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Topics - skill4life

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Drama / Badspot Imposter -Gasp!-
« on: November 24, 2009, 10:20:59 PM »
Oh god, guys. Watch out for ID 11232! He said he has the powah to bans anyone he wants! Even take our keys and use them for his own will! Ogawsh dun let he bin meh.

I searched for 11232 on RTB, and found this:


Drama / Sweet jesus, Can't we all just get along?
« on: November 24, 2009, 08:35:44 PM »
Although i do love adding fuel to the fire, The Eria and Feep thing is out of control. 3 topics made so far on the one exploding topics (Now 4). Give it a rest you two, You are both equal in life, No one is better then the other. Just forgive and forget.

Help / Is it possible to set a new Default Playertype?
« on: November 22, 2009, 11:02:48 PM »
Instead of being online on my server all the time to host a mini-game, i wondered if it was possible to set a new default player-type for anyone who joins the server. Is it possible for such a thing? Or for a mini-game to be hosted by the server its self? Is there any script that allows this to happen? It'd be such a help for my server :3 I'd appreciate if you could help me or if you know any script/add-on that allows this.

Help / Blockland won't show up - Game window size changed.
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:18:27 PM »
Apparently, when i was on a server in full-screen, i accidentally hit something that made me go out of screen. Now whenever i start blockland, my monitor does not let it work. It says 'Sync Out of Range'. The obvious reason is that the game window size is too large for the desktop. Any way to fix this?

Help / (Tutorial) Variable Conditional Events - An RPG Variable Tree
« on: November 15, 2009, 12:01:48 AM »
After several complaints about people not understanding the simple events of VCE, I've decided to make this tutorial that you can smack in someone who doesn't understand VCE's face.

Also, Yes. I am very aware that there's a manual. This is just an easy step by step instruction. Rather then reading, you have pictures.

What will you need?

  • VCE Variables - Uh, Duh?
  • A sense of logic - Without it, You're doomed.

The Tutorial

You should start by spawning a Tree. I don't care what color it is, As long as it's a tree. Now, wrench your tree and go to events. You'll start by placing this event on the first line:

OnActivate > Self > VCE_IfVariable > Chops [=>] 20 [   ]

It should look like this:

That wasn't such a challenge, Wasn't it? Basically what this event means is that when you click it, It'll check if it has 20 or more of the variable 'Chops'. If it doesn't, it'll process the event VariableFalse, if it does, it'll process the event VariableTrue.

Now for the next event: VariableFalse.
You'll have several of these events in this one tree. Don't worry, I'll guarantee you it wont be over 10 of these.

The event you are going to add on the second line is:

OnVariableFalse > Self > VCE_ModVariable > [Brick] Chops [Add] 1

Your event should look like this now:

What that event does is that it adds 1 variable 'Chops' to the brick. Why? Because apparently, you had under 20 total Chops variables, so you needed more. Now the tree is 1 step closer to finishing.

No, You're not finished with VariableFalse events. We still have a couple more to go. You next event is going to show how many chops are left till the tree's wood is collectible. But apparently, You want the event to be colorful like the other so called 'Professional' servers. Here is the event for the colored print:

OnVariableFalse > Client > BottomPrint > [<color:ffff00>Total Chops Left<color:ffffff> - <var:br:Chops>/20] [3]

Your event should look like this now:

You're probably mind bobbled by the awesomeness of the hex color. The colors that are used in that event are yellow (Hex: ffff00) and white (Hex: ffffff). These hex codes will change the color of text that is followed after it, not before.

You've probably also noticed the ending part which has <var:br:Chops>. What in gods name could this monstrosity be? Nothing much. What it is is part of the VCE Script that displays the variable in it. So the code [<var:br:Chops>/20] would translate to [3/20] if the brick had 3 'Chops' variable.

Good job. You have successfully conquered the first 3 events. We're now moving on to the VariableTrue events! Hooray!

The first VariableTrue event you'll be adding will add your precious Wooden Logs you've worked so hard for to either your Player or Client.

If you make the event add to your player, You have a chance of losing your precious variable if you die. If you add to your client, You keep it forever. Even after death.

The event you'll be adding is:

OnVariableTrue > Player/Client (Your Choice) > VCE_ModVariable > Wooden Logs [Add] 3

Your event should look like this now:

Each tree you chop down will add 3 Wooden Logs to your Player/Client.

Your next event will restart the tree as it is about to re-spawn. The event is:

OnVariableTrue > Self > VCE_ModVariable > [Brick] Chops [Set] 0

Your event should look like this now:

My god that was harder then giving birth to a panda. By now you're probably wondering what does it matter if the chops isn't set to 0? Well, i don't know about you but in an RPG It'd be much better to have to chop a tree down again from 0 rather then being Chuck Norris and 1 hitting a tree and getting 3 wooden logs, Wouldn't it?

Now for the next event. What this event will do is display your total Wooden Logs to you one the tree is fully chopped down. The event is:

OnVariableTrue > Client > BottomPrint > [<color:ffff00>Total Wooden Logs<color:ffffff>: <var:cl:Wooden Logs>] [3]


OnVariableTrue > Client > BottomPrint > [<color:ffff00>Total Wooden Logs<color:ffffff>: <var:pl:Wooden Logs>] [3]

What's the difference?
  • First one is for people using Client Wood
  • Second is for people using Player Wood

Your event should look like this now:

Now you're thinking with events. The last VariableTrue event you need to do is this:

OnVariableTrue > Self > FakeKill
  • [15] [ 45 ]

Pretty self explanatory. You chopped down the brick, It wont grow back for 45 seconds.

Your event should look like this now:

Hooray. You have made a tree. But wait, This tree is dull. We need to add some pizazz to it. The super duper event you'll be adding is this:

OnVariableFalse > Self > SpawnExplosion > Sword Slice ---1.00---

This will make the tree explode when you hit it. As if it's being hit by the force of Chuck Norris with his fist.

For all those bastards who don't feel like reading, This is what the whole event should look like at the end:

And that about explains it for the RPG Tree. If you have a decent IQ, You should know how to rearrange that to make it into a mining variable. Thank you for reading this tutorial (If you did read) and i hope it helps you with your experiences of events on Blockland :D!


Gallery / S4L Medieval RPG Project (WIP)
« on: November 12, 2009, 10:33:33 AM »
As a fan of RPGs, You'd probably see me on any server with the letters RPG in it. So after forever, i finally decided to start my own. This is how it's coming out so far.

Picture of the Fountains with the Inn, Arena, and Guard Tower as a background

First floor of the inn

Second floor of the inn

Balcony view from the inn showing the empty town (Its a WIP)

View of the Gates

Continuing Information:

The story line of the RPG Is that about 64 Years ago, the town Nireon was found. It has grown to be a lonely town in the world, having to defend against the creatures that lie outside of the land. The new king, King Nick the first, became a power-obsessed freak at the first week of being the king. He has set unfair laws to the lands. He shares his wealth with the guards, making sure they're loyal to him. The citizens have tried to rebel, but the guards have shown superiority against the peasants. As a newcomer in the town, You can quest to get counterfeit Passcards to exit the town, leading to more adventure.

Thanks to Nickpb and Krypton for helping me get some ideas.

Feel free to vote */10 for the building designs so far and the build overall.

Help / Zombies in Left 4 Block are unkillable to other players.
« on: November 03, 2009, 09:19:44 PM »
Arr. Anyone have a clue why? Im able to kill the zombies, but my players are unable to. Vehicle damage is on, Settings are modified to fit the server but it just wont work. Could it be the events used on the zombies?

Drama / Limecow
« on: November 02, 2009, 06:10:40 PM »
While searching the server list i saw Limecows RPG build. I INSTANTLY click join because i love RPGs. I ask him what type of RPG are we aloud to build. He said medieval, my favorite. so i instantly start building. He starts to admire my building designs and gives me admin, followed by superadmin shortly after. After working for about 1-2.5 hours, i attempt to make a Fishing event with V5. I tried for like 10 minutes, closed the event box, then said "forget i forget how to variable IfRandom in V5". I've used curse words like, 2 times before. Then limecow randomly puts his big panties on and calls me a miserable bitch and removes my WHOLE RPG build. Lalam asked why did he do that. He has no explanation except I'm a total bitch and i talk big. He didn't ban me though. Any idea why someone would flip their stuff over nothing? His IDs 6732 incase you wanted to know.

Such a fun mini-RPG it was :(

General Discussion / What happend while i learned about Variables V5.
« on: November 01, 2009, 08:43:07 PM »
So by now i learned the basics of Variables. I joined my friends nick server because it was so intensely populated. He gave me super admin and i watched over the players for a bit. Then i experimented with a tree... I made a couple of variable events on it and named it the 'Tree friend'. So i made it work with minigames so when you click it it announces that its activate and players can attack it. Watch the video to see what happend on my first test run of using it on the server in a digging mini game.

Help / Unable to find addon!
« on: November 01, 2009, 03:17:50 PM »
While learning about V5 of Variables and making test buildings, i discovered a missing block i needed: Various sided print bricks. I've seen them in servers. Like when you put a print on a brick, it'll go on all 4 sides. Any clue where i can find this? It'd be very help :3

Drama / k1lla4l1f
« on: October 17, 2009, 05:27:23 PM »
No, im not starting this as if he's an name stealer, but because he thinks i'm a name stealer. Apparently he reported me for stealing his name. How? I joined the game in 2007, and he joined sometime this year or last. (My id: 4382, His: 12894) I've been using this name since i joined the game. He apparently met me a while back and started trolling me beacuse of my name. Now he's attempting to get my name changed somehow because he thinks his was first.

Drama / Banned for being a Girl
« on: September 22, 2009, 10:47:27 PM »

Banned for being a girl? My god. What server? McLovins. I join to tell the admins that their server has been infected with bad spelling AKA You spelt 'Medieval' wrong. Then one of the nice admins said 'Lol she's right'. Then the loveist admin said 'HE'S NOT A GIRL' And i said calmly 'Sparta will attack you now, rawr'. And then he said 'If sparta attacks me, i'll ban you' about 15 seconds after, 'BANNED: jerk'

Pics: Failed to obtain picture <Insert sadface here>

Drama / Will Smith's threat to get me banned from blockland for 'Hacking'
« on: September 04, 2009, 11:40:03 AM »
It was a pleasant day on Badspots Lag Party, as i was building a landscape, attempting to compete with other builds. I built a lovely waterfall. i named it 'Badblock Falls'. *Will Smith has connected* Oh boy an old friend. He see's my landscaping, heads on over and see's my waterfall. Determined, he is, to start his own build. He makes one with the most original waterfall ever, and says he invented it. Its a simple 8X8 plate with a Water A Emitter that shoots out. I acknowledged it and let him know that his design has been used countless times. Then he went and said mine has been used countless times also. So i said 'Orly', knowing that someone probably has. Then, out of boredom, i /zombie and walk up to him pretending to attack him. 4 other players join for no reason. He starts to get angry and threatens "STOP OR ILL BUILD BLOCKS AROUND S4Ls BUILD!" Off he goes, he attempts to straight out put a 64X64, giving me time to build plates around mine. Then he says 'Stop or ill get you permad for hacking blockland'.


He rage quitted shortly after.


Drama / Low IDs
« on: August 28, 2009, 02:39:39 PM »
Most people with IDs under 1000 talk like a smart ass and act like their dominant on servers. Anyone else get bugged by this?

Disccuss naow.

Help / Server always full?
« on: August 11, 2009, 10:47:59 AM »
Some reason my server is ALWAYS full when i start it. i make the settings at 32 People, then i start the game, quit, then run a dedicated server. it says its full. i tried deleting RTB but that didnt help. it still does the same thing. Full server :(

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