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Topics - Oasis

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General Discussion / Clarification on the Forum Rules
« on: February 01, 2010, 11:12:32 PM »
I have posted several topics regarding my anti-religion status in the Drama section and Off-Topic, but they have all been deleted the same day. I just looked through most of the forum rules and found nothing of discussing religious beliefs. Are these topics against the rules, or were they in a wrong section?

Modification Help / NaturalDisaster Mod
« on: January 25, 2010, 09:49:52 PM »
NaturalDisasters Mod

I suggested this about 2 months ago, and quite a few people showed interest, but the idea was never made. So I decided to breathe some life into the idea, and get some people working on it. The mod will basically be secluded to only natural disasters, no nuclear reactor meltdowns, no oil spills, etc. Here are some of the disasters that I plan on introducing in this mod:

  • Tornado- A emitter that blows through where the host is standing, fakekilling the smaller bricks regardless who's build it was. Sets victims velocity upward, and if falling damage is on, the player would die on impact with the ground.
  • Fire- Sort of like Zor's old firefight mod, a fire that would spread through a build where the host was standing, and it would fake kill all the bricks that it spread to. Some sort of method to create less lag, maybe less time for the emitter to be on?
  • Thunder Storm- A electical storm that would begin where the host stands and the lighting bolts would be projectiles that would fire to a player, then the player would die or lose a lot of health, maybe some rain mixed in to.
  • Meteors- A set number of modeled basically rocks fall from the sky with a fiery emitter coming out the back. Would smash into builds and fake kill the bricks, and could possibly
    Quote from: Badspot
    convert the non-believers TO RADIOACTIVE VAPOR
    or just kill them. :)
    • Armageddon- Basically used by the host, could blow through like the fire section and fake kill all bricks, and kill everyone. Would sorta be like the end of the movie, The Knowing.

    So the reason these would all be host only is, if they did cause latency issues, then it's the hosts fault for using them, he couldn't blame it on his admins. :/

    Add a RTB Pref to Kill bricks when disaster gets to them.

    Make a RTB Pref to go on randomly and pop up anywhere near bricks, "with the ability to change the chance of them coming/power/whatever with preferences.

    But these may seem overpowered, and they are supposed to be. If you count the human deaths of every natural disaster in the world, then you would wanna start counting now... Maybe you'll get done before you die!

    But mainly this mod is just to add realism in a city server, and the fakekilling would only last maybe 30 seconds so people wouldn't think they lost their build. Thanks for reading, and I hope someone wants to have a nice tasty project. :D

Off Topic / SimEarth
« on: January 20, 2010, 11:03:09 PM »
Recently, I found out about SimEarth, but I have been unable to find a working download. So if you have SimEarth, or you know where to get it, then please share here.

(Yes I know that horrid graphics and old game play suck, but I just wanted to try it.)

Modification Help / 7 Map Challenge - Just startin'
« on: January 05, 2010, 10:35:02 PM »
7Map Challenge

Ok, here is the idea, I have recently finished my first released map and it got through RTB just fine. But V2 is still in the works, and this new year, I decided that Darkened Isles was one of many maps that I could come up with.

Now, here's my plan, which I hopefully won't get off track of. Also, with school just starting up, I can see why this might be a strange time to start something like this, but I'll get it done, hopefully.

I want to create 7 randomly generated maps, with 2 different methods, in 2 months. First I will take the method I used for the Darkened Isles.

Method #1:
I use my random terrain generator to make a map. Now here after I finish one, I look and see if it has some good qualities like in real world land.

Test Map:

Then I recolor it, to create a height map, with darker being lower, and lighter being higher terrain.

Height Map:

After I create this height map, I place it into the Mission Editor, and the terrain is formed. Once I have over viewed the map, I tweak the land to the desirable effect and smooth out the sides where the land is lowest. I then texture it and create it's file. With this being the end product:
(Note: I am changing the water texture.)

Method #2
I will use the mission editor to create a randomly generated map. This way is simpler, excludes many steps, but will not be as reliable to create oceans/lakes. Basically the settings layer over pre-made terrain, so it will screw up if on another map.

Anyways, I will roll out the first one sometime this week, and if you want to suggest a climate type, then go ahead. Plus too, if you would like to create a bigger challenge, suggest a reasonable date of completion sooner then mine.

Starting on first map. Will get names soon.

Games / Zombie Outbreak Sim: Full Reports
« on: January 01, 2010, 04:16:31 PM »
Zombie Outbreak

Basically I made this topic so we could have full reports of different simulations to look at and maybe replicate. All credits to Jacob/Lee for finding the sim, and I hope his topic goes about as long as this one. And full reports only please.

Here is a suggestion for the format of your final report. It must be final, not individual reports.

Quote from: Format
Full Report:

This is the full report, all put together from my past posts.

15000 Civilians
10% Are Armed
90% Accuracy

2000 Zombies
Eastern Direction
Fast Speed
20 Second Infection Time

8 Police Officers
80% Accuracy

3 minutes in:

12000 Civilians
3200 Zombies
1200 Dead

8 Cops

5 minutes in:

10000 Civilians
3600 Zombies
3200 Dead

6 Cops

6 minutes in:

9200 Civilians
3800 Zombies
4000 Dead

5 Cops

9 minutes in:

7400 Civilians
4000 Zombies
5500 Dead

4 Cops

11 minutes in:

6600 Civilians
3800 Zombies
6600 Dead

3 Cops

15 minutes in:

6000 Civilians
3200 Zombies
7600 Dead

3 Cops

18 minutes in:

5900 Civilians
3000 Zombies
7900 Dead

3 Cops

20 minutes in:

5900 Civilians
2900 Zombies
8100 Dead

3 Cops

25 minutes in:

5700 Civilians
2700 Zombies
8500 Dead

3 Cops

30 minutes in:

5600 Civilians
2500 Zombies
8800 Dead

3 Cops

35 minutes in:

5400 Civilians
2300 Zombies
9200 Dead

3 Cops

45 minutes in:

5200 Civilians
2100 Zombies
9600 Dead

3 Cops

50 minutes in:

5100 Civilians
2000 Zombies
9800 Dead

3 Cops

55 minutes in:

4900 Civilians
1800 Zombies
10100 Dead

3 Cops

1 hour in:

4900 Civilians
1700 Zombies
10300 Dead

3 Cops

10100 Civilians Died/Infected
300 Zombies Dead
10300 Zombies/Civilians Died

5 Cops Died

It's probably a good idea to get a report for every 5 minutes or so. And if you could maybe get some screen shots, then that would probably make your report more desirable.

Original Topic:


Off Topic / New Phone: Droid Eris
« on: December 31, 2009, 01:27:56 AM »
Droid Eris
So yeah, just wanted to share, I got a new phone today, the Droid Eris. Basicly a Droid, but without the slide keyboard and some other functions. For those of you who have never seen one:

Whoa, very detailed. :D

Help / Spawning Crash.
« on: December 21, 2009, 07:19:26 PM »
Ok, on my server, I try to go onto Single Player mode to map, and with no add-ons enabled. But on whatever map I try I crash right as I spawn. I can join a game with no problem but it's just when I spawn on my own server. Could it be a client-sided add-on that doesn't need to be enabled? Or what the hell is it? I'll try to get the console.

Creativity / Maps
« on: December 18, 2009, 11:28:12 PM »
I made this topic just to get some ideas for "fake" maps. Don't post any stuff that's real. They are not finished Blockland maps they are just either computer generated or drawn.

Here's some of mine:

I'll post some more later.

Off Topic / UDK: Help Topic
« on: December 13, 2009, 12:09:42 PM »
UDK: Help
So, I stumbled upon Unreal Development Kit a week ago and just began to try to learn it. I just need some help and considering this is not Blockland related, it cannot go in the Help section.

So I mainly created this topic for myself and others to ask questions about UDK. Simply post your question, and hopefully it will be answered. I particually have several questions, but I am going to try to figure some of them out before posting here.

Suggestions & Requests / Wind Turbine Blade [Possible Release]
« on: December 09, 2009, 06:28:04 PM »
Wind Turbine Blade
Will possibly be released!

Thanks for your help.

Help / Auto Admin Glitch
« on: December 07, 2009, 10:00:32 PM »
On my server and another person's server this issue has been occurring. I don't know if it's because of a third-party add-on, but it gets annoying.

When a random player enters the server this message appears to all yet is not true at all.

RandomPerson has joined the server.
RandomPerson has become Admin (Auto)

So basiclly it says that they are admin but appears no where that they actually are, in F2 and the Admin Panel. I use RTB so I have the Server Prefs and the Admin panel has nothing abnormal about it.

So if you could share maybe why this is happening or what I should disable for it to stop it.

Off Topic / Just was Enlightened
« on: November 21, 2009, 10:42:45 PM »
I just got Steam, suprisingly. Plus to since I am broke, or for the most part, I am unable to get Left4Dead2. I got the demo however, and I have shat zombies (which was very painful) and I think I want to get the $50 dollar game. So vote on whether or not I should get it at some point. :D

If you don't care, don't post.

Suggestions & Requests / Natural Disaster Mod
« on: November 12, 2009, 09:24:48 PM »
NaturalDisasters Mod

I was on my city server, and I was listening to some music while I built the admin's airport. When I got tired of the song I went through all my music files and saw one listed as "tornado". It was a siren similar to the one you would hear in Kansas if a tornado was approaching.

So this got me thinking, what about some sort of tornado mod, it would be a emitter of some sort that would "move" through a build and fake kill the smallest bricks. (Have no idea if this would have latency issues)

Then I thought, well, why not get bigger, have like a whole mod secluded to natural disasters, things that happen in some people's lives more then others. So, some of the disasters I could think of were:
  • Tornado- A emitter that blows through where the host is standing, fakekilling the smaller bricks regardless who's build it was.
  • Fire- Sort of like Zor's old firefight mod, a fire that would spread through a build where the host was standing, and it would fake kill all the bricks that it spread to.
  • Thunder Storm- A electical storm that would begin where the host stands and lighting bolts would be emitters that would fire to a player, then the player would die or lose a lot of health, maybe some rain mixed in to.
  • Meteors- A set number of modeled basically rocks fall from the sky with a fiery emitter coming out the back. Would smash into builds and fake kill the bricks, and could possibly
    Quote from: Badspot
    convert the non-believers TO RADIOACTIVE VAPOR
    or just kill them. :)
    • Armageddon- Basically used by the host, could blow through like the fire section and fake kill all bricks, and kill everyone. Would sorta be like the end of the movie, The Knowing.

    So the reason these would all be host only is, if they did cause latency issues, then it's the hosts fault for using them, he couldn't blame it on his admins. :/

    Add a RTB Pref to Kill bricks when disaster gets to them.

    Make a RTB Pref to go on randomly and pop up anywhere near bricks, "with the ability to change the chance of them coming/power/whatever with preferences.

    But these may seem overpowered, and they are supposed to be. If you count the human deaths of every natural disaster in the world, then you would wanna start counting now... Maybe you'll get done before you die!

    But mainly this mod is just to add realism in a city server, and the fakekilling would only last maybe 30 seconds so people wouldn't think they lost their build. Thanks for reading, and I hope someone wants to have a nice tasty project. :D

Off Topic / Idiotic Mis-Understandings
« on: November 11, 2009, 05:58:59 PM »
Boredom really brought me to make this:

Just post some idiotic mis-understandings, things that once people hear them, they instantly believe they are true and won't move their stubborn ass away from their conclusion that that lie was in fact a truth.

national socialist Germany

My English teacher brought this one up, if you seriously believe in war, not including terrorists and such; that the other country that we are fighting is "evil" then your a moron. As the topic says, national socialist Germany the civilians were not evil, the soldiers were not evil, but Riddler and his council was evil. The soldier's job is to do what they are told. So if that's go kill 6 million Jewish people, then they do their job and go do it. On the American side, we have soldiers that do the same.

And really in war, there are no "bad guys", your perspective perceives that the other country is bad, but they mainly are doing whatever their leader(s) tell them to do. In fact, in their perspective you are "bad".

Ponder of that for a little while and thanks for listening.


Is in fact a lovey Beast, no argument here, next topic.

2012 Mayan Calendar Doomsday

forget this, maybe the Mayans were lazy and didn't want to write anymore so the ended it there. :D

No but seriously, I will eat my one hand if the world ends in 2012, or on any other date in the near future. It's just not plausible for a doomsday scenario to play out without any causes. Like an asteroid hitting Earth, we have a ton of people that are looking for any stray asteroids heading in the path of Earth, there are maybe like 2 or 3 that could hit us in 500 years.

Just think 'bout that for a little while. :D

Off Topic / Tremors: Those 4 Movies
« on: November 09, 2009, 12:27:23 AM »
I know Packer loves it but what do you all think?

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