide a good illusion for a crowd in arenas or stadiums.

I really believe this is possible and would look decent if done right.

Just a suggestion..

General Discussion / Burt needs help building a "TDM"
« on: June 07, 2012, 01:28:52 PM »
Hey. I'm working on a TDM and I'm wondering if anyone could help me out a bit with some of the little tasks that take up a lot of time, like editing the terrain, and placing flowers/rocks and such.

My servers up, and I'll host at other times too. I'm just seeing if anyone would care to help.

Here's a pic of it so far.

It looks sloppy, but I'm experimenting with ways to make it look good.


Suggestions & Requests / Brick Studs
« on: May 19, 2012, 04:18:53 PM »
A gallery topic here was posted and it grabbed my attention towards 3D brick studs. I remember seeing a mod for it a while back and was wondering what happened to it; was it bugged, didn't work, doesn't exist.. I'd like to know.

I thought it looked really nice for a game about building blocks.

Suggestions & Requests / More Dynamic Sword
« on: April 03, 2012, 07:44:00 PM »
Hey, I heard there was an item out there that's a sword that can parry. Anyone have that?

I'm feeling the reason why guns overpower sword fighting in games here on Blockland is because how basic swords are. If we could put some things in there then it would be pretty awesome.

Could add parrying on holding right click. When you're hit from the front while parrying it it could cause the attacker to not be able to attack for a split second or more. Maybe lessen the attack speed to give people more time to react. Makes the sword fights last longer.

I also remember a shield in one server, where if you picked it up it shows up when you bring out sword. Would be cool to change the parrying to blocking when the shield is equipped, also allowing you to block small projectiles.

I wouldn't add anything else though, to keep it simple.

Any other good ideas? And could this be done / someone be interested in it?

Could also use some better ideas on making sword fighting more interesting.

Creativity / Burt's MS Paint Drawings (Warning: Image HEAVY)
« on: March 25, 2012, 09:46:35 PM »
More stuff:
Drew this a few days ago. It's unfinished, but It's presentable -- I supose..

Just a little doodle.

edit: That isn't a cigarette. Its candy, btw

edit2: My idea of a cool sentai show

Sorry for the downloading overload. Is there a way to shrink these down a bit?

Just showing some of the things I've done in MS paint over some time. Would like to see some nice work from you all as well. MS Paint techniques are always interesting to learn, IMO.

I'm most proud of the last one.

Done in mouse because I now gained a dislike for non-screen tablets.

Also, here's a comic about lego's I did a while back. Not finished tho:

Thanks for viewing

Gallery / Miki's Cops and Robbers
« on: May 31, 2011, 11:04:16 PM »
I forced my best friend to make a cops and robbers build because she's better at building than I am.

I'll post the progress since I doubt she'll ever finish it.

Excuse the crappy quality


She built the Police Station and admits to not being good at interiors.
-Click Quote for Pics-

20 something thousand bricks so far
I know most of it is the same duped building over again and that the colors are bland, but hell, it looks nice.

Also: She doesn't mind giving out the save once its finished.

She's built other TDM's that I host sometimes, and is working on a collection of duplicator saves of various buildings.

Add-Ons / I've made a mistake.
« on: May 31, 2011, 10:59:05 PM »

Posted in the wrong setion

Faces, Decals, Prints / Face Decal - Mona Lisa
« on: February 01, 2011, 09:55:14 PM »
Another topic made me want to make a Mona Lisa face. Traced and everything.

Here's the Mona Lisa for comparison.

First file I've uploaded as a zip, so tell me if anything goes wrong.

Mediafire until I RTB or something.

Creativity / Need an opinion
« on: January 01, 2011, 07:08:54 PM »
I've been trying out new colouring techniques and I could use some feedback on what I can do to get better, since I fail at colouring.

Don't base anything off the drawing; I only need opinions on the colours and such. And I don't want to hear that "Hah, Anime" stuff.

If this is too small to tell anything, I could draw a larger example using the same techniques.

And before anyone asks, she's a barber.


Drew myself

Bobe's a nickname

By request

Coloured a larger one.

General Discussion / What would you look for in a server?
« on: December 24, 2010, 05:45:28 PM »
This is just a survey to see the community's opinions.

Personally, I'm not sure what I look for in a server. As long as it keeps me occupied in a way where I'm not regretting it later, I suppose.

Drama / Sarcasm
« on: December 19, 2010, 04:06:41 PM »
This isn't a topic about sarcasm, but to see what others might have to say since being online doesn't really give me a chance to express ideas thoroughly due to me or the other person missing some things said.

I'm not one to agree with drama topics, but in this case I just want to vent off some steam and to find out who should've "won" since anyone could just spam and not get anything going.

I like arguments because they help each person view things from another perspective and it allows for a more effective point of view in the future. But, what happened here was just frail attempts to win, which takes away from the point of an argument: to figure out who is really right, and not figure out who can shout the loudest.

I'm not looking for people to side with me, but to hear some external opinions on what the hell happened.

I haven't played Blockland for some months now, and because of Christmas break, I've gotten bored as hell, so I decided to log in again and check what's new. Koj's server was there and it seemed the most decent, which is were this started. I've known Tru from past times and I'm sure we've gotten along well. It might have been the long period of time I was absent from Blockland that might've caused him to forget me, but I don't agree with the way he acted throughout this.

Seemed to me that Tru just wasn't understanding what was going on and just generalized me as one of the come and go people who play, which narrowed his judgment and caused him to not think clearly about things.

I don't know.

Creativity / Drew this out of boredom
« on: October 31, 2010, 02:04:19 AM »
Too crack to post anywhere else.

Creativity / \\\ = Burt's Sketches **IMAGE HEAVY** \\\ - [Updated]
« on: July 24, 2010, 01:59:35 AM »
Here are some drawings from my sketchbook over the last couple months. There is a bit of inconsistency with the styles. I tend to jump from one another to try and find a style I'm most comfortable with, which I'm still doing.

Most of these are from months ago, which I improved over. Mostly in chronological order.


Colored one here: Link

My profile signature.

Drawing characters on the "Draw Characters" thread: Link
Drawn so far

There are some pictures of me in there, too. Along with other real-life friends and family of mine. And not all characters are random. Few are persistent in my sketches, and some are name.

Feel free to give feedback, comments, criticism, questions, discussion. I'm open to it all.

Creativity / A Drawing of a Guy in a Blue Shirt
« on: July 12, 2009, 01:13:50 AM »
i drew this a while back and i thought i should post this for feedback.

suppose to be a character of mine that kills zombies. cliche.
i think i'll name him Jeff.

Gallery / Blockland City Cops and Robbers
« on: April 18, 2009, 06:04:58 PM »
A simple Cops and Robbers game.

View on RTB Download Manager

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