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Topics - Planr

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Off Topic / Windows 8.1 ASUS RoG gaming laptop keeps crashing
« on: June 05, 2015, 04:47:29 PM »
I have a brand-new Windows 8.1 ASUS Republic of Gamers gaming laptop (recommended by squartleturtle here)

Today when I booted it up I have started having problems with it. Every time I try to launch Skyrim, the game won't launch past the launcher, and I keep getting this weird crash error that tells me the whole computer has crashed:

My OS is running on a SSD if that helps any. However my steam games are kept on the HDD.

Anyone able to help me?

So I got a new Asus RoG gaming laptop today but it's full of this bullcrap about me needing a microsoft account for everything. I can't sign into my Skype account because it keeps insisting I log in to Skype with a Microsoft account instead. It's extremely annoying and I can't use my Skype account because of it. Anyone have any ideas of what I could do?

Also, another thing. Why does every program I switch to automatically go fullscreen? I just want it in windowed mode but f11 isn't working. Help!

Problem solved. Now I need to know: What is the best antivirus/antimalware program to use with Windows 8.1?

Also, another issue. Skype and other programs look really blurry and low-quality when in windowed mode. Anyone know how to fix this?

I'm trying to make a youtube poop of Star Trek Voyager characters joining CIA, but Windows Live Movie Maker just can't do the job. Anyone know a better program I could find for free to use?

Drama / Pecon7's Fortwars - SeventhSandwich & Malvhi135
« on: April 06, 2015, 10:58:32 PM »
I got on Pecon7's Fort Wars tonight to build a cool base and fight. What is especially nice about his fortwars is that there is a dedicated and functional builder-protection system, which allows players to build, or participate in combat, but they aren't able to do both at the same time.

Anyways, I was building a really nice base for about 2 hours undisturbed, until suddenly SeventhSandwich showed up and started harassing me inside my base with a duplorcator wand. I asked him politely to leave on server chat but he ignored me. So, I wrenched a block on the floor where he was standing for a while, wanding the wall, and used events to make him respawn back at the main server spawn spot. However this did not deter him as he immediately came back to my base and began wanding everything again. Sadly, there was no way to really keep him out of my base without locking myself in, as the server had no useable player restriction events for blocks. It did have the default key mod, but it was admin-only.

I then asked him on Steam chat to leave my base, but he again ignored me, and continued to wandspam inside my base. He generally just wasted his time on the server, abstaining from play so he could troll and just screw around in my base, even though he knew he was not welcome. I couldn't kill him either, as he stayed in builder mode in order to take advantage of the invulnerability. There were no admins online either.

Soon I also had a new problem: "Malvhi135", who built a "base" consisting of nothing but a 32x32 baseplate, a vehicle spawn, and a block for item spawns, right next to my base. He started ramming fighter jets into my base in order to break through the base's armored walls, so he could spawncamp me with an RPG-7.
Meanwhile, Seventh got a little bored of wanding, so he went outside my base and started building some sort of contraption next to my launch runway. That's the only productive thing he contributed to the server during this entire time. He did not bother to build a base, and evidently only joined the server to annoy me.

Eventually, Ipquarx finally got on (he was an admin), and I explained to him the problem. However, all he did was once gently ask Seventh to leave my base alone, which Seventh ignored and continued wanding inside. I told him about Malvhi135, but he did nothing to stop him while I was online. Eventually I just left the server, and now I'm here sharing this miserable experience. So yeah, these two guys are people that are not interested in playing the game, but rather just annoying people and doing nothing productive for the server. I'm especially disappointed with how Ipquarx did practically nothing to stop what was going on besides a warning to Seventh, which he ignored and went unpunished for it.

Gee, what a server. Come on Pecon, you can do better than this.

Games / Homeworld Remastered Collection comes out today! (Get it on Steam!)
« on: February 25, 2015, 03:54:39 PM »
(click image for video)

Wooo! Been waiting a long time for this!

Anyone else playing it or planning to get it?

Just look at how much better it's become:

Games / Is DirectX required for games to detect your graphics card?
« on: November 06, 2014, 07:39:14 PM »
Hey guys, I have a bit of a PC Gaming question here. Well, it's one my friend asked, and frankly, it makes no sense to me, so I'll ask you guys to see if you can understand what he's asking.

From what i've gotten, he's asking if he needs DirectX to run a Java-based game, because he thinks it wont detect his graphics card without DirectX. He's told me before that DirectX is the alternative to OpenGL, but I don't really know what he's talking about.
Friend: byw does it run on Direct X?
Planr: i dont understand the question
Planr: how would directx play any role in whether or not you can run it
Planr: thats like asking "can my car run on a half tank of gas if my air conditioning unit is working"
Planr: the two are totally unrelated
Friend: because wishout DirectX, tehgame might not detect my graphics card
Planr: explain
Friend: do you know what DirectX is?
Friend: ill tell you
Friend: it lets windows programs(including games) detect the hardware they run on
Friend: thats how the games know what speakers to use, what mic, etc.
Friend: if the game dosent support DirectX, it has a high chance of not detecting my graphics card, which i quite putdated
Friend: outdated*
Friend: and no graphics card= 1-2 FPS
Friend: Have i ever told you about my dissapointment with Quacke Live?
Planr: no
Friend: Quake*
Friend: well, i love Quake like my life
Friend: and Live came out, and i was so happy, so i got it
Friend: but, it used OpenGL, a program similar to DirectX
Friend: i dont have OpenGl tho, and that resulted in the game not detecting my graphics card
Friend: not even the speakers
Friend: i had 1-2 FPS and screwed up sound

So can someone please help me out here in understanding what he's talking about?


i mean

i don't even know what to say

this is the coolest ad i think i have ever seen

Hey guys i'm having problems with my desktop's taskbar. It's set to auto-hide itself when the mouse isn't hovering over it, but that's certainly not what it's doing. I had to have it set to that because it crops over the bottom parts of all my open windows on the computer, and makes it impossible to check downloads on chrome, or see important HUD stuff in some of my desktop-view-mode games. Any idea how I can fix this?

Off Topic / Planr requires assistance with Trigonometry!
« on: October 16, 2014, 03:04:26 PM »
I'm having trouble with this online Algebra 2 credit recovery course i'm doing. The lessons tutorials are crap and are usually unrelated to the material on the mastery tests. Instead of being straightforward with us in the tutorial and showing us what to do, the tutorial instead drones in an endless "wopwopwop" of philosophical questioning like "suppose..." or "but what if...?". It's infuriating, and I've had to learn all the material myself on third-party sites like mathisfun and khanacademy.

One question i'm having particular trouble with is "what is the range of y=sinθ?"
The tutorial didn't address this at all or explain how to find the ranges of angles on a unit circle, so i'm in the dark on this. Anyone able to help me out?

So I'm doing some English work and I am getting questions asked in my assignments that I can't seem to find the definition for on Google.
What is the literary definition for the term "Emotional Understatement"?

Off Topic / Geordi LaForge is a child enthusiast
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:12:57 PM »

General Discussion / Blockland is a game.
« on: September 14, 2014, 02:03:36 PM »
Do you like to play Blockland? How long have you played it?

I first played it on October 2009. Joined a Fort Wars server. Best experience of my gaming life.

Off Topic / Star Trek Axanar: Awesome planned film + Kickstarter
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:49:20 PM »
So Comr4de shared this with me tonight and I want you guys to take a look at it too.

There's this really awesome Star Trek film being developed:

"Axanar" is the story of Garth of Izar & the Battle of Axanar, a pivotal event in the history of the Federation.

Axanar is the independent Star Trek film which proves that a feature-quality Star Trek film can be made on a small budget.

Our 20-minute short film, Prelude to Axanar, premiered Saturday, July 26th, 2014, at San Diego Comic Con and features Richard Hatch, Tony Todd, Kate Vernon, JG Hertzler and Gary Graham, who reprises his role of Soval from "Enterprise".  The makeup was done by Academy Award winner Kevin Haney and Star Trek veteran Brad Look and Make Up Effects Lab.  Top that off with the amazing visual effects of Tobias Richter and The Light Works, and sound by Academy Award winner Frank Serafine, and the result is Prelude to Axanar: something unlike anything you have ever seen before.  We have our loyal donors to thank for this!

This Kickstarter is for the full-length feature Axanar.  Unlike the short film, which we shot in two days and cost $75,000, the 90-minute Axanar feature will take about 20 days and cost about $650,000.  So we are breaking up our costs into discreet sections which should allow us to reach significant milestones, as we don't expect to raise all $650,000 at once.  This first Kickstarter will be for the sound stage and set construction.  Anything over what we need for that will be applied to the feature production costs.

Axanar takes place 21 years before the events of “Where no Man Has Gone Before”. It tells the story of Garth of Izar, the legendary Starfleet captain who is Captain Kirk’s hero and the role model for a generation of Starfleet officers. Garth charted more planets than any other Captain and was the hero of the Battle of Axanar.  His exploits are required reading at Starfleet Academy.

This is the story of Garth and his crew during the Four Years War, the war with the Klingon Empire that almost tore the Federation apart, and whose resolution solidified the Federation and allowed it to become the entity we know in Kirk's time.

Off Topic / i made my class binder covers
« on: August 22, 2014, 05:21:40 PM »
so every year i usually use a 1-inch binder for each of my classes in school.
here is mine for my economics class:

also yes i know its a bit bright but i had to make it that way so it would print out properly on my printer

when i showed it to my teacher today, he liked it so much he showed it to the other teachers in the 600 wing where we were in at the time

/discuss any funny things related to school that have happened to you so far

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