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Topics - Gen. Hothauser

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Off Topic / My attempts at embedding links into words
« on: October 02, 2011, 11:09:18 PM »
] [HREF="[url][/url]"][Move][/url]

General Discussion / 9/11 memorialization film
« on: September 11, 2011, 11:39:16 AM »
This will be the first project for RMBC's History Channel.  We will recreate the events that occurred that day and what followed afterwards.

We will recreate the Trade-center and Pentagon back then, recreate the attacks, and create the rebuilding of the pentagon and the creation of the Freedom tower and Trade Center as it is today and the future.

If anyone wishes to aid in our effort, we will need builders for this project to create the many builds that go along with this.

Suggestions & Requests / 2D-ish brick (read description)
« on: September 06, 2011, 11:17:43 PM »
so i made a house with 1 brick thick walls and it doesnt look pretty because the outside is the same color as the inside.  So i thought that someone could make a brick that was either 2D, which might not work because the face may disappear, or a very thin brick sliver.  This would then enable you to cover an entire wall with these bricks and have a different color on the inside than the outside.

some of you may say, "use 2 brick wide walls" well i say forget you cuz i dont like how thick and stuffty that looks.  i just need something i can paint another color but not take up a whole lot of room.  And it would be default no colliding or ray casting.

Suggestions & Requests / Atomic Bomb emitters/weapon
« on: September 04, 2011, 01:30:37 PM »
With the new to come RMBC history channel, I will make a Hiroshima reenactment video.  So I need an uber boom bomb.  I was just planning on dismounting the lava boat from a bomber and have some invisible bricks with emitters make an explosion, but how awesome would it be to have an atomic bomb weapon that when it hits something, it forms the mushroom cloud and causes a massive amount of radial damage and killing.  Or just make some massive emitters that when put together make a mushroom cloud.

Suggestions & Requests / Coriolis Effect Server Mod Request
« on: September 04, 2011, 12:51:21 PM »
i have no idea why but I suddenly really want a Coriolis Effect Server mod.  It would be good for making a game more fair against snipers and add difficulty to it.

If you don't know what the Coriolis Effect is, it is a phenomenon discovered by Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis that describes when a body is set in motion at a pre-aligned destination, it will not land on the pre-aligned destination due to the rotation of the earth.  The usual examples for this are a sniper shooting at a terrorist from very far away or a ship sailing across a vast ocean.

The way the server mod would work is that the host would set how much of an effect it would have, ie the rotation speed and direction of rotation, and the mod would effect any projectiles fired.  When a player would spawn in a server with this mod, a message would occur in the chat lines stating how much rotation there is so that the snipers could take a baring on it.

Could we also do something like this but for wind where it affects projectiles and emitters? Is that possible?  Then someone could make a flag emitter and use that to take barings.

Clan Discussion / RMBC App Template
« on: September 03, 2011, 11:26:14 PM »
For this of you who wish to join RMBC, this is the format you should follow for your app.  The choices and/or examples have been listed in the blanks.

Forum Name:Gen. hothauser

Blockland Name:Blocky999


Branch(s) you wish to join: Other   :Builders, Eventers, Scripters, Modelers, Photographers, Planners, Transporters, Other

Rank(s) you wish to be: Supreme Overlord    :Builders-Landscaper, architect, Modeler; Eventers-eventer; Scripter-server, client, weapon, vehicle; Modelers-vehicle, weapon/item, brick; Photographers-Movie/pictures, actors; Planners-build ideas, add-on ideas, campaign ideas, movie ideas; Transporters-drivers/pilots/captains/engineers; other-undecided, tutor, student

*Rank(s) you wish to be raised to: Supreme Overlord.   :Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, General

Rate your self on your ability: Excellent      :Bad, Fine, So-So, Good,  Excellent

Commentary: What your reason is for joining

App Example: Pictures, saves, links, movies of your builds, add-ons, films that you made.  Any Eventers should submit saves.  Any Modelers should submit links to their add-ons.

*only fill in if you going for a higher rank.

In the near future, I will start a series of short movies of historical events in real life that were then remade in Blockland.  This is one of the many wings of my up and coming clan RMBC, Recontructions an Mass Build Clan.

For those who wish to only know what this is, read paragraphs 1 and 9.  For more detail, read 2-5.  If you want to sign up to help, check paragraphs 6-8 and 10.

1) Some of the videos we will make include, but are not limited to; 9/11, JFK assassination, moon landing, WW2 battles, and the infamous Osama bin Laden assassination.

2) Some of these videos will be documentaries with other short films intertwined in it, some will be behind the scenes type thing where most of what is shown is not the event itself (JFK assassination; a story on before the kill and how the sniper got up to where he was), and some will just be fun films that duplicate the actions of the events.

3) And depending on what time period we are filming the 'recorded history' stuff, the film type will be different.  I.e., any modern events (1970-present) have color, any sub modern (1900-1969) is black and white, any before then (1850-1899) are sepia.  Since recording didn't occur pretty much before then, then every recording before then is a reenactment and are colored.

4) And because I am me and want to do this the interesting way, I'm not going to use video editing to change the color and speed, I'm going to color everything the color needed and use settimescale to set the speed.

5) And one final comment.  I am not a noob builder, event, or recorder so these short films won't be spammy noob builds that look like stuff and are planned badly, this is RMBC and we focus on remaking it to the finest detail, but we still allow imaginary additions.

6) If you would like to help with the filming of these movies, you have to be in the clan.  If you wish to be in the clan then contact me with an example of the part you want to be.  Go to the old RMBC clan page for more details.

7) I will do most of the building but I do accept some builds to add to it.  I will need actors to play people in some of the films.  I also might need some eventing idea people to come up with event chains that enable certain things to occur in the film.

8) If you want to sign up for RMBC for the filming part only, then when you send in your app, just put in the comment section that you wish to help with the RMBC History Channel.

9) please leave comments on possible videos to be shot or anything to make this better.  Don't flame saying "Videos R GAYZ Cuz They R Stupeed!!!1!!1!111!"

10) I might also need audio recorders do voices but I may just end up recording my own and changing it.

Help / Visual C++ Runtime Library error message
« on: August 25, 2011, 09:44:06 PM »
So this has been happening a lot recently.  I'd be playing blockland and all of a sudden a message pops up with that title and as follows in quotes

"Runtime Error!

Program: C:\Program Files\Blockland\Blockland.exe

This applicationhas requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. 
Please contact the application's support team for more information."

Hello support team

Off Topic / 5.9 earthquake in metro DC area
« on: August 24, 2011, 02:18:29 AM »
It was freaking crazy when it hit.  Anyone else in the area and felt it?

It's a record for the area.  The last and most extreme was a 4.3 or so back in the 2000's.

Gallery / An Actual City RP
« on: August 24, 2011, 02:00:18 AM »
So everyone has heard of city RPs.  Everyone has seen what one normally looks like, a small sized area made of road plates with sewers underneath, and large areas of open map where people get stuck and die like flies on fly paper.  But my City RP is new and different.

This Uber City RP features four separate neighborhoods, two highways, two mines and lumbering areas, large amounts of intermingling streets and roads that form blocks upon blocks of ever extending city grounds.

I keep switching between ibanz and RPcore for the base, but I'm going to try JJstorm's ands if I don't like it, I'll use events.  This City RP also uses the gas mod with working gas stations so you nooblettes in apaches goin around shooting the hell outta civilians.  There is a wide variety of cars to choose from.  I have also set up a system where you can buy a house or simply just make your own, although I would suggest buying a house because those models are already pre-approved and won't be deleted if your house doesn't fit the City's zoning laws.

Oh ya, I forgot to mention that ontop of other realisticalities in the city, i have also laid out some other laws beyond that of a normal RP.  These include,
   As I said, zoning laws-you can only build a certain way in certain places.  If I or my moderators don't feel that your model fits, then we will leave a message in or on your house.  After two days if it doesn't change, then we delete it.
   Speeding. I will set it up where if you go faster than half of what is on the speedometer, then your car respawns.  It's a bitchy little event and I'm still working on other things that could replace it.
   A knock off of the declaration of independence from RMBC, the city was originally RMBC City but is now
   A knock off of the bill of rights.  Freedom to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit Of Happiness, all that stuff.
If I end up using event instead of an RP mod, then I'm going to make other jobs such as delivery man (pizza, dirt, concrete, wood, garbage...)an instead of stuff just magically appearing, the wood will be transferred from the trees to logger to log trucker to delivery.

I am about 50% done with the landscape and 9% with buildings.  I have one house design and four color schemes to use made, a sky scraper with extremely realistic elevator made, various other models of stuff I may use, I will have a news station made soon where accidents and weather will be stated with the radio mod.

If you wish to submit a building, either make it in your game and send me the save with a description or build it in my game.  My name ingame is Blocky999 and I always have thenplayer count set to 1 so if you want to get on to build then irc me and I'll make more room.

its 1:00 in the morning and i can't post pictures yet.I'm uploading the pictures now.

And just incase you were wondering, the city is about 116,000 bricks large.  It isn't too laggy right now and that's with max draw distance.  I'll reduce my draw distance to see if that helps.

ok, so right now, i dont have many pictures of the landscape, it's mainly just all of the houses and skyscraper ive been working on.  but ill post these and take some more on BL later.

these are the color options to choose from so far.  I will make more in the future but when you want to buy a house, then all you do is select the house you want then select the color scheme and where you want to build it and your done, then one of my moderators or i will assisst you in the construction.

the first house design in two of the four colors

these three screenshots are of a neighborhood that i quickyl made by duping the houses.  Its just a showcase neighborhood, there are more colors as you have seen

the unfinished sky scraper from far away, you can see the rest of the building area

the skyscraper from the view of the neighboring sky scraper ninfront of it

the hard to enter through front doors, you need a special passkey to enter

the front three doors of the elevator on the ground floor

from the bottom of the 24-or-so stories tall elevator

from the bottom of the unfinished skyscraper

The top of the sky scraper

Suggestions & Requests / City Stuff Wanted
« on: August 22, 2011, 12:30:21 AM »
I am requesting a few city based add-ons to be made.  These will be used in my large, most realistic city build.

Public bus-duh
Firetruck-I am using the old one but I want a new one with lights and better detail.  Maybe one with a moving ladder; press a button to unhook it and just make it like the AAtank where it is attached but moves on its own.

Onbricktouching-goes with new fire mod
Brickstartfire-goes with new fire mod
Showphonebook-goes with landline mod
Clearlights-goes with energy mod

3 width print brick/3 width octagonal, rectangular, triangular print bricks-duh
1x4 up-right print plate-for street named
2D plate-plate that has no height so that it could look like one side of a brick is grey while the top is white without the adding of another brick

Load/deliver add-on-pizzas, dirt, garbage.  Click vehicles with the stuff and it gets loaded into the vehicle.  Then have an event set in zones where onvehicleenterzone->vehicle->unload
Weather mod where precipitation doesn't puncture bricks-rain always goes through roof.
Landline mod-ties in with cell phone mod.  Allows to call from a brick/to a brick via brick GUI
Alcohol mod?!Onactivate->player->addalcohol/addhappiness.  If the player has over the set amount, they get drunk for so long and can't walk straight.  Call it happiness mod to keep from ban
Energy mod for lights and stuff.  This could be done with events but need the events for it to work.

And since I'm getting close to being done with the main map, I'll be needing some buildings for my City.  I'm currently in need of house designs because so far I only have one with changeable colors.  I also need large sky scrapers in odd shapes:no rectangular prism towers right now.

Also, does anyone know if the physics vehicle limit could be changed to above 20, cause I've tried and it never works.

Also, is there anyway to take an add-on's model from the zip folder and edit it on a modeling program? Or do I need the original from the creator?

And finally, I was afk for a while and people came while I was gone.  Someone made a really impressive sky scraper but never left a note saying whoever made it.  I'll get pictures up of it then maybe you'll recognize it and tell me so that I could add it with identity of who made it.

Modification Help / I need help with the modeling of vehicles
« on: July 28, 2011, 11:48:01 PM »
I've seen the many tutorials about how to make an add-on where it explains how to take a model and make it work.  I get that.  I'm just having trouble making the model.  I use Blender, though I am up to suggestions for other programs, and I use the background adder thing so as to model my stuff.  I can easily do weapons but vehicles are where I'm getting stuck.  In the beginning, the models always look good an correct, but when I get closer to the end, it starts to look like stuff and over verted.  Is this because I am trying to make them look too realistic?

Also, could someone post a VIDEO tutorial on how to model on blender.

General Discussion / Which City RPG Mod is the best?
« on: July 27, 2011, 11:07:28 AM »
I've been using Ibans but it just doesn't seem good enough.  I've tried JJstorm's but it crashed my computer.  I've attempted RPCore but I had no idea how to use it before I switched to JJstorm's.

What RPG mod is better/more realistic with more additions to it and where can i find it.

I like the look and sound of wicked's but I don't know if he Everett gave it to any one other than himself.

I also liked Jookia's but the download for it was -snip-ed

General Discussion / My City Rpg build request page
« on: July 23, 2011, 11:25:42 AM »
So yes, I am making a city rpg.  But it I different.  It's not one of those low quality, small, more of a town rpg, it will be a legit CITY rpg.  I may even put in two city areas.

I'll give you a quick description.

It will have four residential building areas.  Each residential area is for different occupations; admin neighborhood, rich neighborhood (64x64), middle class neighborhood (32x32, 16x32), and poor ghettos (16x32, 16x16).  From the middle class neighborhood is a bridge that will cross a large river.  That bridge continues to a road that goes into a tunnel under the main city area.  The road then connects to the admin neighborhood.  Just past the river and before the tunnel, the bridge passes over a highway that raps around a good part of the city.various off ramps and such lead to different areas.  Towards the end of the highway, an off ramp leads to a small bridge.  This bridge has the ghettos on one side and a road to the outskirts of the main city.  This road passes by the more industrial city area, then the commercial area, then it ends in the rich neighborhood area.  This will either be on a lake that the river drains into, or it will be surrounded by tall mountains.  Basically something to restrict passage.

That's basically the main description besides the various off ramps, small bridges, and roads that connect different places within the industrial and commercial areas.

Ok, now down to the reason I started this thread.

This is a large build.  I will be working on the landscape and civil aspects of the city for a long time.  To get this project rolling, I need people to make facilities for me.

Again, this is a city rpg so I'll need realistic city rpg stuff.  I have worked various other mods into this so far, including the gas mod and speedometer.

I will list the different types of buildings that I want/need.

-A bank for each neighborhood in the style the neighbor hood is in; ie ghettos, richie rich...
-sky scrapers
-small businesses that sell food, clothing, items
-apartment complexes
-houses to be the showcase house for each neighborhood
-I'll need a hospital for show
-I already have started a news broadcasting station but I could use more
<edit>12 05 7/24/11
-different gas station companies besides Blocktrolium
-a new idea I thought of was to have a mega building with rooms for different clans/activities.

More requests to come

You can build any of my requests in my server whenever it is up, as a save and pm the save to me, or post the save of it here.  Im not a noob who is taking every ones builds and calling it my own.  Please put your name in an easily seeable location on your build.

This is a realistic city.  Please make the builds look realistic.  Ie, no floating bricks, no blue and green gay coloredness on the outside.  I will add more zoning laws later.

Suggestions & Requests / Request for vehicle eject
« on: July 20, 2011, 03:34:05 PM »
Everyone has seen this in the movies.  Some dude is about to crash, he ejects and parachutes down to safety.  I feel we need this.

I know that you can exit the vehicles with the default right mouse button but that just puts you on the outside of the collision box and when in a plane, you usually die from colliding with it.  I want a mod that when you eject from it, you get ejected from the vehicle faster and further away than normally.

This would be epic if people wanted to make accurate films, interesting dogfights, and spy stuff.  I don't know, I jut want it.

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