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Topics - Minnax

Pages: 1 [2]
Or an arguement, anything of the sort? Or if not, a package?

Modification Help / Vehicles and ironsights
« on: January 12, 2012, 09:37:52 PM »
Code: [Select]
function Armor::onTrigger(%this, %player, %slot, %val)
if(%player.getMountedImage(0) $= Mac10Image.getID() && %slot $= 4 && %val)
else if(%player.getMountedImage(0) $= IronSightMac10Image.getID() && %slot $= 4 && %val)
Parent::onTrigger(%this, %player, %slot, %val);
I am trying to make it so when you get out of a vehicle, you will not go to the iron sights, since both the gun and vehicle use the jet button. And yes, i packaged it, but it isn't included here.

Modification Help / Vehicle damage detection
« on: January 12, 2012, 06:36:25 PM »
I want to know if there is a function for vehicle getting damaged for anything, as I want to include in a weapon, where it'll deal reduced damage to it than normal.

Add-Ons / Old Spice Classic Whistle
« on: January 11, 2012, 12:04:42 AM »
You've done it. You achieved the ulimate way to not smell like a starfish. But what do you do after applying Old Spice? Honor it, and whistle away that time when you are not exactly sure what to do next.

Introducing, the Old Spice Classic Whistle, playable through events.


This is what it is, by the way

Off Topic / Building Demolition
« on: January 08, 2012, 04:45:34 PM »
Earlier today, a building was up for demolition at 3:00. I never seen one before, and I proably never would, so this was a must-see. I went, and waited for an hour, so I could get a good view. It was worth the wait, but ended to quickly to me. When it was over, some of the walls were still up, but it was still quiet a spectacle. I recorded the buidling collapsing to the ground, start to end. I even uploaded it to youtube:

The demolition was 5 minutes late, so my arms were alittle tired. My arms kept shaking the ipod alittle, so did the excitement. Overall, a good time.

Gallery / Tremors: Planned release
« on: August 23, 2011, 12:19:04 AM »

Osht its coming.

Introducing the Tremors, a playertype by Hydralisk and Otto-sparks.

What are Tremors you ask? Well, if you don't know, tremors are under-ground digging (yes that means under maps) monsters that want to eat you whole. As you can see, there is one above that was roaming in a savana and found the scent of blocklander's flesh. Their attacks feature a quick grab in the mouth, then they squeeze you to a pulp. Death is instant. Check this playertype out yourself, hydralisk may host this for the next few days. Heres more pictures of the action:

There it is!

Not the face! D:

Gentlemen, we are having tremor meat tonight!
Might post more pictures some other time.

Will it be released? Hydralisk says he's planning it. Please, share it around the community. Controls are shift to burrow, and right click to grab victims.

Planned features:
Wicked sound effects straight from the movie
Realistic devouring (already almost done, just need sound effects)
Burrowing (already done)
Leveling buildings

EDIT: I might also add an easter egg if ottospark can do this.  When you press the light key it will play music simulating a digested radio.

As far as I know, Hydralisk made the tremor model, and Otto-sparks scripted the tremor.

Music / My Balls Song - Your Favorite Martain
« on: April 12, 2011, 08:16:40 PM »
Any of you know Ray William Johnson on =3 from youtube? I know some of you do, and he made a account for some of the awesome songs him and others made.

My Balls Song

Click here.

I had some of the other songs done, but they are too big, and the others I just didn't want to do. I looped this because I notice it wasn't being looped, and some people wanted it. Enjoy.

Gallery / Rocket Volleyball
« on: April 05, 2011, 09:01:46 PM »
Rocket Volleyball

Never thought push brooms would be used this way, did ya?

Introducing, Rocket Volleyball, using push brooms to repel the rocket over the net to your enemy team's side. Now I know what you are all thinking. "Why volleyball" Well, it seemed the easiest to make. Besides, it was a idea I had, and gave Space Guy's push broom repeling projectiles mod a purpose, since I rarely saw it being used. And, they are rockets! No balls, meaning they can blow stuff up on your enemy team's side.

The rules are pretty simple, and relate to the actuall volleyball rules. If your team's serve does not make it over the net, the other team serves, and them not receiving any point. If the rocket hits the ground, other team receives pointand serves. If it goes out on your side, your team receives point and serves, but if your team makes it go out, other team receives point and serves. If your team makes the rocket hit the net, or under the net, other team receives point, and serves. If a team goes to game point (9 score), if that team scores, they win. However, if other teams scores, instead of receiving a point, the team at game point score loses one, and continues at previous point system. Durring game point, the team without game point score serves, and gets up to 3 screw ups, before the game point team serves, then goes back and forth with serving, if they fail to serve.

Playing this game is quiet hard, and there is different ways to hit the rocket. If you stand and hit the rocket, then the rocket will lose momentum. Standing and serving will not get the rocket over the net. I seen this happen alot. Moving towards the rocket gains some momentum to it, and makes the rocket go lower. Jumping and hitting the rocket it gains much momentum to it, and usally ends up with it being out. Aiming upwards makes tie roecket gain alot of momentum, because gravity does the work, and doing this makes it hard to hit it, but gives time to get to the right place to hit it. Jumping and hitting is good for spiking, and using if the rocket is going slow.

This is hosted at your truely's server (which is PressMe, different account name on here) The player limit is usally 19 or 18, but that might be lowered, due to crowded sides, and to lower lag. This will not be up forever, so come while you can! :)

You can rate x/10, but I request that you play it first. Rate on gameplay and build please.

Modification Help / Changing speed, jumping, in player datablocks
« on: March 29, 2011, 05:55:37 PM »
I want to know how to change the runforce and that stuff within a script without changing the player datablock, if this is even possible.

And I don't mean making a datablock within the script that is a new player type. Sorta just like setting runforce in a existing player datablock ingame.

General Discussion / Blockmeadow
« on: January 11, 2010, 08:05:09 PM »

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