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Topics - Hansome duded

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Off Topic / Handsome Dude finally gets a dog.
« on: September 27, 2014, 07:41:33 PM »
After 9 years in development, hopefully it would have been worth the wait.

Anyway, her name is Skylar. She is an American Bulldog mix, 9 months old. She was abandoned in the middle of her old owner's yard at 6 months old. She was brought to the shelter for 3 months and I adopted her.

Off Topic / Vocaroo character impressions
« on: September 23, 2014, 05:52:00 PM »
Do voice impressions of anybody through Vocaroo.


Donald Duck by Trogtor
(the real) donald duck


Off Topic / Judge my _______
« on: September 13, 2014, 10:05:38 PM »
Judge My ______

How this works is you go to this website:

Whatever number you rolled you have to describe things in that specific category.

1 - friends
2 - family
3 - personality
4 - signature
5 - school
6 - richard

The user that posts below you would judge on a x/10 scale and continue rolling the die.


I rolled a one, so I would write about my friends.
I only have two "interesting" friends.

One can't shut the hell up about his "female genitals". He also acts like a girl "because its easier than being a boy."And can't stop making rape jokes... So he's a homoloveual transgender rapist? Eh, hes just one of those people who cant lay off of disgusting jokes like "i'm going to rape you", and makes weird infant noises.

And the other cannot grasp the definition of "If you fall over, get back up, you tried." He throws a fit every time I beat him in video games. Despite that, he just really makes this odd unsettling mouth noises sometimes.

The user that posts below me would rate my friends.


If you didn't know, there was a solar flare on 9/11 and it has been interrupting peoples internet connections for awhile. Affects were only supposed to last yesterday til' today. Was playing a video game and it cut me off during a boss which was almost finished off. Had to go through another hour of that stuff.

/discuss the most annoying thing to be interrupted by

Off Topic / 9/11
« on: September 11, 2014, 06:53:02 AM »
Discuss juicy tales of 9/11, have your family members been in the towers during the event?

also rip blockland forums

Off Topic / Blogland - The conclusion, pg5
« on: September 05, 2014, 08:15:25 PM »
My friend wont be quiet, hes pressuring me to get with a girl i don't even like that way anymore.

/Suggestions to get him to shut him the forget up.

EDIT: Now he's writing a love letter imitating my handwriting to that girl.

EDITEDIT: his gf dumped him and he stopped bugging me

Drama / Sebi - Incapable to take requests and threatens ban because of them.
« on: September 01, 2014, 09:38:41 PM »
Sebi has been a good friend. A little out of control, but "okay".

I've drawn the loving line, he has somehow been offended on how we requested him to change something because it made the map slightly frusturating/incomplete?

Here is a side conversation that went along while this happened.

If you still don't get it, I'll summarize:

Sebi got mad for no entirely good reason because we decided to give him a few pointers of what his map should improve on and gave a few examples of how they work. And threatens to ban me and Serp. You could just say "well, thats the way he wanted it". No, he just said no and gave no reason. If you were purposely trying to make something look or be some sort of way, you'd explain it and move on from the request. He just blew us off in some unprofessional manor, and threatened to ban us when we gave examples of how certain mechanics should work.


Clan Discussion / Bold Bricks Assembly (BBA)
« on: August 31, 2014, 10:56:05 PM »

What is the Bold Bricks Assembly? (BBA)
Bold Bricks Assembly is a clan dedicated to grouping up in servers such as RPG’s, Parkour, and other progressive servers and going in as a group, To disclose, it is not some sort of raid, think of it as inviting all your friends to play an RPG to help defeat the boss or progress to the next level in your Super Mario game. It’s similar to Toontown’s Cold Caller’s Guild.
Volunteers of the group can help newer members playing techniques, which will set them at a higher rank.

However, like any other normal group, we also build. The game is called Blockland, no stuff.
What do we do?
As explained earlier, we group up in multiple types of servers to conquer large tasks within the game. We also build challenges for ourselves.
How can I apply?
Fill out the application below. Things in asterisks are required.
Blockland in-game name:
Something about yourself:
*Will you be able to attend SOME groupings?:
None except me, lol.
Builds/Large Groupings
None yet.

Off Topic / What is the stupidest thing you've ever done IRL?
« on: August 31, 2014, 09:24:23 PM »

In kindergarten, I belly flopped a fly.

Kind of a random question, but this is off-topic.

I'm in French Club. Every year the students throw a Mardi Gras parade. We make tiny carts to move around in, and in a restricted area only for the French club students, we throw fakes coins and bead necklaces into the crowd. It's actually like watching dogs fight over meat, the crowd shifts where they think we're going to throw next even though they already surround us entirely.
Just today we had elections for who gets to be the vice president. A girl won, considering most of the competition there was not even competition at all. Next Friday I'm going to try to become secretary for French Club. Gotta go buy flash cards and a fedora for my speech.

Anyway, discuss what after-school programs you have and tell tales of something interesting that happens there.

Games / Earthbound/Mother 2 MegaThread
« on: August 27, 2014, 07:22:56 PM »

What is Earthbound?

EarthBound chronicles the adventures of Ness, a 13-year-old boy who journeys around the world using his psychic powers to collect eight melodies in order to save the future from an alien of pure evil, intending to sentence all of reality to the horror of eternal darkness.


Ness is a normal typical stereotyped American. Loves baseball, a little chubby. However, Ness has psychokinetic powers. Allowing him to perform various magical abilities. Doesn't talk like every damn silent piece of cardboard like in every other game.

Paula, despite being the only girl in the game that sounds like she has a gender, has psychokinetic powers too. Stronger than Ness', infact. Also a love interest of Ness.

Jeff is smart. Has gadgets and stuff. Doesn't have psychokinetic powers, but his creations make up for his lack of talent magic. My current avatar.

Poo is a ninja, has some PSI abilities. I can't really say much more except that I find him a tad creepy.

I'll update this later to be more professional. For now, discuss Earthbound/Mother 2.

Games / Sonic The Very Useful Engine
« on: August 24, 2014, 08:24:48 PM »

This is the last time I want to see Thomas' face.

Off Topic / Bad Translator V2
« on: August 24, 2014, 08:14:47 PM »
Post your results here.

Original text:

"Conglaturation !!! You have compelted a great game. And prooved the justice of our culture. Now go and rest our heroes !"

...35 translations later, Bing gives us:

"Conglaturation is a beautiful AMDAL. Reflects our cultural hero's"

Games / TF2: Mario Cosplayers
« on: August 18, 2014, 06:44:23 PM »

Off Topic / Forumers in a Jar
« on: August 16, 2014, 10:43:53 PM »
You take the above forumer, and put him/her in a jar with somebody/something else, and the forumer  that posts below you tells what happened to the forumer, while also putting you inside of another jar.

Nobody above me, go.

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