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Topics - Planr

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I thought this was out there somewhere because i've seen such a thing used on Pecon's server, so whenever someone dropped an item, it would be gone from their inventory but would not drop out of them, and so nobody could switch weapons with each other. I searched RTB and didn't find such a mod, would anyone happen to know if there is a copy of something like that out there though?

If you're wondering why I need it, it's because i'm making a class-based space TDM and i don't want players exchanging weapons with each other so that you have scouts with RPGs and such.

I've made several threads already before on how stupid, immature and bratty my sister is. Anyways, she's behaved like a little spoiled brat for as long as i can remember. She has two laptops, an iphone, ipod touch, ipod nano and what has practically become her own TV upstairs in our house. She wastes her time watching disney channel all the time and destroying our bandwidth allowance for netflix by watching icarly, the suite life of zack and cody among other crappy kid shows 24/7. She's also 12 but still sucks her thumb, which has been a habit of hers for as long as I can remember.

So for the last several days we've stayed up in Virginia MARYLAND on a vacation (my dad wanted to see all the old civil war battlefields), and so today at the breakfast room in our hotel, I was eating cereal and had the misfortune of my sister sitting directly by me, which always creates problems whenever such a thing happens. Anyways, she started out by shoving my bowls of oatmeal and my plate with a sandwich out of her way and saying "move your stupid stuff!", which i usually can expect from her. Then she starts whining to my dad of how the food doesn't taste good, and after she is done griping about that, she begins to complain about how she's cold, whining "im freezing!" (she dressed in extremely short shorts, and a T-shirt). She stops for a bit and starts singing a bunch of justin beiber songs (she has also been begging my dad to take her to some super-expensive justin beiber concert lately too), which begins to annoy me even more and I ask her to stop. She doesn't, and starts saying stuff like "make me!" or "you're not the boss of me!".

I'm getting pretty annoyed at this point, but then to make matters worse she asks my mom to switch seats with her, claiming that she's "freezing" again, and my mom is sitting right next to me on the seat. So now not only is she being a douche but she tries to sit even closer to me. I deal with it as best I can, and try to eat my cereal, then after a minute or so passes she leans right over my cereal, and sneezes RIGHT IN MY CEREAL, and freaking smirks at me as she resumes eating her fruit loops. I was so disghusted I couldn't take it anymore, so I said I was done and heading back to the room, but I needed a room key. So when I try to ask my dad for his keycard (there were only two, my mom had the other one), he points at me and accuses me of instigating my sister, when the exact opposite is true. He gives me the keycard then says "you need to quit being rude to your sister" or something along those lines when all I had ever done was told her to leave me alone and to quit annoying me. I'm pretty much pissed off big time at my sister so I feel I needed to vent.

/discuss your immature or douchebag siblings

Help / Is anyone else's RTB Connect not working for them?
« on: June 29, 2012, 03:25:47 PM »
I've been having problems with RTB lately, i can't connect to the service at all and it just says "logging in" and does the little circley thing then it just stops and says "rtb connect" with the little image behind it, and says im not connected. what should i do?

I need from 0:57 in this video to 1:08

would anyone know how to do this?

Off Topic / Final Combat - Crappy chinese TF2 ripoff
« on: June 27, 2012, 07:35:55 PM »
has anyone heard about this game being produced by the chinese company XunLei games? oh gosh lol.

heres some of their hiliarious ripoffs of the "meet the team" videos

valve should totally sue them :cookieMonster:

General Discussion / Funny glitches
« on: June 26, 2012, 09:53:29 PM »
Taken from my Blockland server today XD

Glitches sure can be funny sometimes.

Post all your funny glitches here!

I don't understand why I keep randomly crashing. I'll just Self Delete, or maybe disconnect from a server, or load a build, or even be logging into RTB and the game just crashes. I rarely see anything in console that could indicate anything wrong, but i cant afford to run around with trace on all the time, so i'm not sure what to do. I just keep crashing for no reason.

General Discussion / Does anyone have the old T+T Version 1 sets?
« on: June 26, 2012, 03:03:59 PM »
I need the old versions of Tier-Tactical, from before the ammo mod was added. I just want the guns to work the way they used to, with unlimited ammo but still having the reload feature. And where the RPGs would drop once fired.

Drama / About2ShootYou - Attacking servers + Spam
« on: June 26, 2012, 01:35:04 PM »
I know there are already several topics on this guy, who is also known as "About". However, simply ignoring him will not work and things will get worse. %1 used to spam simply by copying/pasting "WWWWW" into chat. This guy is using actual scripts to spam incredibly fast, and a side effect of it was that nobody can equip weapons, jump, talk, or do much of anything across the entire server. He practically held the server hostage, and this went on for a minute before an admin was able to get to the admin menu and ban him (yes it was that bad).

Screenshots taken from Jorgur's Dogfight just little while ago.

Badspot really should do something about this guy

Help / Blockland crashes when I try to load my space station save
« on: June 17, 2012, 08:14:49 PM »
I made a topic on something like this before but I never got any replies on it. Anyways, i'm having this huge problem with my old saves now because I use different brickpacks, so like when I try to load my space station build, it doesnt work and crashes on me.

Console.log below:

Help / Lots of problems for people connecting to my server
« on: June 16, 2012, 04:52:44 PM »
For some reason, anyone who tries to connect to my server is always having problems. Sometimes they can only connect by joining over RTB connect, sometimes they have to do it directly from the blockland website.

I will post console.log later.

I see it done all the time. All the colorsets seem to be computer generated into pictures for some colorsets. How do you do it?

Help / Blockland crashes when loading builds from other servers
« on: June 15, 2012, 09:46:17 PM »
I don't know why, but whenever I load builds from other servers, like Heedicalking's siege, my server always crashes halfway through the ghosting.

Will post console.log once it is uploaded

Suggestions & Requests / Censor Bleep Emote
« on: June 15, 2012, 01:17:35 PM »
I can't help but think about how awesome this would be. It could make black bars appear over the player's mouth or head, and the censor bleep sound we often hear on TV would play. I think this would be awesome personally.

Modification Help / What does JVS even stand for?
« on: June 14, 2012, 01:15:04 PM »
I've never really thought of it until now. You know about JVS doors right? Why are they called JVS anyway?

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