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Topics - Kingdaro

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Off Topic / what the forget time perception
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:38:12 AM »
so i'm like listening to some electro right

two days ago 128 bpm was loving SLOW

the next day it's faster, the right kind of fast

now it's TOO loving FAST


Off Topic / There is no fact, there is only opinion and standard.
« on: March 18, 2012, 05:59:12 PM »
i feel like a lot of people are going to call me stupid for this but whatever

a while ago i had a thought that there is actually no such thing as definite universal fact, and that things are only true by a certain or multiple standards.

for example, from kindergarten (i hope) you've learned that 2 + 2 = 4. some people joke that it's 5 or 3 or 6 and for some reason fish. in other planets or dimensions or whatever other space some kind of beings live in, 2 + 2 could actually equal fish. the answer to 2+2 is not a fact, but indeed an opinion that is only fact according to human math standards.

the theory itself, though, creates sort of a paradox as it cannot be universally true either. though a way to think of it is that the theory goes by the standard of what humans call opinion, and by how we communicate with each other.


« on: March 17, 2012, 10:26:10 PM »

that blob of green is ketchup

it tastes like ketchup but is just so weird trying to eat :S

Off Topic / L:
« on: March 13, 2012, 01:53:28 AM »

^do you see this face?

is it not creepy?

does it not look like you're going to get raped?

discuss this wonderful emoticon.

Off Topic / "oscillofun"
« on: March 12, 2012, 07:57:29 PM »

this is insanely mesmerizing, i've watched/listened to it every day for the past 2 weeks

it's like crack

Gallery / mexican jumping blockheads
« on: March 12, 2012, 01:33:55 AM »

bored one day on a server

this is very hilarious to watch from F8.

Off Topic / damn notepad++, you weird
« on: March 10, 2012, 10:09:33 PM »

i just found out about this

why is it so awesome

(if you can't tell you can hold alt and select to select columns)

Off Topic / Whoops, now I'm livestreaming too.
« on: March 08, 2012, 04:33:40 PM »

just making some fruity loops, watch if you want to watch, otherwise get raped C:

Off Topic / a "live typing" chat client concept
« on: March 05, 2012, 05:47:24 PM »
you know how google docs (the most popular example i can think of) has this option that allows you to collaboratively work on documents?

basically what i was thinking about, except in the form of a chat. as the user types into the input box each letter is sent to everyone else and added on to the current message until the user presses enter, so it's like a regular chat except everyone can see when and what you're typing.

it allows for dynamic roleplay concepts such as being able to perform against actions as you see them happen, and to be able to actually interrupt others in a conversation.

Off Topic / Just a quick computers inquiry.
« on: March 01, 2012, 09:08:29 PM »
My friend says he has a 1.4GHz quad core on his laptop, implying that it adds up to 5.6GHz. this sounds absolutely ridiculous to me but i'd like to know for sure exactly how that works.

i'll lock the topic after i get a good answer.

Creativity / [Trance(?)] some melody from a sonic colors song
« on: February 28, 2012, 08:29:19 PM »

lilrobot wanted me to make a remix of the song that i forget but here

i personally like i made a bass better :S

Off Topic / "x is too much like y"
« on: February 22, 2012, 04:46:01 PM »
like, i mean come the forget on.

it's fine if you actually believe that y is a bad thing but just the statement saying the two things being alike or even vaguely similar where what you believe bad isn't even related to y is just absolutely loving stupid i mean god

how the hell can you expect everything to be exactly distinct from it's counterpart? things have to have some similarities, the best of both parts.

i just see this said too much and i just felt like ranting because it is absolutely loving annoying.

Creativity / [Lua] Console Pong
« on: February 20, 2012, 09:29:33 PM »
some old but neat piece of stuff i brought from the dead

you can't do anything but watch, but it's fun to watch

and glitchy as hell

Suggestions & Requests / Alternate "Point and Click" method of building.
« on: February 20, 2012, 05:41:22 PM »
okay so on the way home i had this idea about a point and click method of control instead of positioning with the numpad and planting with enter. to elaborate, the current scheme:

move left: 4
move right: 6
move forward: 8
move back: 2
move up: +
move down: - (or is it 5 i forget but you get the point)
move up a plate: pretty sure it's 7 or 9
move down a plate: pretty sure it's 1 or 3
rotate: those corner buttons
place brick: click

what the scheme could be:

move mouse: move ghost brick where you're pointing
r/t: rotate brick
click: plant brick

of course the planting range would be optional

to me it just seems a lot more complicated than it could be, but probably for certain reasons. I think it'd be nice as an option for people who want a more simplified scheme that actually simulates how a blockhead would build. in my mind i imagine the character pulling bricks from his backpack and throwing it where he wanted on the build.

vote in the pole now pls.

Off Topic / oh god stuff my zoom got broken
« on: February 18, 2012, 10:18:22 PM »

firstly this topic is NOT about the theme

secondly holy hell what do i do my headphones fell on my screen and suddenly it just started zooming in, ctrl+0 and it stayed the same

i've outlined the scrollbar to note that it shouldn't be there since the forums should stretch to the width of the screen and not go beyond

i could easily just close and reopen the tab to fix the issue but this has happened twice and is rather annoying, and i'm wondering if anyone has any ideas to why this is happening.

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