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Topics - Hansome duded

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Off Topic / phone taken away [phone stories]
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:03:47 AM »
leaned forward and tight pants activated siri in 4th period, now I have to get it on Friday and I'm pissed.

anyone have any interesting stories about your phone?

Off Topic / oops i forgot how to jello
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:57:48 PM »

another quality thread by handsome dude

Drama / Basketballjuice and others - Butthurts (image heavy)
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:59:56 PM »
I stumble across an interesting throwmod server since there weren't that many around recently. I join, spawn in, and are greeted with the nonsensical aggressiveness of Basketballjuice towards Ice.

Ice was doing nothing bad. Me and Basketball also begin to argue, but it was really much of nothing to worry about, considering that was also just nonsense.

Do you know WHY I was glitched inside of a wall?
Basket decides that he was done with me, kicks it up a notch, and begins to trap me and Kozzer into walls. Along with his other buttbuddies. Pay attention to the chat AND actual screenshot.

That's breaking rules. Help other players out of walls, and don't hold people for too long. They do this for a LONG time. They also chatted the code to the room they were locking me and Kozzer up in, which is ALSO against the rules.


Self Delete is off during this. TL;DR Basketballjuice, Vonski, and many others team up against me and Kozzer. They place us in walls and hold us down for way too long, reminding you that Self Delete is off. They are breaking the rules and Basketball is blowing this way out of proportion taken he's just, as he's admitted before, make us rage, despite our petty argument that probably meant nothing. Seriously. I do admit, it was also my fault for provoking him but he did not cease his wrong-doing until he probably realized I was taking screenshots, as I told Kozzer that, he stopped soon after. I also did not do anything to him in-game other than the chat.

Basketball was the leader of this gangbang, along with Vonski, Pvt. Rocko,  and Kai Darrison.

I do not seek much support since I was in the wrong too for provoking him, but I wanted you to be weary of Basket's nature. Go ahead and /support or /nosupport if you like.


Off Topic / tis' the season for exams/finals
« on: December 17, 2014, 05:41:29 AM »
forget. I have French today.

What exams/finals are you taking?

Drama / Mattomanx being unfair
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:57:14 PM »
Mattomanx's Unfairness


I was playing on Mattomanx's server and was kicked for flying and jumping repeatedly around one singular building, considering there was a lot of action going on around it. Then banned for, you know, playing the game.

brown townyzation

If jumping around a place with adventure and action in the middle of a fight is wrong, sure, but that makes no sense. There's a lot to explore there. You shouldn't be worrying about me jumping around outside the building. If you say that a building is off limits to enter, and you stand outside looking at it, would that get you escorted off for just watching what they're doing? He didn't say it was anything secret, so what the hell?

Ban brown townyzation
"Quit whining"
what? speaking like an intelligent individual? is that bad?

"Follow my instructions, if you don't I have the authority to ban you"
You just told me that I was jumping around like an asshat, what gives? Don't you NOT have the authority to ban me considering you never told me to do anything.

"I don't feel like dealing with you"
I don't feel like dealing with the stuff you're producing.

The ban is for 10080 minutes, or 1 week.

"Be sorry for acting like a noob"


Off Topic / RED VS BLUE (gif/picture war)
« on: November 16, 2014, 10:41:44 PM »
Let's go to war, gentlemen. Which color is the best?

« on: November 09, 2014, 07:11:55 PM »

General Discussion / Account protection for Blockland keys
« on: November 02, 2014, 06:33:13 AM »
I mean, it's not a request, but why is there no key protection? Has Badspot considered this?

There has been multiple instances where people have their keys taken, and they can mostly do nothing about it except deactivate the key. Shouldn't there be something like Steam Guard, where logging on again at a different location has to make you type in a code to play? It's one thing to get a video game key taken, but a probably more serious crime would be an email password.

Discuss. Any other ways to do protect keys other than to not post them on the Internet.

Video games will get boring eventually, and to retrieve you back in the action they'll come out with a new update. But have you noticed how most of the major updates completely do nothing or get people hyped over nothing, and people loose interest. And then bad updates. There are multiple games that did this, Disneys ToonTown Online, Maplestory, etc.

But there are also good updates, like in Terraria, TF2... Meh.

/discuss video game updates

Off Topic / Halloween? What's your costume?
« on: October 19, 2014, 03:40:39 PM »
/title. Are you doing Halloween? And if so, what's your costume?

I'm going as TF2 Engineer. I'll take pics of objects and the costume when I have it ready.

EDIT: please provide pictures of the costume or the costume with you in it

Drama / DeathTheKid and Epic Adventure Time Fan
« on: October 10, 2014, 09:06:06 AM »
Death The Kid and Epic Adventure Time Fan

Some adventure time fan comes, spams, and gets banned.

Of course, he's kicked anyway.

While playing Death03's server, I came across DeathTheKid, a TKer. Although teamkill is on and really shouldn't, it isn't an excuse to go against your own team.

DeathTheKid kills Paradigm.

DeathTheKid kills Stricker3mew.

DeathTheKid kills Paradigm again.

DeathTheKid kills Paradigm for the third time.

DeathTheKid gets rekt.

3.. 2.. 1..


Off Topic / loving projects that fall apart at the last minute
« on: October 08, 2014, 07:10:07 PM »
don't you hate it when you're working on something and all of that stuff goes down the drain? I just learned that my volunteer work fell through two days ago, and when is this project due? friday.

now i have to create a 1,200 word essay about how important volunteer work is including 3 interviews from adult volunteers and 1 volunteer coordinator from non-profit organizations.

wish me luck, and discuss times stuff like this happens

Off Topic / "the steam comnunitv"
« on: October 07, 2014, 06:32:10 AM »

they're trying too hard these days i swear

Modification Help / What are back doors in scripts?
« on: October 03, 2014, 11:03:42 PM »
I'm wondering what back-doors are in scripts, and if someone would go into detail I'd appreciate it.

Games / SSB4 3DS Tournament for the BLF
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:51:04 AM »
Hey, could you please make your own separate thread for the tournament? I'm more than likely not going to participate so I'm not going to update the OP.

Super Smash Block Tournament 3DS

Welcome to the Super Smash Bros. 4 3DS Tournament for the Blockland Forums. We take contestants all around, and to sign up, just tell me. Cream will update the topic with this soon.

For the first part of this tournament:

There will be individual fights. One on one fights. The winners will pick in the order in which they won (semifinals, finals,) for the second part of it.

For the second part of this tournament:
Winners pick people to be on their team in line in which place they lost. Winners up pick first. Finalists can't pick other finalists. Finally, the two winning teams...

For the third part of the tournament:
There will be two teams left standing in the end. The team leaders will stand end on end for a major 10 points for winning, now for points..

Point System and Rules

The point system works by racking up wins for yourself and team. There will be an individual winner for first and last parts and a team leader.

For every one win against a person, you win a point. Nobody loses points. The individual matches will have 3 rounds, and one person winning all 3 will give them an extra bonus point. You lose, you're disqualified. Wait for the team rounds unless you're not picked. I will stand in the battle to record wins. Killing or attacking us wont count, we're just here to record scores and make sure no-ones lying. However, I'll try my best to dodge.

Winning - 1 point
Winning the entire three rounds - 1 extra point
Semi-finalist loser (team leader) - 3 points
Semi-finalist winner (team leader) - 5 points
Finalist loser (team leader) - 7 points
Finalist winner (team leader) - 10 points

There are no rules against any fighting, except please try not to hurt me as I observe the battle.

When will this tournament begin?
HL3 Release Date
When it's done

it's next saturday. for the 3ds. unless im mistaken we are actually planning a weekly "smash saturday"
Correct! A calendar for single matches every Saturday, Smash Saturday. The first match starts next Saturday at 8:00PM Eastern with the starting fights through 10:00PM with 3 rounds per match. I will leak one match. Flatflyer and Orange at 8:00PM.

It's the last day of sign-ups, we have a perfect 20 contestants. Anybody else? Remember, we're going to be busy creating a calender for matches and other things such as updating rules, regulations, etc. Stay tuned! Oh yeah, and if you want to apply for a spot, here's the application.


Veteran Character : (1, or 2 if you don't want to select a newcomer)

Edit: Newcomer raffle scrapped due to difficulties.

Thank you! Information will be updated as we continue along.

Accepted contestants:

Name: Kimon
BL_ID: 12155
Veteran Character : Dr. Mario (not sure yet, havent played the game) (oh geez)
Timezone: EST
Newcomer: Villager

Name: WaffleCake
BL_ID: 21678
Veteran Character : Luigi
Timezone: EST
Newcomer Raffle: Greninja

Name: Beefcaik
BL_ID: 37326
Veteran Character : Mario
Timezone: Central Time
Newcomer Raffle: Mii Figher (Melee) or if i cant use mii figher then Little Mac
Name: Niff
BL_ID: 40159
Veteran Character : Ike, Sonic, Captain Falcon and maybe Pit
Timezone: EST
Newcomer Raffle: Robin, Green haired version

Name: Silleb
BL_ID: 38251
Veteran Character: Pikachu
Timezome: Pacific
Newcomer Raffle: Mii Fighter (Melee)

Name: ultimamax
BLID: 20525
Veteran Character: Falcon
Timezone: Central
Newcomer Raffle: DHD,

Name: Kakashi11
BL_ID: 1205
Veteran Character : Mr. Game And Watch
Timezone: EST

Name: Cowboy Dude (IGN Blockland name)
BL_ID: 26663
Veteran Character: King Dedede
Timezone: Mountain
Newcomer Raffle: Little Mac

Name: Kawasuzu
BL_ID: 32086
Veteran Character : Mario
Timezone: Pacific
Newcomer Raffle: Villager

Name: Daedalus
BL_ID: 5092
Veteran Character : Toon Link
Timezone: PST
Newcomer Raffle: IIUHGIKNDSGJ I don't wanna have to choose between Pacman and DHD.
Eh, forget it. DHD

Name: Scream.
BL_ID: 12589
Veteran Character: Sonic
Timezone: Pacific
Newcomer Raffle: Rosalina & Luma

Name: Zanaran2 (William)
BL_ID: 29686
Veteran Character : Ness
Timezone: Eastern Standard
Newcomer Raffle: Little Mac

Name: muzzles56
BL_ID:  3180
Veteran Character: kirby
Timezone: gmt/utc
Newcomer Raffle: murabito

Name: Kidplasma (frog, or Xavi)
Veteran Character: Toon Link
Timezone: Eastern Standard

Name:The Brick Builder. (Phoenix while in smash)
BL_ID 38783
Veteran Character:Captain Falcon
Newcomer Raffle:The pink female Robin alt. No I'm serious lol.

Name: Blueblur
BL_ID: 27046
Veteran Character : Sonic
Timezone: EST
Newcomer Raffle: Mega Man

Name: Flatflyer
BL_ID: 13640
Veteran Character : Kirby
Timezone: EDT
Newcomer Raffle: Villager

Name: Naturemon
BL_ID: 14165
Veteran Character : Luigi
Timezone: EDT/EST
Newcomer Raffle: Shulk

Name: spacewarrior1255 (BL), Space (SSB4)
BL_ID: 32645
Veteran Character : Kirby
Timezone: EST
Newcomer Raffle: Villager

Name: Orange
BL_ID: 24231
Veteran Character : Toon Link
Newcomer Raffle: Duck Hunt Dude
Welcome to Smash 4, new contestants.
Contestant count: 20

We will continue to take contestants for TODAY ONLY, I'm planning to put up practice rounds tomorrow with the contestants who buy the game early. Anyone without a number will be provided by the randomizer unless they don’t have a newcomer. If I skipped you, please tell me.

Thanks, and have fun.

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