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Topics - VerticalHorizon

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Off Topic / Favorite guitar solos
« on: December 07, 2008, 07:52:26 PM »
Post and discuse guitar solos. :D

Here are some of mine.

Necrophagist - Fermented Offal Discharge

Dream Theater - As I am

Dream Theater - In the Name of God (starts at 2:28)

Children of Bodom - Kissing the Shadows

Between the Buried and Me - White Walls

Between the Buried and Me - Mordecai

Creativity / Life in Black and White - New Site
« on: December 07, 2008, 02:53:55 AM »
This is a novel-type-thing I'm writing, not sure how long it will end up being but here it is.

Either read it or gtfo, no tl;dr bullstuff.

Serious comments encouraged.

You can now read/download each chapter on my new site, it will be updated with new chapters as each one is finished.

Off Topic / Are you gay and is your name Eric?
« on: December 01, 2008, 01:05:01 AM »
Then tell this guy, you might be marrying him.

Off Topic / My niece
« on: November 22, 2008, 03:24:04 AM »
As of approximately 2:30 this morning, 11/22/08, my niece was brought into the world, weighing in at 7 pounds 7 ounces.

Forum Games / CSI: Obama
« on: November 07, 2008, 06:28:46 PM »
Got this from 4chan (call me chan-cigarette or whatever, I don't care).

Fill in the balloons, do it.

I'll post mine once I get around to doing one.

Mapping Help / [Video Tut] Opening Mission Editor
« on: November 04, 2008, 08:13:29 AM »
Every day I still get more and more people asking me how to open it.

This will be my last tutorial on it, being a video I can't really see how anyone could mess this up.

Mapping Help / Terrains appearing as dirt in terrain editor
« on: October 28, 2008, 05:31:52 PM »
When I opened the terrain editor (Place by slope, height, water level, etc.) there was only about 5 terrains, I noticed they were in a different folder located in Add-Ons, so I went into that folder and added some new terrains, opened up F11 and went to the terrain editor, yay they're listed!
But when I apply one, it's just the dirt texture, this happens with all of them except for the ones that were already in there.

What am I doing wrong?

Creativity / Drum set
« on: October 28, 2008, 04:16:10 PM »
Finally got my acoustic set up in my room, it's missing a tom mount so I just mounted the mid tom on the one I have.


Bass drum,
2 mounted toms and 1 floor toms,
2 Zildjian 18" crash rides,
1 Zildjian Avedis 8" splash,
pdp two leg hi-hat stand,
Zildjian 13" hi-hat,
Iron Cobra double bass pedals,
Not sure what brand the cymbal booms are.

Btw, it's an Evans not a Pearl, my sister's band's ex drummer put that sticker on it.

Off Topic / Chicks and vegetarianism
« on: October 07, 2008, 09:06:30 PM »
Why does it seem like all teen age girls are vegetarian? Is it just the chicks at my school or is it like that around you?

Games / Line Rider 2: Unbound
« on: October 04, 2008, 05:36:05 PM »
I bought it today, about to play it.


Gallery / "My House" by Tolga Toykoc
« on: October 01, 2008, 10:11:11 PM »
I loved this render so I decided to replicate it in BL.
Colorpack didn't have the roof color so I just used the closest, and there is a roof effect which is impossible to replicate in BL so I had to change it a little, otherwise I think it looks pretty good.

The original render:

My version:

Rate if you must, if enough people want the download link I will post it, but heads up that there's no interior since the original render doesn't provide any interior shots.

Help / Can't host while directly connected to modem
« on: October 01, 2008, 04:55:00 PM »
For the first few weeks or so after buying my new DSL modem I was able to host, now all my servers come up dead for some reason.
I am directly connected to the modem so I don't see why it's doing this, and what puzzles me most is why it was working at first and now it isn't.

Drama / My first death threat
« on: September 30, 2008, 07:25:32 PM »
I feel so special. :D

I was in this server called "a city" with host "a guy," I was making the signs on all of A Guy's buildings say different things (Like I changed POST OFFICE to snakeOHforget and GUY BAR to GAY BAR, etc.) when I was confronted by Harry the following happened:

Threat #1:

Threat #2:

Shedding some light on his reasoning:

What he thinks of me, and threat #3:

After calling me out to an IRL fight, I decided to threat back:

Our tough guy quickly changes the subject to chat role playing and starts ignoring me:

So that was the story of my first in game death threat, I hope to see more!

P.S: He's 19 so be careful if you ever meet him in game!!

P.P.S: He also eats beer pizza, pretty hardcore dude.

Off Topic / Over a year later...
« on: September 26, 2008, 03:54:21 PM »
Remember Windows Live Search Club? Play to win prizes? I do, especially considering what the UPS man dropped off earlier today.

Back in early 2007 I had cheated to gain enough points for Vista, I ordered it and waited a month or so before deciding they found out I had cheated and I gave up hope.

Now, over a year later, here I am sitting with a brand new Vista Home Premium.

Pic for it happened:

Please ignore the fact that lighting illusions makes my thumb look really long.

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