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Topics - Planr

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Off Topic / Stupid people on TF2
« on: September 21, 2012, 07:38:27 PM »
>Playing on 2fort as engineer
>defending our dropped flag and upgrading my sentry
>annoying kid playing as scout comes and spams "need a dispenser here" 20 times
>i say "need a teleporter here" ~5 times jokingly
>i'm votebanned off for spamming, enemy team probably stole flag as soon as my sentry was gone, and our team probably lost

I seriously hate it when this happens to me. I've been votebanned off several servers now for absolutely no reason at all (one time i just joined a server and went to heat something in the microwave. i come back, and i'm votebanned off for cheating), and I can't ever get back on. What am I even able to do? I can't even contact steam support or whoever you talk to about issues like that, cause it says my account isn't fully authorized (i havent bought anything). I always contribute to my team and make sure our flag is protected, yet i'm banned by a bunch of morons who don't seem to understand the meaning of teamwork and that i'm just trying to HELP.

/end rant

Off Topic / It's my birthday!
« on: September 19, 2012, 09:49:33 PM »

:D im now 16!

had a great time with my family, got some awesome computer equipment and an android smartphone. in the end though, i enjoyed spending time with my family the most. i had to go to an eye exam though and then pick out my cake (they had just the one i wanted at publix too!), so i didn't get home until alot later.

it was a good birthday though! man today was a good day!

Suggestions & Requests / Fixed fillcan that doesn't break alot of stuff
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:13:04 PM »
With the introduction of v21, the fillcan addon has broken blockland even more. now it makes gui content dissapear and completely breaks the environmental favorites mod, in addition to having already broken avatar customization. I would like it if somebody could make a FIXED version of the fillcan that doesn't do these things. it would be very appreciated.

Off Topic / Where can I find the old spice bob-omb battlefield remix?
« on: August 12, 2012, 02:00:55 PM »
I'm looking for this one old spice black guy remix I saw in some 404 video posted on this forum, but I cant find it. I've searched everywhere and I get like only 10 results doing a google search.

does anyone know where it might be?

This just happened to me randomly while building a fort on Arekan's server. I suddenly got a huge load of runtime errors and then the game window and console just closed out along with the errors, i unfortunately couldnt manage to take a picture in time. I will post console log once it uploads.

Help / Links do not work in-game.
« on: August 08, 2012, 11:09:58 PM »
Whenever I click on a link someone posts in-game, it never works, either on RTB connect or in server chat. I also get these weird console errors:

Code: [Select]
Failed to open the HKCR\http registry key!!!
Failed to open the HKCR\http registry key!!!
Failed to open the HKCR\http registry key!!!
Failed to open the HKCR\http registry key!!!
Failed to open the HKCR\http registry key!!!
Failed to open the HKCR\http registry key!!!
Failed to open the HKCR\http registry key!!!
Failed to open the HKCR\http registry key!!!
Failed to open the HKCR\http registry key!!!
Failed to open the HKCR\http registry key!!!

Also, this seemed to start happening after I installed chrome recently because I was tired of constantly using crappy internet explore 8.

I was just looking around the master server today for a fun server, and I thought I would give Forekei's Desert Survival server a try. It seemed more like a DM though than a survival game, though.

Anyways, things are kind of fun for the first few minutes, then I witness forekei banning and kicking players for attacking him. I don't remember specifically if he was building or not but I do not believe he was (I also questioned him about whether or not there were rules about builder killing, but never got a real answer). Yet when they try to attack back he bans them.

This starfish was ranting about people attacking him and his base, yet he constantly kept provoking and attacking other players. Also I would like to point out that this kid has serious anger issues and an adoration for shouting in all capital letters. I'll let the chat logs speak for themselves:

After questioning him for a few minutes trying to get some answers about why he was kicking and banning players, and if attacking builders was bannable, he bans me. I do not know how long the ban is but I assume it is permanent, as most of the other bans he made were.

I then try to IRC him but he blocks me before I can really say anything.

This contentious douchebag should not be hosting servers if he is going to behave like an angry little 7 year old having a temper tantrum. If he is going to treat people like expendable little toys for him to play with and destroy when he gets bored or upset, then I say he deserves to be treated the same.


Drama / Sniopeh's ZAPT - Admin abuse, cheating, camping and more.
« on: August 07, 2012, 05:36:36 PM »
Okay, before I start, let me just say that this happened late at night yesterday and i was deadbeat tired, so I didn't get the chance to post this until today.

So last night, after building some cool stuff from a star wars game on Rogue Trader's server, I decided to check around the master server for a zombie server to play on before I turned in for the night. I didn't want to go to lugnut's zombies in the bluezone though, because I had just been there earlier and wanted a simple zombie survival server. However, I noticed Sniopeh was hosting a ZAPT server and I was interested, so I joined it.

Next thing I know, upon joining, I am greeted by the sight of admins spamming the /slap and /launch command on each other and on other players.

As I continued loading, more stupidity took place:

Once I spawn, I end up quickly dying from being out in the open and become a zombie, then I am forced to fight the remaining survivors, who are camping inside a box hut, with walls invincible to being damaged by zombies. They kept camping in there for a good 7 minutes.

After witnessing it, I try to point out how unfair it is to the admins, but they "didn't care".

After I made some more futile attempts at getting inside the box, Sniopeh's admin (DJ) VinylScratch was apparently bored, and decided to cheat and go outside the map to spawn heavily armored tanks to further overpower the zombie players (the tank was apparently invincible too and they were seemingly unable to damage it, but they did nearly overturn it) and practically god-mode for his and Sniopeh's amusement.

While this was happening, I was about to attack a survivor named Coolman_789, but before I can do so, either (DJ) VinylScratch or Sniopeh teleports coolman to them to join in on their killing spree. They claimed they "needed a driver", no doubt so that they could shoot and kill everyone else themselves.

Then I see them teleport the tank inside the map and start driving around killing all zombie players they can.

I complain about the admins godmode-ing and all I get in reply is ":3" and ":P"

Eventually, the zombie players overwhelm the tank and start trying to flip it over. In desperation, the admins decide to cheat again and teleport away in their tank up to the top of the map barrier.

After that whole ordeal, Sniopeh was bored again and decided to teleport himself and several other survivors inside another invincible building and camp a bit there.

Then he gets bored again and teleports up to the top of a building to gain a better view and line of sight from which to kill us.

After this, I confront Sniopeh and his admin (DJ) VinylScratch for the final time and call them out for cheating./b]

After calling them out for cheating and being doucehbags in general, I am banned for the reason "starfish".

I then have the following IRC conversation with Sniopeh. He claimed he didn't care and that I was "raging over a little game".

Sniopeh is a douchebag who does not know how to play on his own ZAPT properly without abusing his admin powers to give himself a huge advantage and to keep himself from losing. He amuses himself at the expense of others by ruining the game and not playing fair, and his admin (DJ) Vinyl Scratch is equally guilty of being a cheating jerk. I recommend you avoid this server at all costs.

I am on my desktop for the next several weeks until my gaming laptop gets repaired. For some reason, the sound was working perfectly fine yesterday, but today, the sound is all messed up. I checked all my sound settings inside and outside of blockland and found nothing wrong at all. The weird thing is, I only hear half the amount of sounds I should be hearing at any and all times. I shoot a default rocket launcher, and i do not hear the firing sound yet i hear the explosion. then i shoot the default gun and hear it fire but it does not make any explosion sound when it hits the brick. I equip the sword yet it doesn't do that "ring" when you pull it out, and i chop at the ground with it 10 times and only hear it chop 4 times.

I can post console log if necessary, and I might be able to post a video of the situation as well.

Siba made a topic or something somewhere, I think it might have been on RTB, where it added an upside down version of a 2x (plate) high ramp seen in another brickpack. Does anyone know where that is? I've been looking and I can't find it anywhere.

>goes to offtopic
>randomly clicks on a topic made by legacy

Just look at the offtopic board right now. He's already made three spam threads all containing gay research and is continuing to post more, i'm sure. I'm partially shocked and laughing hard right now at how stupid he is.

I got sent a final model copy by zmaster, who modeled a phaser rifle for me from star trek TOS, but my scripter xalos says the rotation is 90 degrees off and so the gun is pointing straight up when held. could somebody with blender experience please fix this for me? i havent seen zmaster in like a month and ive still been waiting for this problem to get fixed. i will supply the model and everything else needed to whoever would be able to fix the problem.

Suggestions & Requests / Server addon-loadout prefs
« on: July 21, 2012, 02:38:19 PM »
I am tired of having to tiresomely deselect and reselect tons of my mods whenever I want to host different things on my server. It takes me longer to do this most of the time than the time i spend actually on my server and it's really annoying for me, since I use tons of different mods. I was hoping there could be a addon loadout prefs mod of sorts, kind of like the avatar preset prefs.

Anyone support this idea?

Gallery / Abandoned Wartime Space Station (Interior build)
« on: July 14, 2012, 11:34:38 PM »
First of all, I would like to thank SkullCandy for inspiring and requesting me to do this. This is a reboot build of my 2010 Space TDM.

This is a build I made for a Space TDM I am currently hosting for the next several days. I put alot of effort into it, but since it was a TDM and I wanted to reach a larger player audience I tried to balance detail with performance ability for people with low-end computers. I kind of failed at that though maybe cause my brickcount reached about 30k, but go figure. I tried :]

The backstory to this is that you and your nation are at war with your mortal enemies. You are part of a boarding party sent to capture a space station located in neutral space in order to establish a foothold in the sector for your empire. However, your enemies are also attempting to take the station for their own nation, but you must not allow that to happen. You must strategically defeat them before they can shoot and blow up their way to your gunship's docking bay and send your team packing back home.

I would also like to thank Satelizer El Bridgette for helping to build the Red Gunship and Aludane for building one of the hallway sets. Also thanks to revoloarx for building an easter egg. Also it is a capture point-based TDM (Space Guy's) with 11 classes for each team, and T+T, WH40K, and the Sentry mods for armaments.

Feel free to rate x/10

I've been wondering this because i've seen such a thing used on many different servers, a good example would be pecon7's server, and it seemed to broadcast the music completely serverwide without client mods like 2D music. how could i do this? oh and by the way, the music brick they used broadcasted the sound so that it wouldn't get super loud unless you got really close to it.

if you're wondering why i need this it's because i'm gonna be hosting a space TDM and i need just 1 music brick to cover the entire area/map. that way the music stays synchronized always. if i used multiple 5x range music bricks, people walking from one part of the map to the other would hear two copies of the music completely out of sync.

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