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Topics - Flatflyer

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Games / -nvm-
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:03:55 PM »


The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is a rouge-like randomly generated game, based on the original Flash game, The Binding of Isaac. It was developed by Nicalis with Edmund McMillen as a superviser, and was released November 4, 2014 on steam, and the Playstation 4 and Playstation Vita.

Unlike the original game, Rebirth features a new non-Flash-based engine and the same designs as the original, but with brand new 16-bit pixel graphics, (which can be toggled off.) The game also includes additional content in the size of the "Wrath of the Lamb" expansion for the original game, as well as things that had to be cut from the original game due to the limitations of Flash.


"Main character" of the series, and the only character that can be played without being unlocked first. His stats are 3 Hearts, 2 Speed, and 2 Damage and he starts with 1 bomb. He also starts with The D6 after you beat Isaac with ???.

Magdalene, is unlocked when the player obtains seven or more heart containers at once in a run. Magdalene starts with the Yum Heart spacebar item. Her stats are 4 Hearts, 1 Speed, and 2 Damage.

Cain is unlocked when the player obtains 55 or more pennies at once in a run. He starts with the Lucky Foot passive item. His stats are 2 Hearts, 2 Speed, and 2 Damage.

Judas is unlocked when the player defeats Satan for the first time. Judas starts with only one heart container, but also has the The Book Of Belial from the very start as well as 3 pennies. His stats are 1 Heart, 2 Speed and 3 Damage.

Eve is unlocked when the player defeats two floors in a row without picking up any hearts (although getting hearts through items does not count as picking them up). Starts with Dead Bird and Whore of Babylon. Her stats are 2 Hearts, 2 Speed, and 1 Damage.

Samson is unlocked when the player defeats two floors in a row without taking any damage. Samson starts with 3 hearts. Every time Samson is dealt damage or kills an enemy he receives a damage boost that resets when he goes down a floor. His stats are 3 Hearts, 2 Speed and 1 Damage.

??? is unlocked when the player has defeated Mom's Heart ten times.  He starts with three soul hearts and has a unique case of only being able to collect soul hearts and black hearts. Its stats are 3 Soul Hearts, 2 Speed and 2 Damage.

Eden is unlocked when the player defeats The Womb for the first time. Every time you beat Mom's Heart, you will gain another Eden Token. Each time you play as Eden, all aspects of the character are randomized. Each run starts Eden with a different hairstyle (this is purely cosmetic), different items (including collectibles, active items, pickups, and trinkets), and different stats.

Lazarus is unlocked once the player has four or more soul hearts at once in a run. He is a new character in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. He has the same starting stats as Isaac (3 hearts, 2 points in speed, 2 points in attack) but also has 1 extra life and a pill at the beginning of the game. When he respawns using his base extra life, he will only have 1 heart and will gain the Anemic passive item, causing him to leave a toxic blood trail behind him after taking damage. This resets when he exits the room. Note that unlike other items that cause the player to respawn, when Lazarus respawns, he will be revived on the spot, as opposed to in the previous room.

Azazel is unlocked when the player makes three deals with the devil in any one run. He starts with a short range version of Brimstone, three Black Hearts, 0 - The Fool, and the ability to fly, but has no heart containers, though he can still obtain regular heart containers. Azazel suffers from the shortest range of all characters; this is balanced with flight, additional power per hit via his Brimstone-like attack, and significant damage to all enemies in the room upon the loss of a Black Heart, killing most lesser enemies. His stats are 3 Black Hearts, 2 Speed and 3 Damage.

The Lost starts with the ability to fly, has no health, and cannot gain health through any means. However, he can take devil deals for free. His stats are 0 hearts, 2 speed and 2 damage. Previously, The Lost would die if a run was exited then continued, but this has been patched as of version 1.02. Resurrection items like Dead Cat will still work, but do not show a life number.

The Lost is unlocked by dying consecutively with certain characters, with no other deaths or exiting the game in between runs.

All kinds of mods for the game can be found here.
Warning: installing these mods will prevent you from getting achievements unless you get a version of the windows patcher on the website which is the same version as your game.

thanks to Legoboss and crispy for the OP

Off Topic / "BABY ! LOVE YOUR BODY !"
« on: November 02, 2014, 04:53:30 PM »
My friend told me to post this so here
4:48 PM - Friend: Post this stuff on your forums and see how many autists have aneurysms
4:48 PM - Friend:
4:48 PM - Friend: Godspeed you magnificent bastard
4:49 PM - Friend: Purge the autists
I dont even know what the forget this is

General Discussion / I was Thinking of a "community built" DM server
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:34:40 AM »
By community Built, I mean that the maps would be made by builders in the community, and they rotate around every few days.
it would allow tons of cool builds to be spotlighted and played without the creators having to put much work into hosting and managing them

The creators would pretty much submit their maps on the topic with a Download link containing the map and whatever add-ons they used for the build.

what do you guys think, any ideas you have to add on(hue) to this?

Okay so Its English class, first period of the day and my Teacher decides to literally dump out 5 DIFFERENT HUGE ASSIGNMENTS that were required to do that are going to be due from between a week from now to 2 months away

they want us to do 2 presentations, 2 essays and a huge thing of basically taking notes on everything in this book were going to read.

Like I understand they have to do all this but WHY THE forget DUMP IT ALL ON US AT ONCE? its like they're TRYING to stress us out as much as they possibly can. and this is all for just one class, I still have ANOTHER essay I have to do in another class.
oh yeah and now in my other class they're having us do a thing for the end of the 2nd unit before we even FINISHED THE FIRST UNIT FINAL ASSIGNMENT

I'm just so loving stressed out about this right now and just needed to vent for a little since this is just really ruining my day for me.

/rant/vent over

Off Topic / Does anyone actually type using the home keys format?
« on: September 25, 2014, 11:31:04 PM »
i remember they use to teach us to type like this back in elementary school but i came up with my own way of typing.

so does ANYONE here actually use this type of typing?

Off Topic / And my parents blocked my internet again.
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:09:02 AM »
so i just got my ps4 today, was playing destiny with a friend, when sudddnly, the internet turns off in the middle of a mission.

i go outside to see my parents closing out of their dumb internet blocker thing, and they set it to shut off the internet at 10:00.

what bothers me the most here is that they didnt even loving bother to just ask me to get off, they just forcefully shut it down. It just makes it seem like they dont trust me at all for no reason and its really loving dumb.

/end rant

Off Topic / [BLOGLAND] well, back to the old grind of school....
« on: September 03, 2014, 12:54:29 PM »
So Today was my first day back at school, I'm currently on my lunch break and so far things seem like they're going to go fairly well.

I'm back to only being able to go on the forums at lunch break and when I get home, which sucks. :(

but pretty much most of my classes seem good so far.

I have English first Period, and the teacher used memes in the presentation thing.
lots of them.
I had to try so hard to hold back myself from cringing too hard.
though other than that, it seems fine.

2nd period is history which is just history.

3rd period is computer tech, which is something I'm actually INTERESTED in, and it looks fun so far.

4th period is lunch

and 5th period is some kind of computer music course which I haven't seen yet, but I'm still curious about it.

anyways, how have your classes been, guys?

Games / Realm of the Mad God Megathread
« on: August 27, 2014, 10:06:49 PM »

What Is RotMG?
Realm of the mad god is a Bullet hell top down Perma-death shooter game made by Wildshadow Studios (later bought out by Kabam)
where you are transported into a realm by the Mad god, Oryx. Your goal is to defeat Oryx, by defeating his minions in the realm

How do you get powerful enough to beat Oryx?
There are multiple ways to make yourself stronger in this game, such as:

Getting Higher tier gear: as you kill tougher and tougher enemies, you'll find them drop better gear which will Improve your stats, armor and weapons go up to Tier 13, and rings and abilities go up to tier 6.

Drinking stat pots:after you hit level 20, you'll find yourself going deeper into the realm to the godlands, which house tons of different god enemies for you to slay, these gods have a chance of dropping stat potions, which will permanently increase one of your stats by one. these can also be dropped by dungeon bosses and High tier enemies such as event enemies and Oryx.

Getting a pet:Pet eggs can be found as drops commonly found from gods and lesser gods, pets have multiple abilities that they can use to help you in combat, ranging from healing you, to paralyzing your foes.

What classes are there?
there is a huge selection of classes, some examples are the Wizard, Priest, archer, Rogue and warrior. as you reach a higher level with each class you unlock other new ones to play as. each class has a different ability they can use.

What Happens when you die?
Thats it, your character is dead, you lose everything that is on that character, so be careful to not die.
when you die, you gain fame depending on how many enemies you kill, fame can be used to do things such as feeding pets, and entering the arena.


this is my first time making a OP so tell me how I did and give me any way to improve it.

Off Topic / Happy Birthday Fab!
« on: August 19, 2014, 12:25:35 PM »

Yeah happy get lots of cool stuff day

send him free stuff or something here I dunno:

Off Topic / I'd like to welcome our newest Forum member...
« on: August 19, 2014, 10:44:30 AM »

welcome, xX420blazeit_MLGnoscopeXx, to BLF!

Off Topic / It looks like I have a fan club now
« on: August 18, 2014, 02:08:51 PM »

looks like I'm famous
though come on guys, you really wont let me in the club too?

Hey guys I'm going to be hosting a server running the Hack slash mine mod for minecraft, anyone here willing to join?

Hamachi (May not be required later
Hack slash Mine V6.4.6 (Latest version, probably the best place to get it is from the Technic Launcher.)
Some form of voice communication (Preferably Skype, But Mumble, Teamspeak,Steam etc. also work.)

Just tell me if you want to join in a post Including what voice communication type you can use and I'll PM you the Hamachi Network Info.

Off Topic / I think I have a fan.
« on: July 28, 2014, 05:40:48 PM »
so Nal messaged me saying there was this guy on a server called "furflyer"
I was curious as to who they were, so I joined and

he left as soon as I joined lol.
whoever you are, I know of your secret love for me :>

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